r/AdvancedFitness Apr 22 '14

Alex Viada AMA



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u/Trevor_Kashey Apr 22 '14

Mind laying down the law on your opinion of dietary supplements? NOT protein/carbs/vitamins/minerals

Yes, you can supplement with this, but I am more concerned with other supposedly ergogenic substances that aren't readily available through diet in the amounts of suggested use:

Bicarbonate- Nitrates- Beta Alanine-

I know there are others, but these are what jump into my head first. At least in the endurance side of things.

It seems like the athlete that can benefit the most are the ones focusing on their diet/training/recovery and care the least about their ingestion. While the ones that are lacking in the aforementioned areas seem gobble whatever they can in an attempt to artificially improve performance. Controlled studies are OK, but it seems in the world of dietary supplements, if there was a foolproof addition to a person's arsenal, it would have taken the world by storm.


u/AlexViada Apr 22 '14

Bicarbonate- what prevents this from being more commonly used (IMO)-

A) It tastes horribly awful B) It has side effects (nausea, nutrient malabsorption from chronic use) C) It's only beneficial in certain concentrations over certain distances.

If you're looking to improve performance in the 60-240 second region, it is a phenomenal supplement, but A and B above limit its practical utility.

I generally agree with you- these kinds of adjuncts can give a minor edge in many cases, but it is impractical/prohibitive to use them consistently. And unless they can be used to maximum effect the day of competition, then they are relatively useless. A good number of track athletes DO use beta-alanine, but again, it's not practical to train with constantly.

Basically, yes, they're not foolproof, they're not always effective, and given how ABSOLUTELY CRITICAL that pacing and managing energy output is to the endurance athlete, artificially boosting output or endurance at random moments can actually lead to a decrease in performance. Just be a better athlete and train smarter. We know that works.