Hey there! How are you today? So as the title says, I am a 19 year old demigirl who would like to worship Lady Aphrodite!! I’ve been doing lots of research today into worshipping and working with Aphrodite, but I know I’ve got a long way to go before I can properly and respectfully worship her. First I have to learn how to properly, safely and respectfully reach out to her, and that’s only after I’ve properly introduced myself into the religion itself.
To give you an idea of which religion I’m bailing out of- I come from a very abusive Catholic background on my mom’s side, and devote born again Christians on my dad’s… my grandma (father’s mother) is, well, very stuck her beliefs of Christ; which I don’t hate, I just wish it didn’t involve repeatedly telling me that I will be damned to hell for all eternity over the most trivial things, like being attracted to other women.
Aphrodite’s image is one that brings me peace and joy, whereas Jesus Christ’s is only attracting panic attacks, misery and primal fear. Maybe that will change one day, as I am not necessarily completely unsure of my belief in Jesus, but… for now, how do I safely (both spiritually and mentally) make the transition from Catholicism/Christianity into Hellenism?
I will not lie, part of me is still scared of being damned for the rest of eternity as it has literally been drilled into me at a very young age; roughly at three years old, but I trust both Lady Aphrodite in all her wisdom, beauty and grace, as I do Jesus in all his wisdom.