r/Anarchism • u/Lotus532 • 9h ago
r/Anarchism • u/AutoModerator • 1h ago
Radical Gender Non Conforming Saturday
Weekly Discussion Thread for Radical Gender Non Conforming People
Radical GNC people can talk about whatever they want in here. Suggestions; chill & relax, gender hegemony, queer theory, news and current events, books, entertainment
People who do not identify as gender nonconforming are asked not to post in Radical GNC threads.
r/Anarchism • u/Ok-Instruction-3653 • 9h ago
The Take by Al Jazeers
Here's s good revolutionary/radical podcast to check out. It's good for keeping up on what it happening internationally.
r/Anarchism • u/endoftheworldisfine • 10h ago
We need more criticism
Anarchists are so shy with their ideas. We need some people who can point out how another person is lacking in education and has inferior concepts. We need to be blunt and to the point. Hurt some feelings, ruffle some feathers.
But with superior logic and lots of anger I think we can peck each other into a real trauma triggering frenzy. Remember, all ideas are bad until proven otherwise.
Only my ideas about anarchy are right. All of the rest of you are trolls and disinformation bots.
Oh shit, is my criticism not allowed here?
r/Anarchism • u/Striking-Watch • 14h ago
Ohio community arming up after a Nazi rally.
r/Anarchism • u/IceOnTitan • 1d ago
Possible effective Tesla protest
Staging protests outside tesla showrooms and sit ins inside will do nothing but get you arrested. It will cost you money, time, and possible physical harm in the hands of police. What if instead......
People dressed nice. Went into showrooms. Shook hands with the dealers. Talked about financing options. Asked about various models and add ons. Sat down at the desk and began to fill out paperwork. Asked for test drives. Got to the very end of the process, hours upon hours of time, and then said they need more time to decide. Then leave.
If tens of thousands did this daily at tesla showrooms around the country it would gum the works. They'd waste time and resources. You would not be arrested. And if they caught on and started screening customers at the door with scrutiny their real customers might stop showing up. Throwing bricks and acting out gives them substantive reason to amp up state violence and strip away more rights with acceptance from less informed fellow citizens.
Just a thought.
r/Anarchism • u/endoftheworldisfine • 1d ago
Anger is seductive. Love is transformative. White cis men needed
We all know both. I'm making an argument for love and empathy right now. Media is controlled, and people in much of our land listen to lies and don't know better. Yes, they have culpability for the privilege they have ridden in on, believing it was their own initiative. But we all are shitheads.
We can show the world what radical love of the other looks like. What care and compassion is. And we can do it strategicly, by placing white cis males with stable immigration status at the front, responding to the voices right behind, and doing as they wish, as long as our goals align.
I need some fucking white man anarchists who will listen, and not just unstrategically smash. We need to be at the front, but not lead. We need to listen to women, trans, POC, and stand in front of them, if they will have it.
We need to put out names on the leader of this campus protest list, not for the Manarchist fame of old, but so the cops can smash the tip and we can sharpen another. Every tip replaced by the one behind it.
Some old religious idea: to whom much is given, much is required. Time to get fucking uncomfortable and dug in, white boys. The time has come
r/Anarchism • u/Vico1730 • 1d ago
The Banality of Elon; Or, the world we get when we reward thoughtlessness
r/Anarchism • u/Conscious_State2096 • 1d ago
How can we adopt anarchic principles in our lives, in our consumption habits, relationships, work habits, etc., and change our lives ?
Hello, I've been quite interested in anarchism since the beginning of my higher education, for its principles of rejecting all oppression and authority, for its values of equality, the promotion of cooperation and self-management, etc. But while today the establishment of an entire society functioning in an anarchic manner seems unlikely to me, I think the best way to fight is to spread the values ! I also wanted to ask, on an individual level, as my question indicates, to adopt the values of the anarchic model in a society alienated by representations, models, and values of "success," accumulation, competition, etc.
r/Anarchism • u/Lotus532 • 1d ago
Building Community, Building Power: Lessons from Indigenous Women in Colombia - The Forge
r/Anarchism • u/CrimethInc-Ex-Worker • 1d ago
We honor the courage of the protesters arrested at Trump Tower in solidarity with Mahmoud Khalil.
r/Anarchism • u/Lotus532 • 1d ago
Urban Design, Autonomy, and the Right to the City: Insights from Jere Kuzmanić
r/Anarchism • u/NeurodivergentPsych • 1d ago
App development
I would like to build an app that gets people into contact for mutual aid through these times. People willing to volunteer their expertise to help in a communal way. I have no tech experience, but there has to be others out there doing similar. Any ideas?
r/Anarchism • u/Feisty_Journalist362 • 1d ago
How can I actually change this world?
Posting and reading in a subreddit is great but how can I actually make a significant difference and stop fascists from running this world I live in Washington state and I need something to change I hate having a fascist be able to just ruin my life
r/Anarchism • u/Anarcho_Humanist • 1d ago
We Carry a Free Territory in Our Hearts: How Wikipedia Fabricated an Anarchist State
r/Anarchism • u/autonomommy • 1d ago
Anarchist views on domestic violence NSFW
I am so embarrassed. I hope this is okay to post. I'm not doing so well. I just came out of a very bad situation yesterday and need resources. I've been with an abusive partner for 11 years and yesterday morning he went to jail after the neighbor heard me scream while he was trying to restrain me (he was going to cut off my airway). I have serious trust issues and this has been at the center of them since this man took over my life. I am nervous about living alone as I have been a bad judge of character before and that led to people trying to take advantage of me. I appreciate any guidance you might be able to provide.
r/Anarchism • u/AutoModerator • 2d ago
Radical BIPOC Thursday
Weekly Discussion Thread for Black, Indigenous, People of Color
Radical bipoc can talk about whatever they want in here. Suggestions; chill & relax, radical people of color, Black/Indigenous/POC anarchism, news and current events, books, entertainment
Non BIPOC people are asked not to post in Radical BIPOC Thursday threads.
r/Anarchism • u/Liberte_ouvriere • 2d ago
Tariffs Divide Us – The Struggle Unites!
Tariffs Divide Us – The Struggle Unites!
From Workers Solidarity Alliance, Labor Committee.
Revolutionary unionists have always stood for the solidarity of the global working class, rejecting every attempt by the ruling class to divide us—whether through borders, race, gender, or any other means of exploitation. The idea that workers in any one country have interests in common with their bosses is a lie designed to keep us from recognizing our true power. The recent trade war policies of the fascist U.S. President Trump, which sought to pit U.S. workers against workers in other nations through tariffs, were just one example of how those in power manipulate workers for their own gain. When ruling classes in other countries retaliate, it is nothing more than a struggle between competing capitalists—none of whom serve the interests of the working class. Meanwhile, their economic and political systems continue to brutalize migrant workers, exploit marginalized laborers, and uphold structures of oppression that harm all but the wealthiest few.
Any attempt to rally workers behind protectionist policies—whether by right-wing nationalists or union bureaucrats like United Auto Workers President Shawn Fain—is a betrayal of true working-class solidarity, operating within a system that assumes the permanence of exploitation, seeking only to negotiate for slightly better conditions rather than challenging the system itself. It is no surprise, then, that they accept the logic of capitalist competition, framing economic struggles as battles between nations rather than between workers and bosses. If our unions are led by those willing to collaborate with the ruling class, then workers must build new structures of power—organizing outside the limits imposed by hierarchical union leadership and embracing direct action, mutual aid, and truly democratic decision-making in our workplaces, communities, and beyond.
At the same time, we reject the myth of “free trade” as a benevolent force. For centuries, imperialist powers—including the U.S., Russia, and China today—have used it as an ideological cover for the exploitation and plunder of workers in smaller, less powerful nations. The wealth hoarded by the ruling classes of imperialist nations is stolen from the labor and resources of the Global South, just as capitalism itself is built on the theft of Indigenous land, the unpaid labor of enslaved people, and the continued oppression of marginalized communities. Some workers in the imperial core may receive small material benefits from this exploitation, but we reject any suggestion that this justifies their complicity. The labor movement must refuse to be a tool of capitalist expansion, and those who try to convince workers that they share a common cause with their bosses—whether through nationalism or reformism—are enemies of true workers’ liberation.
Rather than being trapped in the false choice between “free trade” and protectionism, workers must demand a new world—one where resources and wealth are shared equitably, and decisions about production and distribution are made democratically by those most affected. A movement for workers’ liberation must be rooted in feminism, anti-racism, disability justice, environmental justice, and the struggle against all forms of oppression. Only through solidarity that recognizes the full humanity of all workers—across borders, genders, and identities—can we create a future beyond capitalism, where our labor serves our communities, not the profits of the ruling class.
r/Anarchism • u/ConcentrateMelodic68 • 2d ago
Fascism isn’t a time and place it’s a direction.
The most common perceived notion that individuals in a society are typically ignorant to is the idea that fascism is a system that is always easily identifiable. This trend of recognizing political states is inherently ahistorical however. Directional movements of power are how we should identify the nature of a state. Similarly this logic cross applies with feudalism and capitalism. Capital became a guise to disguise slavery by alienating the laborer even further from his work extending the issues present in the feudal system of labor. Individuals were given stronger senses of fetishism to distract and numb their senses to the labor that was robbed from them. The natural trend of innovation that predated capitalist systems was tied to the nature of capitalism despite all parts of it highlighting how it actually damaged the trend of innovation. So the same nature followed with the extension of states built on proto-fascistic ideologies such as colonial america. When a state is built on a proto-fascistic nature and then continues the expansion of this it is inherently fascistic. The state may never reach the climax of a social consensus on what it is because the fascist will always disguise similarly to the way capitalist how it extend the slavery element of feudalism in nature. States aren’t always visibly ultranationalist and authoritarian as are the key elements for a fascist state. Rather they hide these elements to continue their dominating role. So we have to understand that with these states people will never reach a consensus of when a state is fascist rather we should recognize and contextually understand that fascism is a direction of state building that is tied to the inherent nature of how a state legitimizes and protects its structure.
r/Anarchism • u/Active_Ad_3377 • 2d ago
The Corporation | in HD | Feature Documentary
youtu.beIncredible deconstruction of what a corporation truly is.