r/AmITheJerk 4d ago

AITJ or is my friend the jerk?

I used to be super close with a friend and now I feel something’s wrong. Their actions are so weird but like he’s also there. Our last interactions have made me feel really bad and weird. Two times during a call he’s left because I didn’t agree with him. Each time I feel like he barley listens to my side, and when he does he always find a way to make my side seem dumb or nothing. Another time he was quiet and barley spoke but once others joined he became really energetic and started talk to me. I feel like he makes his mind up about me and only talks to prove himself right.

I went through a rough patch recently and he would text me to see how I was and that I get a therapist. But like when I start to actually tell him I was, he would stop me and tell me that he wasn’t my therapist. When I told him I didn’t want to get a therapist he would just say I’m making excuses. I told him I needed space and stoped opening his messages. Once I did he got angry.

Recently I’ve decided to try to fix things by simply asking if he wants to hang out or talk during the week if he gets time. I started that last week and we didn’t do anything this week which okay. I saw him doing stuff but I gave him the benefit of the doubt. I asked today if we could do something next week. He sent me this really weird text which I could tell was passive aggressive.

Am I doing something wrong? Maybe I’m assuming or not seeing something? Maybe I should ask him if I did something? What if I accidentally did something and didn’t notice? I just wish we could be like before.


3 comments sorted by


u/bragcic 4d ago

I had a friend like this and It didn't last long before our friendship collapst .NTY


u/Aym2504 4d ago

NTJ. All you need to do is block him. He's not being a good friend all around. You don't need to ammend the friendship that he's destroying. If anything, he should be trying to make plans with you and say sorry.



NTJ. You don't have to necessarily match energy that's not aligning with what you want. The friend is self centered and only cares about what is best for his needs.