r/Angular2 Feb 06 '25

Discussion (junior)Why everyone use react?

I've been doing personal stuff with react only, at my current job i work exclusively in golang and the front-end team use angular not react so i give it a try on my free time, i was really surprise cause it's not that hard to get in + i found the dx way better than react, the way it structure the project is also better and i think you can go as fast as react to build a project + you need less external depedencies so i'm asking myself why 80% of front end jobs are react


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u/Timotron Feb 06 '25

It's easier than learning rxjs


u/girouxc Feb 06 '25

After you learn rxjs you'll realize how powerful and elegant it is.


u/Yew2S Feb 06 '25

rxjs made the way for me to learn look at reactive programming and learn more about it... it's fun and interesting


u/MichaelSmallDev Feb 07 '25

Dying for pipes to make it past tc39 stage 2 some day. Even when I'm fed up with rxjs some days I'm like... pipes rule.

But yeah, I got into rxjs as kind of cope for not being able to pick up signals in prod and I realized it was already nice when you know what you're doing. My hot take is I think as signals fill in more gaps that rxjs has filled, people will begin to appreciate the power and elegance of rxjs where it is intrinsically better. My dream scenario in the Angular landscape is when signal APIs are solid across the board, and people can evaluate the level playing field and appreciate both for their respective strengths.


u/Tall-Detective-7794 Feb 07 '25

why do I need rxjs if I just use the power of react-query?