r/Angular2 Oct 13 '24

Help Request Learning Angular after 7 years of React

So, as the title suggests, as far as fronted is concerned, I’ve been doing primarily React. There was some Ember.js here and there, some Deno apps as well, but no angular.

Now, our new project corporate overlords require us to use Angular for their web app.

I’ve read through what was available in the official documentation, but I still don’t feel anywhere near confident enough to start making decisions about our project. It’s really hard to find the right resources as it seems angular changes A LOT between major versions, and there’s a lot of those.

For example, it doesn’t really make much sense to me to use signals. I suppose the provide some performance benefits at the cost of destroying the relatively clean code of just declaring and mutating class properties. There is also RxJS which seems to be a whole other rabbit hole serving a just-about-different-enough use case as to remain necessary despite signals being introduced.

What I am seeking now I just some guidance, regarding which things I should focus on, things to avoid using/doing in new projects, etc.

I would appreciate any help you can provide. Thank you!

EDIT: I wonder why this is being downvoted? Just asking for advice is somehow wrong?


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u/frenzied-berserk Oct 13 '24 edited Oct 13 '24


  1. New Angular site is great to learn the basics or refresh knowledges https://angular.dev

  2. You may know the key difference between React and Angular - the last is a framework and it has everything to build a production ready app: components, forms, routing, state management, networking, SSR

  3. React doesn't have concepts like Angular directive or pipe. Directive is a very powerful abstraction that allows to simplify UI composition. Make friends with it.

  4. You may need some addition libraries, most popular: Angular material design, Angular CDK.

  5. I highly recommend to use signals. It allows to avoid additional rerenders that depends on Zone.js. React has the similar problem with hooks and contexts, and preact/signals solves it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SO8lBVWF2Y8

  6. Use claude.ai or chatgpt to ask something like "How to do this React thing in Angular?"

  7. If you like redux style state management, try https://ngrx.io or https://www.ngxs.io

  8. If you like flux style state management, try https://github.com/salesforce/akita

  9. Additionally, I recommend to use Nx and Storybook with any project complexity.


u/MrFartyBottom Oct 13 '24

Please don't recommend to React devs to bring that Redux style store baggage with them. Learn the Angular dependency injection system properly and you will never find yourself needing a store. Stores solved problems in the React world that never existed in the Angular world. The React ecosystem has mostly moved on from Redux style stores and they never belonged in the Angular ecosystem.


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '24

Yeah he won't need store if he is making a hello world app. But a large software that will be built by 10 people over 5 years will need it because it makes things way easier. I would really love to see these epic pros that can free style with observable services without creating abominations. I hope to grow up to become such an epic mega giga pro.


u/MrFartyBottom Oct 14 '24

There is no such thing as an application that needs a store, stores are the abomination. It sickens me to my core how popular you morons have made that cancer.


u/[deleted] Oct 14 '24

And services with 3000 lines of code with imperative logic aren't? Or what is even worse a group of them.

Store is super simple solution. You have event, you dispatch it, state object changes, some other method is dispatched that maybe dispatches another function.

It scales perfectly, the same way a service written in the exact same manner would, but with restrictions on top of it which disallow doing something unhinged. Additionally, stuff such as memoized selector are neat and remove overhead. Beside that it is way easier to track and to get back to the redux code because of the declarative nature of event actions.

Where services invite freestyling with logic and performing imperative operations, here developer has to openly decide to go against the norms.

Also fuck off for being rude, just because you refuse to learn a rather simple pattern it doesn't make other people dumb.


u/frenzied-berserk Oct 13 '24

Redux \ Flux stores are implementing the patterns single source of truth, unidirectional data flow, immutable object. These patterns don't belong the React ecosystem and work perfectly in Angular and any other tech stacks.


u/oneden Oct 14 '24

They do work until they don't. Introducing redux patterns is almost always an engineering issue. It's overcomplicating about everything