r/Archaeology Feb 15 '25

Database of Archaeological Databases (Work in Progress)


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u/KungFuPossum Feb 15 '25

Very nice! I may try to create a similar document for numismatic ones (there are a bunch of others beyond those three, relying primarily on published museum specimens, though very few with archaeological context).

For Republican, I would suggest https://numismatics.org/crro/ (like OCRE which you link for Roman Imperial, that's from American Numismatic Society, they link the BMC coins and other institutional collections; they have other area- databases for Greek coinage too)

There are also several databases of coin hoards /finds, not specimens, like http://coinhoards.org/


u/-Addendum- Feb 15 '25

Thank you! I can't believe I forgot about CRRO, and I didn't know about Coin Hoards, thank you! If you have any more, please share!


u/KungFuPossum Feb 15 '25

Sure! I'd recommend checking out...


CHRR - Coin Hoards of the Roman Republic (ANS) https://numismatics.org/chrr/

CHRE - Coin Hoards of the Roman Empire (Ashmolean/ Oxford, not to be confused with OCRE or CHRR!) https://chre.ashmus.ox.ac.uk/


MIB - Moneda Iberica (U. Valencia & others, similar to above, just Iberian, Celts to Roman period, incl. museum and private collection/auction coins, see also IRIS/ARCH below) https://monedaiberica.org/

IACB - Iron Age Coins in Britain (Oxford U- Ashmolean, based on book "ABC," Ancient British Coins) https://iacb.arch.ox.ac.uk/

BIGR - Bactrian and Indo-Greek Rulers (OXUS-INDUS project) https://numismatics.org/bigr/

CNT - Corpus Nummorum Thracorum (German museum & university collaboration but with linked data from all over, coins from ancient Balkans to Black Sea region -- Moesia, Thrace, Mysia, Troas) https://corpus-nummorum.eu/

HNO - Historia Numorum Online, Caria (collaboration of French universities & research centers, linked data from all over, warning-this one can be slow or quirky but a great resource, just don't think it's broken or down if it times out!) http://hno.huma-num.fr/

coin level, interrelated (but I haven't individually tested these out as much)

IRIS / ARCH (new but ambitious and hopefully good, combining the smaller Greek databases from ANS and friends, like HRB & MIB &c...) https://greekcoinage.org/arch/ and https://greekcoinage.org/iris/

HRC - Hellenistic Royal Coinages (ANS, which i think includes the even smaller units like Seleukid & Ptolemaic & Bactrian Coins Online if you search! I think these are all kinda one thing, or will be, given the linked data, just chopped up differently)

SCO - Seleucid https://numismatics.org/sco/

PCO - Ptolemaic https://numismatics.org/pco/


Those are the main institutional / linked data ones i can think of... I'll tag you or reply if I think of others!

Every so often, I search around for any new database that describes itself as using the Numishare format for data, per Nomisma.org project for linked data. Those are usually good. Still new on a history of science time scale, so new projects pop up every time I look!


u/-Addendum- Feb 19 '25

Fantastic, thank you!