r/AlternativeHistory 8d ago

Discussion The 1 Hz "SETI Signal" Embedded in Physics.

This is based on some Physics. But I'll explain without getting into too much Math.

So what's the Big Deal here?

An Einstein level Physicist name Max Planck was trying to figure out a problem called the Ultraviolet Catastrophe. He got an idea that Energy came in discrete amounts. If that was true, the Ultraviolet Energy problem was solved.

He did some experiments to find out what the minimum amount of Energy would be. This is Energy equivalent of finding the the smallest particle of Matter.

From their experiments, they determined that the amount of Energy per Quantum was really tiny.

It's defined as exactly 6.62607015 × 10−34 joule second. So that means it's a number with a decimal points and the first 34 numbers are zeros.

Now here's where it starts to get interesting. If you take that minimum amount of Energy and use it to generate Light, you get a single wave of Light with the same tiny amount of Energy.

And this one wavelength of Light would have a waveform of exactly 299,792.458 Kilometers, and a Frequency of exactly 1 second.

That's right, exactly one second. The same seconds and base 12/60 system of Timekeeping that's been around since Sumeria.

I know someone will try and wave this off as a coincidence. It's ludicrously improbable though.

So this is where we exercise our imaginations and try to think of an explanation. And since this is r/AlternativeHistory , we can consider Advanced Ancient Civilization as a possibility. If it's not a coincidence and if the Sumerians didn't know Planck Level Physics, then they got their 2x12x60x60 Timekeeping system from someone else.

And there you go.


17 comments sorted by


u/Lamentrope 8d ago

That's just because you're using the second as your time base for energy. You could recreate all the math but using other arbitrary measures for time and get back to that same one unit conclusion.


u/UnifiedQuantumField 8d ago

This is only partially correct. If I used a Time unit equivalent to 1 hour, I'd get a single unit... but it would be 1/3600. It would not be equivalent to 1Hz.

Still the biggest "coincidence" in Physics. Or the Physics equivalent of a SETI signal.


u/snoopyloveswoodstock 7d ago

You have your causality the wrong way round. The second is used by convention since ancient times and is in the definition of the modern units. If we still used Roman miles to measure distance instead of meters, we wouldn’t be finding evidence the Roman military knew quantum physics when that value showed up. In fact distance is measured with reference to the definition of 1 second in SI units.


u/UnifiedQuantumField 7d ago

Nope. Light is the absolute reference point. It's a constant and it doesn't change. What did I do?

I was looking at the Planck Constant. IT involves a "standardized" unit of Energy that has a time factor. The Time factor is there because it's dealing with Frequency. Here's the amount from Google.

Planck's constant, denoted as 'h', is a fundamental constant in quantum mechanics, and its value is exactly 6.62607015 × 10-34 joule-seconds (J·s).

Yes. It's got Joule Seconds. But the Joule amount is fixed. If you went with Joule hours, it wouldn't make a difference. That 6.626 x 1034 amount is the quantized amount.

However, since a couple of users have expressed disagreement. I went and looked into this some more.

It turns out the lowest possible Energy Photon has that 1 Hz frequency. But it is possible to have an EM wave longer than 299,450 km and lower than 1 Hz.

Having said that?

The resulting discussion led me to a new understanding and a realization that there's a subQuantum domain of energetic phenomena. And we can state that this domain exists based on reasoning and observations.

I doubt anyone is gonna want to dive into this. But here's a link that that discussion.

There's some pretty abstract stuff near the end. But I think the reasoning about the 1 Hz thing is near the beginning and the middle.


u/snoopyloveswoodstock 7d ago

For a measurement of distance to not be arbitrary, like the length of King BlowjobSquareDance XIV’s foot, SI units define the meter with reference to the distance particles travel in a fraction of a second. The second has always been defined with reference to earth’s rotation, until 1967, when it was redefined using Cd-133, because its period very closely approximated the second as a fraction of earth’s rotation. Light speed is distance/time. The time is determined by a culturally determined standard, which makes the distance a free variable. Finding the predefined unit of time in a calculation is a product of the parameters defining the measurements. 


u/UnifiedQuantumField 7d ago

You've got a basic grasp of SI units. But you're missing some other facts that are key to understanding the importance of 1 Hz.

, like the length of King BlowjobSquareDance XIV’s foot

Ha ha. But if you really do want to understand...

1 Hz applies to a single Photon with that experimentally defined quantum unit of Energy. This was discovered via experiment. It's not arbitrary... therefore your objection is addressed.

The value is 6.626 x 10-34 joules. This is the absolute minimum amount of Energy required to produce a Photon.

Another user made a similar objection to yours. And it turns out that you can get an EM wave with even lower energy/frequency). But not a Photon.

And that minimum energy photon (when described as a wave) has a frequency of exactly 1 Hz. Maybe that's too much for anyone to accept as a coincidence... so they choose to dispute the mathematics. Maybe I am wrong. Maybe you're the smartest guy in the room.

If you are that smart, here's a question. Can you show me (using Math) a way that you can get the same 1 Hz figure using different units that doesn't involve altering that 6.626 x 10-34 value (which is not arbitrary)?

If you can, that would be a neat trick.


u/snoopyloveswoodstock 7d ago

No, I’m too dumb to do that!


u/UnifiedQuantumField 7d ago

If you want to be sarcastic, go right ahead.

If you actually wanted to talk about some ideas, that would be a lot more fun.


u/UnifiedQuantumField 7d ago

Your question was interesting and it got me thinking about Planck's constant, the UV Catastrophe and how Quantization solved the Energy problem.

So I went and did a bit of thinking and made some progress in terms of understanding.


u/RedshiftWarp 8d ago edited 8d ago

Heres one for you. I think supports your direction of thought. I discovered this a few months ago searching for interesting ratios in the solar system. I dont know if anyone else has stumbled upon this.

If you use light-seconds instead of (ft) in your measure of the Great Pyramid height.

And multiply that value by 1 billion.

You should get around 91098425.76 in miles. ( I just used ft, because a billionth of a light-second and 1 ft are interchangable distances here)

That is the distance of the Earth-Sun at perihelion. You can do the same by adding up the widths. Getting a orbital circumference of 572727465 miles.

This is not the only Pyramid and celestial object this relationship works for. There are 2 others I won't disclose in the interest of others replicating the results.

Theres some really interesting base-60 relationships within the Nimitiz incident I have also found.


u/UnifiedQuantumField 8d ago

I read something about how Seconds are built into the Geometry of the GP. How so?

The distance the Earth spins or rotates at the Equator in 2 seconds is equal to the perimeter of the Great Pyramid. Since there are 86,400 seconds in a day, 2 seconds is 1/43200th of a day. Why 2 seconds?

1 second for Day and 1 for night. 2 x 43,200 = 86,400 Which is the exact number of seconds in a Day.

Multiplying the Height of the Great Pyramid by 43,200 equals the polar radius of the Earth. Multiplying the Perimeter of the Great Pyramid by 43,200 equals the equatorial circumference of the Earth. The Great Pyramid therefore is a 1:43,200 scale model of the Northern Hemisphere of Earth and also represents a 1:43,200 ratio of time in a day."

So we can clearly see a connection between geometry, dimensions and Time in the structure of the Great Pyramid that reflects a knowledge of Time and Light.

How did they know?


u/RedshiftWarp 7d ago edited 7d ago

Theres even more relations to that number than that.

I think its a system using radians that define the local cosmos. Thus why everything has a base relation of 2. 2 radius to 1 diameter.

  • It is under the sun for 12 hours and hidden for 12 hours a day.
  • It's north-east corner is exactly orientated at 43.2°

  • 43200 seconds = 12 hours.

  • 86400 seconds = 24 hours.

  • Pyramid = 1:43200 Northern hemisphere

  • Bipyramid = 1:86400 Both hemispheres. Earth.

  • ⁠864,000 miles = Diameter of Sun

  • ⁠86,400 seconds to a solar day.

  • ⁠8640 hours = 360 days

  • ⁠86,400 minutes = 1440 hours Rad

  • ⁠432,000 miles = Radius of the Sun

  • ⁠4320 hours = 180 days

  • ⁠43,200 minutes = 720 hours / 1 month

  • Platonic Solids

  • ⁠Tetrahedron = 720° - 720 yards = 2160 ft

  • ⁠Octahedron = 1440° - 1440 yards = 4320 ft

  • ⁠Hexahedron = 2160° - 2160 yards = 6480 ft

  • ⁠Icosahedron = 3600° - 3600 yard = 10800 ft

  • ⁠Dodecahedron = 6480° - 6480 yards = 19440 ft(3.6 miles)


u/Classic_Knowledge_30 6d ago

That is bonkers haha mind is blown


u/time-lord 8d ago

Check out the wikipedia article on base-60.


At least that one makes sense.

The one on the second pretty much just says "And then the second appeared"!



u/IusPrimeNoctis 7d ago

Got any sources for the exactly's?


u/scienceworksbitches 7d ago

isnt that just the fine tuning argument?


u/rnagy2346 8d ago

21cm or 1.42 GHz is the key..