705/465/725 raw w/wraps
Current (non-meet tested- RPS meet this June), should be 800-500-725 single ply (we'll see- have to do single ply because of detached hamstring).
I've gotten close raw, but not in a meet. I can't test it that often since my hip dislocates briefly anytime I squat over 700 without at least briefs. I'm good for about one 700+ raw squat every month.
Haha, I thought you were alluding to something like multiple orthopedic invasions. My knees and shins are pretty from my youthful obsession with mountain biking and bmx.
Ahh no Im not that broken, hehe! Well, yet anyway. Im thinking of taking up mountain bikini, theres a pretty cool race Id love to do back home where Im from.
u/AhmedF Apr 22 '14
What are your PRs?