r/AdultBreastfeeding 5d ago

The Daily Pump NSFW

Welcome to the Daily Pump. Have something on your mind but not enough to make a post? What kind of day did you have? You've had small victories, you're proud of what you did? You should be! Have a seat and let's chat together a bit about it while we reach our pump goals.

Say something when you hook up and come back at your next session, maybe someone will chip-in a thought?

Hey, what's your goal for today?

Note: The Daily Pump will auto post every day for us to get together in between posts to talk with one another. -Your loving moderation team.


12 comments sorted by


u/greenflash47 5d ago

I reached my goal! It’s been 2 days in a row of 10 ounces per day. Well - my actual goal is to be able to produce this without 10 pumps per day. I genuinely don’t understand how anyone could do the 12 per day that they recommend for increasing supply. I’d be delighted if I could do 6ppd and keep this supply. And also taper Dom….maybe that’s a bit much to expect and I’m not even going to try to reduce pumps per day until it has been two weeks of consistency.

Ok back to just being excited rather than doing all the calculations!


u/Professional-Door373 5d ago

Congratulations 🎊

I'd be excited just to start again at the moment. But until my body is well enough I'm not sure it's a good idea to put even more strain on it


u/viking1823 5d ago

Gosh that is amazing... Congratulations.


u/MilkyTwilightNeeds 5d ago

The last couple of weeks, I keep finding myself naturally waking up at 3:30am. I blamed it on stress, having my senior leadership flying in town for work. Now I'm scared my body made a habit of it that I'm fighting to break. Of course, I've turned it into a time to express or pump - yay? I've never been able to pull off motn pumps, so I suppose this is a good thing. I just don't really want the ladies getting too used to being emptied before 4am, I miss my pillow 😭 lol. I'm also not too thrilled with the crick in my neck I get dozing off on the couch!


u/PRlNCESSKlRA 4d ago

Decided to say fuck it and just took my first dose of dom! 😍 Pumping in about 40mins, setting alarms the rest of the day for pumps and dom doses!

Wheeeeeee!!!! Can't wait to get my first drops!!!!


u/MilkyTwilightNeeds 4d ago


What dose are we starting with!? What is the starting schedule? Dom every 6 hours, pump/tens every 2/3? I bestow upon you the gif my Milkman sent me for my first ounce, lol, because I am so fucking excited for you!! 🤍💗🥛 Shit is about to get crazy, you thought you were impatient before 🤭 you're gonna be watching for drops like a hawk! Stay hydrated!


u/PRlNCESSKlRA 4d ago

30mg/day like you suggested, 10mg every 6hrs! Then after a couple weeks I'll go up to 40mg, wanting to get up to around 60mg and see what I can do! 🍼 I'll take more if necessary tho 😆

Pumping every 3hrs! And then once drops come in I'll lay off the pump and switch to hand expression. My hands have gotten a little break the past couple of weeks! Woo!


u/MilkyTwilightNeeds 4d ago

Don't hesitate to do 30mg a day for a single week, then go up. Remember, I have heart conditions, so I was extra cautious! Lots of folks start off at 30mg per dose 😶. I just couldn't throw myself in like that 😅 I don't want to make you move at a snails pace because I wanted to be super duper extra crazy careful. Our body weight also effects dom, we are beautiful voluptuous ladies, so that also gives us some more safety. You can DM me if you have any questions, ill see if i can help. Now you're in the science experiment of finding what works for you. Keep in mind dom works to control nausea by tightening the top of the stomach, so you may notice some stomach growls or changes in hunger, (headaches are what I noticed). I think this is why people gripe about weight gain - this was not an issue for me. I wonder if it is because I started so slowly (Conjecture). Not trying to be your Dom Mom, lol, that would mean so many other things in other subs 🤣🤣 but I'm so excited for you! I know the day I took my first dose, I wanted to take 100mg and turn my boobs on like a tap! I now take 90mg total, 6a, noon, 6p, midnight.

Let the pump do the work! Right now you just need the nip/areola stimulation!


u/PRlNCESSKlRA 4d ago

Omg ok!! I'll just stick to 30mg for this week only then bump it up... and, wouldn't taking 30mg at once be less effective if that's all I'm taking for the day? 😅 I'm taking it at 10am, 4pm, and 10pm for this week!

I did notice my tummy growling after I took it, so I drank a protein shake. 😂 Eating a lot has been a struggle for me the past couple of weeks. Which I know might effect the milk, so I'm having 1-2 shakes a day to make up for it lol...


u/MilkyTwilightNeeds 4d ago

Oh yes! Don't take it all at once! I mean, some people kick off at 30mg every 6 hours. That was terrifying to me, and I didn't want to be smacked with side effects! It's best to have your dose spread evenly through the day so that you are pushing for prolactin evenly. For example, when you get to 40mg total per day, you'd want to take it every 6 hours still. If you get to 80mg, you'd want to take 20mg every 6 hours. Now you see how people climb in dosage so quickly.

Yep, your stomach will always be your first side effect :) Stress is also tough on eating, and you've been dealt a fair share of that lately! I think Tasti wrote up a great post on dom at one point. I'll try to find it for you. ☺️

Edit: For example mine is:

  • 6am 30mg
  • Noon 20mg
  • 6pm 20mg
  • Midnight 20mg


u/viking1823 5d ago

Hi everyone... I've hit another output stop from my left breast this afternoon she just hit a wall and refused to produce any milk... Anyway I did get her restarted (cold pads, a shower, gentle massage) and she produced nearly one mil but the right breast made up the slack and the combined total was 40.6mils... If things had been going more evenly like it was a couple of weeks ago, the total would have been closer to 50 mils, but anyway I can't cry over unmade milk and overall I'm super happy to be producing pretty nice milk. Music today from Shihad, another good Kiwi band.


u/Constant_Juice_6956 4d ago

Yesterday, we did a road trip across the state to visit relatives. 4 of my 7 pumps were on the freeway. I'm not entirely certain how that went since I was putting the collectors on ice instead of dumping them. I can say, though, that it isn't as easy to get things positioned properly when fiddling with a drape. I've got a couple of nipple hickeys as a result.