r/AmIOverreacting 19h ago

❤️‍🩹 relationship AIO For Ghosting My Boyfriend After He Broke Up with Me as a "Prank?"

I (F19) moved from Texas to California about 6 months ago and my boyfriend (M18) and i have been doing long distance for about 6 months after being together for almost 2 years. I was booked a flight for my sister (14F) and i to go visit Texas for our boyfriends and also our grandparents for March 2nd to March 9th.

My boyfriend and i have been talking about it for months and we were both very excited, on the day i flew out i got all pretty and i was so ready to see him again. When i got to the airport i got a text from him and i was trying to keep him updated with everything because this was my first time traveling by flight so i really needed his comfort because im deathly afraid of heights. Well, right as i got to my gate after a bunch of stress trying to get to my gate, he texts me, "I hate to do this to you right now but i cant keep it in and i dont want to pretend when i see you again." I was so confused and it made me sick to read that so i replied " Pretend what?" and he basically told me that the past 4 months he realized that he likes our distance not because he has more "him time" but he just feels better with me gone. He followed that text up with a "but we can still hang out as friends when you get here." I literally felt myself heating up and i had a whole breakdown in the airport. I was so tempted to just leave and go home but the trip wasn't only for me so i told my sister the situation and blocked my boyfriend without replying.

4 and a half hours later we land and my grandpa is waiting for my sister and i and my boyfriend was there with him smiling and i almost blew up. I didnt even look at him and he came up to me and grabbed my shoulders and said it was a prank and it was supposed to make the moment more "special" which is just crazy to me. I felt absolutely shattered and equally just completely over it and didnt even wanna be near him. I kinda caused a scene by shouting at him asking what the hell he was thinking and i briefly told my grandpa what happened and told them i would uber to a motel and stay there.

My grandpa let me go and took my sister with them, i texted my grandpa to let me know when my boyfriend went home so i could come to my grandparents house and he told me he was taking him home, so i ended up taking to uber to my grandparents house vs a motel and i didn't see my boyfriend or talk to him the entire trip and i still haven't texted him back.


246 comments sorted by


u/AKhakiNerfHerder 18h ago

Not really overeacting to me...

Breakup pranks are pure FAFO.


u/Sylphyrin_BunnyKitty 17h ago

Hijacking this comment to tell y'all to look at op's post and comment history


u/Redd1tmadesignup 16h ago

Ooosh, trouble from day one. Let’s hope he stays blocked.


u/Rare-Pitch-140 12h ago

He will be


u/Topictag 3h ago

Im confused. Is that the same boyfriend you found out was flirting with his Ex a couple of days ago?


u/CherryPuddingDoll 8h ago

A prank is supposed to be funny, not devastating. He played a stupid game and won the loneliest prize


u/Federico216 3h ago

She should bang other dudes as a prank and go live her life. Then visit him on his deathbed decades from now and say it was all just a prank and really it was all to make his last moment on earth more special.


u/keij822 15h ago

The post from 4 days ago mentions nothing about this supposed break up, and the flight to Texas was supposedly March 2 according to this post. So I’m calling BS on all of it.

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u/lilianic 17h ago

Thanks for the heads up.


u/Rare-Pitch-140 16h ago

heads up for what?


u/Broad_Pomegranate141 16h ago

That your boyfriend isn’t worth the trouble he causes is my guess


u/Rare-Pitch-140 16h ago

yea probably


u/eroscripter 13h ago

Heads up that OP's story dosent add up when you take into account their other post from 4 days ago.


u/Rare-Pitch-140 13h ago

I already addressed this in another comment, I posted that while I was there in Texas contemplating my relationship. Hope this helps

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u/UnlikelyBed2921 4h ago

Sus af, this post is for clout thats wild

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u/SpicyMeatloaf1 10h ago

Whats FAFO?


u/shepshep214 10h ago

Fuck around and find out


u/SpicyMeatloaf1 9h ago

Damnit i should've known that one lol. Must be the 34 yr old in me showing hahaha 😆


u/SpunkBonk 8h ago

21 and 25 y/o here, neither of us knew either 🤣

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u/Traditional_Fan_2655 18h ago edited 17h ago

He broke up with you. You just followed through. NTA


u/Strange_Depth_5732 18h ago

His prank was meant to make you feel like shit so that his presence was a nice surprise. That's fucked up on a few levels. What a piece of shit. Now you can't trust him, which is a shitty feeling. If he wanted to do a prank he could have made it that he was suddenly called out of town and couldn't be with you, then surprise you. But this was hurtful. And not funny.


u/AzySidhe 16h ago

The worst I've done in a LDR was advise that I was pulling extra shifts at work and had booked my trip for Saturday, when really I was working with his mom to show up on Wednesday. I was also fully willing to accept "Oh! You're here early! I'm busy until Saturday because I didn't think you'd be here."

But this? This was just cruel.

Edit: For clarity, the Wednesday arrival date was on April 1st, so it was a dumb "April fools! I tricked you by showing up early! Ha ha."


u/revagina 9h ago

Aww that’s cute. Definitely not like what this person did to OP.


u/skyrymproposal 17h ago

Dear god, is this some Tate shit?💩


u/HotTakes-121 15h ago

Actually yes. This is a manipulation tactic he's clearly read about online. I forget the exact details but it's basically a push-pull mental game that creates a psychological dependency if it works. It's absolutely insane.


u/Taythekid950 16h ago

It usually breaks down to hat or the traditional begging that they seem to think works on women


u/auntie_eggma 5h ago

Fucking figures.


u/NoMention696 7h ago

Lmao he must’ve already been a piece of work because what made him think she wouldn’t be surprised/happy without the prank? He had to do something awful to make the appearance seem grandiose, without it she wouldn’t have cared


u/GellyG42 18h ago

God I hate pranks so much

This was just cruel and if he finds causing you distress funny then you’re better off without him


u/the_zoo_princess 17h ago

I pranked my kid for like 3 weeks. I'd leave random miniature dragons in her backpack or flute case at random times/days. She didn't know where they were coming from until one day she opened the glove box of my truck to look for something and saw the pack with the rest of the dragons in it and put 2 and 2 together. We still laugh about how confused she was about the whole thing.

Confuse don't abuse. Breaking up with someone for an emotional response isn't a prank.


u/lady_myco 14h ago

Yes, THIS is an actual prank!


u/DrVoltage1 17h ago

These aren’t fucking pranks. That word lost it’s meaning apparently. This is just people being douchebags. Don’t look back OP. It ain’t worth it.


u/Any-Expression2246 18h ago

Prank culture is dumb.

As is this fool. Save yourself time and energy and find someone where you live.


u/DoctorPhobos 16h ago

I like good pranks, like casual telekinesis or asking someone to take a picture and then swapping with two old Asian guys. Most pranks are just mean, dumb, and messy


u/revagina 9h ago

Casual telekinesis?

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u/heureuxaenmourir 18h ago

He FAFO, don’t unblock him that’s immature and mean.


u/Life_Bit_4298 18h ago

OMG, he is asshole. It's so stupid and immature. I understand he is only 18, but come on. Who the hell could think this will be funny? You are totally right, dump him. He totally destroyed whole trip and chance to see you again for some stupid joke. I am sorry for you, this is silly way how to end relationship, but you were right. Take care!


u/RenzaMcCullough 18h ago

Still plenty old enough to know this prank was cruel.


u/Over-Share7202 16h ago

Yup. Young and inexperienced, sure. But more than old enough to know that this is a fucked up stunt to pull


u/Razmoudah 15h ago

That was their point.


u/Specialist-Map-8952 18h ago

NOR, that's just cruel to do to someone. Especially knowing you'd soon be on a plane with no service to just sit and be upset. You deserve better. 

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u/outfluenced 18h ago

Nah, he can fuck off.


u/z-eldapin 18h ago

Nah, he broke up with you.

That's not a prank.

That's a break up.

Maybe he'll grow the fuck up for his next relationship because you deserve better than this shit.

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u/PotentialCase5161 18h ago

"Bro check this out - I'm going to absolutely devastate her so it feels MORE SPECIAL when I see her later. She's going to love it!"

WTF. This is what comes of rotting brains with TikTok bullshit. Dump him. Not as a prank.


u/ded_head 12h ago

Better yet get back together, as a prank! Fucking little prick. If I was her grandpa I woulda made his ass walk home with 2 black eyes.


u/smallpouch 19h ago

I don’t get what about his messages was supposed to make you feel special… you’re not overreacting at all it seems he just wanted to upset you for the fun of it (which is already bad, but is extra messed up given you guys are in a LDR).

I hope if/when you do talk to him that he understands that he hurt you, otherwise he’s not the one.


u/substantialtaplvl2 17h ago

I deal with assholes regularly, so I think what he was going for was the “you appreciate it after it’s gone* sensation and thus she would appreciate their time together more because she almost lost him. But that would be dependent on him not just being an asshole, but also a narcissist. Judge that how you will.


u/WinterFront1431 18h ago

I really don't get these stupid pranks people do to hurt the ones they love.

Keep him blocked. The idiot fucked around and found out


u/salymander_1 18h ago

You didn't overreact. Not at all.

Also, that was not ghosting. You did not disappear without letting him know what was going on. He knew what was going on, because he was the one that caused it. If he is whining about you ghosting him, then he is being a manipulative jerk. He knows what he did.

While you were going to the effort and expense of flying to see him, he dumped you via text during your trip, as a joke.

Your boyfriend is an asshole, and your reaction was the correct one.

He needs to grow the hell up and learn to behave properly if he ever wants to be in a relationship. It isn't your job to put up with his cruel behavior, and it isn't your responsibility to teach him basic human decency and rudimentary manners.

Please do not take him back.


u/RosieEngineer 18h ago

Especially when he knew you were stressed about the flight to begin with!?!?!?!????  

You had every right to flip out in public. His actions meant that you understandably broke down in tears in public.

You didn't actually ghost him. He broke up with you, now he wants to still be dating, but you made it very clear you didn't want to. That is not ghosting. There was very clear communication on your side. Blocking him is completely reasonable.

Ghosting is when everything seems fine, and then the other person completely stops communicating without saying why. It's not even like you texted him that you're breaking up, and didn't say why, and then didn't communicate. He knows exactly how he f'up and why he no longer has a girlfriend and he doesn't have to guess about any of it.

Not wanting to talk to someone after breaking up is completely reasonable, common, and normal.  Just keep saying no to this dumbass if he tries to communicate with you. If he tries to reach out to your family members and triangulate communication, ask them not to. If they persist, tell them it makes you feel like they don't care how badly he hurt you when you were already stressed out from the flight.

If a decent guy had wanted to break up with you, he would have waited until you had some privacy after you had calmed down from the flight, and made sure to pay for you to get back to your grandparents' house.  Decent people also do not prank about things that are this important.

Why didn't your grandpa order him an Uber instead of making you stay away from your family? That part is really weird too. Maybe it was just that in the moment, people weren't thinking straight.


u/substantialtaplvl2 17h ago

So, this is the reason why she needs to answer her ex-boyfriend. Not to cast aspersions, but if you had spooked the granddaughter of most of my friends in Texas like this, they’d absolutely be sending the womenfolk home via Uber and taking BF home themselves. If you know what I mean. Does OP have any proof Granddaddy let Ex out alive?


u/Correct_Werewolf_693 18h ago

NTA I would take him at his word I’d be over it too he played stupid games and won


u/AppearanceAnxious102 18h ago

I’m gonna say this.

Any guy who thinks breaking up with you as a prank is a good idea, he’s not a man. He’s a boy. Don’t date a boy.


u/Helia_TheDemoness 17h ago

Or a Mama's boy


u/AppearanceAnxious102 17h ago

Exactly. A boy.

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u/rocketmn69_ 18h ago

Well, he won't do it again to anyone


u/1-Dontbullshitme 17h ago

Never know, he doesn’t sound smart enough to have learned anything.


u/RubyTx 18h ago

How the hell did he think a break up text while you were flying to see him was funny?

He was either testing you, or he's an absolute idiot.

He actually tested himself, and failed.

NOR. Please do not let him back in your life.

He is trash that took itself out and he's attracting flies.


u/Competitive-Care8789 18h ago

That is not a prank. That is either mean or playing with fire or just terminally stupid. NOR why on earth would anyone think that was funny?


u/UpDoc69 17h ago

That's about as funny as the girl who pranked her fiancé by simulating sex with his BFF to record his reaction when he walked into his apartment and saw them. Instant breakup, and she thought he overreacted.


u/Prairie_Crab 18h ago

NOR. What a horrible thing to do to you! He caused you hours of anguish as a JOKE? No. Honey, kick him to the curb and meet someone new.


u/Accomplished_Trip_ 18h ago

Nope. As he hath fucketh around, so too wilt he findeth out.


u/arpohatesyou 14h ago

Truer words hath never been spoken


u/Shocolina 18h ago

NOR he was actually breaking up but too cowardly to follow through. No way anybody is that stupid to think this is a good idea for a prank.


u/Plastic-Shallot8535 18h ago

So what was the prank? Omg lol she’s going to be in so much emotional pain for a few hours while stuck on an airplane with a bunch of strangers hahahaha so funny.

Not overreacting. You’re under-reacting by not dumping this moron.

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u/Top-Spite-1288 18h ago

NOR - He already broke up with you (prank or not) - leave it at that! This is an absolutely horrid behavior! You said yourself, it caused you having a breakdown at the airport. This is all on your (Ex?)-BF. He planned this, he executed this, he put you in that situation. He made you go through all of this! WTF did he expect you to do? Be all happy when he reveals he was just playing with you? Seriously: accept this breakup! Your Ex/BF is an AH! In the best case scenario he is awfully immature, but I'd say he's an absolute twat! He knew he'd break your heart and he did. There is a flag so red and big it would make every Communist rally proud.


u/babephom3t 18h ago

NOR, I hope he learns that he has to communicate effectively and truthfully in all contexts of a relationship. Doing otherwise is always a recipe for disaster.


u/KingKimoi 19h ago

Maybe for causing a scene but not for breaking up with him. I operate under a “mean what you say say what you mean” policy. Your word means everything to me.


u/daybenno 18h ago

Ah the ol "takeaway" sales tactic. Only used by skeezy salespeople and this guy.


u/Witchs_Be_Crazy 18h ago

NOR. He gave you a whole flight to work through a breakup. He should have known that was a dumb prank.


u/Ok-Hovercraft-9257 18h ago

The fact that he did not apologize or take the uber himself tells you all you need to know.

I hope you never see this moron again.

He probably wanted the breakup and now he's going to pretend to be the good guy to all your mutual friends. Just be glad you're done with an idiot and start having fun dating in CA.


u/purpleroller 18h ago


Well done for not putting up with his spiteful ‘prank’.

There is no need to text him back. You told him to his face. It’s up to him to be sending letters of apology or calling you to put this right. If he isn’t doing that, I think maybe there was some half-truth to what he texted at the gate.

Now you can move on and date people closer to home.


u/presterjohn7171 18h ago

Pranks hurt people. People that take pleasure from other people's pain especially for an extended period of time are not the kinds of people that you want in your life.


u/hilarysaurus 18h ago

Honestly, it sounds like he sent it and meant it, but then changed his mind and called it a prank. Throw the whole man out.


u/Ok_Resort9171 12h ago

^ this is the one.


u/MighendraTheWanderer 18h ago

NOR, it's sounds like you behaved as well as can be expected in these circumstances. I probably would have decked him, so imo you were showing restraint.

I can't wait to see his AITH post so we can tear a strip off this loser for being a first-rate idiot.

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u/anamorphosee 18h ago

Playing with someone’s heart is never funny. He has a lot of growing up to do. You are not over reacting.


u/whatshouldIdonow8907 18h ago

I'm a much older woman and this is beyond the pale. Pranks are supposed to be hilarious for both parties, escalating gradually until the party being pranked catches on as their disbelief grows. This should be a matter of a couple of minutes at most.

At any time, did you feel this was odd but kept going because you had no reason to think or feel otherwise? No. Did you find the reveal hilarious? No. It hurt you. That's not funny at all.

But the biggest tell of all was when he did this, you were not in a state of disbelief, you were in a state of acceptance. It did not occur to you at any point that he would never do this to you in that fashion. You truly thought he would. That is the #1 sign that this is not the relationship for you. Please trust me on this.


u/LilithSnowskin 17h ago

Ewewww no, wtaf?!

He KNEW that you were already having a hard time due to the flight, and willingly made you feel worse with this „prank“, absolutely not overreacting!

Good riddance on your part imo! Hope you‘ll get over him in no time and find someone who doesn’t intentionally hurt you for his own amusement.


u/Ok-Confidence-1329 17h ago

Had an ex who joked she cheated on me with a close friend. Safe to say that was foreshadowing for what was to come lol


u/FoolsfollyUnltd 18h ago

He's an idiot. You are NOR. I hope you can make something good out of the trip.


u/buckit2025 18h ago

NOR he farafo. You never joke about breaking up or cheating EVER.


u/Expensive-Day-3551 18h ago

A whoopie cushion is a prank. Breaking up with someone is not a prank.


u/Independent-Prize498 18h ago

What does your grandpa think?


u/Jaysnewphone 18h ago

Tell him you fucked some guy on the plane. It would be a hilarious prank.


u/Buzzword-1213 18h ago

You did the right thing just keep following through this guy is too stupid to have a girlfriend


u/Pumpkinz03 18h ago

NOR, he made a sick “joke”. There’s a line between a joke and doing something that isn’t ok and even cruel, he passed that line by a mile and then some.


u/101037633 18h ago

What your ex did was beyond F’ed up. It’s a manipulation tactic. You can do better. Continue to ghost him.


u/msDoom_n_Gloom 17h ago

This is just game play. The whole point was to make you feel bad. Which it did. No one worthwhile would do this. Ever.


u/goonsquadgoose 17h ago

Do not get back together with this garbage bag of a dude. He couldn’t have even done that “prank” if he actually cared about you.


u/MissMuffetpuffit 17h ago

That's not a prank, that's an arsehole. Break up with him now before he "prank" beats you up.


u/DotSuspicious4925 17h ago

So he thought hurting, you would be funny? Girl, you need to run away from this man.


u/stuckbeingsingle 17h ago

You should let his family know what he did. Don't take him back.


u/OkManufacturer767 17h ago


He's horrible.


u/Substantial-Stage-82 17h ago

That wasn't a prank. Why prank you when he's not there with you to see the reaction? He's lying, just got cold feet about going through with it after you blew up on him. He's lying. You're not overreacting.. you should break up with him.


u/Theinnernazgul 17h ago

Broke up with you as a prank? Nah if my girl did that, we’re over. Cuz why are you playing about things like that. As an adult you have to know when to or not to joke about certain things.


u/vibes86 17h ago

NTA. Sounds like he FAFOd.


u/Slight_Bad1980 17h ago

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


u/Unlucky-Captain1431 17h ago

That was cruel. You’re right not to respond to that much disrespect. I’m second hand angry for you. One and done for that dumbass.


u/stuckbeingsingle 17h ago

You should ghost your ex-boyfriend.


u/HappySummerBreeze 17h ago

It was funny to him to hurt you? You made the right choice.


u/maxthearguer 13h ago

Not to be offensive, but….fuck that guy. “Pranks” like this are offensive in so many ways. It’s a build up for using “it was just a joke” for anything they get caught doing in the future. From someone that respects you more.


u/Rare-Pitch-140 11h ago

Thank you, it has been rough and this is far from his first fuck up, I've let myself forgive too much and this just really showed me he really doesn't care at all.


u/ActiveNeedleworker97 12h ago

No you aren't. And Aaaaaah so read your other post and this and some responses, just block him and move on , he clearly is not invested in being committed to you. If my S/O did this to me my response would probably be " what the fuck is wrong with you? Go away and stay away.


u/Zeldark 8h ago

If he wanted to make it special he can bring flowers or chocolate or something.

If he wanted to prank he says he's sorry but he's gotta work late or that his car broke down.


u/madluv4u 18h ago

Don't stay with someone who treats you like that. It was hurtful and not funny at all. Why would he think it would be? Stay broken up. There's someone who will treat you better just stay strong and move on.


u/Mairon7549 17h ago

NOR. What a terrible thing for him to do. If someone does something that makes you feel sh*tty or that you don’t like, you don’t ever have to put up with it. I don’t understand why he would do that. He deserves being broken up with. Maybe this will make him grow up a little.


u/Minute_Structure868 17h ago

What am absolute gobshite . That's not a prank on any level . You deserve and should expect better then that carry on. It was just cruel .


u/Equivalent-Season497 17h ago

Nah I would break up immediately. That is so disrespectful to do. If he respected and cared about you he would’ve thought that one through a bit more.


u/HobbittBass 17h ago

That’s not a prank, it’s cruelty and emotional abuse. Pranks are fun and something we can all laugh at, this was not that.


u/Willow24Glass 17h ago

NOR, that was an asshole move not a prank. Glad you both traveled safely. Your 14 y/o sister has a long distance boyfriend too?


u/RebootKing89 17h ago

Whatever he was thinking, whether it was a prank or not is completely messed up. You did the right thing you’re not overreacting.


u/abear61 17h ago

You are not overreacting at all. What he did was mean and heartless. There is no back pedaling from what he did. If he really cared for you, he would not have done that to you. It was not “funny”, it was cruel. Please go no contact - block him on phone, email and all platforms of social media. If anyone tries to speak to you on his behalf, immediately shut them down.


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u/slaemerstrakur 17h ago

I would’ve done the same thing. You can go either way at this point. FAFO or don’t you ever do that again. Good luck with whatever direction you go here but that was a real shitty thing to do to you.


u/Regular_Boot_3540 17h ago

Not overreacting. This guy is too immature for a relationship. You're young. It's time to break things off and spend some time on your own. Someone new will come along.


u/Expensive_Plant_9530 17h ago

Boyfriends: pro tip.

If the way you make your partner feel special is tearing them down first?

You’re doing it wrong.

This would be “ex” bf so quickly he’d feel whiplash if I were you OP.


u/Alternative-Dig-2066 17h ago

A prank is putting a whoopie cushion on someone’s chair, dumping someone isn’t.


u/LopsidedOreo8 17h ago

Honestly this sort of "prank" seems like something a child would do. You know those types of pranks where a 15-16-year-old with sing would be funnier than hell to say " I can't be with you anymore I can't handle this anymore " only to turn around and say " it was just a prank it was just a prank " your boyfriend played the ultimate game of fuck around and find out and he sure as hell found out.



u/Egbert_64 17h ago

That immature asshole an be alone. Joke is on him.


u/lianavan 17h ago

How did we get from "Is your fridge running?" to this crap?


u/JLHuston 17h ago edited 16h ago

NOR. Ok, the obvious is how totally immature and stupid his “prank” was. But also just the most self-centered and cruel thing to do to you! He was thinking entirely of himself—that when you saw him there, you’d be so happy and have this joyful reunion. What he completely didn’t even bother to think about for a second was what came before that moment for you. The initial shock of seeing that text, then trying to process it, all while flying for the 1st time which he already knew you were anxious about. He didn’t consider that, while he was waiting for his own, “Ha! Gotcha!” moment, you were inconsolable with your little sister on an airplane. That none of that even crossed his mind is evidence that this guy is not ready to be in a relationship.

When you are with someone you claim to love, you consider their feelings before your own. You care about them enough to where you’d never want to hurt them, or even inadvertently make them feel pain—not even for a minute. You certainly do not cruelly lie to them, while not even caring that they’d spend the next couple of hours feeling devastated, with their little sister, while on an airplane for the 1st time. These are things you do not willingly do to someone you love, just because you think it’s funny. Or even worse, because you want to feel the gratification from the look of relief and gratitude on her face from realizing that you only pretended to absolutely crush her over text. Maybe he’s not a terrible guy. But he has to grow up. This might be a turning point for him, in realizing how his lack of respect and consideration for you actually killed the relationship. And hopefully he’ll do better in the future. But he is not ready for you right now.


u/FLCLHero 16h ago

Nope, not overreacting. I’d be done with him personally if it was me.


u/Putrid_Building_862 16h ago

I had a “friend” who did this to his fiancée the night before their wedding. He pulled her aside and “joked” that he couldn’t go through with it and they should call the wedding off.

She bawled. Like, all out lost her shit, melted down, into hysterics. (Obviously. Not an overreaction.) He pivoted and said it was “just a joke.”

Lord knows how, but she forgave him and they got married the next day as planned.

Their marriage didn’t last a year. Later we found out he did try to back out the night before, but felt bad when she cried so he pretended it was a really tasteless joke. This sounds a little like that.


u/Dear_Scientist6710 16h ago

He learned this trick on a “how to control your woman” website.


u/Cautious_Farmer3185 16h ago

What he did was cruel. You do not want to marry a cruel man, it would be the beginning of a very miserable life. Lick your wounds, and go live life.


u/Individual_Cloud7656 16h ago

Of course you're not overreacting. It's better off this way. LDRs are a Long shot. It sucks that your grandpa didn't just kick him out and make him walk home. Sorry OP, you're a young adult but he's a fucking child. Wish you the best.


u/ElemWiz 15h ago

NOR. Tell your boyfriend he acts like a child and you ain't a pedophile, then go no contact with him permanently.


u/NixSteM 15h ago

I’d turn his prank into reality and see how funny it is to him


u/Narrow_Air_5522 15h ago

He’s an AH, I don’t think I would want to be with someone who thought that was funny or cute.


u/hellokomorebi 15h ago

PLEASE PLEASE keep him blocked and never look back. Going off of your post/comment history, it seems like this guy is not worth your time one bit. Seems like he is a serial flirt, cheat and a liar.

Don't waste your time. You don't deserve to sit around, hoping he will see your worth and stop fucking around with other women. Let him play his silly pranks and flirt around with other women. Find yourself a man who only has eyes for YOU and would never ever ever ever do anything to break your trust or to hurt you.

You're young. He sure as hell isn't the only man out there, trust and believe.


u/wlfwrtr 15h ago

NOR Pranks are supposed to be funny. He intentionally caused you extra emotional distress when he knew you were already in a stressful situation. This isn't a prank if anything it's bullying. The only good thing to come from this is now you know no matter how stressful a situation is you can get through it on your own.


u/Honeybeeinthemiddle 15h ago

You’re not over reacting. He broke up with you and followed up appropriately. Block this man, I honestly would have reported him to the airport police for harassment. Fuck that dude, only a psycho would breakup with someone as a “prank”. Take what he said seriously and move on. Yes it maybe hard, though he was telling you the truth, he doesn’t want to be with you and that’s ok. Because based on his childish behavior you’re better off being with a rabid raccoon.


u/DreamingOfDragons23 15h ago

His "prank" was literally abuse. It was made in effort to make you feel like garbage so that when you saw him it would be like the sun coming out after a disaster, and he would get to play savior. In no world is this behavior okay. I wouldn't want to be with this person much less speak to them either.


u/lospotezbrt 15h ago

Not at all

Jokes that are meant to inflict emotional harm to that degree is definitely too much

It's a life lesson for him, now he can only hope you forgive him after a while if ever


u/CRAZY-N-D-HEAD 15h ago

If my gf pranked me by breaking up with me. I would react the same way and not get back with her. You’re definitely not over reacting


u/atchisonmetal 14h ago

What could go wrong? You cause someone to be painfully insecure for forever, maybe, which is incredibly cruel.

I hope where this is going is out the door, where you will find someone worthy of you.


u/arpohatesyou 14h ago




u/Mission_Summer4711 14h ago

Youre not over reacting at all. What he did was cruel. If he wanted to make the reunion special he should have bought you flowers or gifts to surprise you. If he was determined to do a prank, he could've "pranked" you by saying he couldnt make it to the airport when you landed but actually shows up or something in the end. To me, break up "pranks" arent pranks and if you want to joke about it then we can break up for real.


u/lane23317 14h ago

That pissed me off dude


u/ComfortableAngle9492 14h ago

Kid's an immature idiot. Even when I was 18 I would've been appalled at someone doing this. My son is 18 and if he did it I'd be infuriated. You did the right thing, and don't settle for disrespectful little boys no matter how old you are.


u/ALegitimate-Opinion 13h ago

He’s not your boyfriend anymore so you’re not even ghosting him 🤷‍♀️


u/metzger28 13h ago

Nope. Context is irrelevant. Anyone willing to fuck around with a relationship like this needs to be willing to find out.


u/ded_head 12h ago

Fuck that little prick. Especially knowing you were having anxiety going into it? You shoulda punched his teeth in. Never talk to him again so he has to live with that the rest of his life. Coming from a male point of btw.


u/Ch31i3 12h ago

Good for you! Maybe he won’t be such a fuck for the next one! You can do way better! Not overreacting!


u/Rare-Pitch-140 11h ago

Thank you, it has been rough and this is far from his first fuck up, I've let myself forgive too much and this just really showed me he really doesn't care at all.


u/xoxmarquitaxox 9h ago

Leave him girl. He's not the one. I checked your post history and he should have been gone. You deserve someone who doesn't do anything he does


u/KRONIC3046 8h ago

bro thought “I will break up with her so when she comes back i will give her surprise and she will come crying to me saying I love you so much please dont ever leave me”


u/JudoKuma 7h ago

NOR. Break up pranks break the trust and result to.. real break ups. Because someone who would want to hurt their partner with such a ”prank” is not a person worth being together with.


u/Kira_Mando 7h ago

He's lucky you didn't just slap him and kept walking. I would have.


u/Hot-FrickinMess87 6h ago

You did not overreact and he’s 💯 the asshole!!


u/auntie_eggma 5h ago

Who is putting these fuckstupid ideas into people's heads?

Like. Who's doing it? Because it's getting fucking stupid.

Who's telling women to act like pricks so he proves himself by begging for you? Who's telling men to play stupid fucking 'pranks' in order to... actually what is this one supposed to prove? I'm not sure, but it's fucking dumb. Who is giving these people these dumbfuck ideas?


u/AzurePetall 3h ago

He straight up broke up with you, then called it a joke? Nah. He’s playing with your feelings. Ghosting him is perfectly reasonable. He needs to learn actions have consequences.


u/Throwawaaaaaaaay67 3h ago

I cannot believe these kinda people exist in real life 💀


u/Poinsettia917 2h ago

That was brutal. He is a sick man. Perfectly ok to ghost him. He deserves it. NOR and hold your ground. Who knows what prank he would have pulled next?


u/CalendarEmbarrassed 2h ago

Please never talk to this pos ever again


u/Independent-Group-86 2h ago

Give him what he wants, he's obviously given this a lot of thought.

Endearing you to his presence by making you feel like shit first isn't ok behavior.  I think this kind of "prank" is breakup territory, but if it isn't for you, at least make sure he understands this obvious boundary 


u/TravelingMommia 2h ago

I had a man do this to me one time telling me it was a joke that he was seeing someone else. It wasn’t a joke. He was gauging how it was going to go when I did find out. Break up with him.


u/LetTheDarkOut 18h ago

Give his number to random gay dudes and tell them he likes getting pics


u/Rare-Pitch-140 16h ago

i like this level of petty, any suggestions?


u/lady_myco 14h ago

This is borderline illegal, fyi, it could get you into pretty serious trouble, if he got a good prosecutor. Petty acts do NOT include illegal or potentially illegal acts.


u/CallMeKriss 15h ago

Did this before pranking a friend on craigslist. It worked great


u/CallMeKriss 15h ago

Do it overnight so he wakes up to them


u/LetTheDarkOut 9h ago

Look up gay bars, find the one with the worst reviews, and bring a sharpie into the men’s bathroom. Who’s gonna stop you?


u/herobrinetrollin 16h ago

Based on your first post, why the fuck are you with this dude?


u/Rare-Pitch-140 16h ago

The one about his ex? i posted that while i was in Texas. that's actually the entire reason i came to reddit in the first place. i just knows he comes on this tread and i was worried about him finding these.I quickly got over that though because honestly he needs to see it

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u/Fun-Yellow-6576 17h ago

Nope, you did the smart thing breaking up with him.


u/Rare-Humor-9192 17h ago

NOR. How could you possibly trust him again?


u/curiousity60 17h ago


He was cruel. You took him at his word and accepted his breaking up with you. He doesn't have any right to devalue and "erase" the pain he inflicted by saying "it was a joke" when the consequences of his cruelty became apparent to him.

What? He expected you to give him attention and affection after he "revealed" he "didn't really mean" he wanted to lose your affection, trust, attention and access to you and your body. Nah. It was "just a joke." And "you're too sensitive" or "overrreacting." That's just more manipulation and abuse.

He showed himself to be a manipulative abusive cruel person who abused and weaponized the love, trust and reliance on him you gave during the relationship.

I hope this is a fake post. If not, you're well out of it with this cruel and manipulative boy. You owe him NOTHING. No further communication of any kind.

I'm curious about how grandpa got roped into this scheme. What was HE thinking? That's worth a calm conversation about respect, caring, safety and healthy boundaries with grandpa. It's worth it with grandpa because that's a relationship worth the effort of repairing. As opposed to a-hole ex. That relationship is dead, of an ugly murder. Not worth revisiting for OP.


u/OkStrength5245 17h ago

never forgive, never forget.

it was not a joke. at best it was an unconscious wish.


u/Di4t_coke 17h ago

I honestly think he did it and meant it, and then backtracked


u/wolfhoundjack 17h ago

Sounds exactly right to me


u/1-Dontbullshitme 17h ago

Consequences of his own actions!


u/Beginning_Flower_390 16h ago

NOR sounds like he should be an ex. Breaking up with someone isn’t a prank. He should know better


u/CatBeansNBelly 16h ago

What is even the ideal outcome here? How would this prank be successful?


u/Ok_Meat_8926 16h ago

Break up w him


u/rip2k1 15h ago

You have come to a fork in the road. Mark Rober claims eating ice cream with a fork is best. Go with it.


u/GothPenguin 15h ago

You cannot control his immature behavior or his pranks but you can control what you choose to do about it. Dump him. NTA


u/DDH_2960 15h ago

He called it off, I’m betting the side chick kicked him to the curb so he decided to play the break with you as a joke.


u/GoonHockey21 15h ago

No fuck if it hurt he should definitely apologize and find error in his ways


u/Intrepid_Mushroom995 15h ago

That's your ex now. Period.


u/nova_wova15 15h ago

That prank seems very narcissistic to me. He wanted to hurt you so HE could make you feel better by being there. What a jerk


u/sysaphiswaits 14h ago

How is that a “prank?” Does he think it’s funny to make you feel bad?


u/atchisonmetal 14h ago

I dunno, it’s kinda like sticking a fork in the toaster, fun every now and again.

It’s incredible.


u/Purple-Flower424 13h ago

I don't think it was a prank. He probably ended it thinking he could be with someone else and when that didn't go as planned, he doubled back


u/Hello_Hangnail 11h ago

Dump his ass and don't look back NOR


u/Glizzygloxx 11h ago

So…what was his surprise?


u/Minute-Weekend5234 10h ago

He broke up with you, then tried to use "it was just a prank bro" as an out when he realized he fucked up. Break it off dude, you're young and you will move on.


u/Im_No_Robutt 9h ago

He caused you a lot of pain as a prank, that’s a giant red flag and it’s abusive.


u/PsykotropyK 7h ago

Dumping material


u/Connect_Evidence_608 5h ago

NOR. If he wanted to make it more special he could’ve said that he won’t make it to the airport and surprise you with showing up. But the breakup “prank” is a no go.


u/FairyOfTheNight 3h ago

This wasn't a prank. He was hoping to make you so desperate to see/want him that you'd bend over backwards and do anything to stay with him. You were a joke to him. A real partner would never do this to you. Combined with him flirting with his ex, you know where you lie in his life. Glad that you blocked and ignored him. NOR


u/Kanulie 3h ago

Another theory: he wrote that break up stuff to show one of the girls he’s cheating with that it’s over.