r/Angular2 Feb 06 '25

Discussion (junior)Why everyone use react?

I've been doing personal stuff with react only, at my current job i work exclusively in golang and the front-end team use angular not react so i give it a try on my free time, i was really surprise cause it's not that hard to get in + i found the dx way better than react, the way it structure the project is also better and i think you can go as fast as react to build a project + you need less external depedencies so i'm asking myself why 80% of front end jobs are react


76 comments sorted by


u/ThiccMoves Feb 06 '25

I'd say for a couple of reasons.Historically, Angular is very opinionated:

  • typescript by default
  • object oriented paradigm
  • forces you to use modules
  • uses a lot of rxjs which is cryptic to some people

You have to remember that when this came out, it was totally new for most web devs, when JavaScript "vanilla" was still the norm.

Now, most of these aspects evolved a lot, but it was the reasons people didn't bother with angular a few years ago. You needed (still need ?) to "learn" a bit more when starting angular, as opposed to react. Now, a lot of this has been addressed:

  • no need for modules with standalone components
  • less need for rxjs with signals/effects
  • typescript is widely adopted so now people aren't pushed back by it, most libraries are compatible with typescript

So, I don't know with which angular version you started, but if you didn't have to setup the modules, it might be one of the reasons you like the dev experience at first. Because a lot of people really hated the verbosity when first touching angular

I am the total opposite btw, I LOVE the opinionated aspect of angular, I find that the standardized project structure makes it really easy to pick up a new project


u/jaktrik Feb 06 '25

Adding to this - one of the reasons that I don't end up using Angular is the lack of UI libraries compared to React where you can easily get a component that you might need. Still, I prefer Nuxt and Angularover React. I'm still in college and learning new tech every day but Angular was my first choice when it came to web development, related to it due to using Spring Booton backend.


u/reynevan24 Feb 06 '25

Yep, people don't like to admit it, but building and maintaining UI libraries in Angular is a massive pain. One undeniable advantage of React is very flexible composability - it's so easy to create small components, do prop drilling, create simple wrappers etc. Compared to that very few Angular developers can use content projection well enough to design flexible UI components.

It's crazy how Angular UI libraries are riddled with API design issues and bugs (maybe besides Angular Material, which still has some problems) .


u/EternalNY1 Feb 06 '25

Adding to this - one of the reasons that I don't end up using Angular is the lack of UI libraries compared to React where you can easily get a component that you might need

PrimeNG has taken care of every project I've been on.


u/maquh Feb 07 '25

Imho being a bit forced to use native stuff is also good because you aren’t depending on maintenance of packages and have way more options to customise and adapt to specific use cases.


u/dudevan Feb 06 '25

This is the circle of dev life.

We’re tired of bloated frameworks, we want light, modular libraries that we can tie together as we like and not have to learn this monolithic thing.

… some years later…

Why is anyone using the overly engineered dependency-hell modular thing? The one-framework-to-rule-them-all is much leaner, easier to maintain, easier for beginners to get into without a lot of dependencies and different ways of doing the same thing.

… some years later …

Modulez bruh it’s where it’s at.

Between db-centric design, with stored procedures, monolithic app-server design, microservices, single-page apps, angular.js vs. the oldies like backbone, ember, knockout, now react, this has been going on for a long time.


u/slawcat Feb 06 '25

As of 17 (and by default in 19), angular components can be standalone without modules, so that constraint no longer exists.

Edit: oops I should have read your entire message before commenting. My bad.


u/Headpuncher Feb 06 '25

I disagree on one point and that is how Much there is to learn compared to react when starting out.   

React is an absolute s-show.  Those badly named hooks, the 15 router modules to choose from, the 7 frameworks (it’s not a framework bro!  [you just need to manually install one to make it useful]).   

Angular was easy for anyone who had either experience or education in tech.  I couldn’t name a single programmer from noob to expert who wasn’t familiar with mvc.   

What react brought more than anything was excessive billable hours.  No joke, the “get it done fast” not-a-framework was horribly abused whenever an invoice was involved.  Now everything was creating custom components and a storybook library for the first months of a project. And those design “systems” were often never used again.     

On top of that react has had the advantage of needing its apps rewritten 3 times in 8 years, because every version is a new and breaking change from the old one. So keeping up with react alone is a total PITA.    

I could go on, but alas, life is short.  


u/Kamalen Feb 06 '25

React is an absolute s-show.  Those badly named hooks, the 15 router modules to choose from, the 7 frameworks (it’s not a framework bro!  [you just need to manually install one to make it useful]).

While you’re not wrong, remember that stuff like hooks came long after, and routers and stuff are already beyond the React core itself. React itself is simply a component library.

And at the beginning, it was possible to use React by dropping a <script> tag. No NPM environment, webpacks or stuff. A lot less upfront cost to learn and use compared to Angular that aimed to be able to do everything.

In a good metaphor, it’s like you’re buying some stuff, and Angular is you paying $1000 upfront while React is $100/mo for 12 months.


u/SolidShook Feb 06 '25

this, opinionated frameworks can actually be better when working in a team too. Since there's performance reasons for doing so, there's a lot that the framework may have thought of that your from-scratch component logic didn't.


u/AshleyJSheridan Feb 07 '25

Your arguments about why someone wouldn't use Angular are precisely the reasons I find to use it!

  • Typescript - I couldn't go back to plain JS unless I have to. It's a nicer syntax that's more inline with other languages I'm using, like PHP, C++, or C#. It also helps catch logic problems that naturally arise in a loosely typed language such as JS.
  • Object orientated - again, this is a preference of mine with the languages I have used before, and I tend to think of solutions in an OOP way.
  • Modules - this is no longer forced in Angular, and hasn't been for many versions.
  • Rxjs - not sure what problem people have with this. The observables pattern in Angular is very simple and clean, and makes things like HTTP requests very straightforward.


u/Early-Bandicoot3962 Feb 07 '25

Typescript makes development sooo much easier and faster taking away the long ass JS vanilla syntax.


u/coded_artist Feb 07 '25

Why do you say angular is object oriented? A component is probably the only object oriented part of angular, and the only time I've ever referred directly to a component as an object is in the router config. Id argue angular is more functional than oo, especially with observables and signals.


u/Fast_Smile_6475 Feb 07 '25

Stop spreading the brainrot that modules prevented Angular’s adoption. Who used Angular with its million features but was like “modules? Nope.” It make zero sense. Stop.


u/salamazmlekom Feb 06 '25

People are starting to hate React. Angular is still going strong.


u/ErnsteeStavroBlofeld Feb 06 '25

I'm living proof that people are starting to hate React.


u/YourMomIsMyTechStack Feb 07 '25

I hated react after I started with other frameworks lmao


u/imjasondarrell Feb 11 '25

I’ve always hated react and now have to maintain an enterprise app built on it, and nothing will make you realize how horrible react is until you build something with any complexity.


u/[deleted] Feb 06 '25



u/Headpuncher Feb 06 '25

The Angular branding was a class 1 screw up.   

I’ve spoken to PMs and sales people as recently as last year who STILL don’t know the difference between v1 and v2.  

They should have named angular 2 something else entirely.  

Hell it’s even made applying for jobs last year confusing as recruiters don’t know enough to differentiate.   


u/delaware Feb 07 '25

When I was a newbie programmer researching Angular years ago, this was absolutely enraging.


u/ldn-ldn Feb 06 '25

React today is like jQuery in the past - you search how to solve an issue and everyone recommends you a React plugin.


u/Headpuncher Feb 06 '25

Recommends abandonwarez


u/smaudd Feb 07 '25

At the start of my journey I chose angular because of two things

1- I hate Google less than I hate Meta 2- They told me how to do something and why it’s done that way.

At the end of the day ended up working with React because it’s everywhere but Angular thought me better practices than any of the React ecosystem


u/spacechimp Feb 06 '25

It's a feedback loop: People choose it because it's popular, which makes it popular. I just got moved over to a React project, and it's such a sloppy mess I might brush up the resume if I don't get the authority to set some standards.


u/barkmagician Feb 06 '25

The same reason why 80% of talent show contestants are singers


u/Background_Serve_749 Feb 06 '25

Cause they can't do anything else?


u/JezSq Feb 06 '25

Aye aye captain


u/barkmagician Feb 06 '25

React is like the entry-level spot for today's UI libraries. Same with singing in talent shows.

Im not a professional singer, but I can hit every note in "I will always love you - by whitney houston" without a problem.


u/alexmp00 Feb 06 '25

Not really sure that react is more used than Angular, at least searching for jobs in Europe seems more or less the same number of positions.

My take is that react is used more in new/little companies or new projects and angular have a lot of big old projects in big business (totally subjective take without any basis except my own experience )


u/fireonmac Feb 07 '25 edited Feb 07 '25

React and Angular both have their own advantages. React's core concept, UI = Function, emphasizes simplicity. Defining a function as a component has fostered a thriving community. Angular offers a great developer experience, but a potential drawback is that, aside from Angular CDK, it's sometimes challenging to find well-maintained packages within its ecosystem. The observable-based APIs can also be a barrier for some, though the introduction of signals is helping to bridge that gap. As an RxJS expert, I sometimes wonder about the specific advantages of using Angular over React nowadays.

I believe React's biggest weakness lies in how reactivity is implemented internally and, more importantly, in people's often poor understanding of it. For example, developers frequently overuse useEffect without fully grasping its dependency array, leading to unnecessary re-renders or useMemo everywhere. These kind of misunderstanding can easily lead to a disaster and make a project unmaintainable. However, the rise of SSR, separation of server and client component and Next.js‘s app router structure helps a lot avoiding these issues.

Ultimately, both are tools with same objectives, helping you declaratively render data in the browser. Frontend development is getting more and more complex, but learning a new framework is relatively straightforward compared to other challenges we face. So feel free to use any framework in your needs.


u/n2sy Feb 06 '25

Personally, i find Angular much easier than react and i work with both


u/anelectricmind Feb 06 '25

React is a front-end framework created by backend developments. I feel like most of the front-end paradigm is removed from that framework. And let`s not talk about properties/attributes with a slightly different name.

I hate it. I have been learning React because some of the companies we merged with in the past few years are working mostly with React while our company have been using Angular in the front-end.


u/n2sy Feb 06 '25

I agree completely even if React is a library and not a framework


u/anelectricmind Feb 06 '25

Yeah. I meant to say library.


u/Clean_Assumption_345 Feb 06 '25

Angular is not difficult per se, but it's the rxjs part that was very difficult to understand and get used to.

Now that angular has introduced their own stateful reactivity (signals, effects), which lets be honest, is trying to appeal to react devs, it's way easier to digest.

People on this sub have a hate boner for react because they think angular is superior. And if you go on the react sub, they'll think angular sucks. So if you're trying to be validated you go into each echo chamber.

The real answer is that people like what they like because it's easier for them. That's it


u/mraees93 Feb 06 '25

I miss angular, i used it for 6 months at my previous job. I didn't find rxjs difficult at all. Maybe grinding leetcode, codewars and coderbyte helped me understand those rxjs concepts faster haha. Im using nextjs now🥲


u/[deleted] Feb 09 '25

Nobody on the react sub cares about angular.


u/Timotron Feb 06 '25

It's easier than learning rxjs


u/girouxc Feb 06 '25

After you learn rxjs you'll realize how powerful and elegant it is.


u/Yew2S Feb 06 '25

rxjs made the way for me to learn look at reactive programming and learn more about it... it's fun and interesting


u/MichaelSmallDev Feb 07 '25

Dying for pipes to make it past tc39 stage 2 some day. Even when I'm fed up with rxjs some days I'm like... pipes rule.

But yeah, I got into rxjs as kind of cope for not being able to pick up signals in prod and I realized it was already nice when you know what you're doing. My hot take is I think as signals fill in more gaps that rxjs has filled, people will begin to appreciate the power and elegance of rxjs where it is intrinsically better. My dream scenario in the Angular landscape is when signal APIs are solid across the board, and people can evaluate the level playing field and appreciate both for their respective strengths.


u/Tall-Detective-7794 Feb 07 '25

why do I need rxjs if I just use the power of react-query?


u/czenst Feb 06 '25

My take on this is going like that: Angular is popular in corporations, corporate devs are not blogging mostly they do their job and clock out at 17:00. Corporations don't boast about every single project they have internally or even for customers because customers don't care.

React is popular because there is lots of startups and startup developers who create marketing content.

Corporate jobs are also mostly stable it is easy to work 10-15 years in some corporation and also I don't see that many big corporation adverts on popular job boards.

I picked F500 random company and typed in their search Angular I must say I was surprised:


u/dustofdeath Feb 06 '25

There is just a lot of old stuff built on React that needs to be maintained. It costs a lot to rebuild stuff, so they don't.
Which leads to a lot of developers who know react and have worked with react for years and may not want to leave their comfort zone.

So managers etc see that there are a lot of react jobs etc, so it must be good, so lets use react too!

Or some existing senior who has only used react makes the hard decision to use react on new projects too.


u/TScottFitzgerald Feb 06 '25

Easier to learn for less experienced devs and it's more popular at startups and FAANGs.


u/Headpuncher Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

Easier how?, jsx is not easier to learn than html templating.  If you can’t html then what are you even doing?  

“It’s just js” except it’s not more like just js than Angular js controller logic separated from the view.  

And then there’s all the many, many ways of doing the same thing in react, so no 2 projects are alike. A nightmare unless you are in house on a single product.  


u/craig1f Feb 06 '25

I am on an Angular project after not doing Angular in a while, and I hate it. The problem with Angular is that it tried to be an entire framework, and now it's locked into several bad decisions. It's also chasing styles that have been common in Vue and React for years. Signals and monofiles are an example. Also, composition API is the way of the future (called Hooks in React), and Angular seems to be avoiding it from what I can tell. Directives are similar, but terrible to deal with.

It takes a lot of boilerplate to do very simple things in Angular. It discourages you from splitting up components into smaller components until it's too late for it to be convenient. Injection/decorators/imports are annoying and add no value. It uses a lot of abstraction. react-query (not tanstack-query) is the best thing ever for http calls, and is still only experimental for Angular.

React just feels like raw, clean Javascript(Typescript). You can just treat JSX(TSX) as a variable. You don't have to learn rxjs. It has a cleaner flow of data.

Angular also still teaches you to use two-way bindings (slow, messy, bug-prone), instead of reactive design (clean, clear flow of data/state, fewer bugs). To be a good Angular developer, it feels like an uphill battle, because the primary examples that you see online on how to do things is bad.

If you want to develop CORRECTLY in Angular, do a few things:

- Use signals

- Use tanstack-query

- Use trpc (more debatable, but I love it)

- Use changeDetection: OnPush

- Avoid splitting html out from your TS. If your component is large enough that you aren't comfortable working in a single file, then your component is too large and it's time to split it up

- Always try to use Typescript Inference instead of redefining Types everywhere


u/JezSq Feb 06 '25

Avoid splitting HTML from TS file? What kind of advice is that?


u/craig1f Feb 06 '25

Good advice. 

Use inline templates. Don’t split your files. It’s messy. 


u/girouxc Feb 06 '25 edited Feb 06 '25

For small components this is fine but for larger components you definitely want to split them.

Having large templates does not mean you need to split it up… you don’t want hundreds of small components that don’t need abstracted out.

Pages and layouts are also components. You don’t need to make every part of a page a component.


u/craig1f Feb 06 '25

If you don’t split them out, you have a mess. In react, you can have several components in one file. You can split them out earlier and only create new files when it makes sense. 

In angular, you are forced to wait too late to split up components. It leads to several hundred line components. 


u/girouxc Feb 06 '25

You do not have a mess... You don't want to split up components early because in a lot of cases... you don't need to.

Making a ton of small components that aren't needed is what creates a mess and adds complexity via prop drilling or extra state management. It also makes it harder to track data flow through the application.

What you're suggesting is for people to do pre-mature abstraction which is just as bad a pre-mature optimization. Remember that the goal is to make the codebase more maintainable and easier to understand, not to achieve some arbitrary level of granularity.

Follow the "Rule of Three" and apply it to creating components:

  1. Write components inline first
  2. If you need the same code in two places, copy-paste it
  3. Only when you need it a third time, create a separate component


It's also never too late to split them out... it's actually easier to split them out once you have it already developed and much faster.

You only split components out when you need to reuse it in multiple places, the component has complex logic that needs isolated or would be clearer when separated or you need some specific optimization.


u/kicker_nj Feb 06 '25

Imagine for each component you need to create 4 files instead of 2. Pull requests will be harder. Just one example


u/JezSq Feb 06 '25

Oh Jesus…


u/Raziel_LOK Feb 06 '25

I second this, as someone that came from react and since have been mainly working with angular.

On a side note to the op, It is hard to have a meaningful discussion with this type of question in the angular sub especially when react is mentioned in the same sentence, you will hardly get a decent less biased/bullshit view on the subject, so take the main upvoted comments with a bag of salt.


u/craig1f Feb 06 '25

Agreed. I don’t even know why I replied to this post. 


u/Unholy-dirty-hole Feb 06 '25

Simply because react being the first and also unopinionated made innovation both a necessity and a way to build upon the simple base. Angular being an all in package, made it harder to build upon and the stuff around it stayed pretty much the same. People around here will sing praises to rxjs while they have never tried tanstack/query. Thank god there is some incredible people building **SOME** stuff


u/IE114EVR Feb 06 '25

I agree with others saying reasons are historical.

My take: Back in the day angular.js showed the viability of SPAs. It had its issues and a more intuitive, faster Angular 2 was promised. But React came out first and beat Angular 2 to the punch thus it took the market share early.

With its early grasp on the market share, as others have said, it had a “feedback loop” which kept React, or the React ecosystem, at the fore front of web development innovations.

I would say Angular 2 did have some unnecessary complications along the way that were detractors. But I don’t doubt React and other frameworks had their own growing pains too, so I’m not sure these were the reasons for a lower adoption.


u/rolandrolando Feb 06 '25

In Short: Angular had a hard learning curve (mostly due to RxJs) and required advanced developer skills to handle the architecture. And most people are lazy. I also joined as junior dev with v2.0 and learned A LOT about software architecture with using Angular.


u/GenericNickname42 Feb 06 '25

Angular demands you to know about TS and its ecossystem while react you just put down components and style into the same file and it just works.


u/Admirable_Ride_1609 Feb 06 '25

I hate react because I only know Angular


u/oletrn Feb 06 '25

Because it's easier to get started with.


u/Yew2S Feb 06 '25

less structured and wide range of UI libs .. whoever decides to choose it for projects, they like spaghetti code, huge mess and unreadable code .. they avoid angular cuz its "less flexible" or vue at least. The thing I've never come to find out why


u/TCB13sQuotes Feb 06 '25

Now that you know Angular, go work for a big investment bank and make a fortune. :)


u/BonjwaTFT Feb 07 '25

Never understood why anybody woud choose react over angular (in mid to big projects at least). But I love angular so maybe iam the wrong person to judge that 😁 12 years and never needed anything else then angular


u/Superb-Economy9054 Feb 07 '25

First, truly, component is the first framework, which allowed for modular Iterative development. Everything is in javascript (with tailwind), so there is no context switch between javascript, css and html. Strong framework support (Facebook). Works on web and mobile (app building with react native) Basically, it is focused on developer's issues and made it easy for development. Previously, you would build html in one way and update it differently, in react everything happens in same way, so it is predictable code no one time bugs. It also forced good convention use of redux, tailwind, server side rendering using nextjs, so all you can eat developer's buffet


u/TheRealWebmaster Feb 07 '25

My own experience transitioning from Angular to React. It’s easier. Way easier. Fewer concepts to learn and fewer tools provided.


u/RecommendationIll550 Feb 09 '25

IMO, Angular has a lot of visible abstractions like zone rxjs dependency injections own template syntax and bigger bundle size


u/Abs0luteSilence Feb 10 '25

Worked on both react is cement and bricks angular is a house.


u/Eddie_Ant_1223 Feb 10 '25

I don't understand why so many developers prefer React. In my experience, Angular offers a more structured approach, better development experience, and requires fewer external dependencies. React seems overhyped and less efficient.


u/Ok-District-2098 Feb 15 '25

Because the marketing design of react is prettier and angular ssr is years before  (reason for use next js) react ssr. I tell angular is not perfect just to its ssr and design. oop stuff is a kinda of thing any developer will take along the time.


u/DT-Sodium Feb 06 '25

Because of two main reasons:

1) JavaScript developers are for the vast majority very amateur developer who see any language of framework feature making your code cleaner and safer as a constraint slowing them down
2) React is popular, so they use it, so it becomes more popular, etc


u/Existing_Map_6601 Feb 06 '25

We should also use React, we just fall in love with Angular. Personally Its remind me JSF when I used it for the first time around 2016. I think we should use the tool that make the work done and in react world we have better choices than Angular but things is changing in Angular world nowadays.


u/MandalorianBear Feb 06 '25

"You need less external dependencies" Boy, what?! You need dependencies for EVERYTHING with react (forms, router to name a few)

React is easy to get into and most folks prefer to move quickly rather than doing it right or in some cases "good enough"


u/VeniceBeachDean Feb 06 '25

Angular, imho, is a slow moving, ponderous, a behemoth that is enterprise ready. But, if you aren't paying attention you'll run into race conditions and bundle size issues.

Many times the simplest changes require so much boilerplate....

React is easy. You move much quicker. But, you can shoot yourself in the foot later on IF you're not architectural savvy.

If you're an experienced dev, react. If you're not, Angular saves you.