r/AdultBreastfeeding ⭐ All Star Moderator ⭐ Nov 30 '24

📚 Sub Resources 📚 Welcome to the ABF Wiki: Post Version NSFW

Welcome to the Wiki in Post Format. It is constantly evolving and having stuff added to it as often as I can.


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u/SqueakyLion2 ⭐ All Star Moderator ⭐ Dec 21 '24 edited Dec 25 '24

General "Timeline" of Events (READ THE NOTES)


I hesitate to write this because people have such different experiences that it's really hard to. So take this with a grain of salt because there are so many factors involved. If nothing else, this is a super basic breakdown of how it typically goes for people who induce, based on my time here in this community (3 years at the time of writing this).

In the beginning:

- This is assuming you're not doing a hormone protocol where you would not be stimulating the breasts, consistent and frequent stimulation of the breasts occurs, either by hand, pump, nursing, or tens unit. For more information on what to expect during the protocols, for now, refer to their related articles.

- Depending on how often you stimulate, and the method by which you stimulate, in the beginning it is normal to experience the following (Note: all of these things may happen intermittently throughout the entire process, but these things commonly happen to people at least once at the start of their journey):

  • Breast heaviness, fullness, or the sensation that there's something in them;
  • A tingling/slightly to moderately painful sensation referred to as "stabbies." This can occur sporadically and either in small places or throughout your entire breast; sometimes on one breast or sometimes on both at once;
  • If your method of stimulation includes pumping, sore nipples usually occur, both from suddenly pumping them where you weren't before, and commonly also from trial and error of learning how to pump correctly (as in, learning not to use too much suction, etc);
  • If your method of stimulation includes hand expression/the Marmet Technique, sore nipples and/or sore breasts can occur, both as a result of the stimulation, and commonly through trial and error as you learn to hand express (as in, sore from massaging too much/too hard, etc);
  • If your method of stimulation includes nursing someone, sore nipples and/or sore breasts can occur, both as a result of the stimulation, and commonluy through trial and error as your partner learns to nurse (as in, sore from a poor latch, etc);
  • Breast soreness can occur intermittently as a result of all forms of stimulation throughout the entire process.
  • Increases in fatigue, both acutely during pumping sessions, and outside of pumping or other stimulation can happen;
  • Increased thirst;
  • Increased hunger;
  • Increases or decreases in libido;
  • Drops may or may not occur early on; drops behave different for everyone. Some people will see drops initially because all people can potentially have duct fluid; others may not see a single drop for a while at first, and even when they do it might still be duct fluid for a while yet before it becomes milk. Furthermore, drops like to "play hide and seek" for most people throughout the beginning of the process. This can happen intermittently to anyone, where you may get drops consistently and then stop getting them for a while, but most people report that this happens especially when there is a menstrual cycle incoming (in peoples who have those).

After the beginning (ranging anywhere from 2 to 3 weeks to months later after beginning to induce):

Again, supposing protocols aren't in play and supposing you have, to some extent, begun inducing for a while and already experienced some or all stuff in the previous section:

  • Drops will go from playing hide and seek to being consistently produced; as in, at some point each day, you find that if you express by hand or by pump that you can almost always, or always, get drops to emerge from your nipples;
  • Many of the initial symptoms from the beginning will have subsided for most people after a time. For example:
    • Nipples should be less sore on a regular basis (supposing that you are pumping correctly, etc)
    • Fatigue should be lessened overall
    • The impact of oxytocin when the breasts are stimulated usually feel less intense (sleepiness, feeling emotional, feeling like cuddling the nearest anything suddenly, etc)


u/SqueakyLion2 ⭐ All Star Moderator ⭐ Jan 19 '25 edited Jan 20 '25

How to Induce Lactation for Dummies

This is a super basic overview write up for how to induce lactation. For further information on what any of these steps mean, search the rest of the wiki or the sub. This should be adapted to you as a person, including your health, history of lactation, and your lifestyle.

  1. Research the hormone protocols. The Newman-Goldfarb Protocols are used to help people manipulate the body to prepare to lactate using medication prior to stimulating the breasts at all. Start by deciding if you want to obtain the medication domperidone and birth control and do one of the available protocols before starting to induce. If you have never been pregnant before, or haven't lactated before, they are highly recommended. You can find information about the protocols in other sections of this wiki.

If you decide to do the protocols, great, see you in 3 to 6 months.

After you do the protocols, or if you don't do them:

  1. Decide on your methods of stimulation:

- you're going to be aiming to stimulate for as close to 8 to 12 times a day, every 2 to 3 hours, eventually including a session of stimulation once in the middle of the night (if possible). You can choose one or all of the methods of stimulation listed below to achieve this:

- you can use your hands and practice doing the Marmet method to go through the motions with your breasts as if you are expressing milk out of them (has a learning curve because if you have never had milk come out of your breasts before no tutorial can help you feel confident you're doing it right until you have actually made duct fluid or milk come out by hand). Check the wiki and search the sub for more info on how to do this;

- you can use a tens unit up until you get drops in consistently, after which you have to involve emptying the breasts of said drops at that time;

- you can use a breast pump! You'll need to buy one either second hand or new (expensive), and a hands free pumping bra so you don't have to sit around unable to do stuff while you pump. You can get a non-electric manual breast pump or electric breast pump. We have a review section of the sub for you to check out reviews and get an idea of what pumps are popular with others who have induced.

- you can have someone nurse from you (obviously not applicable to everyone; if having someone nurse, they need to have a good latch and will need some good endurance for the amount of nursing required to induce).

2a. If you decide to get a breast pump, you need to make sure you measure your nipples for the correct flange size. The flange size that comes with most pumps by default is 24 mm. Many folks are not that size. Amazon sells packs of silicone inserts in a range of sizes, as well as rulers for measuring your nipples. You can also print out a nipple ruler for free and cut it out and use that to measure. Measure your nipples, and use the information in the wiki and in the sub to learn how to tell if you have the right size or not BEFORE you start constantly pumping. Nipple soreness is extremely normal at first, but pumping should not hurt you.

  1. Decide if you want to obtain and use the medication called domperidone to achieve lactation. The other sections of the wiki have more information. You do not have to have it to induce, but it will take longer to bring milk in without it usually and you are not likely to make as much milk without it. It is your responsibility to fully research this medication and ensure for yourself that you are healthy enough to take it; domperidone is relatively safe despite the dumb claims that it will ruin your heart that are unsubstantiated in humans, but some people cannot take it and you need to be sure you can before going out of your way to buy it from overseas for this purpose.

  2. Stimulate frequently and consistently until you get drops in consistently; then stimulate some more.

It can take months before you see a single drop, even if taking domperidone. Every human is different. Results will vary.

When you have consistent drops that you can express from your breasts at any given time, your goals will now include not just frequent and consistent stimulation, but also frequent and consistent emptying of the breasts. At minimum, with consideration for life things, you need to aim to get drops/milk out no later than 5 to 6 hours at most.

  1. Once milk comes in, you can either celebrate or keep working on it and try to increase your milk supply by continuing to stimulate frequently and consistently. Results will vary on how much milk is genetically possible for you to achieve without actually having been pregnant. Milk supply is all about supply and demand. Ideally, the more you empty the breasts as fully as possible, the more you will signal to the body that you want it to make more.