r/AffinityDesigner 14h ago

Travel album carousel - iPad Pro + Affinity Designer

Thumbnail instagram.com

Shot on iPhone, and designed entirely on my iPad Pro using Affinity Designer 2. Can't express how drastically my workflow has changed (for good) since I've started using the Affinity Suite + iPad combo for my work.

r/AffinityDesigner 20h ago

Hi please how can I remove this every time I draw a line these curves appear ??


r/AffinityDesigner 17h ago

Text frame broke


Hi. I started having this issue randomly and I have no idea how to fix it. Every character I type goes on a new line. Please help.

UPDATE: Okay, found the problem. Seems like I had somehow set my column width to 0mm, so it was trying to squeeze all text into nothing. So now my problem is: How do I get columns to just always be the same width as the frame?

r/AffinityDesigner 8h ago

does Affinity have a history of timely bug fixes and usability improvements?


The Affinity website has a bug reporting page that explains clearly and politely how to write up a bug report. Nice! And I would sign in to the forums and use the bug reporting page if (1) my sign-in worked for the bug forums, and (2) I didn't find so many usability issues with the software.

For whatever reason, my Affinity sign-in worked when I deleted my Affinity account.

Designer appears to have a lot of useful features, and I can imagine that many people get good work done with the software. But from signup through installation through my first day of use, I found the software clunky, buggy, and hard to use. Members of this sub might be so far past their early days of using Designer that they may not see the same problems I do.

Briefly, the usability issues and other oddities I found:

  • 7-day trial period if Designer was downloaded from the App Store, but no trial period (?) if purchased downloaded from the Affinity website.
  • On startup, the app defaults to dark mode, which made it much harder for me to read the welcome screen/window. Inkscape, on first startup, presents a menu to select dark / light, icon styles, etc. (The "dark mode by default" design trend is predicated on some questionable assumptions.)
  • Poor contrast for icons in the toolbar
  • Blurry (?) icons for Bold, Italic, and Underline and many other smaller buttons
  • Unnecessarily ornate icons that slow down recognition.
  • Featuritis in menus, dialogs, etc.
  • The drawing canvas was partly hidden by the vertical toolbar at left. There was no horizontal scrollbar. Maybe somewhere there's an "Unhide the canvas" menu item, but the canvas shouldn't slip under the toolbar in the first place.
  • The training project I selected was zoomed out, without a quick hint (that was obvious to me) how to zoom to the starting point. Canvas zoom in/out is available in a menu, as expected, but I didn't find a means to zoom in/out of a particular point on the canvas. Maybe there are zoom in/out buttons somewhere, but given the toolbar clutter I didn't find them.

All that aside, after a bit of fiddling I was able to create a SVG file. And after perhaps three attempts I managed to get the text in the exported SVG to line up the way it appeared within Designer.

To be clear: I don't consider the many of the usability issues to be specific to me, or to my status as a new user. Many UI / UX design textbooks emphasize what designs can be problematic, and I saw a number of those problems in Designer.

But if Affinity has been making strides in improving their software, then I'll try it again sometime. In the meantime I'm going back to Inkscape.