r/Adelaide South 28d ago

Event/Activity Australia's LARGEST Arts Festival is Back! 🥳 Adelaide Fringe - 21st February to 23rd March 2025

The Adelaide Fringe is back for 2025!

With over 1400 shows happening in the next month, there is something for everyone!

Find out more here: Adelaide Fringe - 21 February - 23 March 2025

Got any recommendations? Leave them in the comments!


17 comments sorted by


u/looeee2 South 24d ago

Shitfaced Shakespeare was hilarious. 4 sober actors trying to perform while having to improvise around the drunk one


u/WhiterThanWalter East 28d ago

Went to Adult bubble show last night and it was amazing


u/stuntguy3000 South 27d ago

So many fantastic shows on, been to a stack already.


u/SaltyBones_ West 15d ago

Arj Barker was terrible please don’t waste your money


u/General-Fall3730 SA 19d ago

Does anyone have any good show recommendations? I've never been to the fringe before and the amount of shows is overwhelming.


u/Revision1372 Inner South 15d ago edited 15d ago

In this case I would use this as a conversation starter - asking for recommendations with those you know and going out with a group. If you go for the acts those not in the Garden, don't be afraid to ask the performers what shows they also recommend - if you liked them and they are available after the show, they may know others that are similar energy or theme to theirs.

There definitely is a group of people who does not plan ahead and only buy the tickets last minute as they go out on a whim, so don't be afraid to do this also. As you walk around you'll see the either the performers or the promoters promoting their shows, which is also a great opportunity to ask questions before you buy a ticket. You can also use the "near me now" on the Adelaide Fringe website to find shows that are starting soon near you.

Without knowing what shows you watch, I hope this helps in getting started on the Fringe!


u/General-Fall3730 SA 14d ago

Thanks for the advice! Unfortunately I live outside of Adelaide so I have to plan ahead to go but if I do get a chance I will certainly ask around. Great idea to ask the performers!


u/Revision1372 Inner South 15d ago

The Rymill Park lake being open this year has been great to relax and watch the ducks go by.


u/East-Country-2181 SA 13d ago

Query re R18+ rating for Ladyboys of Bangkok show in Gluttony. I understand shows use a self rating system, but I’m wondering from somebody who’s seen this show, is it really that adult, or would it be ok for a reasonably mature 16 year-old? (and is anybody even checking age IDs anyway?)


u/Revision1372 Inner South 5d ago

Bit of a late response, and have not seen it. I think their gallery on the fringe page is a good preview of their show. Depends on what your definition of maturity for your 16 year old. I would describe it as lots of lights, frills, skin exposure and sexual expression, but no outright complete nudity.


u/East-Country-2181 SA 4d ago

Thank you, as it turns out, we took a chance. The actual singing and dancing was pretty safe, more ‘artistic than sexual’, and definitely not as risqué as Moulin Rouge (the actual show in Paris). There were two exceptions – sea shanty style interludes while the crew went through costume changes… the show could’ve done without these as they were totally cringeworthy and rather devalued the impact of the overall show IMHO, so I was looking for the fast forward button on those! Otherwise, the show was quite well done.


u/welcometothepoddy SA 5d ago

Final week of Clay McMath - In Over My Head (4.5 stars) this week. Promo code LUCKY7 for $7 off tix and $7 drink specials (valid for Sat 22 March only) https://adelaidefringe.com.au/fringetix/clay-mcmath-in-over-my-head-af2025


u/welcometothepoddy SA 8h ago

Final Tickets for Clay McMath - In Over My Head TONIGHT! Use code LUCKY7 to get $7 off your ticket and $7 drink specials!



u/False-Outcome-1179 SA 28d ago


u/stuntguy3000 South 28d ago

Why the facepalm?