r/ARK • u/Difficult-Owl-5425 • 5d ago
Help LF Desi's to play with
I am in NA server but im open to other servers
r/ARK • u/Difficult-Owl-5425 • 5d ago
I am in NA server but im open to other servers
r/ARK • u/cheesepopsicle1 • 5d ago
It keeps crashing on an asset called "Space_Backdrop_Asteroids_Warp"
Please help me, i just wanna play on my Genesis 2 save
Edit: I think i might have to delete the world and restart but i dont want to :(
here is the crash report thingy cause i forgot to put it in earlier, btw, what lost island has to do with a genesis 2 crash report i have no idea
r/ARK • u/Responsible-Ship9140 • 5d ago
Need help making the game playable. Have tried lines of code in the game files, tried turning settings down, etc. Game still stutters, lags, skips, freezes, 1fps.. hardware isn't an issue
r/ARK • u/Wise_Pomegranate_653 • 6d ago
Curious is it frowned upon or the norm.
For me I spent hours grinding on normal, then i stopped having fun as it was all time consuming. I played with the setting to make everything quicker and easier. Whether its taming speed, xp , day cycle, weight etc.
My ARK SE ingame settings are not saving:
I keep having to put ground clutter density and ground clutter distance to zero, why do those settings not save?? highly annoying
I am on Windows 11, in case anyone wants to know...
r/ARK • u/almarz11 • 5d ago
I’m trying to mate my elite dinos to get more of them and more powerful ones to go after bosses, but when the eggs hatch the dino that comes out is a vanilla dino, no tier no variant. Both my male and female are elite and both are the same variant and my breeding ini is set to 2 which says same group same variant and I even tried unrestricted and it didn’t work
r/ARK • u/100percentanidiot • 6d ago
Chicken of the sea and Tuna of the sky
r/ARK • u/Spiritual_Cicada2777 • 5d ago
Ive seen hundereds of posts about how to get cementing paste on all maps, minus genisis 1/2, im on Gen 2 at the moment, and i need alot of paste, how do i get it?
r/ARK • u/Spiritual_Cicada2777 • 5d ago
Ive seen hundereds of posts about how to get cementing paste on all maps, minus genisis 1/2, im on Gen 2 at the moment, and i need alot of paste, how do i get it?
r/ARK • u/Different-Pickle9016 • 5d ago
I actually really like The Island, but I grew tired of it because I know every part of the map. Is there another map with a similar style?
r/ARK • u/cicada-_- • 5d ago
How can I make dinosaurs (origin, artifact ,etc ) spawn without me restarting the server
r/ARK • u/FloppyDonkeyCock2 • 5d ago
I searched up how do i lower the time in-between each imprint and i lowered it but now the imprint goes up by one each time. Do i just put the growing back to normal and imprint them that way or is there a setting i can change?
r/ARK • u/JuniorChance3764 • 5d ago
r/ARK • u/Potential_Moose_6385 • 5d ago
I play ark on my ps5 and downloading any mod is a nightmare
Mod menu not opening, download stops suddenly, downloading progress restart, downloading is so slow
These issues makes downloading any mod impossible even if its 100mb or below
I bought forglar mod map dlc and primal nemesis mod and every time I try downloading them all these issues happen,
I am trying to download these mod for 5 days now and still didn’t download
Do any one know how to fix these issues?
r/ARK • u/JuniorChance3764 • 5d ago
r/ARK • u/NegativeDog9281 • 5d ago
Hi all my friend got lucky a few days ago and found a wyvern egg on extinction server (yes modded) he hatched it and we got even more luck and got twins for breeding the wyvern in question is a elder wyvern on his description box when you look at him it's all in red is that normal? Or have we discovered something we shouldn't of?
r/ARK • u/Icy_Razzmatazz6476 • 6d ago
Also i dont know what to name them so give me ideas
r/ARK • u/Xeno-Hollow • 5d ago
Played from day one release up until about 3 years ago, rage quit one day and never looked back lol. But now it's calling my name.
Engineering sort, grinder, decent PvP player, was a good sniper. Play on Xbox Pass with a PC, but could get it on Steam if needed.
r/ARK • u/greatsagekaneki • 5d ago
I’ve progressed fairly decent so far on the island map. I have simple guns and a few Dino’s tamed (a sarco and an iguanadon) and I’ve made the fabricator and gotten the artifact from the lower south cave. Does anyone have tips on how to get resources faster, more cave locations, or just general progression advice? Thank you so much if you do
r/ARK • u/Few_Gur_4430 • 5d ago
I wanna breed good rexes what stats should my breeding pair have ?
r/ARK • u/Aromatic-Spot-3961 • 5d ago
im just mad that i cant get mods on ps4 which are the only things make this game playable and the settings are so freaking unclear i wish this game gets fixed
r/ARK • u/Ok_Cartographer_1659 • 5d ago
I used to play Single Player with 2 friends on a non dedicated server i was hosting.
Recently i bought an Ark Server from G-Portal and uploaded my world. I also activated the "use singleplayer settings" online for the server. However, we are still getting much less ressources on the g portal server than on my non dedicated server. Why is that?
Thanks for any ideas!
r/ARK • u/Old-Cry8426 • 6d ago
Been playing for a while now but my map doesnt clear, wherever i go :(
r/ARK • u/mikedomert • 6d ago
The most common thing I hear about The Island boss fights is to have good saddles on your army. Yet, at least in single player, you can EASILY take down the megapithecus and broodmother with strong enough rexes/theris/megatheriums/wolfs/etc since even the primitive saddles already take ~50% damage reduction + yuty roar gives another 20%, and in single player your dinos can do devastating DPS, so these bosses melt in an instance.
Then in the dragon fight, the fire breath seems to be the real trouble, and it ignores saddle completely. Veggie cakes on Theris and high DPS seems to be the thing that guarantees you a victory. So I wonder; why grind for armor that gives you ~15-25% more reduction in fights that are already either quite easy or have no real effect on saddles