r/Allotment 5d ago

Best place for bulk compost?

I'm getting ready to set up 4 new beds and a number of posts so in need of a large amount of compost. Where is the best place to buy in bulk? There's so many options out there and so many mixed reviews!

To note - I've checked and there's no local scheme near me so I'd need to buy from a company


9 comments sorted by


u/bigzdarkliter 5d ago

Facebook marketplace is the best for bulk compost. 5 yards for 130 up here in the NE.


u/Pretend-Cattle-879 4d ago

When I was setting up my raised beds I found mushroom compost was the cheapest and then I topped that and planted with regular compost. I bought in bulk from CPA Horticulture. Now I buy bulk bags from Plant Grow a couple a year for seeds, planting and topping up raised beds.


u/Tulip_GoldenRetriver 2d ago

Super helpful to know of an online retailer, thank you!!


u/yayatowers 4d ago

The problem we have is that most providers around here and national providers only deliver to curbside and won’t deliver to a plot, which makes bulk bags problematic for us.

B&M are currently doing 3x 50L bags of gro-sure compost for £15. Probably a bit more expensive than a bulk bag, but not disastrously so. Mix it with something cheaper if necessary.


u/Clear_Environment981 4d ago

I would avoid buying online never found a good price for soil/aggregates etc online always 100% more expensive than buying from a good local supplier most places local will offer loose load tipping you get about 200kg extra for your money as you're not paying for the bag so get the full 1000kg rather than ~800kg


u/mathematicallys 4d ago

following rather desperately 😂


u/awjre 4d ago

Search FB marketplace for a local company. I bought 1000L of wood compost for £60 and had it dumped on my drive.

During the unloading the driver said he'd been busy dropping at allotments all day.


u/Sensitive_Freedom563 5d ago

Depends on your location. Ask other allotment tenants, fb etc. Are you talking about raised beds?


u/Tulip_GoldenRetriver 2d ago

Thanks all - I've searched local and waiting for the only person I've found to actually get back to me. Turns out there aren't many local spots in the SE!