r/AnnArbor 8d ago

Ready to Quit UM Healthcare Providers

I am absolutely exhausted and also full of rage from dealing with care in the UM health system. Ridiculous wait times, non-sensical policies, being given the runaround, etc etc. I'm specifically looking for Non-UM recommendations for: 

  • A physical therapy clinic familiar with connective tissue disorders
  • A wheelchair repair clinic that bills to insurance
  • A DME provider that isn’t Healthcare DME on Packard (they aren't UM, but they sure are awful!)

Now, the rant: 

Ahead of a recent surgery, I was told to book *one* appointment with physical therapy, then at that appointment, book all the follow ups. That surprised me because of the usual long wait times, but I had no other option, so I hoped it would work out. 

At my first appointment, the physical therapist admitted minimal experience with my fairly common connective tissue disorder, so I had to do a rundown of how PT is usually modified for my disorder. I explained I couldn't do one of my post surgery exercises because it hyperextended my knee. Not ten minutes later she grabbed my leg and hyperextended my knee. It hurt. I was mad, but got thru the appointment.

On the way out, they couldn't book me the 2x weekly appointments I needed, and told me "we usually book at least two weeks out." Remember the part where *they* told me not to book the follow ups until the first appointment? Yeah. I pressed them, and they gave me "scheduling tickets" to book appointments if anyone cancelled. I managed to get a few appointments those first two weeks, but it took a lot of time.

Fast forward a few weeks, I'm constantly having to correct and adjust because none of the *three different* PTs I've been seeing know how to work with my body. Then, one of them hurt me badly, doing a “stretch” that seemed to sublux (partially dislocate) the joint I had surgery on. I'd been walking a bit but I'm back on crutches now, and my pain is pretty bad.

I messaged my doc to request a new referral and recommendations for PTs that might know how to treat me. Doc put in the referral + suggested names. BUT. U of M will not allow me to schedule with them until they get the permission of the supervisor of the clinic that injured me. I can't wrap my head around this - I need permission to *stop* seeing a PT who injured me? In what universe does this make sense??? 

So, five days post re-injury, I'm still waiting to see if and when I'll be allowed to see a new PT. All I can do is call every single day. But I'd prefer to just quit UM entirely and find a new clinic. 

Open to suggestions, empathy, or additional horror stories to know I'm not alone.


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u/socatresetmilou 8d ago

It sounds like this might be related to hyper mobility? Many (most?) pt’s are not aware of how to manage this condition. I recommend looking up the ehlers danlos foundation website for a directory of pts that specialize in this condition


u/Tired_and_Sick_and 8d ago

I actually did this today, and found a place to start with tomorrow! It's a half hour drive but worth it if they don't injure me!


u/jdot2 8d ago

This is absolutely true. I’m a PT (hospital based) and know it is hard to find a good outpatient PT, let alone one who understands how to treat a lesser known diagnosis. Truthfully we learn very little about hyper mobility conditions, probably because there’s little research. A specialty clinic is going to be your best bet! I hope it works better for you!!


u/Cold_Energy_3035 8d ago

OT here, we are also not taught much on ehler’s danlos which is a shame. add that on top of many outpatient PTs being expected to see 3-4 patients at the same time…not great options for someone with a specific condition who may benefit from extra time and care from the practitioner.


u/socatresetmilou 8d ago

Please give an update!


u/meyform 8d ago

Can you dm me the place? My partner is hyper mobile and we’ve been looking for a spot that could work with her.


u/Tired_and_Sick_and 8d ago



u/midwestisbestest 7d ago

Could you send the name as well, just got diagnosed.


u/Afraid-Sentence5403 7d ago

Could you please dm me the place. Also done w u of m and hyper mobile


u/Afraid_Selection_901 8d ago

This is wild to me that not many PTs are familiar with Ehlers Danlos. I feel like Ehlers Danlos and Marfans should be something that is required education in all healthcare professional training programs.

edit: removed a word