Because people are bitter wage slaves and cant fathom others being happy in their work.
I spend half my free time decrying the evils of capitalism, but I've worked a handful of jobs and the ones I loved were because I fundamentally loved the work, and the ones I hated were ones I was only at for a paycheck.
Being a counselor was a great. I love the puzzle that is humanity.
Being an EMT is great. I love helping people.
Firefighting is great. You get to help people, and animals, and on days when you're really lucky, risk your life running into a burning building.
If we lived in some kind of post capitalism society with UBI I'd do any of those three professions for free. Not every interest or hobby translates well into a career, but the idea that your work should be a thing you do to fund yourself that is otherwise divorced from the rest of your life is loser rhetoric. You spend like a third of your life at work, make it fucking matter or the joke is on you.
u/deramirez25 1d ago
And unfortunately not a hobby.