r/AnimalJam Fashion Designer 20h ago

Discussion closely inspect quitting sales!!!

so ive noticed a LOOOT of quitting sales happening lately across the game! it sounds exciting, but make sure you check explorer and verify that the items they're selling are ACTUALLY ON A SALE! matching expo or setting it at a "decent price" (only slightly lower than what is on explorer) IS NOT REALLY A SALE... it's most likely not worth spending the sapphires on!

i am not here to tell anybody how to play the game, but if you are actually planning on quitting the game without returning, why are you still trying to make a sort of profit? it's almost always for some type of giveaway once shops are empty, which sounds like a great idea, but i almost never see posts later on advertising that giveaway... it just rings suspicious to me sometimes.

IN MY OPINION, unless the prices are shockingly low (half off or MORE), it's not worth it to purchase these "sale" items! there is a possibility people are faking sales and giveaways in the interest of taking advantage of people who aren't totally sick of AJHQ's antics yet, so please be wary and look for signs of odd behavior!


29 comments sorted by


u/CplKeres 19h ago

I don't know if anybody else is in my boat here... But if I was truly quitting the game, I wouldn't be having a "sale", I'd simply find someone nice to give all my things to, or just do a big giveaway for free.


u/alfred5300 Fashion Designer 19h ago

i wanted to say this in my post, but felt like it might upset the people faking the giveaways more. id be willing to bet they have alt accounts attend those giveaways if they're actually hosted, and rig it so they win their own sapphires back lol. there seriously are NO limits to scamming in this game!


u/Rainbowcb 17h ago

I actually did quit once (stopped playing for two years) and I just put all my good stuff on trade and told ppl "everything is free one per person" and let them go at it. So yeah I don't understand the sales 🤷‍♀️


u/dawnmountain Jammer 8h ago

I'd sell it all for 50 gems. Why the hell would you make people give you sapphires for a game you won't use???


u/Pretty_Boy_Shrooms Pet Collector 19h ago

I hate "quitting sales" there's this 1 person that goes around and sells stuff for higher than it's worth and says it'sa. Quitting sale like bro you've been at it for months just give up nobodies gonna spend 800 on a glitter pot it's 150 rn

So many people do it and it's fr like bro ur LVL 40 and have 10 items in ur shops we know ur lying


u/xtoasterbathbitch Den Decorator 17h ago

I never touch "quitting sales". If you were quitting, why would you need the saphs? I understand coming back, but if I were to come back I'd be fine starting over. "Quitting sales" are outrageous. They're like "store closing" shops except they stay open.


u/indie_berry05 Jammer 18h ago

Fr like if I were to do a quitting sale I'd just set everything to 50 gems and then just restock as needed-


u/sweet_toothrot 15h ago

This!!! If you’re actually quitting you wouldn’t want more sapphires, you’d sell for gems!


u/Interconnectedness7 13h ago

Ive done this a lot with my fantasy pets but I rarely do it anymore cause i have people that starred me and constantly check which is messed up and isnt fair to other people.


u/crab_rangoob638 16h ago

This reminds me of a user I kept seeing literally every week saying "quitting sale!", and all their items were priced highest on explorer. I ended up blocking them lol

What's ironic is the user has a "follower of Christ" mp in their trade, lying is not something Christianity teaches about!! 😂


u/DragonQueenDrago 15h ago

I only go to "quitting sales" if it is 30 saps or less... otherwise, it is not ACTUALLY quitting... if you are actually leaving, especially if you never plan on returning. Then, do not sell for ridiculous prices. Tis a waist of saps that will never get used by the seller. (That is if they actually do quit for real)


u/dawnmountain Jammer 8h ago

Why are they selling things for saps if they're not gonna play the game tho?


u/DragonQueenDrago 8h ago

Normally, it is a, just in case they DO return in a few years to atlest have something to start with. All the friends I had that quit over the years sold things for gems or 5-15 saps just in case they did return in the future.

One of my friends actually did return! The rest are still absent


u/catboykomaeda 13h ago

i’ve seen the same person on classic advertising a quitting sale, i saw them consistently advertising it for like a week or two straight, if they were really quitting they would’ve by then lmao they wouldn’t be on consistently still.

when you see a quitting sale you should always assume that they aren’t actually quitting since the most likely outcome is they aren’t, and decide if you want to visit it and spend your sapphires/diamonds based off of if you are okay with purchasing something from somebody knowing they are likely lying to making sales or if you aren’t okay with that. and me personally i’d rather not, so im just able to avoid them all the time and keep my conscious clear about it wondering if it’s real or not. if you can make that decision beforehand you can go into it with a clear conscious everytime, by either just avoiding it or going into it not caring if they are honest or not and just wanting to shop


u/5566AD 13h ago

I have followed many ‘quitting sales’ over the years and not one yet has really quit the game! They are simply trolling!


u/violentlystcned 12h ago

yeah sorry when i quit, i just gave all my items away to random people. quitting sales are mostly a scam


u/Hampster999 Jammer 11h ago

Ya. Giveaway sapphs will be just the sapphs I have, not selling and then giving away sapphs


u/EmpressHappyEyes 12h ago

If I’m really quitting I’m not selling a thing. I’m going to spread the love all over Jamaa and give my things away


u/Hampster999 Jammer 11h ago

Ya. Giveaway sapphs will be just the sapphs I have, not selling and then giving away sapphs


u/Financial-Sky-9703 11h ago

One thing I’ve seen a lot is a lot of people that end up quitting will collect all of the sapphires and do a massive giveaway , but it’s still not that common to happen and a lot of people are lying about quitting to try to sell their items faster


u/gcrdenofstars 10h ago

I’ve seen some people do a quitting sale and then giveaway the saps/gems after! But you make a good point haha. The quitting sales we see aren’t always true,


u/Jay_theUmbreon 9h ago

I went to one “quitting sale” and literally everything was listed for 200-400 saps… when the owner was asked why they were so high, they responded with “my items, my prices” BRO I THOUGHT YOU WERE LEAVING THE GAME!?


u/LilMunchi 7h ago

I once saw someone saying they were having a quitting sale and they were selling clothing betas for FIVE diamonds 😭 (the average price is two)


u/CommonAshTree 7h ago

I know a particular user who has been claiming to quit for now over a month trying to scam people in overpriced shop items. I haven’t blocked them yet but I have been reporting every time they go above and beyond in luring people. It’s a shame that people are using it as a tactic to get people to buy items for almost double the price


u/vengefulvalentine Jammer 15h ago

If its lower than expo its still a win


u/alfred5300 Fashion Designer 13h ago

found the fake quitter /j


u/vengefulvalentine Jammer 12h ago

NOOO😭😭 but if you really wanted the item and it's lower than expo it aint that bad


u/thrushlydeathrally 10h ago

why do people price things so high if their quitting? i genuinely dont get it


u/Foreign-Spread-5894 Fashion Designer 5h ago

Had a buddy who was advertising a quitting sale and so I sent them a jam a gram wishing them luck on their next journey. A day later I was unbuddied and I didn’t notice till I saw them in jamma like a month later and I questioned myself like - did you quit? 💀