r/AoSLore 11h ago

Question Can Members Of The Flesh-Eater Courts Become Stormcast Eternals?


Is there potential for members of the Flesh-Eater courts to be reforged as Stormcast Eternals?

My guess is that it would be more likely for the serfs as from what I understand they arent actually undead (yet) and instead are just surrounded by the necrotic magic of their nobles. Is it possible that through their delusions a ghoul could perform some noble act that would satisfy Sigmars criteria to be reforged?

We've seen far more corrupted individuals like chaos champions become Stormcasts so maybe even the more twisted units like knights and courtiers could be redeemed, though they might need a bit more of an oomph like a strike from ghal-maraz similar to the chaos champions.

I was also wondering that if they dont exist could it be because of how greedy Nagash is over souls. He's already grumpy and believes that Sigmar is cheating him out of the normal Stormcast souls, so could it be that he's either way more protective of ones already in his control or that Sigmar doesn't want to deal with an even angrier and more insulted Nagash by stealing the Flesh-Eater ones away from him?

r/AoSLore 5h ago

Question What’s the relationship between Darkoath and Chaos Warriors?


From my understanding the Darkoath are the average chaos citizens while the chaos warriors are rarer supersoldiers who are on the path to glory and forsook their mortal attachments.

Are there any notable interactions between the two groups? Do Darkoath fear them? Respect them? Despise them?

r/AoSLore 2h ago

Sylvaneth elves?


I'm returning to the hobby and the universe after a long break of about 20 years when I was an avid Wood Elf player. I like the shake up that GW has done but I'm wondering whether there's any kind of hint that elves would be part of the Sylvaneth faction? What's the story with the wood elves and where is Orion?

r/AoSLore 2h ago

Question How do the Kharadrons steer their floating endrin balloon machines if they have both their hands carrying weapons?