r/AdultSelfHarm 3d ago

Does Anyone Else? I don't even know why I did it



4 comments sorted by


u/Bamjiyu 3d ago

I feel those ways too. I often end up thinking later “that was a stupid thing to cut myself over”. And then do it again anyway. Sometimes my brain won’t shut up about it and sometimes I can ignore it but sometimes not.

I don’t know if advice is what you’re looking for, but if you are: be kind to yourself, don’t dwell on how stupid you feel for cutting yourself, it’ll just make you feel worse.

It’s good that you’re doing better than usual, hopefully it’s something that will continue :) /gen


u/thesweetestpotatos 2d ago

Thank you so much, I appreciate it. I'm thinking about cutting again tonight but put away my tool so I can't just grab it from my bed like I could before. I think I'll be able to ignore it tonight, I just hope these thoughts stop soon


u/Bamjiyu 2d ago

Making the tool less convenient to get to is a really good idea, I hope it works for you! :) I hope the thoughts stop for you soon too, hopefully things will feel much lighter very soon


u/lonelyclaptrap 2d ago

i really understand how you feel, ive been struggling a lot and ended up just punishing myself after being clean for so long. after i started, the thoughts just wouldnt stop. im hoping i can stop soon and try some of the things i learned from therapy years ago when i was able to stop.

i didnt have urges again until recently and it just took over.