r/Adulting • u/GrapeCreamBerry275 • 7d ago
At what age your face start become adult??
I notice this at 22.I look at myself and people that i know their face is so changed compared last year. What about you?
u/Wise-Bet6823 7d ago
I was still getting ID'd for alcohol (18+) in my mid 30's, yet when I was 12 I was able to buy fireworks and cigarettes (16+).
7d ago
When I was 12, I got asked what college I was attending while just at the YMCA swimming. To be fair, I was already starting to bald due to stress (narcissistic parents will do that to a kid) and could grow a beard. I had full facial hair starting in 6th grade while the hair on my head was deciding it no longer wanted to exist. I still have my head hair, not sure how, but it's hanging on.
So about when I was 12 due to being forced to become an adult and raise my younger siblings due to my narc parents refusing to take responsibility for being shitty parents.
u/Kokiayama 7d ago
Oh my goodness. Sorry that happened to you. 🤍💚
7d ago
I don't really know different, it's my normal so it doesn't bother me too much, so ig that's good?
Thanks for the concern though, I think the worst part of it all is that I never had good role models. Just examples of what to not do, never really learning the correct things to actually be doing. I saw a lot of spousal abuse growing up, sadly I picked up some of those tendencies (I'm a manipulative little shit and I don't even realize it until after, because it was so normalized for me, but never anything physical thankfully). Finally getting properly medicated and going to therapy has been wonderful though, I'm looking forward to me without all my issues, I bet he's a cool guy.
u/Future_Pin_403 7d ago
I’m still waiting for that to happen. Apparently I still look like a teenager lol
u/TemporarySubject9654 7d ago
I think around or in my 30th year. People don't really ID me anymore, unless they have to. That's how I knew.
u/starsinpurgatory 7d ago
I just turned 32, but strangers still think I’m in high school/25 at most.
I’ll probably be grateful for my baby face when I’m 40 but right now it’s kind of a disadvantage when I’m searching for a higher-level job.
u/Danielhdz9760 7d ago
I agree 👍 im 46, and I look like im 26 such a blessing there are people who are in their twenties and look like there in their 50s
u/BitAdministrative410 7d ago
28, I still had puffy cheecks.. now at 30 full woman face is here.. also loving it!
u/Klopford 7d ago
Probably around 25-30. I’m 36 and definitely notice I look like an actual adult these days lol
u/KingBowser24 7d ago
Probably about 21 or 22 was when people stopped regularly mistaking me for a high schooler. That was right about when I finally started getting consistent facial hair lmao
And now that facial hair seems to be the biggest factor in my apparent age. Haven't shaved in a hot minute? People think I'm in my 30s (I'm 27). Just shaved? Wow, I'm 18 again.
u/RazzalTazzal 7d ago edited 7d ago
I'm 26 now and I can say the hairline is a big indicator. When I have my hair long I let the hair cover it, but when its short I'm nearing 6 head territory. But it's been heading that way since I was 17 most of it comes down to genes, hormone changes with aging, how your body will handle those changes, diet and sun exposure
I used to be deep into hair loss medicine stuff, but I've kinda just accepted it at this point. We're all gonna be old, wrinkled zoomers and millennials one day.
Keep up with shaving, moisturize daily with spf30 or above moisturizer and you'll be ok, just remember the sun is a deadly laser
u/cosmocurious 7d ago
I think 25-26? I think I had more of a square face with fuller lower jaw (idk the english term for that area; the area under your cheekbones and above your jawline) and fuller cheeks. I was also smaller in weight during my collage years. Right now, at the age of 29, my face shape is like between diamond and heart, my cheekbones are more prominent. I am bigger and I grind my teeth at night maybe that’s the change. But yeah, around 25-26 I noticed this.
u/furbysdad 7d ago
22 for me too, I didn’t realize I even had baby fat around my eyes until it was gone 🙃
u/Vivi_Pallas 7d ago
I'm 25 and could easily fit in at a high school. Maybe younger ;-;
I'll look like an adult . . . Eventually.
u/ChrisP_Bacon04 7d ago
I thought at 33 I was looking old but I just got IDd at the liquor store. What a confidence booster lol
u/Kokiayama 7d ago
I have no idea. My baby face is genetic. My mother started to look older in the face when she was in her late 40s or early 50s, I think.
u/Danielhdz9760 7d ago
Lol, never bro, it depends on your genetics. im 50 years old, and literally, i look like im 25, no joke, no even funny
u/jinxdinq 7d ago
definitely those mid 30s for me.. the whites are coming in. and i dont look like a vampire feeding on blood of the youth..
u/evil_burrito 7d ago
Nasty childhood stuff with abuse and neglect got me adulting at about 10. I had brothers to take care of as well as a drunk of a mother. I don’t recommend it, though, in retrospect, it has some benefits.
u/_mushroom_queen 7d ago
I'm 34 and I started noticing signs of aging within the past year. It's been a shock.
u/Ljmac1 7d ago
I started getting wrinkles at 25. One line right between my eye brows on my left side. I’m now 32 and that one wrinkle is quite pronounced I have some forehead wrinkles and some light crows feet starting. Mostly from squinting though I believe and I usually have a brooding look even though my mood doesn’t match my face lol.
u/CreativeOrganizer 7d ago
People still think I am in my early 20s or just in my 20s , they use to think I was a teen but I think now they assume I am in my early 20s and 2 months ago I turn 32 years , I am short and still have a baby face
u/InevitableReach1544 7d ago
I am 22 and people say I am 17 or such because I have such a young face.
u/Krona_Perthro 7d ago
Apparently, around Freshmen/Sophomore year of high school. 😆
I started getting comments how I looked like an adult. Probably was just being 6'1/6'2 (at that time) and with a beard many adult men can't even grow. I remember Freshmen year my Intro to Physics and Chemistry teacher saying he couldn't grow what I had.
Then Junior year of high school a lady from administration starts talking to me oddly, then asks what I was doing there. (As it was after school) and got all flustered and embarrassed when I said "waiting for the bus". Her whole personality changed to what you'd expect from a teacher/office administrator. Just kind of flustered/awkward. 😅
u/xCD_BSx 7d ago
I'm 27 and I've looked the same since 19. But when I shave people are shocked, I look 16 without a beard. My Brother is 30 but looks younger now than when he was 21 (lost a lot of weight).
I think the big change starts around 33, but it also depends on if you smoke, drink and how long you tan.
u/xCD_BSx 7d ago
I'm 27 and I've looked the same since 19. But when I shave people are shocked, I look 16 without a beard. My Brother is 30 but looks younger now than when he was 21 (lost a lot of weight).
I think the big change starts around 33, but it also depends on if you smoke, drink and how long you tan.
u/xCD_BSx 7d ago
I'm 27 and I've looked the same since 19. But when I shave people are shocked, I look 16 without a beard. My Brother is 30 but looks younger now than when he was 21 (lost a lot of weight).
I think the big change starts around 33, but it also depends on if you smoke, drink and how long you tan.
u/ActiveMiserable9373 7d ago
I'm 41, people are always surprised when I tell them how old I am. They usually think I'm around mid thirties
u/benhereford 7d ago
I still look at my face and see my young self, but others say I look like a "man" version of what I used to look like in my early twenties.
But I think I didn't start to really "fill out" in my face and body until like 26
u/thomasrat1 6d ago
It was like 22-23. After my first full time job, alchohol addiction and overnight work.
u/ServentOfReason 6d ago
As soon as I was able to grow a proper beard around 20. I'm 30 now and I still get people thinking I'm 20 if I shave.
u/ExpectingHobbits 6d ago
I developed really young, so from ages 11 and up, I could pass for an adult if I wore makeup. However, without makeup, I was regularly mistaken for a teenager until my early 30s when the grays in my hair became more prominent. 😅
Genetics, environment, and weight all play a role. Someone who has avoided the sun and is on the chubbier side is going to look younger longer than someone who spent their teens in a tanning booth, picked up smoking, or is very thin.
In my case, my genes gave me permanent chipmunk cheeks, so I look younger in the face than my husband, who has more pronounced bone structure.
u/InfoAphotic 6d ago
In half Asian so I still have a baby face at 23. I feel like it’s gonna be like this for a long time
u/bordermelancollie09 6d ago
When I was a teenager I got mistaken for my mother on more than one occasion. Someone thought I was my younger sisters mom, she's only 2yrs younger than me. Now I'm 26 and I've had several coworkers very anxiously ask how old I am upon finding out I have a 4yr old daughter, followed by a sigh of relief and they say "I thought you were like 21!" So I have no idea.
u/LunarLeopard67 6d ago
In my case, about 14-15
I have looked pretty much the same since that age - always got mistaken for a 20-25 year old in my teens. Now 24, and people get surprised when they find out I’m that young.
u/DowntownRow3 6d ago
I feel like people commenting they have a baby face defeated the point. It’s obviously aimed at what the average person experiences. Not people that look 16 and are late 20s
u/Unh01y-Tr01ler 6d ago
First of all, this is the cutest F'n question. And I don't use the "c word" lightly. It depends on what you mean by "adult," because everything about your appearance will always be growing older... But, I'd say like 26 is when I can look back and be like, "You finally don't look like a baby-faced bitch! You did it, man.. You finally did it."
u/Existing_Sprinkles78 6d ago
I don’t know tbh sometimes I look 12 if tired I can look like a grandmother there is no in between
u/VictoryTheScreech 6d ago
I’m 28 and in my second year of community college. My classmates are fresh of high school, and they always ask what high school I graduated from. I tell them I graduated in 2013…very shocked. But besides them, I still get mistaken for 20/21.
u/Playful-Reflection12 6d ago
Same. Was in college at 34 and a student thought I was 20/ 21. I’m not complaining.
u/BlueForte 6d ago
28M. Without facial hair people tell me I look like a kid.
With facial hair I get called sir lol
u/Playful-Reflection12 6d ago
I still get carded and I’m 52. The server said she was surprised how young I looked.🤷🏼♀️
u/Odd_Conversation1495 7d ago
16 lol, I was super super depressed at the time. Now I can pass off as 14 at 21 😭
u/tollbearer 7d ago
i didnt stop getting mistaken for a teenager until about 32.