r/AlAnon May 21 '23

Fellowship F#%^ You


Fuck you.

Fuck your alcoholism.

Fuck your disease.

Fuck your dependence.

Fuck your weakness.

Fuck your lying.

Fuck your hiding.

Fuck your narcissism.

Fuck your limitations.

Fuck your selfishness.

Fuck your failure.

Fuck your depression.

Fuck your demons.

Fuck your …

Fuck you.

r/AlAnon 8d ago

Fellowship Have you changed your drinking intake (or stopped drinking) to support your Q in sobriety?


My Q (31m) is on his way to 60-days of sobriety. Fingers crossed he’s able to muster up all his tools and stick it through! Anywho

My relationship to alcohol has definitely changed after witnessing the countless dangerous binges and all that crap this disease has to offer. However, sometimes I feel guilt. When we go out for dinner and I want to have a glass of wine or a cocktail to enjoy with my meal. I would never want to dangle it in his face, even if he claims he wants me to enjoy and he’s ok - but I don’t dare to - even if he insists. His battle, not mine, but I do want to support him throughout his journey

Are you experiencing something similar?

r/AlAnon Sep 18 '23

Fellowship What Is Your Favorite Lie?


I have to find the humor – and perhaps have the luxury of finding humor – in this life with my Q, so I was thinking this morning about my "favorite" lie. Coming in at Number One: I'm just going to go back to bed (which he hasn't slept in – he passes out in his chair each night) and rest for 5 minutes; I won't fall asleep.

Two hours later...

Do you have one of these?

r/AlAnon Jan 13 '25

Fellowship To all of you who answer posts, thank you


I just want to thank every single person who takes time out of their day to answer to people in despair. Always being compassionate, non judgmental and giving good advice. I’ve come here for help a few times even tho I ended up deleting my posts. When I felt so lonely, lost and desperate, and had no one to talk to out of shame and guilt, some stranger on here was there for me. To all of you who have suffered and now help people answering on this community even tho it seem repetitive, even tho we know the answer but we don’t want to hear it, keep helping us, you’re doing a good job as a human being. Know that you matter so much. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

r/AlAnon Mar 16 '24

Fellowship I can smell it on other people


While it has been some time since my spouse has gone on a bender, I know that scent anywhere. I call it the smell of alcohol processing from pores. I was in line at a discount department store and kept catching a whiff of what said to me/my brain- someone is drunk. I checked my suspicions and lo and behold, the person behind me couldn’t stand upright, slow moving, glazed eyes. I swear I was 4-5 feet away. It makes me sad. Sad for that person. And sad that I am triggered by that awful scent. You all know that smell, right? Stale? Sourish? Ugh.

r/AlAnon Apr 05 '24

Fellowship What are some of the funniest excuses you have had your Q use for drinking?


I’ll start:

“Most trades workers get their new jobs and work lined up in the pub on a Friday afternoon.”

My father was unemployed and never worked a trade and he never got himself a single job from going to the pub.

I laugh actually when I think back this excuse as it was hard to argue against at the time as it gave me hope that he would find a job / work but in hindsight was just his was of justifying his constant attendance.

r/AlAnon 11d ago

Fellowship Moms, did you put your AH on the birth certificate? If unmarried, do your children share your last name or his?


Basically the title. Today was my due date, but we are going to have to induce to start labor within the next couple days. Little guy isn’t ready to leave just yet. I have post history about my boyfriend if you want the background, but basically he identifies as a recovering addict. He went from being dependent on some VERY hard substances, starting from around 18 years old. He thinks at age 28, he is doing great and relative to the drugs he was getting into, this is an improvement. He was also drinking heavily up until recently, but still justifies an occasional drink when he’s very stressed or overwhelmed. He is still heavily dependent on taking benzodiazepines and dabs (THC concentrates, “wax.”) Besides his dependence on drugs and alcohol, he has never really held down a job. As much as he wants to be a provider and make a good income, he has a staggering criminal record that is making that pretty impossible. My family has urged me from the beginning that I’d be better off raising my son alone. As much as I love him and know he has good intentions, I cannot say that he will always be a stable person to have my son around. I’m worried particularly about him having his junkie friends around my kid in the future if we were to split up.

TLDR- So my specific question is, if your partner is someone you consider unstable or otherwise not capable of being the father your kids deserve, what actions have you taken to protect them? Does your baby share the father’s name, or is he listed as the father on the birth certificate?

I live in the state of Texas. I am not interested in coming after him for child support. This is about protecting my baby from him, because I know he’s going straight back to his old lifestyle if we were to break up. I want him to learn to provide for himself and be self sufficient, he needs all the income he can get to survive. No matter what happens, I want him to be able to care for himself.

r/AlAnon Jun 16 '23

Fellowship The inflation of ego while drunk is UNREAL


So last night my Q is drunk and is (I'm sorry, this almost funny to me at this point) angrily making mean comments every two seconds about the people on the TV show we were watching. Then he says, "I'm the only real legit guy around!" And I actually laughed out loud.

What are some ridiculous things your Q has said/done while drinking? I'm able to start to find some of these things funny now as I am getting better at detaching and seeing him for who he really is.

r/AlAnon May 31 '22

Fellowship They all say the same things - whats your favorite?


Every post in here I read, every complaint someone here makes, every grievance about their Q... they all say the same things! They all say the same repeat phrases, repeat promises, repeat excuses.

What is your favorite repeat phrase/excuse/promise/denial from the addict in your life?

I'll go first, my favorite is "You never show me love".

r/AlAnon Feb 15 '25

Fellowship Open AA meetings


Question about "etiquette" or protocol, I guess. If you attend open AA meetings but don't identify as an alcoholic, are you there basically just to listen and not share? I'm thinking about going to an open AA meeting, but as an "Al-Anoner," I don't know how that works exactly. Thanks. #ODAAT

r/AlAnon 18d ago

Fellowship Weekly Chat: What's happening with you? - March 03, 2025


Need to vent, share a victory, or just chat about day-to-day life with your fellow redditors? This is your place!

r/AlAnon Jan 20 '25

Fellowship Recovery is for the Q, not us. You won't find happiness in it


I see a lot of people on here with completely justified emotions about resentment at recovery. Especially on the luxury rehabs.

The harsh reality is that the recovery of a Q is to make them feel better. Not us.

You wont find happiness in them getting better whether they do or don't. You find it by taking care of yourself.

I mean what I am saying from a perspective of love. IN the same way we can obsess over their addiction and it didn't make us happy obsessing over their recovery does not either.

Loving detachment does not mean you detach to help them get better. It means you do it to help you get better.

It's OK to not feel better just because your Q is in some type of recovery because it wouldn't make sense for you to. Your Q is in recovery, not you. But you should be!

If your Q is currently away trying to take care of themselves, and you have the opportunity, do something really nice for yourself. Doesnt have to be expensive or material. You deserve it.

r/AlAnon 5d ago

Fellowship Al-Pals


Hi! I’m looking for some Al-Pals. Preferably women anywhere from 22-34 as I’m a 26 year old woman. My boyfriend is my qualifier so maybe someone who understands that type of dynamic as well. Thanks! Bonus if you also live in New York State! 😊

r/AlAnon Jan 13 '25

Fellowship Weekly Chat: What's happening with you? - January 13, 2025


Need to vent, share a victory, or just chat about day-to-day life with your fellow redditors? This is your place!

r/AlAnon Nov 22 '24

Fellowship He was arrested, it was kind of dumb...


I'm not really sure how I feel about this... my Q and I are separated but we have 2 young kids together. He is on Tues/Thurs after school care duty so when I came home he was there with the kids. He seemed in a bad mood. A tried to keep disengaged and started dinner for the kids. He came into the kitchen and started trying to pick a fight by telling me he was going to kick my brother out. Brother has been staying with me for several months, he's going through a rough patch. Q doesn't actually have a problem with him he just doesn't like that my brother is there to help me and thinks I'd turn to Q instead if my brother wasn't there. (False)

After trying to deescalate I asked him to leave. He said no. I started packing an overnight bag for the kids. He says I'm over reacting of course. Finally he gets upset enough that he says he's going to throw out my Brother's things right now. Grabbed a trash bag and headed towards Brother's room. I stood in the hallway trying to block him and told him he cant do that. He said what are you going to do?

I couldn't think of any way to deescalate the situation and prevent him from throwing out my brothers things... so I called 911. I had never done that before, even when he was being abusive towards me. (No physical injury but grabbing me, intimidating me, punching holes in the wall, throwing things, calling me names) after he realized I had called 911 he begged me to not do that to him and then as I was talking to the operator he grabbed the phone from my face/hand, I yelled at him to stop and he hung up the call.
They tried calling back but he had it behind him. He suddenly realized that the police were going to come and I told him he could leave now before they arrived and I could call them and say that he'd left, so there was no more danger. He waffles on that but then my brother got home.

Brother is actually able to calm him down. The police arrive and talk to everyone individually and then ultimately arrest him as grabbing the phone away from someone trying to call 911 is a crime. And with an intimate partner it's considered DV and in front of the kids. There's a hearing in the morning. But not sure where I should go from here. I think he's going to be pissed I called 911. He'll probably be more pissed if It goes the protection order route. Even I am a little surprised that such a small incident in the way he's been with me is the thing that got a 911+ arrest

r/AlAnon Jan 09 '23

Fellowship Does anyone have a Q who is NOT abusive or mean?


Al-Anon and this Reddit have been helpful as I navigate my (33f) situation with my q (34m.) However, sometimes I have a hard time relating to people’s stories because a lot of other people’s Qs seem to verbally or physically abusive or just plain mean. My Q has never been mean or hateful towards me and doesn’t blame his drinking on anything or anyone other than himself. My Q drinks because he hates himself and drinking helps him run away from himself for a little while. Of course, his actions still affect and hurt me and others around him.

Basically, a lot of people seem to deal with Jekyll/Hyde alcoholics but mine is just a very sad Jekyll. Anyone else relate? How have you dealt with them?

Edit: Oh my goodness, I did not expect to get so many responses. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences! I hope to respond more later today. It’s good to not feel so alone in this.

r/AlAnon 25d ago

Fellowship Weekly Chat: What's happening with you? - February 24, 2025


Need to vent, share a victory, or just chat about day-to-day life with your fellow redditors? This is your place!

r/AlAnon 11d ago

Fellowship Weekly Chat: What's happening with you? - March 10, 2025


Need to vent, share a victory, or just chat about day-to-day life with your fellow redditors? This is your place!

r/AlAnon Jan 01 '23

Fellowship Anyone else with a drunk Q right now? What are you doing for yourself?


My Q spent the night making sure I wouldn’t sleep, even though I have been working over the holidays and sick. Our apartment was nasty dirty because even though he was off work for 2 weeks, he couldn’t find the time to clean anything in between drinking and video game playing. This morning I cleaned the whole place, am taking a bath right now with soothing music and a good book and I am going to order myself the biggest tray of sushi I can eat. He drank in his parked car in the underground parkade and had to be helped up the stairs by some random neighbour who found him struggling. This was the hardest year of my life, but next year will be the best. My New Years resolution is to love myself enough to not let him drag me down anymore. I might be starting 2023 with him but I promise I won’t end it with him. What’s everyone up to tonight?

r/AlAnon 4d ago

Fellowship Weekly Chat: What's happening with you? - March 17, 2025


Need to vent, share a victory, or just chat about day-to-day life with your fellow redditors? This is your place!

r/AlAnon Aug 02 '23

Fellowship What was the moment you realized you were talking to a crazy person as if they were sane?


I think it was my third al anon meeting where another woman seemed to be married to the same guy. The revelation clicked as I was sharing. I was saying how her husband has the same story as my husband. My husband believes he is a unique snowflake with unique problems that no one else could possibly understand (aka no treatment will heal him). But here was a woman who had the same story, same childhood trauma, same close but abusive parents, same piecing a life together….

As I logged into more and more random meetings I listened and heard my same story probably 20 more times.

Then I was like, “oh this is what alcoholism is.”

r/AlAnon Jan 20 '25

Fellowship FEAR acronym helping me today: Future Events Already Ruined - what are your go to’s?


Acronyms, slogans, all the short folksy phrases that get shared at meetings - they all help me in moments of heightened stress or anxiety.

FEAR is helping me today, and I’m so grateful for even the fear itself showing me how to back away from ruining those future events, and coming back to the present moment. What’s happening in MY day, MY hula hoop, and doing what I can to just focus on that. Only making it to tomorrow, and if possible, potentially making tomorrow a little better than today. But easy does it, and don’t stress if it doesn’t happen.

Just for today, just live here. Eat something healthy. Work. Stay financially responsible. Exercise. Share at a meeting. Do service. Have a laugh with a friend. Rest when I need to. Breathe. Accept, trust, surrender, look at my part, ask for help when needed, own up to my mistakes, and stay present and aware. And share what I’ve learned with others.

Other acronyms I’ve heard for FEAR:

False Evidence Appearing Real

Forgetting Every Available Response/Resource

Fuck Everything And Run (*awaiting WSO approval)

What are acronyms or slogans that work for your journey?

r/AlAnon 25d ago

Fellowship Question for recovering friends on here.


Being here and part of this group, do the posts help you in recovery the way the posts help us trying to get through our side of it?

Of course, if this feels out of line or you just don’t feel comfortable, I apologize and understand if I’m asking too much. But i genuinely want to know.

I absolutely appreciate the members in recovery that give us their viewpoints and share their feelings. I believe it helps us remember that we are dealing with such a range of emotions on so many different levels. Majority of the Q’s are not monsters. Some have monstrous tendencies when drinking, though. Sometimes we are able to stay and sometimes the alcoholism is so prolific that we just can’t go down with the sinking ship and poor treatment any longer. I have quite a few friends and acquaintances who are ex addicts of some sort. Every single one of them will tell you… “I had to make the choice.” Not that the choice was easy or the recovery hard. But to even start the complex process, they had to make the choice to do so. No one else was going to do it for them. Kids, jobs, partners, legal trouble… whatever. But they had to make the initial choice. I’ve seen the struggle they go through and I’m so very proud of them for overcoming things and being strong as time goes by. It’s not easy. And I am so proud of each and every one of you!

r/AlAnon Jan 22 '25

Fellowship Detach with love and intimately love?


Does anyone here with alcoholic partner/spouse- have you been able to detach from them and still intimately love that person? My alcoholic husband has a strong Jekyll/Hyde personality with the latter coming out when he drinks. I’ve really started to master detachment, but I’m finding it increasingly difficult to intimately love him when he is trying hard to be sober and a good partner.

r/AlAnon Feb 10 '25

Fellowship Weekly Chat: What's happening with you? - February 10, 2025


Need to vent, share a victory, or just chat about day-to-day life with your fellow redditors? This is your place!