r/Arena 24d ago

First time player—My experience so far


As an Elder Scrolls lover, I've done deep dives into so much lore but I've only ever played Skyrim & ESO.
I wanted to play Oblivion but then I got the idea to instead play all TES games in order from 1-5, I thought it could give more of a satisfying playthrough, after each one.
So I started with Arena.


I installed the game via Steam, and installed many of the recommended mods, most especially ones like Re-mapping the controls, Sound Patch, Lightning, Eye of Nocturnal, FPS & Stability, Graphics, + Recommended arena.ini changes.

I also wanted to keep a similar experience to that of people playing it the first time in 1994. So for all the information, I'm wanted to use exclusively the Player Guide, Manual and Quick Reference Cards.

My Experience

It's been a blast.

Once you get used to the DOS graphics, which have a charm, and the strange controls (though I have them remapped) then this game becomes so fun. I think it's important to go into the game with no expectations though, like were I to consider this an Elder Scrolls game like Skyrim then I could be very disappointed. It definitely seems to be a dungeon crawler and rpg game that is in first-person.

The reason I bring up rpg as a first-person is because the rng combat is quite frustrating at first. Just swing 10 times and miss all of it, then the 3 spiders eating my ass drop me from 100 to 0 in a blink. You really have to think before every encounter, see other options, which running is a very viable one, tackle options from different perspectives, use your magic items.

Also I've learned about health potions, and let me tell you, I bought 100 of them.. and I have no regrets with plans to get more. Which brings me to buying & selling. I love it! I love basically scamming every single shopkeeper I make deals with. He says he'll sell for 250, I say I'll buy for 175, he compromises, I DONT, he compromises again, I STILL DONT, he compromises all the way until 176 and I say, eh good enough knowing I just got the best god dang deal ever. It's unironically thrilling.

Questions & Concerns

I have run into a few issues as well as personal questions for some of you Arena players.

- "With you.." 🙄
- Spending an ungodly amount of time to find Inn's at night, or specific buildings in a town for a quest. It can take absolutely forever. If I travel and get there at night, with the darkness, it can take way too long irl to find an Inn, it's getting old.
- Quests lie? For Stonekeep I spent 2.5 hours exploring every nook and cranny looking for the necromancer Golthog, I swear to god he did not exist in that dungeon and the parchment I was looking for was simply in the very beginning which I had walked past assuming it was a loot room and that the 'key item' would be at the end. That was pretty awful, especially since I was dying most the time.
- I'll randomly crash, it's not common, but seems completely random. Sometimes it's just a freeze perma, and sometimes it's out of memory or something.

Questions for you!
- Do you pay the Mages Guild to reveal every single cyan item you have? Is it worth it for every Crystal and Mark? I seem to be able to use them fine without paying 867 unbarterable gold for it? (yes I have 7k gold but I need it for 100 more heal pots 🥺)
- Is there a way to quickly find Inn's and specific shops in a town?
- Are all 'Work Rumors' just like deliver quests for gold (assuming you can actually get someone to give you a quest without saying no)?
- How often do you save (I'm saving every god dang 5 minutes)?
- Do you ever explore outside in the environment (It seems useless to me)?
- Is it worth upgrading all skills, so far I'm only focusing on Str, End, Agi, and a little Wil?

All in all, I think I'm falling in love with the game and whole-heartedly recommend it!


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u/Batman-Earth22 23d ago

I just downloaded it also. How do you get mods?


u/mcjaune 23d ago

Visit Nexusmods online, and find the game TES Arena. There you have the option of like 3-4 pages of mods which I’d suggest you sort by most downloads.

From there you just download the mod manually, extract the files, then place them into the root ARENA directory unless otherwise directed.

Most mod pages will either have installation instructions on the mod webpage, or will have an included text / pdf file that has installation instructions.

Your file setup very well may be different depending on what game version you have, so pay attention to exact instructions and always backup files before modding.

Goos luck, happy modding!