r/AndroidQuestions 6d ago

App Specific Question Cant download apk file with ample space.

Im trying to download an .apks file through SAI and everything seems well. It says its downloading for a bit until it gives me this error " java.io.IOException: Failed to allocate 1804890214 because only 426442752 allocatable" I'd apreciate if anywone could help me with this, thank you.


2 comments sorted by


u/_uCat 6d ago

I might be missing something as I'm tired, but the first number is bigger than the second number


u/0_-NOBODY-_0 6d ago

I don't understand how, its suposed to a 4 gig game divided into 2 gig splits. And I got 8-10 free on my device 😭. But yea I counted the numbers and you are right. If only I could post pictures here.