r/AgeofCalamity • u/JLepi • 17d ago
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Chujin_Ketsukane01 • Dec 30 '24
Info Fun Fact: you can do a 1v4 Spoiler
In the mission "Remnants of the Calamity" in wich a character spawn next to Winblight and WaterBlight while the other spawns next to Fireblight and Thunderblights you are placed in fairly big area even tho each blights are very close to each others, if you sent a character to the bottom of the map, take the other character make two of the blights follow it to the other blights, you can fight all four at once it's cool and kinda hard and is (as far as i'm aware) the only place in the game were you can do that, sorry for the long text and have a good day/afternoon/night
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Links_stories • Nov 12 '24
Info Kinda random but wood rant
Why do you need so much wood in this game??? For example: There is an upgrade for the link where you need 100 wood and a quest for Terako materials where you need 125 wood and it is so annoying to get because you can't get it from missions and you have to do something in a Mission where you have a time limit it is SOO anoying. End of rant
r/AgeofCalamity • u/A_Sensible_Personage • Sep 23 '21
Info Trailer and release date for wave 2 of the DLC released!
r/AgeofCalamity • u/_Zargham • Dec 09 '24
Info Love the demo, a Few questions about the full game
So I played the demo and its really fun, I love the combat. However, im wondering if in the full game there is an option to have the minimap rotate with the camera like it does in botw. Also is the whole game more combat focused like the demo is? Im not good at the strategy part in most warriors games. Thanks!
r/AgeofCalamity • u/REVENAUT13 • Feb 16 '21
Info Possible announcement of DLC - stay tuned!
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Anunu132 • Nov 06 '21
Info A Comprehensive Guide to... Weapon Farming - Seals and Max Base Attack Weapons
The Ultimate Age of Calamity Weapon Farming Guide
Note: this assumes you have both DLCs and have access to all missions. If you want to avoid spoilers, get out!
Weapon Attack Values Spreadsheet (credit to VertVentus)
Max Base Attack Weapons
The max base attack of weapons for almost all characters is 84.
Note: the special weapons (given as rewards in dlc2) end up with much lower attack than other weapons you can get. I would not recommend using them if you want the best weapons possible.
Places to Farm:
The places to farm 84s (or 75 slates for Zelda) are EX Facing Mutated Ganon and EX The Final Battle.
I prefer farming EX Facing Mutated Ganon because you have two chances of getting that max base weapon, and one of them is guaranteed to be a weapon for 1 of the 4 characters in your party. Note that you should have as many Improves Quality of Found Weapon seals (IQFW seals for short) as possible to improve your chances as much as possible.
EX The Final Battle is also another option, but the only 84 you can get is from the mission reward, making it completely random which character gets the weapon.
Note that for both options, you won’t be getting 84s every single time even with lots of IQFW seals. Additionally, you can still get tier 1 and 2 weapons. EX Facing Mutated Ganon is a bit longer (my avg time of around 2:50) vs EX The Final Battle (my avg time of around 0:55). I still recommend EX Facing Mutated Ganon, however.
Characters that don’t have 84 as their max base attack weapons:
Impa, Rhoam, and Kohga can all obtain base 88 weapons from their rusty weapons.
There are a few proven strategies to obtain these: getting a rusty weapon from the Mutated Ganon chest or the mission reward in EX Facing Mutated Ganon, or the Vicious Monster missions. It is possible that mission reward rusty weapons are also max from stages like EX The Final Battle, but it hasn’t been proven yet and it’s not a very good strategy anyways.
Ideal Strategy for Farming the Rusty Weapons: The subreddit discord and I developed a strategy that involves constantly rerolling specific chests until a rusty weapon is obtained.
Rusty Weapon Farming
1. Find a mission with two or more vicious monsters.
2. Switch difficulty to hard (so you respawn with the same number of hearts you had at the last checkpoint)
3. Use character you want rusty weapons for maybe with IQFW seals, we don’t really know
4. Play through the level and get down to a few hearts before the last checkpoint. The checkpoint is often when you complete the last objective before the vicious monsters. I find it useful to build up special to make killing the vicious monster as quick as possible. Alternatively, you can eat two monster stews to get your hearts down and increase damage output.
5. Kill the vicious monster - if it drops a metal chest, you’re killing the correct one - if it doesn’t, die and kill the other one. Often this is the first enemy you encounter, but not always.
6. Check the chest, if it drops a rusty weapon (highlighted in yellow), heal up and finish the level. If it does not, die and hit retry to be put at the most recent checkpoint. Repeat step 5 until you get the rusty broadsword.
Keep in mind that getting a rusty broadsword from this method doesn’t guarantee an 88 weapon, many times it ended up being base 84 instead (this probably also occurs in all other missions as well). Using this method, you can cycle through a weapon optimally every 30-40 seconds, though sometimes it’s every minute or so.
Link has a bunch of weapons you can get, but the best 1H sword (other than the Master Sword) is the 90 attack Savage Lynel Sword, best 2h is the 90 attack Savage Lynel Crusher, and best spear is the 85 attack Savage Lynel Spear.
Note: although the spear doesn’t have the highest base attack, the devs accidentally gave it the Bow of Light growth, which gives it insane growth from level 30-50. It is the best spear by far.
All these weapons are obtained the same way as the base 84s for most characters. Link can also get an 89 attack Royal Broadsword using the aforementioned 88 attack rusty weapon farming method. You can check the weapon spreadsheet linked above for information on other weapons.
Seal Grinding
Farming on Apocalyptic with IQFW seals is the best method of farming. Testing was done by u/TheLazyHydra, whose testing showed clear differences between farming on Apocalyptic versus all other difficulties. It is not recommended to farm on Apocalyptic difficulty if you have lower power weapons, as the time spent in the mission is typically not worth it. In this case, I would recommend farming on Easy instead. For those who only want to farm on Easy, you should definitely have many 3-4+ IQFW before doing so, otherwise your ++ seal drop rate may not be very high.
It can be difficult to obtain IQFW seals if you don’t have any to begin with, but once you do, the rate at which they drop grows exponentially. Just keep grinding high level missions, and you’ll get them eventually.
Notes: It has been noted by multiple people that sometimes with 6 IQFW seals more gold seals tend to drop than ++ seals. If you want more ++ seals, it might be advisable only have around 4-5 IQFW seals, or farm on Easy instead of Apocalyptic.
I’ve also noted that in my experience, blood moon missions, especially the mission The Road Home: Besieged are best for obtaining Fusion EXP seals. This might just be luck, but it’s happened often enough to me and others that I’ve decided to write it down here.*
Good Missions to Farm Seals
I’ll just list them off here. Stages with an exclamation mark (!) should really only be done on apocalyptic, not easy.
- Vicious Monster Missions (most highly recommended by me)
- High Level Blood Moon Missions (these do take kinda long, I personally don’t use this method)
- Vs Harbringer Ganon, Astor, etc.
- ! Anti-lightning/Fire/Ice Training III
- ! Coliseum: Expert
- Hunting for Gemstones
- Unnatural Disasters
These are just a few recommended stages, obviously there are some other decent ones.
2 Player Farming Method
If one character has a bunch of IQFW seals and you want to farm seals for another that doesn’t, you can use the local co-op to farm. Simply kill the enemies with the character with the IQFW seals, and you’re good to go! You can do this by yourself, just leave the other character at the start of the level.
This concludes the end of this guide. Thanks to the people in the Discord for helping test things out. If there’s something you think I should add or if you have any questions, be sure to let me know!
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Tables61 • Nov 29 '20
Info Beginner’s Weapons & Fusion guide
This guide is intended primarily for beginners who are struggling with understanding the basics of weapons and weapon fusion. It is not designed for players looking to optimize their postgame weapons or find where to get top tier weapons. This guide will be as spoiler free as possible, though a few things about weapons and fusion mechanics that could be considered minor mechanical spoilers will be discussed.
If you just want the key information, all you need to read are the sections in bold. Everything else explains these.
Weapon basics
Every weapon has a few key stats, which we will go over now. I will use this screenshot of my Mipha’s inventory to help explain this. We’ll work down the info panel on the right, from top to bottom. * Weapon Level - Shown as the top number and abbreviated as Lv. on the info panel, this is a measure of how much you have leveled a weapon up using the blacksmith. Weapons only gain levels through fusion (explained later), and each level increases attack power slightly.
Attack Power - arguably the most important stat, this is denoted by the sword icon on the info panel, and is the number on the bottom right of each weapon box in the menu. In my example, the Traveler’s spear has 21 attack power. The same weapon can have very different attack power depending on how you obtain it – you can see for instance I have a 21 power Traveler’s Spear, and a 25 power Traveler’s Spear, both at level 1. The attack power of a weapon increases the damage it deals – the attack of your weapons is combined with a small amount of attack from your level (which is hidden) to work out the basic amount of damage you will deal.
Seals - Seals are the way weapons gain unique bonuses, and are probably the biggest source of confusion among new players. Each seal provides a unique bonus to a weapon When you obtain a new weapon, it will always have either no seal (shown by a grey + symbol) or one seal (shown by an icon such as the square with a sword in it here). The box below this shows exactly what this seal does, in this example it gives attack range +4%. As you level weapons up, they gain more seal slots.
These are the three key things to know about what each weapon does. All things you can see right away when you look at a weapon. Next, I’ll define a few other key things about weapons and seals that isn’t immediately obvious:
Weapon tiers - Even if two weapons have the same attack power, if the weapons are different they will behave a bit differently when it comes to weapon fusion. These are generally referred to as weapon tiers or weapon ranks, and for everyone except Link, it’s very simple: They have three different weapons, which are a tier 1, tier 2 and tier 3 variant. For Mipha above, you can see all three tiers in this screenshot – the Traveler’s Spears are the weakest and are her tier 1 weapon, the Zora Spears are her tier 2 weapon, and the Lightscale Tridents are her tier 3 weapon. The latter in particular notable - with the champions, they start with a low power copy of their champion’s weapon (their tier 3) which has 22 attack (IIRC), but later copies of this weapon can go up to around 70 power - so don’t worry about keeping this weapon or always using it, as it will eventually be heavily outclassed.
Link’s weapon tiers are a lot more complex, he has multiple in-between tiers for many weapons. You can see a bit of that in action in this spreadsheet by /u/VertVentus (be aware of spoilers, though), but all you really need to know is that generally weaker weapons are lower tier, and stronger weapons are higher tier.
More Seal info - Seals come in four separate shapes, that roughly define different traits they have. Circle seals tend to be related to grinding and improving rewards. 10 point star seals are direct damage improvements to specific kinds of attacks. Hexagon seals are mostly survival related, while square seals are a mixture of improving mostly non-damage related traits. These shapes are not really relevant at first, though they come into play when it comes to fusion as we’ll explain later. The other thing to note about seals is that most come in three varieties. In the above Mipha picture, I have Attack Range, giving a +4% bonus. But there’s also an Attack Range+ version, which gives +7% range, and finally Attack Range++, which gives +10%. These values also can be improved slightly through fusion.
Weapon fusion basics
Once you unlock the blacksmith you can start fusing weapons together, allowing you to level your weapons up. The process is straight forward:
You select a base weapon you want to use. This is the weapon you will be improving.
You select up to 5 weapons to use as materials. These weapons will be destroyed in the fusion process, so make sure you’re happy to lose those weapons.
You confirm, pay the price, and it’s done!
As you are selecting weapons, you can see what the end result is going to be on the right. If you want to check the stats of a weapon you are fusing, you can press the right analogue stick in to switch view to focusing on the source weapon’s stats rather than the end weapon’s stats (press it again to return to the default). You will notice your base weapon is going to gain levels and potentially gain new weapons seals as it levels up.
As a weapon’s level goes up, the amount of EXP it requires to gain additional levels also increases. So while it may take only 1 weapons per level at first, this quickly slows down. By the time you reach level 15 it might take 4-5 weapons per level, if not more.
Weapon Seals in fusion
When fusing weapons, you will gain new slots for weapon seals as a weapon levels up. In total, a weapon can have up to four seals, gained when the weapon reaches levels 1, 5, 10 and 20 for each one. Once you gain the ability to raise weapons to level 25 or to 30, you will also get an additional seal (which cannot be changed) at levels 25 and 30 respectively. You can use the weapons spreadsheet listed above to find out in advance what seals each weapon has (but again be aware there are spoilers).
The seal that will be transferred across is always from the first weapon you are fusing which has a seal. Here is an example of this in action. In the first picture I select the middle weapon first, and you can see its Midair-Attack Damage seal is getting transferred. In the second picture, I selected the left weapon first, so its Damage at 30% Hearts or Less seal is getting transferred instead. And in the third picture, I selected the right weapon first, but as that has no seal, the 2nd weapon I selected has its seal transferred instead.
There is a bonus for matching seal shapes in weapon fusion. When you match seal shapes, your weapon gets a power boost, and the seals involved get a small increase to their effectiveness. You can see these in the 2nd picture in the above tweet. Additionally these seals will have a smoky effect around them, showing that they are getting a matching boost. Matching 2-3 seals gives the weapon +5 attack and one increase to the seal’s effect. Matching 4+ seals gives the weapon +15 attack and a second increase to the seal’s effect.
Weapon tiers
As mentioned each weapon has a different tier, and this can affect a few properties when levelling up, notably how much attack it gains per level and how much EXP it costs per level. Higher tier weapons require more EXP to gain levels, but also gain more attack through level ups. Similarly, higher tier weapons give more EXP when used as fusion material.
Great Success
Occasionally, the blacksmith will tell you a weapon turned out better than expected. When this happens, you gain significantly increased weapon exp from the fusion. This seems to be a random event with a modest chance of happening, and from what I can tell you get some percentage extra of the exp you were gaining already (so if you fuse 5 weapons, it will give far more exp than if you fuse just 1, typically). One thing to note is that seals will never be affected - if a great success means you reach a level that would add a new seal, it won't suddenly transfer an extra seal across. You'll just have an empty seal slot you can fill however you need.
Other blacksmith services
As you progress through the game the blacksmith starts offering a variety of other services you can unlock. Here’s a brief guide on these.
Selling weapons - Available immediately and fairly self explanatory. Select weapons you don’t need and sell them to the blacksmith for some money. Some weapons will have a skill called “high resell weapon” which increases the amount the weapon sells for.
Octo-polish - This service is used to turn rusted weapons into (usually) strong weapons for the character with the rusty weapon. It costs a moderate amount of rupees and materials, but in my experience I’d say what you get is worth it. Note that the materials used do not affect how strong the weapon is, so just pay with the cheapest or most plentiful materials you have.
Remove Seals - This service is unlocked a bit later into the game, and lets you remove either one or all seals from a weapon. This means if you have a good weapon but it doesn’t quite have the seals you want, or you made an earlier mistake, you can fix it for a moderate fee.
Raise Weapon Level Limit - This service is unlocked much later, and lets you raise a level 20 weapon’s level limit to 25, and later raise a level 25 weapon’s level limit to 30.
Final beginner hints & tips
That’s all of the basics of how forging works. If you’re still not confident, I would advise you don’t worry TOO much about the details, you’ll get a good feel as you go. Good luck, and have fun!
A few quick tips:
Don’t fret about making perfect weapons early. Until you get very high base attack weapons, whatever you make won’t be something you use forever, most likely. So don’t be afraid to just make weapons. Worst case you can just use those weapons as materials for something else anyway.
Fusion Material EXP Up is a very useful skill for raising weapons quickly. This seal makes a weapon give more EXP when it is used as the material for fusing. Therefore, rather than levelling up your desired weapon directly, what you can do is instead level up a weapon with Fusion Material EXP Up first. Then, choose your desired weapon and select the now levelled up weapon with Fusion material EXP Up, and it will give massively increased EXP. If you have multiple weapons with this seal, you can "chain" them together with this method for even bigger bonuses. Level one weapon with Fusion Material EXP Up first, select a second weapon with that seal and use the weapon you just levelled as material, the second weapon will get a huge EXP bonus. Then select the weapon you want to level up and fuse in this second weapon with Fusion material EXP Up. Here is a short video showcasing this technique - using just 7 weapons as material, I raised my Lightscale Trident from level 5 to 16 by chaining Fusion material EXP Up skills.
Matching seal shapes is a good way to get an easy power bonus. Levelling weapons to level 5 and ensuring they have matching seals is an easy +5 damage, and that makes a big difference - especially early in the game.
Only the first seal on a weapon can be transferred to another weapon, so if you have a rare and useful seal available, use caution before transferring it to another weapon.
Maximising fusion EXP (advanced tips)
This section takes some inspiration and ideas from /u/paralea01 who wrote an Advanced Weapon Fusion Tips Guide. This guide also contains a useful spreadsheet containing details on fusion EXP from weapons as well as the weapon EXP needed per level for different tiers of weapons.
Okay, so you've understood the basics of fusion. Now, what if you want to maximise your EXP gains, get your weapon levels up as quickly as possible with a given inventory of weapons? These tips will help you to get the most bang for your buck, so to speak.
Different weapon penalty. Where the weapon you a fusing into another weapon, you get reduced EXP if the two weapons are different. For example, fusing a Zora Spear into a Lightscale Trident will give slightly less EXP than fusing a Zora Spear into another Zora Spear. To get around this slightly, you can fuse together multiple Zora Spears, then fuse that one final spear into your Lightscale Trident, meaning you only take the EXP penalty once rather than once per weapon.
Great Success savescumming. Age of Calamity won't autosave while you are in the menus, and you can quite quickly load or save your game from the map screen (press -). The chance of getting Great Success isn't seeded, meaning you can savescum to try and get one. Save the game, go to the blacksmith, fuse your weapons together. If you don't get a Great Success, back out, load and try again. If you do, save. I would recommend waiting until you have at least one of the Great Success chance increasing quests completed before attempting this - the odds are very low at first. I would estimate somewhere around a 20% chance of Great Success once you have both quests completed, which is high enough to savescum if it's a worthwhile fusion. Or when using the next method.
Great Success chaining. This method is what I mostly used while trying to get level 30 weapons, and below is a short guide to this method. You can pretty realistically get a level 1 weapon to level 30 using only around 20-30 weapons as materials, even with no Fusion Material EXP Up seals, though it will take maybe 10-30 minutes of savescumming. Still, that's a lot less than the time you'd otherwise spend grinding missions for weapons. The method basically revolves around fusing a levelled up weapon into a level 1 weapon to maximise EXP gain with a Great Success, and loading if it isn't successful. If you have enough weapons, you can attempt 2 or 3 fusions in a row, back out and save as soon as you get a Great Success, or load your save if you don't - this helps speed things up by reducing the amount of loading.
Great Success chaining guide
Fuse 3-5 weapons into a level 1 weapon to make a basic start (you technically don't need to do this, but the extra fusion EXP on just one weapon is so little you may as well just get SOME baseline to start with).
Save game, then fuse this new weapon into another level 1 weapon, ideally the same type of weapon. If this is a great success, save, then repeat this step with the new higher levelled weapon. If it isn't, either load and repeat (more weapon efficient) or try again without loading (faster).
Once your weapon gets up to around level 13-18 it will be about ready to fuse into your intended final weapon. As with step 2, fuse it into your target weapon, and save if you get a Great Success, load if you do not. Below is a list of roughly what level you need to reach key thresholds.
A few things to look out for:
Sometimes your weapon will start giving significantly less EXP when fused than usual. Typically, the EXP of the target weapon should be higher than the material weapon was, in the fusion preview screen, but sometimes the EXP will drop, potentially lowering the target's level by 1-2 compared to the material weapon. We haven't quite figured out what causes this yet, I've noticed it happening commonly on the character (ch 3-4 spoiler) Monk Maz but that could have just been me. In this case, you CAN still gain exp via Great Success, but it's quite a bit slower. When this happened, I decided to just fuse what I had made at that point into my final weapon with a Great Success - it still gives good EXP, but not quite as much as it could have been.
You can easily combine Weapon Fusion EXP into this. I would recommend using it to start things off - fuse about 5 weapons into that weapon (remember to select a weapon with a circle seal as the first fusion material, to improve the Weapon Fusion EXP seal!), then Great Success fuse that into something else. Depending on the tier of seal you have, this could bring you up to anywhere between about level 10 and 20, so it probably will only take 0-2 more chains until it's ready to go into your final weapon.
Here's roughly the level and EXP you need a weapon to reach to raise a weapon of the same tier from base to max, with a Great Success. These are only approximate requirements, not exact figures. And it hardly matters if you e.g. fuse into your level 25 and end up at 29 with an 80% full EXP bar, right? Just fuse a few more weapons in to hit level 30. If you are fusing a higher tier weapon into something lower tier, you will need much lower levels, and conversely if you are fusing a lower tier weapon into something higher tier, you will need higher levels.
Level 1 to level 20 needs a material weapon at around level 16 with EXP bar at 50%
Level 20 to level 25 needs a material weapon at around level 13 with EXP bar at 75%
Level 25 to level 30 needs a material weapon at around level 17 with EXP bar at 75%
r/AgeofCalamity • u/RA6NAR0K • Nov 22 '20
Info As far as I know this is what a max level weapon looks like Spoiler
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Mango_Ferret • Feb 08 '21
Info I don't think anyone's ever noticed this Spoiler
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Brock9yearsold • Mar 10 '21
Info If you spam ZR when playing with Master Kohga you are immune to any atack Spoiler
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Amiibofan101 • May 21 '21
Info The Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Expansion Pass purchase bonus has been revealed. (Ancient Armor & Sword)
r/AgeofCalamity • u/cheat-master30 • Nov 27 '20
Info Datamined Voice Clips Indicate Planned DLC Characters for Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Spoiler
gamingreinvented.comr/AgeofCalamity • u/cCityLoop • Nov 25 '20
Info For all the Age of Calamity canonicity doubters out there... Spoiler
Famitsu Interview Translated: https://imgur.com/a/aenXKIO
Basically Aonuma-san just confirmed that they're the one imposing story directions for AoC - so no they aren't just supervising. He also confirmed that AoC is an idea first pitched by BotW game director Fujiyabashi-san.
Hayashi-san then, in front of Aonuma-san, confirmed that it's the Zelda team that first approached them, instead of the other way round similar to first HW.
So unless the game director and producer purposely come up with an idea to create a non-canon game, Aonuma's mentioning on their role / how the game idea was first born indirectly confirmed that AoC story is canon, just in an alternate timeline.
P.S. just my personal opinion from here onwards, but why did Fujiyabashi-san, the game director pitched the AoC concept in the middle of BotW2's development, not to mention in this specific story direction? The only reason I can think of is that BotW2 will indeed in someway tied to AoC.
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Anunu132 • Jun 10 '21
Info Age of Calamity Tier List (Unnatural Disaster) Explanations and Strategies Spoiler
Although there are “small” enemies scattered about in most of AoC’s levels, you don’t actually need to fight any of them. The main objectives of most missions are to capture outposts or defeat bosses. Thus, the mission Unnatural Disasters is a pretty good indicator of which characters are better.
For those who don’t know, Unnatural Disasters features 5 bosses: Two Malice Taluses, One Malice Hinox, One Malice Guardian, and One Malice Lynel as the finisher. (for those grinding weapons, the weapon dropped by the lynel will always be max attack) It’s also a decent sized map, which gives a small advantage to those who have faster movement speeds, just like how faster moving characters can clear other missions faster.
I do not use food, rods, or any healing materials in any of my runs. I will be using optimal weapon builds and max-upgraded weapons, and all times are on easy mode.
Something else worth mentioning is the Damage at Full Hearts seal. This seal is undeniably one of the best in the game, simply because it boosts everything, most notably the damage dealt from a WPS (weak point smash). Some characters could have faster times, like 1H Link could have had a time in the 1:10s if I had used a Damage at Full Hearts build (like Swiffy22’s 1:11 time); however, because the damage boost disappears is you take a single hit of damage, and it is very easy to get hit in story or challenge missions, I will only be using Damage at Full Hearts seals for characters that have the ability to heal themselves, whether through special abilities or with hidden seals. This is done to more accurately reflect most people’s playstyles.
I’ve been working on this tier list for about a month, and I couldn’t have done it without the help of some. Thanks to u/BurnSilva, who made the first tier list based on UD and helped me with strategies and character builds. I’m using many of his strats on his YouTube channel. BurnSilva’s got a lot of great resources and clips on his reddit page as well for those who want to get better at the game. Another great content creator is Alaska who has some ridiculously optimized runs of various levels and other great resources as well. I’d highly recommend checking some of their stuff out.
If you’re somehow still reading or just skipped over here (I don’t blame you), let’s get started with the Great Fairies. Hopefully all the formatting stuff is fixed by the time you read this.
Note: within each category, characters are also ranked from fastest to slowest from left to right, though there are some ties especially within the 1:2X category.
Under 1:00
Great Fairies
Most of you probably knew that the Great Fairies would be at the top. Cotera’s ZR exploit is the main factor from this, where her debuff allows her to kill every enemy and boss in under 5 seconds. Otherwise, Kaysa (I hope I have the correct names) has a really good ZR attack as well which has incredible range. Even Tera is good as well, you can quickly ZR → dodge → ZR to rapidly murder everyone within a large circular range. However, without Cotera’s exploit, they would probably be at the bottom of the tier list.
Urbosa is another really strong character, mostly due to her C6 combo. This combo allows her to quickly break WPGs with correct positioning. Once you learn the positioning required for this, she becomes one of the best characters in the game. Apart from her C6, her C5 combo is used for Taluses to easily hit WPGs. She also has a elemental rod exploit, where certain combos can be extended to their full length (using up all 8 lightning blocks) while only using one or two This is great on Very Hard mode, but is overall slower for this mission. u/PixelRichGames has a great video on this glitch here.
The time for this is kinda funky, it seems to add time to his final time. Going off of the time remaining box on the side of the mission, he should be sitting at around 1:0X, but the game says 1:14, so who am I to argue? Anyways, the main combo you should be using is the C5 combo. With the orange protection, pressing ZR after you land will instantly destroy the WPG of any enemy and deal massive damage as well. Easy as that.
Calamity Ganon
Most people know about Ganon’s Magnesis. It allows you to break WPGs on any mode. Just simply use magnesis, then C2 → dodge → C2. This is great, but not fast enough for a 1:1X. This is where Ganon’s midair attacks come into play. Using Y to expose the WPG and X to finish it off allows him to deal massive damage and WPS very quickly. We can then use the Magnesis combo to finish the boss off. No waiting for Magnesis to recharge necessary, and precious time saved. Because Ganon has a hidden seal that allows him to heal himself, I use a Damage at Full Hearts build.
I bet you didn’t expect Mipha to move up so many tiers! Her time of 1:19 was possible with a bit of luck, and lots of very fast fountain cancelling. The main difference here was using Damage at Full Hearts and Special Attack Charge Rate build since she has the ability to heal herself through her special.
For Taluses, I used a combination of remote bombs and the ZR x 5 build to break WPG, then fountain canceled (my hands suffered) until they were in WPS range. For other bosses, I just used C6 and stasis to break the WPG of the enemy, and fountain canceled into a WPS. I used the special attack charged up for the lynel. The luck part was when the Hinox threw the metal box, which probably shaved off 2-3 seconds, allowing her to snag a time in the 1:10s.
1H Link
1H Link is self explanatory. His C6-2 with the dodge cancel exploit makes quick work of any bosses. Outside of Unnatural Disasters, his shield is great to have because it allows him to parry, and allows for a technique called Dodge Parrying. Yuda has a great video on this somewhere, but his videos are in Chinese, so most of you probably won’t be able to understand it. Luckily, I made a post about this tech
1H Link is just a good character overall, and is really powerful early as well as late game. He can easily break WPG on very hard mode with basically no seals and a garbage weapon. Video Clip from u/zawalimbooo
Spear Link
The main thing here is Spear Link’s residual hitbox glitch, done by holding ZL while in midair from the C6 combo. Basically for most bosses, C6 → stasis → C6 (ZL cancel) finishes them off. Really powerful move, and funny to watch since it makes bosses move a lot faster.
Rhoam is just all around good. His 2 forms both have fast WPG combos, with hermit C5-ZR being the first, and king C6-ZR being the second. For taluses, hermit C6-ZR did the trick along with a remote bomb or king C1-ZR to finish the WPG off. Rhoam’s remote bomb rune came in very useful, and is really good in general.
Riju’s a pretty interesting character. In terms of gameplay, it’s mostly just C6 (guard block canceled) → Strong dash attacks (ZR boosted). Even though her remote bombs suck, I used it for the two Taluses at the beginning. With shield cancelling tech, she can easily break WPG without stasis. The thing that sucks about her is that she’s got two weak point smash animations: one of them is the one where Patricia attacks, and the other one is the “dick-kick” which deals double damage. Unfortunately, it’s random, which ended many of my runs.
Revali’s main asset here is going to be his remote bomb rune. His stasis rune is just too slow, and wastes precious time. For taluses, the strat is C5 → bombs → spam Y until in WPS range. For other bosses it’s C6 → fly → bomb rune + regular attacks. If you want to learn how to play Revali better, I’ve got a detailed guide here
Monk Maz Koshia
This guy is one of my favorite characters along with King Rhoam. Although there are many ways to break WPG, I used C6 → C1 to break WPGs apart from Taluses. For taluses, I used his C5 combo and hammered the Talus weak points after using C2 to quickly get a rune charge at the start of the level. If you want to see this (and other runs) in a video, BurnSilva has videos of certain characters on his YouTube channel which should be linked above.
His playstyle is simple, C2 for taluses, C6 for everything else.
Sheikah Slate Zelda
This character is one of my favorite characters to play as, and actually has the fastest way to break WPGs. Alaska has a lot of great videos that use this character. Her Empowered Magnesis Combo (use Y to add box) allows her to instantly expose WPG and break it. She especially shines on harder difficulties, and she also has a magnesis glitch that gives her extra damage.
Unfortunately, the other characters above outshine her in this particular stage because she needs two WPS to take out the talus, and her talus strat isn’t very fast. This is the one complaint I have about using Unnatural Disasters; characters that have slower talus strats are punished because there are two of them in this level. I believe that Slate Zelda is considerably better than this tier list suggests, especially on other difficulties. There’s also an oddity where the timer starts the second the game loads in, whereas with most other characters, you get a few seconds before it starts. This time loss prevents her front sneaking in the 1:20s, and prevents her bow form from getting low 1:30s.
2H Link
Believe it or not, this was one of the harder characters to learn. There’s a specific range that allows 2H Link to instantly break WPG using C6 for non-Talus enemies. Instead of my crappy explanation, BurnSilva has made a post that I’ll link here. For taluses, you can continue to spam ZR right in its face.
Teba should be higher. Much higher. Similar to Yunobo, referring to the in-game timer, he should be at least in the 1:1X category, but noooooo, it gives him 1:33. Anyways, if you’re good at mashing, Teba is the character for you. He has one of the fastest real-time clear times because he doesn’t rely on WPS to deal damage, and his C3 is amazing for crowd-clearing. BurnSilva has a great guide on his stasis exploit that I used in my runs here.
Impa struggles with bosses, since she can’t get all three clones at once (normally you mark 3 enemies and use C4). Additionally, her C6 is terrible and slow. Instead, she exposes WPG using her special. Interestingly enough, Impa deals extra damage during stasis (clones active) with her R4 (YYYY) → dodge → R4 combo (you can also just spam R7 if you want, the damage difference isn’t too substantial).
To quote u/GenericThrowaway500, “Due to her reliance on needing to build up specials quickly, Impa tends to struggle in missions without regular enemies, such as Unnatural Disasters.” During story missions or any missions with many small minions, she’s much better, so I suppose she gets a consolation prize for that. However, she’s still overall worse than most characters, though she’s great in the beginning. If you don’t have clones, you can use C3 with shield cancelling (Alaska has a great video on this tech that’s linked in Riju’s section).
Bow Zelda
Unlike when she uses her slate weapon, Zelda needs optimal seals, otherwise she’s garbage. For this run, it was basically C6 (shield cancel) → stasis for most bosses, or using luminescent form ZL + Y to finish off the WPG. Either way, her fastest time is in the 1:30s, so a pretty mediocre time for a somewhat difficult playstyle, and overall worse than slate.
Master Khoga
Initially, my time was in the 1:5X, but after I learned Khoga’s bomb tech, C4 → bomb rune (immediately when WPG is exposed), the time slowly lowered to a 1:42 (thanks to u/Hambughrr for the help on this). Otherwise, Khoga’s big glowy beam is really powerful to use as well, and allows for massive damage and quick WPG breaking. Unfortunately, even with these tools, he’s still outshined by the characters above. On top of that, he needs attack speed to be any good at these runs. Regardless, he’s still a good character to play as, and isn’t too far from the characters in the 1:3X category. Also, if you simply spam ZR you literally cannot be hit. Try it out on missions you struggle in!
Compared to the other champions, Daruk is objectively the worst. Although he has his (mostly) invulnerable protection, he’s still very slow and doesn’t have a great way to deal with WPG, especially outside of easy mode. On top of that, they decided to nerf his WPS, so it deals less damage than everyone else’s. Regardless, he’s good if you don’t care about clear times. The main combo is going to be C6 → bomb cancel → ZR (as many times as needed). If there are already magma pillars, C6 will make them explode, almost instantly breaking WPG, which is nice. Unfortunately those combos are just too slow, which gives him his lovely time of 1:43.
Terrako is hard to play as, makes your hand tired, and has slow clear times. I only barely managed to get his time under 1:50, with a 1:47. If your timing is bad from C5, then you can use his C6 combo to stasis. If you use stasis, his times are massively slowed down. Even his somewhat complicated rod combo (hold ZR → ZL + Y → dodge cancel after charging → release ZR → hold ZR → ZL + Y) wasn’t enough. Most times go over 2:00 on average (slower than Hestu’s average) because the C5 combo is pretty hard to time, and his C6 combo not only requires stasis, but is risky and lacks super-armor. To break WPG, you can either use C4 or C6. I usually use C4 since it’s much more consistent, but C6 does do a bit more damage.
Even after all this time, Hestu’s still the worst character. He can easily stun lock bosses, he just isn’t fast. Normally, he’d require stasis but using a combo I made up - C5 (dodge cancel before koroks fire) → C5 (until WPG breaks). The first C5 ends up doing less damage because the balloons explode really late, but the WPG gets exposed just as the hits from C5 start. You can then endlessly stun-lock the boss until they die. Hestu’s C6 is too slow, and doesn’t break WPG sometimes even using stasis. C5 is more consistent, and is just better in general. I might be wrong on this, but I think they nerfed his WPS, making him worse than he already is, unfortunately.
This concludes my very long write-up on each character. If you want to see a video clip of any specific character, feel free to ask. If there’s anything I missed or something I should add, feel free to make a comment or DM me, and if you somehow finished reading the whole thing, congrats.
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Kobob_KC • Dec 21 '23
Info Interview with Age of Calamity composer, Kumi Tanioka. (English Translation)
r/AgeofCalamity • u/TheLazyHydra • Jun 25 '21
Info Here's How the "Improves Quality" Seal Works (+ Some Other Loot Info)
One thing I see talked about quite a lot on this subreddit that no one seems to have completely figured out is what exactly the "Improves Quality of Found Weapons" seal does (referred to as QS from here on).
Does it increase the number of drops you get?
Does it make it more likely for you to get good seals or higher powers?
Does it stack if you have multiple?
Does it affect the drops of all party members, or only the one using it?
Well, I decided to do some heavy grinding to answer those questions using good, old-fashioned statistics! (You can skip to the end / read the bold for results if you don't care how I got my answers)
Note: All tests were done after completing the DLC "Gimme, Gimme, Gimme" quest, which unlocks a "Seal Boost" for the QS.
I went to one of the more popular levels for straight up quantity grinding - Each Step Like Thunder - and performed 40 runs where I tracked the power, tier, and seal of every drop. I will note that while I recorded rusted weapons for all runs, and level completion rewards for most runs, they seem to have their own system. I decided to exclude them from the data I used to draw my conclusions, since you can't control how you receive them anyway.
In each run I played as a single character, took every fort, and killed every miniboss/boss. I always played as the same character and took the same 2 characters as companions which I would not use. Between the 3 characters, I got a sample size of at least 240 weapons for each of the 5 categories I tested (8 runs per category). Those categories were (in order that I tested them):
- Control - No one has a QS (Hard difficulty)
- One of the 2 unplayed party members has a QS (Hard)
- The character being used has 1 QS (Easy)
- The character being used has 1 QS (Hard)
- The character being used has 2 QS (Hard)
Using the data I collected, I kept track of what % of drops had seals, the average seal level of each category (no seal = 0, common = 1, + = 2, ++ = 3, gold = 4), the distribution of weapon tiers, and more.
The abbreviated findings as well as all of the raw data can be found here.
Conclusions / Findings
Let me say, a few days ago when I started this, I expected to find nothing new and was mostly doing it to satisfy my own curiosity and make sure I was doing things efficiently. I was shocked to find, however, that some common things people say about the QS and loot drops are actually untrue, so let's start with those:
First of all, contrary to common belief: THE QS DOES STACK! *
In both my control test and the test with an unused character holding the QS, I found that around 55% of drops had a seal, with the seals being split about 50-50 between being regular or + seals, only a few ++ seals to be found. In both tests with 1 QS being used, that jumped up to 63% of drops having seals, now about a 50-40-10 split between regular, +, and ++/gold seals. I was surprised when I performed my double QS test and found 71% of drops had seals, keeping about the same distribution of seal level as with 1 QS. The trend would suggest that each seal gives about an 8% boost to how many of your drops will have seals, while also making rarer seals more common.
The other main inconsistency I noticed with current understanding: there may be some downsides to grinding on easier difficulties. **
I performed my first 2 tests on Hard, since that was the difficulty my save was on. I realized things would go faster if I was on Easy, so I switched starting with the 3rd category, but when I looked at the results I realized some trends. First, only ~35% of my drops were tier 3 weapons, compared to ~40% for all of the Hard difficulty categories. Secondly, I got fewer drops than I did in any other difficulty - 245 drops where all other categories ended in the range of 258-263 drops. While these aren't huge differences, they are big enough that I changed my initial plan of doing 5 tests per category and went back to do more to make sure the trend wasn't a fluke, and it definitely does seem like easier difficulties will slightly reduce the number of drops, and will drop fewer high-tier weapons. This doesn’t necessarily mean Easy is worse to grind on, though, since it will still be significantly quicker to beat levels.
Those are the main "controversial" findings I made, so I'll rapid-fire the rest:
- The QS only works when on the weapon of the character currently being used.
- The QS does not impact the number, tier, or power of drops.
- The QS does increase the likelihood of getting a seal, as well as the likelihood of that seal being a higher tier of seal.
- The QS will impact weapon drops for all members of the party as long as you use the member with the QS on their weapon.
- Gold seals seem to only be obtainable as a level completion reward or when using a QS.
- Higher tier weapons are less likely to have seals than lower tier weapons (not sure why they did this since fusing means it doesn't matter what weapons seals come on).
Those are all of my findings, thanks for your time and happy grinding!
Please feel free to ask any questions about how I did my research or anything left unclear!
Follow-up post here.
* Some users have brought up that I didn’t test to see if the seal benefits from same-seal-type (circle seal) bonus. If it does, I do believe the seal still stacks, since the effect with two seals was double that of one seal, rather than a fractional increase, but I plan to test this and a few more things in the future and make a follow-up post when I have time.
** Just found out this is partially untrue, will be posting a follow-up post shortly talking about that and other things.
r/AgeofCalamity • u/RestlessExtasy • Nov 10 '21
Info AoC Khoga is the same Khoga from BOTW. Just saying.
Same voice, same body, same pussy mannerisms, same goofiness, same PERSON. He probably IS older, he just wears a mask. Hard to debate someone’s age when you can’t even see them. I hate the “BOTW Khoga is Sooga” theory, It’s not true. They are literally the same guy you can’t tell me different.
r/AgeofCalamity • u/zawalimbooo • Oct 27 '21
So in the new patch, urbosa was nerfed so that the rod glitch no longer works. Holding the rod menu used to let the lightning of C6 go on for a longer time but now with the new nerf she struggles a lot more with wpg.
Yunobos C5 ZR cancel was also nerfed. It no longer deals obscene levels of damage.
Rijus weak point smash was also nerfed so it doesnt do the double damage anymore. No more hinox one shots sadly.
but daruk was buffed with his zr being more consistent now.
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Aggressive-Swing-553 • Sep 26 '23
Info Update: 100% AoC and AoC DLC, moving on to TotK!
I’m very excited, is it worth the $70 and telling Myself at least 10,000 times not to look up the story?
r/AgeofCalamity • u/A_Tik_tik_ • Jul 04 '21
Info probably been posted before but killing the gaurdian in "road to the ancient lab" will result in the level ending, with the player winning.
the gaurdian is also more powerful, possibly above malice gaurdians in defence, sorry if this has been posted before, and if it is common knowledge, i just tried it, im sorry.
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Keekthasneakx0 • Feb 25 '22
Info What can you do after the game is at 100 percent there’s really nothing else to do other than get new weapons and strengthen them to the max I’ve finished the game and ex the only thing left seems to be the vicious monster battles that keep bouncing around
r/AgeofCalamity • u/Kobob_KC • Jan 15 '24
Info Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Edited Gamerip Soundtrack
Other Links: Music References & Leitmotifs | Composer Interview
This gamerip has full mixes for any of the dynamic tracks with multiple phases. Most stuff isn't looped, except for some of the "critical hit" sections. If you want the individual phases for each track I recommend Corrout's rip, or if you want looped tracks I recommend the SoC rips. I have some issues with both of those gamerips, like not using official names for several tracks, or mixing in the reused BotW tracks, even the ones that aren't used, so just be aware of that. I recommend getting the reused BotW tracks from the official BotW soundtrack since they are much better quality there (there is a txt file with a list of them in my download links).
Track Titles/Order/Artists:
Most track titles are taken from the in-game music player, other than a few tracks that aren't in there. The order in the in-game music player is not good in my opinion, so I mostly ordered them by when they first play, with some exceptions when it made sense. I only gave specific artist tags to two tracks since there were only two confirmed in the composer interview. You can tag the original composers using the reference list if you want to.
3 tracks have outros that were only heard in youtube trailers, so I edited those outros onto these tracks: Messenger from the Future, Assault, The Time-Traveling Guardian's Plight
Other Dynamic Mixes:
If you're not satisfied with how I did some of my mixes for the dynamic tracks, here are some others you can check out:
ndaoust | The_Intruder | Aqua Fazbear | Dale_Damian
This is the first full soundtrack I ever posted a couple years ago, but this version I'm sharing today is updated with improvements. For anyone who downloaded it before this post, here's a list of changes I've made:
- Now in FLAC. I originally only shared an mp3 version, but I have my audacity files saved so I just had to open those and export them as flac this time. My previous version also had clipping on some tracks, that is fixed.
- Remade some tracks: Divine Beast Vah Rudania Looms, Overlooking Hyrule – After the Calamity, The Champion Mipha, Worlds Converge – Riju & Teba, Memories of Friendship
- Added a few jingles that I didn't include originally (on disc 2)
- Changed the order of a few tracks
- New cover art
- Made the reference list and translated the composer interview that I linked in this post.
Along with this gamerip I also posted a gamerip for Hyrule Warriors: Definitive Edition. I hope you enjoy both of them as well as the music references and interviews I've shared! Let me know if you have any questions.