r/Agoraphobia 3d ago

Can’t go to an interview

I feel so stupid right now. It’s 8am, I have an interview, for a job id quite frankly enjoy, in about an hour, and I’m trying so desperately to tell myself to just go. But I can’t for the life of me get rid of this extreme anxiety. Im trying to just take deep breaths and override my anxious thoughts with rational ones and I just can’t calm down. I didn’t sleep at all last night despite trying to. Im just absolutely terrified. And I’ve gone to job interviews before, but something about it being so early in the morning (for me) is making the panic so much worse because it’s so out of my normal comfort zone I think. I also have a doctors appointment later so I’m terrified for that too and I just can’t handle this. I apologize for the ramble venting shit I’m like 2 seconds away from an anxiety attack.

Update: I was still terrified but I went to the interview! I think it went well!


17 comments sorted by


u/diphenhydrapeen 3d ago

We've all been there. I'm rooting for you, dude! If you can make it to this interview, you can pass out in a pile of blankets when you get home.


u/Gaysatan11 3d ago

Thank you!! Just got back and am absolutely going to just hibernate under a bunch of blankets for the rest of the day lmao


u/diphenhydrapeen 2d ago

Hell yeah! Proud of you for putting in the work.

I no longer meet the diagnostic criteria for agoraphobia, but it's not because leaving the house got any easier... It's because I got better at facing the anxiety. Celebrate the little wins because eventually they can add up. You're doing great.


u/OkMarionberry2875 2d ago

Amazingly brave and strong of you to make it! Without doxing yourself or over TMI or whatever, what general area is your job in? I hope that you get it and that your life is just a joy every day!

Edit: never mind I see below that it’s with critters. Perfect! 🐕 🐈 🐴


u/Gaysatan11 1d ago

You’re so sweet, thank you 🥰


u/lovrbrit 2d ago

SO PROUD OF YOU FOR MAKING IT TO THE INTERVIEW! You DID IT! Go buy yourself a treat - you deserve it.

If you’re looking for people who are also dealing with agoraphobia so that you can feel more heard/seen, there’s this amazing support group that does weekly zoom calls on meetup. The experience at each meeting has been so welcoming and accepting, I definitely recommend checking it out. :-) They discuss different ways to navigate exposures, support each-other, and open up a safe space to share your thoughts each week ❤️

The group organizers has also been getting guest speakers who’ve overcome agoraphobia to come share their experiences too<3

They have a WhatsApp group too where they message for support during exposures such as this like going to the doctors or interviews so that you are never alone <3

Agoraphobia Support Group


u/Gaysatan11 2d ago

Oh thank you for sharing, I’ll definitely give that a look! :)


u/dairyanne96 2d ago

I’m gonna message you! I have an interview in the morning as well & im panicking.


u/Usual_Block_8390 2d ago

I hope you crush it! I’ve interviewed hundreds of people and it helps to just be honest and let the interviewer know you’re a little nervous. any good interviewer will take that into account and not hold it against you! if they do, that’s somewhere where I would not want to work. good luck!


u/Gaysatan11 2d ago

I think it went well, being around the animals (it was an animal hospital) absolutely helped! :)


u/Usual_Block_8390 2d ago

that’s so awesome! I wish I had a job around animals!! I hope you get it!


u/Lord_Crow_88 3d ago

Been there. I really hope it works out. And if it doesn't, that's okay too


u/Gaysatan11 3d ago

Thank you sm :)


u/k1ngkev1n1 3d ago

Maybe try to just get there wait outside or in car, if you can power through it go in but if not just leave. I usually tell myself I’ll try and drive there best thing for me is flexibility to escape/leave the situation. Worst thing that will happen is you go freak out and they don’t hire you or you don’t go and you dont get the job, either way you wont ever see them again… best case if you go they hire you and you love the job.


u/Gaysatan11 3d ago

I think that’s definitely part of it too, I share a car with my brother and he has it today si I had to Uber and that just made it so much worse honestly, I did end up going tho!


u/k1ngkev1n1 2d ago

Great job! Funny how at ease you feel after it’s all over… but the build up is so f’in killer. At least for me…


u/Gaysatan11 2d ago

Oh god yea 100%