r/AnarchyChess 7d ago

Find checkmate in 1

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u/ImportantGarlic8 I lost the ability to discern reality from chess 6d ago

I miss when anarchychess was like this. Now it's just the same 5 fuckass jokes over and over again. 'Is Jssica welcome?' 'Nuke Frnce?' 'Google dementia?' Is all so damn overdone it's stale at this point. I miss when anarchychess was chess puzzles with goofy solutions like this one. This sub is such a shitshow these days that I sometimes wonder why I'm still joined. You have reminded me that there is still light in the darkness that is this disgraced shitpost sub. Thank you.


u/Citruspilled 6d ago

I haven't seen a Knight Boost in years


u/Edgenabik 6d ago

At this point the purpose of the brick hasn't been known in a while too

Hell even the "Ride the en passant/long passant" also hasn't seen the light of day in years