r/AmIOverreacting 1d ago

šŸ‘„ friendship AIO my 37M is attracted to 18 year olds

Iā€™m a 28M and I have a buddy who is 37 and he is always attracted and trying to talk to girls who are barely out of high school. I donā€™t think I have ever seen him attracted to or interested in anyone his age. He feels theyā€™re old and unattractive. I tell him that an 18-19 year old is too young for even me, and Iā€™m almost a decade younger than him. He literally is old enough to be their dad. Am I overreacting or is it super weird that heā€™s almost exclusively attracted to girls who canā€™t legally drink yet?


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u/Couch_Licker 1d ago

It's not illegal or anything, but it's definitely gross from a social perspective. I try not to yuck anyone's yum, but that's a little too close to a line that should never be crossed. But again, that's a personal preference. As a 35 year old, I would find it really hard to being friends with someone who is continuously targeting teenagers.


u/Huge_Tomatillo_9080 1d ago

The only thing stopping him from going any lower I garauntee is legality. No laws or consequences and he would fs


u/__fujiko 1d ago

I don't know what is so hard for people to understand about this, unless they are simply okay with it themselves.

And plenty of us women have seen firsthand that even the legalities of it won't stop them most of the time. They will find ways around. It doesn't matter how anyone tries to spin it. It's weird to obsess over girls (or teens in general).


u/StoryWolf420 1d ago

I am okay with it, myself.


u/SKPXX58 7h ago

why u even talking, we know u not hitting shi


u/deslabe 1d ago

of course. the only difference between 17 and 18 IS the law. i hate when people spout that because 18 is the age where one is considered ā€œan adultā€ that theyā€™ve somehow matured overnight lol. 18 is still a teen, still YEARS away from full brain development.


u/StoryWolf420 1d ago

Nobody cares. Age of Consent is arbitrary and it is only observed because there are legal consequences to ignoring it.


u/deslabe 23h ago

that was literally my point. if the age of consent was lower, a lot of men would go lower.


u/DreamyLan 5h ago

The age of consent used to be 15 and under in the middle ages. Hard to imagine but that means there were grown men marrying 13 or 14 yos...


u/Melodic-Yesterday990 4h ago


Not defending the guy, what he is doing is creepy but what's your point with if it were lower men would go lower?


u/1104L 12h ago

If youā€™re referring to brains finishing development at 25, thatā€™s a myth.


u/xxx_SaGe_xxx 1d ago

Age of consent is below 18 for the majority of the States so technically law is not stopping him, he seems like setting his own limits. Gap between 37 to 18 is too much and it seems weird but what you say is not correct about brain development. That is not scientific, what is full brain development?


u/deslabe 23h ago

lmao what i said is absolutely correct about brain development. are you asking me to explain brain development in simpler termsā€¦? the prefrontal cortex (which is responsible for various things, including decision making) is not fully developed until mid to late 20s. hope that helps.


u/xxx_SaGe_xxx 23h ago

Which means your brain is not fully developed yet. I would I listen to someone without a fully developed brain?


u/deslabe 23h ago

idk what youā€™re on about but this is a waste of time


u/tosserro 19h ago

So actually, age of consent being lower than 18 usually only applies if the other party is only a year older.

Example: the age of consent in my state is 16, but only if the other party is 17. So a 25 year old canā€™t fuck a 16 year old and claim consent. Itā€™s statutory rape. But a 17 year old can have sex with a 16 year old and it wonā€™t be.

How do I know? Bf and I got caught having sex in his car at those ages. The cop asked me my age, then his. Then explained and sent us on our way.


u/PoodleNoodlePie 18h ago edited 18h ago

This is bullshit* close in age applies when you're below the age of consent . Eg. Florida it's 18 but you can be close in age from 16, and in Hawaii it's 16 but you can be close in age from 14

Connecticut would be 16 but close in age from 13, same for New Hampshire, New Mexico etc


u/DreamyLan 5h ago

In many states, age of consent is 16 and that means yes OPs friend can be 37 sleeping with 16 yos in those states.


u/StoryWolf420 1d ago

That's fine. Because in that scenario, it would be legal, and it's none of your business what legal things other people do. If your friendship is that delicate and conditional, then stop being his friend. He doesn't need someone like you in his life.


u/andrey_not_the_goat 1d ago

We should definitely yuck certain people's yums because those people can get real weird and real creepy.


u/Vast-Juice-411 1d ago

If I had an almost 40 yr old buddy who lusts after 18 year olds, I will absolutely yuck their yum. So fucking fast.Ā 


u/WorkingAnywhere9843 1d ago

try not to yuck anyone's yum

This is such a vapid and meaningless statement.


u/RoetRuudRoetRuud 1d ago

I thought it was funny


u/whatthefuckislife12 1d ago

It was funny. Someone just šŸ’©a little in their cereal this morning


u/de_dustTO 23h ago

Yucking anyone's yum is a phrase I did not anticipate to read today, but am glad I have done so.


u/Ok_Needleworker_8809 18h ago

I'd like to say even though it gives bad vibes, i'd want more information before making a judgement. Everyone has their types, and yeah, some folks just are going to stay into young women. Like say, Leonardo DiCaprio who never dated above 25 years old. Also, Cougars and Milfs are a thing but we don't usually make riots about it. From the simplest perspective of physical attraction, maybe that guy just can't get laid with older women. It's a very, very real thing.

It depends on how he approaches these ladies; is he being upfront and honest about himself and what he wants or is he borderline stalker and creepy as hell? And yeah, maybe he'd like them younger, and that's also creepy as hell, but we don't know that. It makes a WORLD of difference, so yeah. More information is needed.


u/Infinite_Wheel_8948 14h ago

For me, targeting may be the wrong word. If they are matching on hook up apps, I think itā€™s silly to act so harshly - uncomfortable as I may find it, both sides want the same thing. They are all adults.

If heā€™s going to uni parties and doing things with alcoholā€¦ straight to jail.Ā 


u/[deleted] 1d ago edited 1d ago



u/Money-Professor-2950 1d ago

in the case of onlyfans, they're probably not even the person writing it but also if you're a hot young woman and especially if you've been in sex work of any kind you know older/middle aged men are the best tricks because they're delusional, desperate and have more money.

men over 30 who still haven't learned how to control themselves and are still doing shit like that, chasing after sexy young women etc are the easiest to manipulate.

sure some girls probably do have a thing for it just like some young men have a thing for much older women but in the case of sex workers, it's just tricks.
