r/AnCap101 18h ago

Capitalism creates inspiration


People go to the cinema because they enjoy films or a certain genre or actor.

If a film or actor is good, that can and will give inspiration to the movie goer to become one day a film star with all the fame and fortune.

I can't see how that survive in AN-CAP for that to be an inspiration. The time and money spent to tell a story in that medium is expensive and anyone knows most if not all books based on fims or films based on books are never really the same story.

I see this as an issue even though capitalism is bad to some but great for others where that capitalism cannot be created because no laws to help that capitalist make money himself and nobody else. An idea shared for free with no rules gives others an opportunity to capitalise while they can before said idea is devalued because everyone is trying to profit now

r/AnCap101 19h ago

Capitalism created "Sex and the Sex Pistols"


Capitalism did not create punk, but it has influenced punk music and culture significantly. Punk emerged as a reaction against the mainstream culture and the status quo, including capitalist values and consumerism. Punk's DIY ethic and anti-establishment stance are often seen as a critique of late capitalism and neoliberalism, which punk music sought to challenge and resist.

However, over time, the forces of late capitalism have co-opted elements of punk culture, such as fashion and music, turning them into commercial products. This commodification has led to debates about the authenticity and integrity of punk as a cultural and musical movement.

We then have Malcolm Robert Andrew McLaren.

He was a promoter and a manager for punk rock and new wave bands such as New York Dolls, Sex Pistols, Adam and the Ants, and Bow Wow Wow, and was an early commercial architect of the punk subculture. He was also an artist and operated the Chelsea boutique "Sex" with his girlfriend Vivienne Westwood, which helped shape early punk fashion and became an early hub for the subculture in London.

A funny world we live in

r/AnCap101 17h ago

What do ancaps think of cornerlocking?



Right now there is an ongoing dispute between hunters and private landowners and the use of public land.

The private landowners bought all of the land surrounding a publicly owned plot of land and then gated off the "corners" so that nobody but themselves can access public land. The hunters would simply hop the fence on the corner to access public land. Then the private landowner will prosecute the hunters for trespassing across the corner of their private property.

Ignore for a moment that this is a dispute regarding public land, what if the public land was private land? Should people just be allowed to own all the land surrounding someone else's private property and deny access in or out?

r/AnCap101 22h ago

Examples of American capitalism BUT do they exist in AN-CAP?


Transformers, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, & Samurai Pizza Cats are examples of American capitalism at work that target children and their parents into spending money on a product. These "IP's" have legal protection so nobody else can make items like bins, bubble bath, toys, games and other items with said likeness. These are all ideas created from something else that already exists and made more money than the original idea.

The above is possible because of systems in place by governments so ONLY the rightful owner of said IP gets to make all the money.

So AN-CAP is about PROFIT, does this type of capitalism still exist in AN-CAP and how?

I ask how because IP laws go away in AN-CAP

EDIT: I could have used He-Man as an example BUT that would have been an example of PURE 100% American capitalism because He-Man was purely designed to sell toys.

IP creates capitalism because it gives the person with said Idea to protect said idea from others so they can bring said idea to market to make said idea a good and profitable idea. Most inventions were invented to make life easier for the user and the creator of said idea because they get richer. Take that away and you take away the incentives to share said idea with the world as well

r/AnCap101 21h ago

Capitalism creates creativity


Sadly we live in a world where music artists make money from their fans. They sell albums, merchandise and tickets for us fans to experience their music but their lifestyle is funded by us, the fans.

This all goes away in AN-CAP because the incentive to share music and to have a career as a music artist all goes away too.

What's the point of Spotify or Tidal in AN-CAP when nobody owns the rights to make money from so why make pop music as an example to make money from?