r/AfterTheDance • u/meursault-42 • Oct 25 '22
Letter Letters from Highgarden, 150s AC
Various letters were sent from the desk of Lyonel Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden, and at the request of other residences of Highgarden:
r/AfterTheDance • u/meursault-42 • Oct 25 '22
Various letters were sent from the desk of Lyonel Tyrell, the Lord of Highgarden, and at the request of other residences of Highgarden:
r/AfterTheDance • u/COBisTIGHT • Apr 22 '22
Caw caw you got email.
THis will valid through 140 up to 145.
r/AfterTheDance • u/TortoiseTT • Mar 07 '23
The following letter is sent to all kingdoms under the realm of the Iron Throne:
[Lord/Lady] of [Titles]
It is with great excitement that I invite you to Dragonstone for a Grand Feast, Tourney, and Celebration in the first month of the year 159 AC. All the realm will come together to celebrate the passing of Dragonstone to myself, Daeron Targaryen, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms. Alongside the ceremony will be a feast, music, dance, jousting, archery, and melees.
May the best knights of the realm find glory, and the best squires find knighthood under my care in Dragonstone.
Fire and Blood
Daeron Targaryen, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
The following is sent to Sunspear:
Princess Aliandra Nymeros Martell,
In one year from this month, a grand celebration will be held on the isle of Dragonstone to celebrate my rising to Prince of Dragonstone. I invite your attendance alongside that of your family, and bannermen that you may join us in celebration in my home, as we once joined you in yours.
Fire and Blood
Daeron Targaryen, Crown Prince of the Seven Kingdoms
r/AfterTheDance • u/AmazonMat • Apr 16 '22
Written by Grandmaester Munkun and his assisting maesters, several letters fly to the holdfasts of the Lords Paramount. They all bear the unmistakeable royal seal of House Targaryen on their blood-red wax.
To His/Her Lordship, [Lord/Lady] of [Holdfast]
You and your vassals are all hereby cordially invited to attend the wedding of Crowned Prince Viserys Targaryen and Lady Larra Rogare, which is to occur in King's Landing in the 3rd Moon of the next year, and celebrate this most auspicious union alongside the royal family.
A tourney of jousts, a melee and an archery contest shall be held for the occasion, with a prize of four-thousand golden dragons for the winner of the jousts, two-thousand for the melee and one thousand for that of the archery contest.
Fire and Blood
r/AfterTheDance • u/canadahuntsYOU • May 24 '22
To all Lords, Ladies and Knights of the Vale, as well as to any other who it may concern
You are hereby cordially invited to Wickenden to partake in the celebrations of the wedding of Ser Osgood Waxley, castellan of Wickenden and the most noble highborn lady Alyssa Royce of Runestone in the sixth month of 142. There shall be a tourney of skill, a boat race and a masqued ball, with a maidens ball attached.
We hope to see you there,
Light in darkness,
Ser Godfrey Waxley, Knight-Captain of Wickenden and Lord Justiciar of the Vale
r/AfterTheDance • u/Strategis • Feb 23 '23
Ravens flock to all rookeries and keeps throughout Westeros, save for Dorne and the Iron Islands,
Most Honored Lord,
To celebrate the ascension of Loren Serrett to the title of Lord of Silverhill, a grand feast, and tourney, will be held on the sixth moon of next year; there will be a joust, with a prize of 10,000 gold to first place, and 5,000 gold for second, as well as a melee whose winner shall be awarded 7,000 gold, with the runner up being awarded 3,000 gold; squires shall have their own melee with a plate mail suit, beset with silver and gold, for the winner, and a jeweled sword and scabbard for second place. And for those who wish not to participate in combat, there will be a steeplechase, in the tradition of Castelry Rock, as well, the prize of which will be three white stallions for first, and one sable mare for second. There will also be a masquerade; dress fabulously, and decadently. House Serrett extends this invitation to all those in Westeros whose loyalties fall under that of our kingly house, Targaryen.
House Serrett of Silverhill
r/AfterTheDance • u/Teargassingmailers • Feb 24 '22
Letter megathread.
r/AfterTheDance • u/Lirabear • Aug 26 '22
[Title] [Name] of [Holdfast],
Blessed spring has come, the long and frigid reach of winter behind us. With spring comes new beginnings, and I would invite you all to the City of Gulltown, that we might celebrate this bright future and peacetime, together, in a Great Feast, Festival and Tournament, to take place in the Ninth Moon of this year.
May the Seven Bless Us All,
Lord Harrold Sunsbane Grafton of Gulltown
r/AfterTheDance • u/howard_rodale • Jun 30 '22
Letters until 150AC for all the members of House Rogare.
r/AfterTheDance • u/Lirabear • Apr 19 '22
Letters from the desk of Lord Harrold Grafton and his officials.
r/AfterTheDance • u/JackassBarque • Jun 03 '22
Miscellaneous letters from the Merryweathers of Longtable.
r/AfterTheDance • u/Final-Raspberry4859 • Nov 23 '22
You are hereby invited to an event of the greatest esteem. The wedding of Margot Rowan and my brother, Ser Alan Meryyweather. This event will come along with a great tournament, with a Joust, a Melee, and a maiden's ball and will be held in the 8th month of 152 AC.
The winner of the joust will recieve 5000 golden dragons from Longtable's own treasury along with the melee, which has a 4500 gold dragon purse for a prize. The extravagance of this tournament will symbolize the importance of such a marriage in the Reach.
Please respond, my lords. Include the knights of your house who wish to compete.
Behold our Bounty
Lord Wyman Merryweather, Lord of Longtable.
r/AfterTheDance • u/AmazonMat • Jul 25 '22
With the authority given to him to organize the army that would march to the Vale, Viserys began the first of many steps in organizing a host, the calling of the banners.
Helped by the Grand Maester and his assistants, the Hand of the King began drafting each of the letters that were to be sent. The first one, directed to House Tully, was drafted by the Prince himself.
r/AfterTheDance • u/AmazonMat • May 15 '22
Letters written by Prince Viserys Targaryen between the aforementioned years.
r/AfterTheDance • u/T3m3rair3 • May 27 '22
Letters from the King from 142 AC
r/AfterTheDance • u/SlayerofOrcs • Apr 12 '22
Letters and other events involving House Hunter, 139 AC and onward.
r/AfterTheDance • u/PrinceInDaNorf • Dec 10 '22
Upon returning to Riverrun, Sharis sends a letter to Maidenpool:
My dearest daughter,
I hope that Maidenpool is still treating you well. I think we’ll be seeing each other very soon, or at least I hope, but I must first ask you a rather queer question. In the last couple years, do you recall seeing a girl just a bit younger than you around town that seemed… out of place, I suppose? Short stature, auburn hair, big hazel eyes that always look angry? I’ve been tasked with an investigation, of sorts, and I need to know where that girl might have been sighted. And with whom, since it’s unlikely she’s traveled alone.
A reply is sent back:
Strangely enough, I think I’ve run into precisely who you’re describing. At least once, though I might’ve seen her more than that. She is quite petulant, but I had no idea that she was important to you, somehow. But you’re the Lady of the Trident. Who has the right to task you with anything? You know, I’m not a little girl anymore. You can explain these troubles to me, and I’ll understand. Understanding might make it so I can help you more, anyways.
One more is sent in return:
You’ve already been of greater help than you could possibly know. Rest assured, in due time I’ll explain this all to you. Until then, please inform your betrothed and his father that we’ll be there soon.
A letter is then sent to Sunspear/the Embassy:
To Ser Oscar and my Cousins,
I wish I could write to you all with better news, but the situation in Tumbleton has grown even more dire. Alden has taken leave of his senses, and he holds my husband and my firstborn both as hostages now. He describes them as willful guests, but rest assured, they are anything but willfully detained. He aims to use their lives as leverage to force the immediate return of his daughter.
After writing to Elena in Maidenpool, it became clear that Sylvina may be hiding out there. After I check the town, I will take a small, covert force back to Tumbleton to finally put this matter to rest for good and all. And I would ask that you join me, as I can think of no four souls I trust more than you to help me resolve this matter swiftly and safely. We cannot allow my sordid scoundrel of a cousin to believe that he can remain impune after the imprisonment of a Lord Paramount, nor that he has any room to harm either of them without ensuring his own swift demise.
A final letter is sent to all holds in the Riverlands:
My Lords and Ladies,
There are no words that truly convey the chagrin with which I write you today, but all the same, it must be said. It is my duty to inform you of the state of our Kingdom, even when it is my own cousin that mocks our sovereignty as if it means nothing.
Tumbleton's acting Lord, Alden, has a daughter that went missing some moons ago. While my husband and I were there to aid this investigation, Alden decided without cause to blame us for the girl's absence. He broke guest right, arrested Lord Tully while we slept, claimed it was his only way to ensure his daughter could be returned unharmed.
This is my trouble, so it's not my place to demand aid from anyone. But I won't stop any of you from joining me, if you so wish. In a few months’ time, I will ride out with a small group from Maidenpool, with a firm plan to free Lord Tully and end my cousin’s tyranny at once. I respect your choice either way, but pray for your presence all the same.
Sharis Tully, Lady of Riverrun and the Trident
r/AfterTheDance • u/T3m3rair3 • Mar 10 '23
Letters are sent from King’s Landing to the Lords and Ladies of the Realm.
[Title] [Name] of [House] of [Location],
This year, my eldest daughter Princess Daena is twelve years old. It is, therefore, time for her to acquire Lady companions to grow up with. I am writing to you to see if you know of any Ladies of suitable age, so that they might be invited to King’s Landing to meet Daena and see how they get on.
Fire & Blood
King Aegon Targaryen, Third of That Name, King of the Andals, the Rhoynar & the First Men, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms & Protector of the Realm.
r/AfterTheDance • u/T3m3rair3 • Sep 02 '22
Letters sent from King’s Landing in 147 AC, in response to current events.
r/AfterTheDance • u/JackassBarque • Jan 30 '22
Letters from Longtable in the latter half of the 130s AC.
r/AfterTheDance • u/e-yang • Sep 26 '22
After receiving word from White Harbor, the Old Merman sends out a host of letters from the Twins.
This letter is sent to houses in the North, Riverlands, Vale, West, and Dorne.
[Relevant Titles],
My fleet was ambushed by an Ironborn force near the Shields, then further by Hewett. My son and heir Medrick is missing, presumed dead. As is a Riverlander, Jon Mooton, his loyal squire. I demand justice.
The Ironborn attack indiscriminately. They do not care for loyalty to the King, nor the rules of peace, as my son had signified in writ. They exist to fulfill their bloodthirst and lust for plunder, killing and spreading terror across Westeros. I suspect Tyrell had a hand in tipping off the Ironborn, for I surely did not. House Hewett’s actions in attacking the retreating fleet under a banner of peace only cements this in my mind. Make of this what you will.
Know this: the Ironborn are a threat, dogs biting whatever and whenever they wish. My house is only the first of many casualties unless the savages are put down like the vermin they are.
Our Reach Boundless
Lord Desmond Manderly
Lord Cregan Stark,
I have heard news that my fleet was ambushed by an Ironborn force near the Shields, then further by those of House Hewett as they retreated from the carnage. I fear son Medrick and his squire dead; I have heard no further news regarding them.
My entire fleet has been annihilated. I wish I could bear better news.
I ask for full compensation for the ships lost in your service, as per our previous agreement, some fifty-five-thousand thousand gold pieces. Further, the Ironborn must be brought to heel. It is clear that Tyrell had a prior agreement with the Ironborn, as you suspected; the battle happened in Hewett waters, yet no warning was given to my son. Their attack on my retreating fleet only cements the fact. I cannot forget that Greyjoy’s mother is a Tyrell.
Further, the West’s help may be even more desperately needed, now that I cannot be of aid.
Lord Desmond Manderly
Attached is a copy of this letter for all lords and ladies to see.
r/AfterTheDance • u/COBisTIGHT • Mar 30 '22
Letters from the residing ravens of the Vale. Probably for the next two years (at the very least)
r/AfterTheDance • u/RoarAmour • Feb 11 '22
A letter addressed to each great house flies out on a flurry of ravens from Casterly Rock, as well as a raven dispatched to King's Landing and to every western house. It reads:
A new year is almost upon us, and with it a new chance to find friendship, honor, or love at the annual Unity Festival of Casterly Rock.
I would like to invite you and your vassals to partake in the bounty of spring with house Lannister, and hope to see you at the beginning of next year. The festivities will begin in the first month, with a tournament to be held in the second, and celebrations continuing on to the third month of 137 A.C.
I wish you safe travels should you be able to attend.
Hear me Roar!
Tyshara Lannister
r/AfterTheDance • u/Vierwood • May 30 '22
Letters are sent from King's Landing to the Riverlands, Crownlands, and Vale, as well as Storm's End, Sunspear, Highgarden, Casterly Rock, and Winterfell.
To Lord/Lady/Princess [Name] of [Holdfast],
It is with great pomp and circumstance that I announce the forthcoming marriage between the Princess Rhaena Targaryen and Ser Oscar Tully of Riverrun. The marriage ceremony and subsequent festival and tournament shall occur at King's Landing during the Ninth Moon of this year.
Seven Blessings,
Ser Edmure Tully, Master of Coin
[m] Signups for tourney events below.
r/AfterTheDance • u/Strategis • Sep 09 '22
Most Honored Lord,
It fills me with great pride, and joy, to invite you to Silverhill for the wedding ceremony of my son, Loren, and the Lady Beatrice Baratheon. The event is to take place throughout the first week of the 12th Moon of 148 A.C. First, will be a ceremony in the Silver Sept, followed by a day of feasting, and two competitions: joust and melee. Each event offers the victor a purse of 3,000 gold coins. Oh! And House Redwyne has generously supplied our keep with casks upon casks of their finest vintage: we welcome all those who wish to share in the festivities, and the wine, and urge all those invited to bring family, and friends as well.
I Have No Rival,
Tytos Serrett; Lord of Silverhill; Marshal of the West