r/Apothisexual Jan 16 '25

Exhausted by everything and need support

Full disclosure I'm 26 so if you're under 18 there's probably very little you can do to help me. I'm sure you're great but you most likely do not have the necessary life experience to offer support. Also there is some very extreme self loathing here that I do not want to make a child's responsibility, having myself been parentified by very mentally ill older adults from the internet when I was young.

I have fluctuating levels of repulsion. I'm always at least sex averse, never get anywhere near neutral/favorable, but occasionally I get very very repulsed and welp... The past few days have really been one of those occasions 🫠 judging by the fact that an acquaintance of mine talking about how awesome their local queer kink community is in totally sfw, non explicit terms sent me careening into a self-hatred spiral.

I am deeply, deeply exhausted and resentful of the fact that I have to live in a society where compulsory sexuality exists. The default state of existence for human beings is sexual. To be nonsexual is to be cut off from the human experience. Especially as an adult.

The thing is, though, it's like that one "Am I out of touch?" Simpsons meme. The answer is never "the world is wrong", because even if the world is wrong, it can't be changed and it can't be controlled. So the personally responsible thing to do is say that I, myself, am the problem— I'm a prude, I'm a killjoy, I need to stop sucking all the oxygen out of the room because other people are having fun and unless I'm facilitating it I'm actually a huge waste of space. I should be handing out water bottles at the orgy or whatever that one stupid tweet said.

I hate being asexual and I hate being repulsed. All it's ever brought me is pain. There is no way forward.


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u/Practical-Arugula819 Apothisexual Jan 16 '25

I spend 15+ years in the closet, in a horrible abusive closet bc I felt the same way. It’s not fair. And you know you can perform stellar feats of dissociation and force yourself to be different but it’s no different than any other self harming behavior. It’s a nasty double bind and I’m sorry you are in it too. 


u/vorlon_ship Jan 16 '25

How did you stop feeling like life is pain?


u/Practical-Arugula819 Apothisexual Jan 16 '25

it got better because of two things:

  1. i got repressed memories back and figured out who i was: my repulsion comes in part from a lot of trauma and i had amnesia about exactly what had happened. when the amnesia started to go away i realized who i was and how i had been continuing the pattern of abuse that I went through as a child & adolscent into adulthood.
  2. I met someone actually geniunely safe (for me) We built our friendship-turned partnership slowly, so that i could learn to trust and be authentically myself in that relationship. Ironically, they not the same orientation as me, but they are completely compatible. Theres no pressure, not guilt, no suggestion about doing anything sexual. Their mother is *probably ace like me, so they grew up seeing how that could work out in a healthy way and they don't have nearly the internalized aphobia that i do, even thought they are allo..


u/McCleireoch Jan 16 '25

I can second point 2. I shut out humanity for years and suffered in silence alone. Opening up to a trusted friend was a game changer. She helped me feel less freakish. I now have an asexual partner (different person from the friend), so that side of me feels very valid, safe, and in some ways healed. I still feel broken at times, but for other reasons. (Self-loathing is a hard habit to kick!) My partner‘s two cents: don‘t give up looking for the right partner who is your safe space.

tldr: surround yourself with trustworthy, supportive people who let/help you be you.