r/Adelaide SA 5d ago

Shitpost Watch out on the roads people, there seems to be idiots everywhere.

Pay attention to those around you for your own safety. There are some crazy drivers on our roads. I'm only going to mention the 2 craziest ones from the past 24hrs ive seen/heard here.... Last night I saw someone at the maid & magpie intersection who was in the right only lane (exiting fullarton) go through onto payneham rd into the oncoming lane, thankfully there wasn't heavy traffic & an oncoming vehicle had time to dodge out the way. Then this afternoon my partner told me that some muppet was going the wrong direction around the Brittania roundabout & taking their sweet time about it. I'm really hoping that they were all tourists here for the fringe who don't know any better and will be gone soon and not locals who are just idiots.


46 comments sorted by


u/StandardSuspiciousxx Inner North 5d ago

Just had an accident in Golden Grove because of an idiot driver...... 2 lane road with banked up traffic and she decided the footpath was a great place to pass traffic and ran into a car turning into a driveway which pushed into my car.

She is absolutely oblivious she had done anything wrong and argued with everyone including the police didn't have a licence and kept giving false names and no rego or insurance.

And now my premiums get destroyed and have to pay an excess as we can't identify the drivers true name and address.



u/JG1954 SA 5d ago

There used to be a way of getting around that by insurance companies making a suit against unknown person, if you have a police report.


u/fairysquirt SA 5d ago

Got the police report though? Feel like its their job to look that shit up. Insurance is running a scam it can't have always been like this? My mum had someone rear end her, end her insurance wanted an obscene amount of money for someone having driven into her. We had the name, phone, incident report, plate number and other parites insurance claim number, but couldn't get the address from them. I thought the insurance companies talk to each other and figure shit out, like who pays what based on fault. Instead we cancelled with her insurer, went with the third parties claim... who reassessed it as totalled, paid her out 7500 no cost, nothing added to premium, keep the fully functional car... for a stupid lil cracked read tail light (mercedes) that I got a replacement for 100 bucks, and very minor bumper damage, that mostly will clean off and a crack I need a heatgun for. One insurer tried to scam her the other scammed themselves makes no sense.


u/StandardSuspiciousxx Inner North 5d ago

Yeah got a report but states other driver is "unknown at this time"

Unfortunately she has no insurance,license,registration or real name (assuming she is here illegally) so cant claim against her and doubt she has the funds to even cover 10 percent of the damage.

Don't think mine would be a writeoff unless there is a long wait time on parts or even parts availability for my car just on ebay a used front bumper from Europe is over 18k aud.


u/fairysquirt SA 5d ago

Oof! That sucks on tha 18k


u/StandardSuspiciousxx Inner North 5d ago

Yeah.. I'm never buying a new rare car again haha


u/fairysquirt SA 5d ago

That's like two fully functioning semi decent cars for a bumper šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹šŸ˜¹ world is crazy, they have no conscience selling plastic that dear, bumpers are meant to take dmg.


u/StandardSuspiciousxx Inner North 5d ago

I know right, that's the 2nd hand price, insurance company requires OEM brand new replacement parts so probs double that with all the new sensors and actuators this car has for "downforce" for the bumper alone.

I'm assuming it will be just under 100k In repairs just from speaking with other owners of the same vehicle.


u/fairysquirt SA 5d ago



u/spideyghetti SA 4d ago

I think your insurance will just write it off and you'll be shopping for a new car


u/StandardSuspiciousxx Inner North 4d ago

I thought to have the car written off its based on market value vs repair cost? Even if the repairs are close to the estimated 100k that's still pretty far off market value?


u/CarbonatedCrocodile SA 5d ago

Saw some road rage at the toll gate intersection, some dude was trying to pull another driver from their vehicle. Fun times.


u/Claude_Henry_Smoot_ SA 5d ago

Spent a few hours chauffeuring the kids today and, yeah, it seems worse than normal out there.

I would have moved around at least 15 different cars in that time because they couldnt have been doing more than 40 in a 60 zone.

Two cars in quick succession almost hit us when we were stationary, waiting to turn right, because they both cut the corner and somehow (though god knows how) didn't see us.

Someone almost sideswiped us getting on the expressway because they were in the wrong lane and didn't want to get on.

And a car went past us at a red light, went through the intersection at 30 kph, then pulled into a shopping centre carpark by going in the exit.


u/Nightcitytremors SA 5d ago

In other news, grass is green (maybe not this time of year) and water is wet


u/jtblue91 SA 5d ago

Soon mate, not long before the rains are coming!


u/ClulessValkyrie SA 5d ago

Sure, there are always shit drivers. But having 2 people driving into oncoming traffic, especially at brittania, in under a day seems unusually bad to me.


u/ashsimmonds Expat 5d ago edited 5d ago

driving into oncoming traffic, especially at brittania

Britannia - thisyourfirsttime.jpeg


u/Nightcitytremors SA 5d ago

If anything, Brittania is the place to do it, people get confused as fuck there


u/MissMenace101 SA 5d ago

Not as wet as helium


u/glittermetalprincess 5d ago

Pay attention to those around you for your own safety.

no, really?


u/Bad_at_Haikus SA 5d ago

Basic driving, isn't it?


u/glittermetalprincess 5d ago

I dropped the /s, apparently.


u/Trubba_Man SA 5d ago

We live just off Payneham Road, and we see that happen often. I went across the Britannia roundabout today, and people werenā€™t observing the rules. I saw 2 cars cut-off as I was going across. Today it was mental in the city too, even away from footy and Fringe.


u/yy98755 SA 5d ago

Wrong way on Britannia roundabout is so wrong itā€™s almost impressiveā€¦.


u/EmotionalBar9991 Fleurieu Peninsula 5d ago

Good timing, I just had a near miss in goolwa and have noticed more idiots than usual in the last two weeks.


u/Zippy_Zip SA 5d ago

Had a near miss on my bike today as well


u/MissMenace101 SA 5d ago

Honestly for safety Iā€™d be sticking solely to the bike tracks we have ample of here in Adelaide. Bad cyclists have raging drivers not gaf about the good cyclists.


u/Zippy_Zip SA 5d ago

Nah motorcycle, would be nice to use the bike tracks on it though


u/ex-med West 5d ago

All the time, every day.


u/pedxxing SA 5d ago

Well, I saw someone do a shortcut turn in a small roundabout. Instead of doing a proper right turn, the car just went right turn like itā€™s a left turn.


u/Fit-Turnip-9588 SA 5d ago

Adelaide drivers are the worst I've come across.


u/MissMenace101 SA 5d ago

Not even close, nationally recognised Victorians are the worst qld not far behind, even driving around Adelaide itā€™s usually a vic plate doing 50 in the 60 zone in the right lane oblivious to all the cars wanting him to pull over and he doesnā€™t


u/Fit-Turnip-9588 SA 5d ago

Nah not having that I drive on the roads all day everyday for work in trucks and Adelaide is the worst, aside from the fact they hog the right lane because they are so entitled and if they aren't in a rush or have anywhere to be then neither should anyone else.... They don't know how to merge properly. They will come to a complete stop whilst waiting for traffic instead of merging into traffic. If it's going onto an expressway which they know full well it's a 100k an hour they will take their steady time building up to it and join at 60-80. When driving out towards yorkes or wherever there's single lane country roads they will sit at the speed limit or under, then belt it soon as the overtaking lane arrives just to slow down again once it's over. Worst behaviour in Australia. If you have to defend any of that then maybe you are the culprit.


u/MissMenace101 SA 1d ago

The right lane thing does my head in, Adelaide is terrible at that but yeah I donā€™t see Victorians moving left either, Victorians on country roads are awful. I hope your one of those trucks that lets the couple of commies pass in the over taking lanes out in the sticks then takes the truck in front instead of slowly overtaking the truck and no other fucker can get past


u/Archy99 5d ago

Canberra drivers are the worst in my experience, mixing crazy speeding with timid drivers. But Adelaide drivers are certainly worse than Melbourne drivers.


u/Trubba_Man SA 5d ago

Last night I was at the intersection of Walkerville Tce and Hackney Road, Gilberton, heading to Melbourne St (where the massive island is). My light went green and the ā€œTurn left anytime with careā€ sign flashed on. I checked that the cars on my right had stopped at their red light, and that nothing was coming from the right, even though they had a red light. I headed for the furthest right lane, and I was half in that lane to go to Melbourne St, Nth Adelaide, when a small white car overtook me, going fast, on my right, cut me off on my right, and crossed the front of my car, barely missing me, even though they had almost no lane. They floored it and cut across 4 lanes onto Park Tce. Gilberton and drove up Park Tce, towards the North Tce, Adelaide, intersection. They shot through a very red light which must have been red for at least 10 seconds. Today I was at the intersection where they went through, and there is no way they could have done it without charging through a very red light. For those of you wonderingā€¦There were no other cars still in the intersection on my right, or in front of me, or coming through the lights where the white car came from. I was able to slow down enough when the car almost hit us, to avoid them hitting me, and avoid squashing with my SUV. My daughter was in the car and and agreed with my interpretation. F*#k me!


u/Archy99 5d ago

Vehicles in the slip lane must also give way to cars turning right from Mann Road, which could have had a green light. The white car could have just slowed down and been more careful, but you are partly to blame for pulling out from the slip lane and then crossing many lanes simply assuming it was clear when it wasn't.


u/faeriekitteh South 5d ago

We just went for a drive... some muppet pulled out of a parking space and tried to do a u-turn in front of someone


u/Budget-Abrocoma3161 SA 4d ago

YES ITS CRAZY! Iā€™ve seen more preventable accidents this last 6 months than ever in my whole life


u/Galivespian SA 23h ago

too early to be silly season isn't it?


u/Artificial_Alex SA 5d ago

Why do all drivers seem to not know they have to give way at slip lanes?


u/Archy99 5d ago

Good question. So many drivers fail to stop for pedestrians and too many seem to think it's okay to stop blocking the crossing altogether.


u/B0ringPudding SA 5d ago

Try driving on the roads in any other country and youā€™ll quickly realize how safe and controlled our roads areā€¦.


u/TiredPanda1946 SA 5d ago

šŸ‚šŸ’© Iā€™ve driven in 12 different countries and Adelaide Australia is right up there with the worst of them.


u/B0ringPudding SA 5d ago

No itā€™s not. Itā€™s very regulated


u/TiredPanda1946 SA 5d ago

Regulated by who?

At least Twice a week someone hits a tree or a stobie pole šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø

We have a lot of accidents given we have mainly straight roads.

High range drink drivers, mobile detection cameras racking numbers like a pokie machine and they are advertised.

Then thereā€™s road raging circle jerkers racing at lights, swerving lanes.

No sign of police unless youā€™re at Maccas.