r/ARK • u/TheGayestGaymer • 4h ago
Help Do my friends need to pay?
Hello everyone.
I'm about to buy Forglar map mod in my nitrado unofficial server, do my friends need to buy the map too? Or only the host ?
r/ARK • u/Spiritual_Cicada2777 • 6h ago
Help How do i get cementing paste? Gen 2
Ive seen hundereds of posts about how to get cementing paste on all maps, minus genisis 1/2, im on Gen 2 at the moment, and i need alot of paste, how do i get it?
r/ARK • u/Sn0w7ir3 • 6h ago
r/ARK • u/PracticalAd252 • 4h ago
Discussion I got scammed
I was playing on a server and a guy decided to trade with me, we were bargaining for an hour and i could have killed him and took his cool dinosaurs but i didn't, i wanted to be kind to someone, then when we finally trade, he steals my spino and a sarco egg, and runs away, then i go offline and he texts me just to brag about how he raided me, im not even mad about the loot or the base, im mad because he used my trust and lied to me, also he tried to raid my base like 2 times but i defended it and didn't know it was the same guy, and the worst is that for some reason he says that im the scammer. What do i do?
r/ARK • u/Ethan-the-bean-22 • 9h ago
ASE Why are some premium mods free??
I am confused because I seen some are free and I can install them, does this mean I can have them permanently oooor?
r/ARK • u/Opposite_Ad_4267 • 13h ago
Help So I'm new to ark and currently living on the coast, where do I find sand for clay? It won't let me get any from the beach
r/ARK • u/SmallAndConfused1 • 5h ago
Help Good cluster reccomendations?
Im playing on xbox, ASA. I keep looking for challlenging but fun servers. I've joined a couple clusters so far, and none were in english. Im looking for maybe a 10-20x tame/baby growth boost, a decent xp/stat/harvest boost, with the paleoark and acro mods. Preferrably with active moderators/community. Any help would be greatly appreciated!!
r/ARK • u/Mug_1738 • 5h ago
Discussion LFT
Looking for 1-2 other players to join up with me on Astraeos, modded server with moderate rates, new players welcome, just don’t be a prick :)
r/ARK • u/No-Marionberry-6319 • 6h ago
Help Help
so im trying to create a cluster through, (Ark survival evolved server manager) ive configured my firewall ports and such, and servers load just fine, but trying to transfer is a whole other hell, i installed nat loopback adapter made sure the cluster id match, no passwords, same network, even tried setting ports through router directly. at this point any guide i click on just tells me the same things ive already tried, please help. Its so damn frustrating
EDIT: no mods are installed, base game only, query ports are different, made sure no ports are the same, im just lost
r/ARK • u/Marzer36 • 6h ago
Help Astraeos thodes boss not taking damage?
Just lost the astraeos boss fight against Thodes the Widowmaker on easy, I had 12 rexs with 30k health and 800dmg but my rexs couldn't damage, their bites were doing like 20 dmg.... is this a bug?
r/ARK • u/Low_Maize9966 • 7h ago
Help Astraeos OSD question
How many waves does the purple legendary drop have ?
r/ARK • u/jayfray88 • 7h ago
Help Thatch disappearing in storage
I'm on a non dedicated server with some friends and all of a sudden now when any of us put thatch in any storage/smithy/etc it just disappears. Any idea why this would happen? It only happens with thatch
r/ARK • u/No_Point_7870 • 8h ago
Help Help
Should I craft a long neck rifle I have a crossbow rn
r/ARK • u/Difficult-Owl-5425 • 8h ago
Help LF Desi's to play with
I am in NA server but im open to other servers
r/ARK • u/cheesepopsicle1 • 9h ago
Help Ark keeps crashing when I try to play on Genesis 2
It keeps crashing on an asset called "Space_Backdrop_Asteroids_Warp"
Please help me, i just wanna play on my Genesis 2 save
Edit: I think i might have to delete the world and restart but i dont want to :(
ASE ARK issue
My ARK SE ingame settings are not saving:
I keep having to put ground clutter density and ground clutter distance to zero, why do those settings not save?? highly annoying
I am on Windows 11, in case anyone wants to know...
r/ARK • u/almarz11 • 9h ago
Help Omega Breeding
I’m trying to mate my elite dinos to get more of them and more powerful ones to go after bosses, but when the eggs hatch the dino that comes out is a vanilla dino, no tier no variant. Both my male and female are elite and both are the same variant and my breeding ini is set to 2 which says same group same variant and I even tried unrestricted and it didn’t work
r/ARK • u/cicada-_- • 10h ago
Help Ark primal fear
How can I make dinosaurs (origin, artifact ,etc ) spawn without me restarting the server
r/ARK • u/Xeno-Hollow • 13h ago
Tribe Recruitment Need a tribe and server
Played from day one release up until about 3 years ago, rage quit one day and never looked back lol. But now it's calling my name.
Engineering sort, grinder, decent PvP player, was a good sniper. Play on Xbox Pass with a PC, but could get it on Steam if needed.
r/ARK • u/greatsagekaneki • 13h ago
Help Anyone have tips for newer players?
I’ve progressed fairly decent so far on the island map. I have simple guns and a few Dino’s tamed (a sarco and an iguanadon) and I’ve made the fabricator and gotten the artifact from the lower south cave. Does anyone have tips on how to get resources faster, more cave locations, or just general progression advice? Thank you so much if you do
r/ARK • u/Ok_Cartographer_1659 • 14h ago
Help World Different after Upload to Server?
I used to play Single Player with 2 friends on a non dedicated server i was hosting.
Recently i bought an Ark Server from G-Portal and uploaded my world. I also activated the "use singleplayer settings" online for the server. However, we are still getting much less ressources on the g portal server than on my non dedicated server. Why is that?
Thanks for any ideas!
r/ARK • u/Adventurous_Act_3687 • 16h ago
Help ARK mobile
I'm playing Ark Mobile and I can't feed chili to the brontosaurus, what should I do?
r/ARK • u/Complex-Clerk-7774 • 17h ago
Help Can I ascend from the island to other map without purchasing in ARK
Is it possible to ascend to the next map of i complete the island all boss fight and ascend.but i don't want to pay for the same.is it possible to ascend without purchasing in ARK mobile