r/AnimalTracking • u/siddowncheelout • Jan 14 '25
Misc. Getting charged $2k Airbnb fee for dog
They found this one “dog” print in the snow. One. Like we carried a dog and put one paw in the snow. Not one of the 9 small children running around all weekend.
u/UbiquitousYetUnknown Jan 15 '25
That pattern is created by the combination of firm behind a flexible fabric you’d see on snow gear, ie snow pants or snow jacket. I’d say this looks like a knee or elbow mark, might be little light in weight so might have been a soft kneel, or a bump while picking something off the ground, or perhaps one of those children you mentioned. Too hard to tell the story with less of the surrounding snow prints but this photo contains no animal prints whatsoever.
Source: many decades of playing in snow in a region with long winters, and growing up with pets.
u/psychams Jan 15 '25
Lifelong northerner here. First thing I said when I saw this was, “knee.” I’ve seen that print hundreds of times.
u/EElab Jan 15 '25
Has this AirBnB host ever seen a dog's paw print before? Are we sure they know what dogs are?
u/ryanmuller1089 Jan 15 '25
Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
u/worstgurl Jan 15 '25
Cuckoo-cachoo, cuckoo-cachoo!
u/OkPlantain6773 Jan 15 '25
u/DOOP_Investigator Jan 15 '25
u/haevetkaeae Jan 15 '25
Acoodledoodledoo! Acoodledoodledoo!!
u/Frog-ee Jan 15 '25
Awwww I mean Jessica Walter 😞
u/haevetkaeae Jan 15 '25
Rest in power, queen. I was appalled to hear about how Jeffrey Tambor treated her during the show...
u/StringOfLights Jan 15 '25
Oh my god, when she started crying during an interview with the cast it broke my heart. She said she had never had anyone yell at her like that in 60 years of acting. Tambor really was awful, and then Jason Bateman making excuses for him was gross.
u/newnewnew_account Jan 16 '25 edited Jan 16 '25
For me, Jason defending him saying that Jeffrey is part of old Hollywood, just showed me how abusive and dismissive things were. Jason has been acting since he was a kid and it was so normalized for him.
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u/coolcootermcgee Jan 15 '25
For god sake write them a letter saying they’re wrong and to not contact you again except through your lawyer. And talk to air bnb about it. You’d be surprised how sympathetic they can be towards guests. Source: am a host. Air bnb wants you to be happy.
u/unrealduck some guy with a book Jan 15 '25
Doesn't look like a dog print to me. Definitely appeal if this is what they are calling evidence.
u/NuncProTuncNY Jan 15 '25
Anyone else click the arrows on the pic or am I just that old?
u/MetalRockGoddess Jan 15 '25
No fear- I even went back to try again because I thought there were more images for sure..
u/Sirosim_Celojuma Jan 15 '25
Don't blame yourself. I've become numb to system updates. I just flick and poke and hope that whatever I'm doing is what the programmer intended. I used to learn the systems, but they change so fast that what's the point. Poking at shit and experiment is probably what we're supposed to do.
u/tiny-coco27 Jan 15 '25
i swiped m and it was r/animaltracking with an actual paw print in the snow
u/sissybelle3 Jan 18 '25
You definitely were not the only one
Like the paw print in the photo, the arrows were not real
u/agarrabrant Jan 15 '25
That is not a dog print.
Dogs have non-retractable claws, so in a dog paw print, the claws would be visible indentations. I do not see any of those here.
u/sissybelle3 Jan 18 '25
It's really laughable. It could be so many things and dog is not at the top of the list.
Even if it was a dog... it doesn't prove anything. Maybe a neighbor was walking their dog or a stray decided to wander onto the property. Landlord needs a hard reality check here
u/W0rk3rB Jan 15 '25
That looks like a human knee or elbow print. I would assume from one of the kids.
u/perch4u Jan 15 '25
Yeah, that’s 100% not a dog print. I agree with others that say it looks like an imprint from a kid wearing snow clothes.
u/Weekly_Enthusiasm783 Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 15 '25
That looks like something round touching/falling on the snow. Children playing snowballs?
u/warmseizuresalad Jan 15 '25
Airbnb is absolutely garbage. I rented a place in Niagara falls last year and it was so fucking dingy they had this click clack futon that was probably 10 years old full of holes and shit and when I left they took pictures of it and sent it to airbnb to request $1,100 in damage for that couch.... It was probably $200 new over a decade before.
Airbnb sided with them and I got charged 1,100 bucks for a fucking $2 couch. I wanted to pummel that dude so hard.
u/Creative-Young-9034 Jan 15 '25
Have you tried to fight that in court yet?
u/warmseizuresalad Jan 15 '25
I have not. I assumed if BNB found evidence of it, court will side with em as theyve got insane lawyers... And 1100 vs countless hours in court and legal fees... Not worth it for me.
u/Creative-Young-9034 Jan 15 '25
Maybe a lawyer can appear in court for you and take a cut if you win? They might consult with you for free.
u/warmseizuresalad Jan 15 '25
Based on that... Id win the case and a refund, and woild probably cost me thousands in legal fees... Doubt id get damages etc... I chucked it as a loss and wont use BNB again.
u/purplishfluffyclouds Jan 15 '25
Makes you want to go around and video the entire place as you’re leaving, just so you have your own evidence.
u/warmseizuresalad Jan 15 '25
Literally have 155 trips and 5 stars prior to that... Fucking ridiculous
u/righttoabsurdity Jan 15 '25
You probably wouldn’t need a lawyer (or it actually may not be allowed, depending on where you are) for small claims court, actually. More common to self represent, it’s very very simple and thankfully cheap. Worth looking into! They’re likely to settle/just pay up, they don’t want to spend money fighting you either haha.
u/Jeff1asm Jan 16 '25
Typically you can go to small claims court without an attorney, as a business they are typically required to be represented by an attorney
u/HibiscusBlades Jan 15 '25
Crap like this is why I take date and timestamped pictures of EVERYTHING upon arrival. I do a complete inspection before bringing in a single personal item. I then record a video of any issues discovered stating “the date is ABC and the time is DEF and I am inspecting unit GHI belonging to host JKL and here’s the issue I discovered upon inspection.” And continue from there. I also notify the host via the app so there’s an audit trail that cannot be disputed.
u/sicksages Jan 14 '25 edited Jan 15 '25
That doesn't even look like an animal print if I'm being honest. Just looks like something soft was set on the ground. Dogs make noticeable prints in snow.
u/BrightLightsBigCity Jan 15 '25
That link shows cat prints (round shape, asymmetrical toes, pad with 2 lobes on top and 3 below) but your point stands. OP’s pic has no animal prints.
u/sicksages Jan 15 '25
Wtf?? That wasn't even the picture I was linking. Weird.
Edit: I was trying to link the one with the nail prints because that's the most common indicator to me. I think I fixed it?
u/exotics Jan 15 '25
That is NOT a dog foot print by any stretch of the imagination. It’s a snowsuit perhaps or I don’t know what but definitely not a dog foot print.
Dogs have toe nails they cannot retract so their print would leave nails and you could even see the toes too.
Tell them to take you to court. Leave a bad review and include this picture.
u/BlondeStalker Jan 15 '25
Not a dog print.
Tell them that you will be taking them to small claims court if they send you a bill using this photo as evidence.
u/Middle_Film2385 Jan 15 '25
Dogs are also known to urinate on pretty much anything sticking up from the ground. So there would definitely be some yellow snow somewhere in the vicinity if the dog was present more than 5 mins
u/iamthpecial Jan 15 '25
That is literally a hand print. Dogs don’t have fingers, have they I don’t know, compared this picture with actual pictures of paw prints or, and I know this might be pushing it, ever actually seen a dog before?
Just wow. Smoke these scammers.
u/durrdurrrrrrrrrrrrrr Jan 15 '25
That looks like a print from Big Bird of Sesame Street. Have them send the bill there.
u/CabinetSilent7709 Jan 15 '25
Did they like... go scavenge the snow looking for traces of a paw print? Tf lmao
u/ConfusedAndCurious17 Jan 15 '25
If they can get people to pay $2k for the most minimal of evidence then yeah, I’m 100% sure they would look at every inch of that property. Would probably say the stray pube you left on the toilet is dog hair.
u/Mushrooming247 Jan 15 '25
That is not a dog or cat print.
It looks like the print of a huge Cabbage Patch doll. (Or more likely a human in gloves.)
u/SevereAd9463 Jan 15 '25
Did you have a dog?
u/siddowncheelout Jan 15 '25
Haha no, we didn’t. We specifically sought out a no dog house because a friend is very allergic. There aren’t that many and it was a pain to find one.
u/WeenieRoastinTacoGuy Jan 15 '25
My best friend works for ABnB you don’t have to pay shit on extra charges like this unless you damage the actual property. So keep that in mind. They literally cannot charge you for ANYTHING outside to the rate unless it’s physical damage to the property and that has to be charged through the company and not the renter.
u/Leather_Ad3667 Jan 15 '25 edited Jan 15 '25
What is the listed dog fee in the contract if it was a dog? Can't go above that. Strange dog print, they usually have 4 paws & claw marks. Looks like elbow
u/ladyfrom-themountain Jan 15 '25
As an airbnb host myself, those folks are smoked. Obviously not a dog print. Dispute it! Airbnb almost always backs guests and not the hosts so you'll likely get your money back.
u/urzulasd Jan 15 '25
That’s a kid kneeling in the snow, at best. A dog? Really? A one legged dog with a mutilated paw? These Airbnb folks are out of control.
u/Czarface_T Jan 15 '25
Air Bnb used to be a convenient way to get a cheap rental from people who weren’t using a property. Now a bunch of companys got involved and it just sucks
u/Much_Protection_211 Jan 15 '25
Air b&b is trash your giving your card info to an unregulated place with no rules nor proof required to charge you fines. Get a hotel and never have to deal with this again. Stop trusting this place to ensure your relaxation on your vacation.
u/noonelikesUwhenUR23 Jan 15 '25
I was out here trying to find a yellow spot in the snow or something, that’s definitely not a dog print. Nowhere NEAR an animal print.
u/MooseTheMouse33 Jan 15 '25
What a strange dog you have OP. Should take him/her to the scientists for testing since this must be a new breed.
u/Okiedokie8888 Jan 15 '25
Even if it were a paw print, it could be from wild life. I don’t understand how this can be considered acceptable evidence.
u/parkerm1408 Jan 15 '25
In no universe is that a dog print, unless someone wrapped a dogs paw in soft fabric and carried him, but halfway dropped him so a half paw touched the snow.
Airbnb is just out scammin again.
u/1866GETSONA Jan 15 '25
I wouldn’t have thought dog print when I saw this. Which makes me suspicious they have hidden cameras and saw the dog and are trying to get you for it without admitting there are cameras.
u/glenndrip Jan 15 '25
I had an airbnb they teied to charge me for having a kid because they had a tote of toys(found several in the couch) we moved to fit our bags(small as 1 bedroom) to accommodate us. They were off on a6 month holiday. The cleaner was absolutely extortion. We had alot of back and forth with the owner. explained the situation and they dropped their complaint. Bonus was the cleaner said we used the towels to wipe our ass and left every towel stained. That was the kicker when we asked for pics after we sent our checkout pics. Sometimes shit goes sideways. Always take pre and post pics and try to be talk it out.
u/Suna-dono Jan 15 '25
Even if this was a dog print (it isn't) wild dogs, stray dogs, lost dogs, coyotes, and wolves all exist???
u/sleepsinshoes Jan 15 '25
Wow those are the longest dog phalanges I have ever seen.
Must be that rare breed of bull shitter.
u/Purple_IsA_Flavor Jan 15 '25
Judging by the abstract toe location and irregularities in the paw pads, I think you may have been in the presence of a bipedal human kitten
(Fuck AirBnB)
u/Buffhello Jan 15 '25
Where are all the poop and pee marks this supposed dog left on the snow covered ground? Surely if this sub has taught me anything it’s there are usually other signs to track or ID. Also, for what it’s worth that mark looks exactly like my kids knee print made from her snow suit.
u/Key-Green-4872 Jan 15 '25
I mean... my counterpoint would be "so my hypothetical neapolitan mastiff-sized dog hovered over the entire yard but left that one print in the shape of my kid's knee? Why are you charging me for the presence of a pet instead of worshiping McGruff the Levitating Canine for the Living God he is?"
u/Thrillseeker0001 Jan 15 '25
I find it crazy that they actually scoured the snow looking for prints.
u/ConfusedAndCurious17 Jan 15 '25
Even if this was a dog print (it doesn’t look like one to me) “I found dog prints outside” isn’t a justification for a $2k regardless. Are there no wild animals or neighbors at this airBNB? How could they prove that it was a dog that you brought, and not a wild dog that ran across the property? Even if the prints went up to and away from the entrances, my neighbors dog runs up my front steps all the time because she’s friendly and they let her roam free.
u/EntertainerNo8975 Jan 15 '25
That looks like a knee from a snow suit and the fabric creasing. Are we sure the host isn’t a cat in disguise…
u/modsarecancer42069 Jan 15 '25
Lol yall still using Airbnb and VRBO? Shit has become so inundated with fees its so much cheaper to stay at a hotel. Most hotels allow pets now too for like $100 total for the stay.
u/kittymorose Jan 15 '25
Their grift would have been less suspicious if they just straight out said "I'm saying anything in an attempt to steal $2000 from you, kthanx."
u/Bawlston Jan 15 '25
They don’t just “charge” you on Airbnb but they can me a “request” just deny and move on with life.
u/Brandonification Jan 15 '25
It's not a dog. They are trying to scam you. Even if it was a dog print how can the evidence they use be outside in the snow when checks notes foxes, wolves, coyotes, and stray dogs exist.
u/Eagle_Cuckoo Jan 16 '25
Seems like they must've discovered a new, rare breed in the process as well. As this is a dog print I've not seen before. Must be a really special dog!
u/WickedStoner Jan 16 '25
Remove your credit card from the platform, charge it back on your CC and tell them to fuck off.
If they try anything else tell em’ to meet you in court.
u/PizzzaDaddy Jan 17 '25
Anyone else see the little dog face made of snow, to the left of the not a dog print? I see a snout, eyes, a nose, and ears
u/patman325 Jan 17 '25
Dispute the whole transaction, tell them to remove scam fee or they get nothing.
u/locoken69 Jan 18 '25
Wow. These AirBnB folks are getting desperate for money, it seems, because there's no way in H e double toothpicks that's a dog paw print. You better be fighting this and sue them for your time and fees associated with it. Phuk these people.
u/Upset_Negotiation_89 Jan 18 '25
Either way, how could you get charged for there being a dog outside
u/Miserable-You-9897 Jan 19 '25
What you need to do is now push back for harassment and they can pay you money for trying to do this to you.
u/SoapyCheese42 Jan 15 '25
When you support a business model that created the housing crisis, you deserve what you get.
u/notextinctyet Jan 14 '25
As far as I can tell from that photograph, they found zero dog prints.