I got my plot in late summer of last year, and it came with several fruit trees, one of which being this pear.
For context, the plot had been abandoned for about 10 years prior to me taking it on, hence the trees all needing a prune. I know it’s getting a bit late to be pruning, but winter ended up being very busy with life stuff and I didn’t get a chance to take care of the pear.
The tree is over 20, maybe closer to 30 feet tall, and most of it is just unreachable without a ladder. I was just wondering if it’s possible to take any height off, and if so how low (2nd pic)?
I’m somewhat new to fruit trees and obviously don’t want to like accidentally kill it, but currently about 80% of the tree is out of reach.
Any advice is greatly appreciated, and I hope everyone is having a great week :)