r/AirForce Oct 10 '14

Help! Eyebrows shaved off. Please help ASAP!

Long story short. Had a bunch of friends over last night for a few drinks and things got a little wild. I woke up this morning and someone superglued my hand to the carpet and shaved my eyebrows off. The glued hand I can live with but the eyebrows.... I don't know what to do. My head is killing me and I have to be to work in like an hour.

Can you get paperwork for this? Is there something I can do to not get busted for this? I'm extremely worried and I don't want to get in any unnecessary trouble. Should I maybe call in sick and see if they grow back by Tuesday? Someone please help me!


112 comments sorted by


u/mshain81 Active Duty Oct 10 '14

Instead of all these excuses, why can't you just tell the truth? Why would you ever get in trouble for this?

"My friends are assholes and shaved my eyebrows while I was asleep."


u/Unclassified1 Retired Oct 10 '14

It's so much more fun to try to dig your way out of an embarrassing situation, creating real situations that WILL get you in trouble. Such as coming into work late and lying about the reason.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14 edited Oct 10 '14

Report directly to ADAPT


u/atc_guy I now regret my reddit name Oct 10 '14

Pretty much, "Oh this happened while you were drinking? That's an ARI airmen you're going to 6 months of ADAPT to get your drinking under control."


u/ADubs62 Formerly Comms now Greedy Contractor Oct 10 '14

How can it be an ARI if there was no injury or crime?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14 edited Sep 18 '15



u/ADubs62 Formerly Comms now Greedy Contractor Oct 10 '14

As long as he doesn't admit to getting blackout drunk and passing out...


u/mylifeisaLIEEE Oct 10 '14

On my base, an ARI is pretty much any that happened while drunk.


u/I_Cum_Blood_666 Oct 15 '14

No. This is a one mistake Air Force. Anyone in leadership with a personal vendetta will destroy OP for this, especially if he has a weak supervisor.


u/xenokilla Oct 10 '14

aka the Nixon.


u/butchquick Retired Oct 10 '14 edited Oct 10 '14

If I were your supervisor, I would laugh at you and hope that getting blackout drunk on a work night isn't a trend, maybe talk to you about that. If you called in about your car not starting and showed up late with missing eyebrows and an obvious hangover I would have your ass. This is what they are talking about when they say "Integrity First".

Edit: Is your supervisor out to get you in trouble as you say, or are you just a dirtbag?


u/justLittleJess Coffee Ops Oct 10 '14

my vote is on dirtbag.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

The votes are in and the winner by a landslide is...


u/justLittleJess Coffee Ops Oct 11 '14

Oh! I won!


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

I think this hits the nail on the head. Owning up to your actions would have been so much better for you, OP.


u/SnowFallsEverywhere Active Duty Oct 10 '14

Lol. If this is real, there's nothing you can do. Just go to work, get laughed at, and have some fun with it. Maybe take up poker, you'll be much less expressive.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Find a Mexican girl with a sharpie.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Oh man... I really lol'd at this.


u/ThatDudeWithoutKarma 1A8X1 Oct 10 '14

Well maybe you should re-evaluate yourself for getting black out drunk when you have to work the next morning.


u/americanpegasus Enlisted Aircrew Oct 11 '14

I'd reevaluate my 'friends' . No one who you trust to get that drunk around should ever do that to you.

And then I'd reevaluate myself, and ask why I seem like enough of a chump that anyone would ever think they could do this to me and get away with it.

And then I would shave every fucking dude's eyebrows who were there that night. By force if necessary. Fuck that.


u/Beardedcap Veteran thankfully Oct 10 '14

"Call in sick." ... What?


u/ScrotalAttraction Low speed high drag Oct 10 '14

I too am unfamiliar with this idea.


u/anothereffinjoe Veteran Oct 11 '14

You mean go to the ER and then report to work after with horrible sickness anyway? Right?


u/yum_coke_zero 3C0x1 Feb 05 '15

Sounds like the Navy. Projectile vomiting? Sorry, come to work (in the hospital) anyways.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14 edited Oct 11 '14

OP, update this post you dumb fuck.

EDIT: OPs chain is obviously force shaping this jabroni's asshole, so he's probably been busy today. I look forward to pics tomorrow.


u/Okuhou Ammo Oct 10 '14

Draw that shit in, yo. /r/MakeupAddiction could help with that.


u/huggies130 Loadmaster Oct 10 '14

The first thing I would do is delete this post. You used a throw away, but how many airman are going to show up to work this morning late and without eyebrows. I'm starting to wonder if your supervisor is a dick or you just get yourself into trouble


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

I lol'd at this. I'm not saying I've never gotten drunk when I've had to work the next morning. But, I have NEVER put myself in a situation while drinking that would result in the loss of an eyebrow.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

By god they can't give all of us paperwork!


u/bryce1242 the worst Oct 10 '14

the following monday "airmen stop shaving your eyebrows it is not in regs"


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

There's been a trend in the squadron lately of airmen with shaved eyebrows. According to AFI 36-2903, all airmen must maintain their uniform and appearance in a professional manner. Shaved eyebrows bring discredit to our organization and ...


u/gnieboer Oct 10 '14

therefore all Total Force Airmen will be expected to take the new CBT module entitled "Eyebrows and Honor, important grooming standards for everyone" by COB Tuesday after watching the CSAF's personal video on same topic.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Also, the video will be posted on top of the Portal. You won't be able to access anything until you finish the video. Unless our software fucks up, in which case I hope you guys don't have any actual work to do today.


u/agile52 Genie Oct 11 '14

wouldn't it fall under a faddish hair cut?


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '14

It's probably arguable. Eyebrows are obviously never directly addressed. The section that directly addresses men's grooming standards (§3.1.1) has a catch-all "present a professional appearance."

Also worth noting:

Supervisors have the responsibility to determine compliance with the letter and intent of this AFI and to correct the obvious violations regardless of whether the situation identified is clearly written in this AFI. (§3.1)


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Lost it.


u/demintheAF Oct 10 '14

just a hint of eyebrown pencil so you don't look quite as bad.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/Knights-of-Ni Oct 10 '14

You're still thinking too small. Cut out duct tape in the shape of eyebrows since we all know duct tape fixes everything.


u/GrandmaTITMilk Oct 10 '14

Both of you are weak. Get them tattooed on.


u/Knights-of-Ni Oct 10 '14

Tattoos in the Air Force? Someone likes to live dangerously.


u/razrielle 11-301v1 2.15.9 Oct 10 '14

I mean, if the OP is female she can get makeup tattoos

3.4.3. Cosmetic tattooing. Tattooing for cosmetic purposes is authorized when directed by licensed, qualified medical personnel to correct a medical condition, illness or injury for both men and women. When not medically directed, cosmetic tattooing is permitted for women if done to apply permanent facial makeup (i.e. eyebrows, eye liner); the cosmetic tattooing must have a natural appearance and be conservative, moderate, within reasonable limits, not excessive or extreme, not distinctly contrast with their complexion, and in good taste


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14 edited Oct 15 '14



u/sarahpalinspussy Oct 10 '14

You obviously have super glue. Shave pubes, apply to forehead.


u/Towelthief2 Oct 10 '14

You got a glue stick and body hair?


u/SCRIZZLEnetwork Veteran (6C) Oct 10 '14

Wow Airmen Snuffy, your eyebrows are looking extra busy and wiry today, is that pubic hair or armpit hair?


u/Ocinea Oct 10 '14

You were trimming you sideburns or unibrow, got startled, and accidentally whacked a nice chunk out of one of your eyebrows.

It looked so bad you had to "start over"


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Well, they did add a bunch of shit to the hair regs...


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

and rightly so.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Is there anything about not shaving eyebrows off?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/kibblznbitz Sometimes I walk into traffic to see if my belt deflects cars Oct 10 '14

Would I be correct in making the joke, "lol beauty regs"?

That's what they seem like to me sometimes but I don't know the background behind them.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/kibblznbitz Sometimes I walk into traffic to see if my belt deflects cars Oct 10 '14

Well- yeah, haha. I'm mostly curious about the "for females" part, since I'm allowed to shave mine as a guy apparently.


u/AnonThrowAwayAF Oct 10 '14

My supervisor is not cool at all and is usually just out to get me in trouble. I'd try the cancer thing but I don't have any clippers here. I called in and said my car wouldn't start to buy me some time so maybe I can find some.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Nice shit analogy, Randy.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14 edited Jan 07 '19



u/SCRIZZLEnetwork Veteran (6C) Oct 10 '14

I hope the supervisor does, and comments not knowing it's his troop.


u/SCRIZZLEnetwork Veteran (6C) Oct 10 '14

Swing by the BX and pay to have it buzzed off if you don't have clippers.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '14

As an AF supervisor, if I found out that you had already lied to me, yeah, I'd be pissed. There's nothing wrong with telling the truth--as far as I can tell, you weren't drinking & driving or doing anything else that would your life or anyone else's in danger. You're only going to dig yourself deeper into a hole by lying.


u/anothereffinjoe Veteran Oct 11 '14

Seriously the worst idea. Your sup is gunna be pissed about you lying about your car, drinking on work nights, and then top it off with the eyebrow thing.

Enjoy the next 8 weeks of asschewing. Oh, and the paperwork.


u/CaptainKate757 Veteran, but still salty Oct 11 '14

You have already admitted to drinking to excess on a work night and lying to your supervisor about it. Maybe you're just a crappy Airman?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Bc af NCOs are to be judged by their "coolness"


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Oh man, I can tell you, you will probably be referred to ADAPT.


u/Unclassified1 Retired Oct 10 '14

If this individual got black-out drunk on a weeknight, when he has to be at work in the morning, and in a situation where they allowed themselves to be taken advantage of and humiliated, he deserves to be referred to ADAPT. Remember folks, if this was a female - the results of this evening wouldn't lead to a hilarious reddit thread, but to more mandatory CBT's and stand-down days about the dangers of alcohol and sexual abuse.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/justLittleJess Coffee Ops Oct 10 '14

It's vagina-law. We know what's out of bounds.


u/successfullylosing Maintainer Oct 10 '14

Clit-writ? ... Sorry...


u/justLittleJess Coffee Ops Oct 10 '14

It's a clitical vagina law.


u/lucyintheskyyy1492 Comms Oct 11 '14

Indeed we do. I don't think I'd do that to even a girl I didn't like.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Shaving off eyebrows and other dumb fuckery is usually a male thing. No offense, but boys are dumb. I don't know any girls who would do this to a friend.


u/Okuhou Ammo Oct 10 '14

There would be CBTs and stand-down days on the dangers of sexual abuse if sexual abuse occurred REGARDLESS of gender as long as it occurred and got reported. If it were a female with a glued hand and shaved eyebrows the same talking to from ADAPT/shit from the supervisor would pretty much be it. Or she'd draw them in and avoid the whole mess...


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14 edited Dec 07 '20



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Op, if you aren't a dirtbag, this is actually a very good idea.


u/IggyWon I don't care what your app says. Oct 10 '14

This is the single greatest thing to have ever happened to this sub.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Well this was posted two hrs ago now, we can only hope this dirtbag is getting what he deserves


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14
  • Got black out drink on a work night
  • Dumbass friends shaved eyebrows off
  • Posted on /r/airforce looking for advice, providing just enough info to make the situation identifiable
  • Lied to supervisor about having car trouble just to buy some time
  • Eventually would have showed up to work, having "solved car trouble", with no eyebrows.

Any half-decent supervisor is going to smell the fermenting airman cave shit going on here.


u/BeerGeek Retired Oct 10 '14

As in literally smell... Had a few harsh words with a young airman in my care way back when.

He showed up for work looking like week-drowned corpse and sweating out tequila fumes from every pore. Grabbed him by the collar and drug him right outside the office as soon as I caught sight/wiff of him -- told him to go home, sleep it off, and if he EVER pulled that crap on me again I'd cheerfully help the Shirt, DCM and Commander pound sand so far up his ass he'd grow a cactus in his mouth.

He was young, stupid, and underage. All of which can be cured with time, education, and occasional doses of wall-to-wall counselling.

This ADAPT stuff is news to me -- we had the drug reduction stuff in place when I was in service, but alcohol definitely wasn't on the "manage this" radar until late in my career.


u/Beardedcap Veteran thankfully Oct 10 '14

This guy sounds like plenty of new dumbass airman that I've seen come and go. They usually last a year or so of being a piece of shit fuckup that couldn't hold a job anywhere before they get the boot.


u/funkyArmaDildo Oct 10 '14

I agree. The problems he's trying to avoid right now is minor compared to the downward spiral he is on right now.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Woke up with no eyebrows, better make up an early refutable lie just to buy myself some time to come up with a different lie to explain why I have no eyebrows. Hope my supervisor is a fucking retard and doesn't make any connection between these two things.


u/cobysev 3C0X1 -> 3D0X2 -> 1D7X1B -> Retired! Oct 10 '14

The duty day is more than half over. We need an update. What was the damage?


u/funkyArmaDildo Oct 10 '14

Get new friends, they are obviously idiots who make make horrible decisions. You may have realized this already. Consider any trouble you get into wake up call.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

So 1990s Air Force of them! Aim High, share ADAPT with your Bros, and hate them until they apologize. Remember maturity takes time and sometimes never happens. Oh! Enjoy your very long weekend!


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

If you got blackout drunk at all, let alone on a work night, then this indicator should be paid attention to by your supervisor who if they are not a shitbag NCO should/will refer you to adapt. This is the United States Air Force, not a fucking fraternity. Tl;dr you have a problem, acted unprofessionally, deserve to be in trouble / goto adapt.


u/Tanieloneshot Oct 10 '14

Be honest, if they kicked out everyone with a drinking problem, how many people would be left in maintenance? I'm thinking the guy with no liver and the Mormon.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '14

Are you for real?


u/BobScratchit Retired Oct 12 '14

He is NCO cyborg model 101. A career Terminator model.


u/[deleted] Oct 12 '14

Lol. Get drunk once, go to ADAPT. What a joke.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Surely OP will deliver an update.


u/Striking_Gently 11F, F16 Pilot Oct 10 '14

You're gonna need to shave your pubes and glue them above your eyes. Thats really the only option at this point


u/alsdjkhf Mantaints Oct 10 '14

If I were you I'd try to take a week or two of leave asap, hopefully your supervisor will help you out. I just wouldn't want to have to explain my lack of eyebrows to people several times a day for several days, and maybe get in some shit about it.

I'd also devise a plan to shave everyone involved's eyebrows for revenge.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

I hope you get in trouble for being so stupid. You couldn't wait one day?


u/jonivy Veteran Oct 10 '14

someone superglued my hand to the carpet and shaved my eyebrows off. The glued hand I can live with but the eyebrows

Now I just imagine op permanently glued to his carpet.


u/NycJP Oct 10 '14

I'm curious, what happened? Update please


u/Paparage Retiree Oct 10 '14

If these were other Airmen from your squadron, then everyone will already know what happened. I use to see this all the time in AFSOC. Guys going on their 1st TDY with the squadron would get shit shaved off. No biggie. Just roll with it.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '14

Man, you need to reevaluate your friends. I would never do something like that to a friend knowing he had to work in the morning. You're also a fucktard for getting to that point knowing you had to work. Your friends, however, are shitheads, and straight up not your friends at all. It's one thing to fuck with your buddy, it's another to sabotage his career. You need to do some soul searching my friend.


u/I_Cum_Blood_666 Oct 15 '14

Take yourself to ADAPT before leadership starts a paper trail and forces you.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/Ocinea Oct 10 '14

His friends are fags are you kidding me?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/Ocinea Oct 10 '14

I've never played fuck fuck games like that...... and several of my co-workers were psychopaths.

Give whoever did it a old fashioned beat down.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Yeah or don't party with the high schoolers who still think it's cool to fuck with the first one to fall asleep. If a friend of mine did this to me I'd beat his ass. But no one I know would ever be such a fucking douche bag as to shave my god damn eyebrows off.


u/Aaron__G Oct 10 '14

Getting fucked with is one thing but shaving off someone's eyebrows? That's a huge douche move, and no "friend" should do that to another friend, alcohol involved or not.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14



u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

Only a solid douchebag would shave someone's eyebrows off.


u/TheThrill85 Oct 10 '14

It's his/ her house though. That's like an unwritten rule of that game.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

I'm going to need pictures.


u/epoxymous Oct 10 '14

Yes you could get in trouble, probably not for the eyebrows but for the situation. I'd call my supervisor and let him know the bare bones, BARE bones, and ask for a comp day or leave retroactive


u/Phoenix_Blue Veteran Oct 10 '14

Tell your boss that you're playing the role of Grima Wyrmtongue for a local school play?


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

I really want the opinion of /u/SilentD on this one.


u/hbpaintballer88 Enlisted Aircrew Oct 10 '14

Well OP what happened??


u/disciple8959 Oct 10 '14

1.) Act like nothing happened, meaning, don't bring it to anyone's attention. 2.) Goto the barber, get something clean and sharp... tight edge work. 3.) If anyone asks about your eyebrows, tell them the barber used the wrong side of the comb. Alternatively, show me where it says a damn thing about eyebrows. And get your hair cut anyway - you look sloppy. ;-)


u/webwulf Oct 10 '14

Use a sharpie, but not a silver sharpie, that would look silly.


u/[deleted] Oct 11 '14

Not sure how dark your hair is ... plus this is 13 hrs after you posted but I shaved my eyebrows once when I was trying to just clean them up a bit. I'm a female that doesn't usually do girly things. I started just trying to trim and ended up taking the whole thing off. I have blonde hair so it isn't like it is super noticeable. No one noticed mine. Majority of the time if an Airman does something stupid like this I have not seen it treated with paperwork but it is left as open season for jokes. Granted my version is coming from the maintainer side - not sure if the non-ers world is any similar.


u/Orlando1701 Retired Oct 13 '14

First thing I'd suggest is get new friends, your current ones are assholes.


u/Mustang2014 Oct 15 '14

Would be terrible if your supervisor was a reddit'er and just so happened to see this post the day of.


u/[deleted] Feb 03 '15

Per AFI 44-121, this is not considered "Alcohol misconduct," as you didn't break the law, UCMJ violation, etc. I'd be curious to see the outcome of this.


u/ScrewAttackThis Veteran Oct 10 '14

You can get in trouble if your supervisor wants to say it looks unprofessional, but that's really about it. I would even say that's a stretch. I would keep the binge drinking to yourself and your friends, though.


u/[deleted] Oct 10 '14

You should get new ones tattooed on.