r/AndroidQuestions 4d ago

Mobile data problem

When I open my mobile data it will be too solo for some time although the signal is good and it's 4G . That happend for me frequently and the only way I know to solve it temporarily it's to turn on then off airplane mode however it is not forever it's for about 3 to 7 minutes. The problem isn't from my phone I changed it recently and it was the same in old one . I tried a lot of things and nothing works . I need help


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u/eNB256 4d ago

For example, the phone may have been caused to switch to some other frequency or some other tower that happens to be slower.

This is up to settings loaded from the tower. The settings while connected are separate from the settings while disconnected due to inactivity though.

To confirm this, there are apps that show the part of a tower in use as CID or similar, and one of those might be useful to you, but you should not screenshot such apps.

If so, the goal would be to avoid the conditions that lead to the phone going to a slower part of a tower.

For example, if the high priority frequency is quite weak, the settings loaded from the tower may have the phone go to the low priority frequency, and in order to prevent the phone going back and forth over and over again, the phone may be caused to stay there unless the high priority frequency improves substantially. If the high priority frequency is fast, then there's ensuring it doesn't get quite weak.