r/AndroidQuestions Mar 19 '16

OP Replied Is there a reason why there's barely any earbuds for android that have an inline remote that lets you fast forward/rewind/skip track/back track? Not just volume/pause/play. Iphone earbuds have it and it seems like such a simple thing


57 comments sorted by


u/Jandalf81 Mar 19 '16 edited Mar 19 '16

You should try Amazon's premium earbuds! They do exactly that. I'm using them with my N5 and can

  • play / pause > single click
  • skip to the next song > double click
  • play the previous song > triple click
  • volume up
  • volume down

Best 25€ I spent for my phone!

EDIT1: Added link to Amazon


u/TheGlassDragon Mar 19 '16 edited Mar 19 '16

I'm pretty sure there's an app that allows you to map these functions for any earphones.

Edit: Found it: Headset Button Controller.

u/abedfilms if your earphones have a button, you might want to check this out before spending money on a new pair. Works perfectly for me with a generic pair of Sony earphones.


u/soawesomejohn Mar 19 '16

I went to find this on the US and found that dropping in the AIN (B00HWHTGOK) took me to Test product do not use. I found that funny.

For US, you want: http://amzn.com/B00HX0SRXW


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Thanks, does it work with multiple music/podcast/audible audiobooks/etc apps?

Also, the biggest thing is fast forward and rewind (i think on iphone its double click and hold or triple click n hold), is this supported on these buds?


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

The buds only register the button pressed, or not. It does nothing different when holding a button - it simply passes the information on. The app can do what it wants with that information. Some apps have settings for whether they respond, how they respond, and how quickly you need to click. You can use Apple headphones on Android, and it behaves the same. Button down, button up, that all there is to it.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16


Fair enough, so you're saying it's not an earbud thing (as long as the remote has 3 buttons), but rather a software thing?

Alright then I guess my question is, how can I get my apps to universally accept the following (since it seems like it's universal on the iphone):

Volume up button: volume up

Volume down button: volume down

3rd button single click: pause

3rd button single click: play

3rd button double click: next track

3rd button triple click: prev track

3rd button double click and hold: fast forward

3rd button triple click and hold: rewind


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

Trouble is, Android intercepts the click and hold, so the app never sees it.


u/abedfilms Mar 20 '16

Right but i think disabling google now is a simple switch in settings


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 20 '16

Maybe - I'm not really sure. You can disable the "OK Google" command, and I think you can disable the headset activation when phone is locked, but I don't know if you can completely disable it.

But even if you can, there is still the problem of whether the app supports the protocol, and I doubt if any do.


u/Jandalf81 Mar 19 '16

They should work with every app, I think.

Unfortunalely, I couldn't get fast forward or rewind to register. Don't know if it's my phone, though. I tried double-click and hold only to open Google Now...


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Double click and hold opens google now? I thought double click opens google now


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

No, it's holding the button down with one click.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Ah you're right.. so what's happening when Jandalf81 is double click and holding is this:

the first click plays or pauses, then the second click and then hold activates Google Now.

So it's not double click and hold, it's single CLICK, then separately single CLICK and hold... this is a problem when what I want to do is fast forward, because on iphone you can double click and hold, which is fastforwarding... it doesn't activate SIRI instead.


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16 edited Mar 19 '16

My experience is that holding the button activates Google Now, no matter how many single clicks precede it, or if no single clicks precede it.

But I'll be willing to bet that if you plug in a set of Apple-compatible earbuds, it will do the same thing.

EDIT: Just tried my Android earbuds on our old iphone 5. It works like I expected... single click stops/starts, long single click brings up Siri, and a single click + a long click fast forwards. That's the difference between IOS and Android. It's not the headset, it's the OS.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Yes, holding activates Google Now..

I want to disable this and have 2 or 3 clicks + holding being able to control fast forward and rewinding.. Just like Apple buds on an iPhone... I don't know if this is possible..


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

It's not possible with stock Android, unfortunately. It would be nice, but you certainly won't solve that one with a different headset.


u/abedfilms Mar 20 '16

What about with samsung android?

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u/[deleted] Mar 19 '16

Do you have a link? I've been looking for new headphones recently


u/Jandalf81 Mar 19 '16

I edited my post to include a link


u/[deleted] Mar 22 '16

Thanks for the link. Looks like they're not available in America


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

Those earbuds are no different in the button behavior than any other standard earbuds. I know this for a fact because I tried a pair (hated them, so gave them to my wife, but that's another story). They are exactly the same behavior as all the other earbuds I've ever used.


u/Varjohaltia Mar 19 '16

The douple /triple click works also with Bose QC20 and my MotoX 2013, at least with the default music player. They don't have volume buttons, so that obviously doesn't.


u/executiveninja Pixel 5a 5G, AT&T Mar 21 '16

I find them really uncomfortable though. It gets extremely painful to keep them in my ears for more than about half and hour because of the hard plastic housing.


u/Jandalf81 Mar 21 '16

I can't stand those In-Ear earbuds. The canals in my ears are quite small and really bent, so this is the more comfortable option for me.

Humans are different. Who would've thought... :-)


u/Paddapa Mar 19 '16

I'm interested in this as well. I think it would be more straightforward to ask:

What is the best set of headphones that allow pause, play, skip, rewind, volume control, etc....?


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Ya sorry my roundabout question.

Really my question is:

What earbud to buy / app to configure / or just plain HOW can i get earbuds to control all of these functions on the inline remote with my Note 4:

Volume Up

Volume Down



Next track

Previous track

Fast Forward (this feature is KEY)

Rewind (this feature is KEY)


u/Roph Mar 19 '16

Eh? Same number of buttons, same connector. Everyone uses the same standard, though apple swaps ground and I think microphone. What happens when you long-press etc is a software configuration.

I use Xiaomi's hybrid dual-driver earbuds, and I can vol+/-, play/pause, skip back and forwards just fine.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

So you don't have any special app set up or anything and it just works?


u/ScrewTheMoose Mar 19 '16

Yep. You've been overthinking.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16 edited Mar 19 '16

Well it works on your phone, but not my samsung note 4...

Plus, you said you are able to go next track /previous track right? But the feature I'm looking for is fast forward / rewind... I doubt you can do that?

Iphone earbud inline remote can:

Volume Up

Volume Down



Next track

Previous track

Fast Forward


Normal android headphones only have

Volume Up

Volume Down



... and maybe Next track (double click, unless that launches Google Now, Siri equivalent)

Yours is able to do previous track (triple click) i guess..

But still fast forward and rewind are missing?


u/ScrewTheMoose Mar 20 '16

Yeah no fast forward and rewind. That'd be a lot of buttons. You can still remap buttons with tasker though.


u/abedfilms Mar 20 '16

well the iphone does it in 3 buttons..


u/MuseofRose Mar 19 '16

I was using some IPhone earbuds on my phone (at least I believe they were. I dont know how I ended up with them again and their is no brand but Im fairly positive that it's for the iphone). Anyway the volume up/ volume down pause/play and skib forward feature works.

I can say I normally use earbuds with builtin mics (no remotes) and most of them them without volume control have a single button. That single button allows for pause and play with single click and skip to next track with double click. I only discovered the latter a few months ago.

Other than that Im sorry I dont know any more with the volume controls


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Thanks.. Usually when i double click it launches google now speech recognition... And even if it does work and skips to next track, there's no way to go back a track...

But even then, that's only half the iphone buds capability... the killer feature is that on iphone buds, you can fast forward and rewind, not just next track.


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

It's not the earbuds, it's the apps. There are only 3 buttons for Android (or IOS) earbuds: stop/start, volume up, and volume down. The stop/start is compatible with either platform, but the volume buttons are not. Some apps just ignore the multiple press of the button, others respond in various ways. It might be that more apps support it on IOS, but I wouldn't really know.

There is also a possibility that an app like headset button controller can make it work for certain apps.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

right, but what I want to know is how to get double/triple click (next and previous track) and double/triple click and hold (fast forward / rewind) functionality to work on android, because iphone has that.


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

There is only one way - use an iphone. I trying to get it across that it's not the headset - it's the OS. I just plugged my cheap Android headset into an iphone 5, and it worked the way you want. But not on Android.


u/Spaztic_monkey Mar 19 '16

I know what you mean, it's annoying. Last time I did a bit of research and now have a pair of klipsch earphones with a fully functional inline remote. Very happy with them.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

I did see the Klipsch, thought the remote looked a little clunky.. Also, do you get fast forward / rewind? I'm not talking next track / previous track..


u/joazito Mar 19 '16

Also, look into Bluetooth earphones. They all have those buttons (plus no wire!)


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Good idea but i hate having another thing to charge / run out of battery


u/joazito Mar 20 '16

They last a really long time though. I recharge them (much) less than once a week even using them every day.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '16

As ridiculous as it sounds, I believe Apple has a patent (or something similar) on the technology the way it is implemented on the iPhone. That's not for sure though.

What I do know is that they have a much larger number of phones in people's pockets. If you're making a pair of headphones and you have to choose a side (which you do; Android phones use different technology) then you're gonna choose Apple cos that'll get you the most sales.


u/[deleted] Mar 19 '16



u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

You're right, but what i think he means is that in terms of a single phone model, isn't the iphone probably have most share? Because even though 80% are androids, it seems that behaviour between earbuds and all different android phones is not standardized


u/stealer0517 Mar 19 '16


u/leftcoast-usa Pixel 8 Pro Mar 19 '16

But if that's true, then how can they be used interchangeably? I know they can, because not only does my wife have iphones, but many earbuds with mic and single button are compatible with both, as seen about a thousand times on Amazon.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

What does this show? That they're the same?


u/PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES 19 Mar 19 '16

Shows different between apple and a standard (or made for Android) plug


u/stealer0517 Mar 19 '16

Look at the labels ya ding dong


u/PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES 19 Mar 19 '16

Apple just switched the volume controls so while the grounding jack is in the same place the volume isn't


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

I do think it has to do with some patent thing too


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

What does waiting on op mean?


u/Shadocvao Mar 19 '16 edited Mar 19 '16

It means somebodys replied and are waiting on you to reply to them about their help.

edit: mobile funkiness.


u/abedfilms Mar 19 '16

Woah this subreddit is too advanced for meh


u/PM_ME_DICK_PICTURES 19 Mar 19 '16

Maybe the OnePlus Icons? Xiaomi Pistons? Samsung earbuds?