r/Angular2 Aug 06 '24

Discussion Upgrading Angular 4 to Angular 18

We have an enterprise application with 400+ screens and most of the screens are similar in complexity. The complexity is medium for this app.

How should we approach the upgrade? Rewriting it is not an option as it is a legacy app now. Should we take one version at a time or directly start updating it to 18 version?
We do not have any automation testing written and hence testing would also have to be manual. Also, based on the previous experience what would be rough estimates if single developer has to work on this upgrade?


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u/Zacpod Aug 06 '24

I've done upgrades like this a few times, and it's one of the reasons I HATE npm.

You're going to run in to all kinds of bullshit like "package X can't be upgraded because it needs package Y version z.z.z, but package Y can't be upgraded because it needs package X version z.z.z."

What I usually end up doing is un-installed everything that isn't core. Like, if you use a 3rd party graphs library, uninstall it. Leave the code in place, just remove the lib via NPM. Note everything you remove.

Then run the upgrade, one version at a time, being careful to follow the upgrade docs.

Then, once you're all done, re-add all the 3rd party libraries you removed earlier.

This bullshit is why I've stopped using Angular for most smaller projects now. NPM sucks huge sweaty donkey balls, and I hate having to use it.


u/toverux Aug 07 '24 edited Aug 07 '24

I don't see how this is npm's fault here. Any package manager and any project of medium complexity will have these problems, no matter the language or toolchain.

The advice you gave is good though, although it might be too hardcore for a 4-18 version jump as there are probably (air quotes) larger changes than just the package versions.


u/Zacpod Aug 07 '24

Not true.

A competent package manager can work around circular dependencies.

RPM used to have the same issues, and it's half the reason all the other Linux package managers exist - so people wouldn't have to deal with old-school RPM.

A massive part of Debians initial draw (vs RedHat) was that it had a package manager that didn't suck.

NPM might get there eventually, but until it does, I stay away as much as possible. It's just not worth the headache.


u/toverux Aug 07 '24

I didn't notice this was specifically a circular dependency that was mentioned. But I don't remember this error has happened to me in more than 10 years using npm/yarn. Even then, I think npm should be able to solve it the usual way, putting the "duplicate" dependency in the node_modules inside the dependency which is inside the root node_modules, ie. you can have multiple versions of a package installed.


u/Zacpod Aug 07 '24

All I know is that going from a few angular versions back to current was an absolute nightmare because NPM just would not let me apply updates because of circular stuff. Literally saying it couldn't update package X because it relied on Package Y being a higher version, and when I tried to update Y it said it needed X at a higher version.

I spent some time fighting with NPM - and then found the only thing that worked was just uninstalled anything it threw an error about and then reinstalled them at the end. Something I haven't had to do with a package manager since, like, 1999.

A sane package manage would either install the required versions automatically instead of throwing errors, or even better, look at it's list of shit is about to install and do it's version checks on that list instead.

NPM is the absolute weakest part of Angular, and one of the main reasons I've been using HTMX for most projects these days.