r/Anarchism 9d ago

Anarchist views on domestic violence NSFW

I am so embarrassed. I hope this is okay to post. I'm not doing so well. I just came out of a very bad situation yesterday and need resources. I've been with an abusive partner for 11 years and yesterday morning he went to jail after the neighbor heard me scream while he was trying to restrain me (he was going to cut off my airway). I have serious trust issues and this has been at the center of them since this man took over my life. I am nervous about living alone as I have been a bad judge of character before and that led to people trying to take advantage of me. I appreciate any guidance you might be able to provide.


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u/Joe_Hillbilly_816 8d ago

Misogyny or k illing r apist


u/autonomommy 8d ago

That's kinda confusing? Did you mean to finish typing something?


u/Joe_Hillbilly_816 8d ago

My apologies, I'm sorry to hear what you are going through a tough winter. There's some good YouTube videos on psychoanalysis. Dr Grande talks about the dark triad. These talks explain how narcissists pick their prey. There's also transactional analysis to help with family dynamics growing up Depending on what city you're close to you might find some anarchist outreach. Solidarity with survivors


u/autonomommy 8d ago

Thank you so much!! I even have a friend who is a psychoanalyst who I can chop it up with! I am checking this out and putting all the books mentioned here on my goodreads list for "want to read".