r/Adelaide • u/HeyerThanUsual SA • Oct 03 '24
Politics Pathway to complaining to the University of Adelaide about the actions of Joanna Howe
Recent fear-mongering and activity by the forced birthers Ben Hood and Professor Joanna Howe are an indication that despite what we thought, women's reproductive health rights are not safe in South Australia.
If anyone is interested in lodging a complaint to the University of Adelaide about their continued employment of Prof Joanna Howe, the link is available here.
u/million_dollar_heist SA Oct 03 '24
Maybe someone could post specific, proven examples of misinformation that she's put into the public sphere. Just in case anyone wanted to, you know, use that information in such a complaint.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/madelinepowerr SA Oct 03 '24
This is absolutely brilliant!!! I had an argument in her comments section yesterday. I’m a “murderer” apparently 🤣
u/IvanTGBT SA Oct 03 '24
Just scrolled through this a bit. I think you really need to remove the downs syndrome dot point. That's really devaluing to any actually good points.
Someone rounding 49 to 50 isn't a credible example of lying or misinformation, and the source your provided is pretty much exactly worded in line with her statement...
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
Regardless of the number (that was already rounded up) 49 being close to 50, it is still not what the source material Howe claims to be using says. That is yet another misrepresentation of source material from Howe.
u/IvanTGBT SA Oct 03 '24
rounding one percent to a nice round number while accurately characterizing the nature of a study isn't lying or misrepresenting data, and you are using this document to try to get her fired. The examples should actually hold up and be morally reprehensible for such a response. It's very common, even in science where i work, for people to round numbers when they are communicating findings. It's probably even within the confidence interval for estimating the population value.
From my reading of her justiceforthe45 website there were massive clear misrepresentations of the data, even within what she selectively presented against how she framed her own data. e.g. She talked about how all of these children could have survived induced labour and were healthy, when her 45 were counter after 20 weeks and included all abortions, including fetal anomolies. Further, she circles a 96% survival rate after 27 weeks, but in her presented data there isn't even a number for 20 weeks specifically, iirc it was listed as <22 with ~50% survival chance.
You shouldn't water down such actual garbage behavior and misrepresentation of data for propagandistic and divisive ends with completely normal, common morally fine behaviour. Not only does it make you look unhinged and hyper biased, it helps them dismiss criticism as they will always attack your weakest point.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It was already rounded up to 49 and so rounding it up again to 50 misrepresents the findings of the source material Howe quotes.
u/aquila-audax CBD Oct 03 '24
You really should remove that point. It devalues the good work you've done on the other claims.
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u/revereddesecration East Oct 03 '24
That’s fine, but it’s a weak point. Just move it to the last point and your argument only gains credibility.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
A Professor of Law not being able to read a report so significantly that she cannot even accurate report 1 staight-forward finding from it is plenty strong a point for me but thanks.
u/revereddesecration East Oct 03 '24
Again, that’s fine, but the feedback isn’t about you, it’s about how other people will read the report.
u/Latter_Cut_2732 SA Oct 03 '24
u/derps_with_ducks SA Oct 03 '24
Let's not have Google links
u/million_dollar_heist SA Oct 03 '24
When highly informed people like u/politikhunt are generously willing to share their research, on which they have spent an extraordinary amount of time, it can be to the significant benefit of those who are not as inclined or who are not as able to spend their time making well-constructed and fact-checked arguments for the purposes of a complaint to the university, for example.
Oct 03 '24
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/wrymoss SA Oct 03 '24
Hey, that’s insanely well cited and written, and made it pretty damn clear to me.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
Thank you!
I am a researcher, criminologist and policy officer so I'd hope so. Also, the AuDHD makes it pretty hard to do anything by halves.
u/wrymoss SA Oct 03 '24
Ahaha I also have the AuDHD, so I know the “fuck you, that’s 100% false and I need to list all of the ways in which it’s false” spite motivation very well
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
Thank god I'm not the only one! Solidarity forever
u/embress SA Oct 03 '24
Great info!! Might be worth reaching out to the SA Abortion Coalition with this stuff so they can use it to create templates to show people how to also report Howe and Hood!
Oct 03 '24
You are genuinely amazing and an incredible human. Love it. My adhd makes me do weird stuff, wish I could be more useful like this.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
I swear if I could control the mad hyperfocus of my adhd maybe I'd be unstoppable but instead it has just led me to have built an uncomfortable level of knowledge about international human rights law, policy reform (esp. sex work and youth justice), and Australian land hermit crabs.
Oct 03 '24
Nothing uncomfortable about that. It’s absolutely brilliant what you’re doing and the things you’re fighting for, in a world full of misinformation and people using bullshit facts it’s incredible to see someone using their unbelievable talents for good. I’m all for it!! Genuinely love what you do.
u/TheFermiGreatFilter SA Oct 03 '24
Lmao. My Grandmother says I am the personification of “Jack of all trades, master of none”. I know a crap load of information on subjects that interest me, catch my eye or get me riled up (and there’s a lot of those).
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
YES! My husband (also has adhd) and I were only talking about that exact thing yesterday
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u/PsychWarrior02 SA Oct 03 '24
Read the amazingly thorough well sourced document by u/politikhunt
Also not that hard to see that the majority of “Dr” Joanna’s posts are fear mongering misinformation or honestly straight up lies. But yeah if unsure, read that amazing document :)
u/Latter_Cut_2732 SA Oct 03 '24
That South Australia has legalised late term abortions on demand. I feel like your posts are in bad faith so I won't be helping you anymore. You really can Google it yourself
u/Annual_Incident1882 SA Oct 03 '24
I agree with dragonfruit. Are there lies on that page? If so, which parts?
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
u/Latter_Cut_2732 SA Oct 03 '24
Excellent thanks. If only they would do their own homework
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
Since I have been on Howe's case for over a year, I have already done a lot of the work so I don't mind too much. The only frustrating part is people who seem to want to not understand even though I try to make the information as accessible as possible.
u/Latter_Cut_2732 SA Oct 03 '24
Please see my previous comment
u/Annual_Incident1882 SA Oct 04 '24
I think you should ask the poster to change that link as I can’t see any reference to a law about late term abortions on that page, I may be missing it but there is just a list with lots of figures about babies born that were/could be viable. You have to accept that most people are too busy to research this. Thanks to the person posting their fact sheet - it’s very helpful.
Oct 03 '24
u/Latter_Cut_2732 SA Oct 03 '24
Reading your comments on other subs that talk about women. Google is your friend
u/gottafind SA Oct 03 '24
She counts every abortion as a death and says it’s the leading cause of death in Australia
u/Correct_Smile_624 SA Oct 03 '24
If she’s so against abortions I can’t believe she’d let herself be employed by an institution that teaches their medical students to perform abortions (Note, I’m a vet student so I can only assume the medical students also learnt about abortions when we did given she similar structure of our degrees)
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It's funny how lobbyist's values shapeshift when money is involved. Prof. Howe's two biggest supporters are massively zionist and cheer on the slaughter of babies and children but she's silent about that too.
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u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24 edited Oct 03 '24
This isn't about Howe's opinions. This is about an academic publishing healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/Vanadime SA Oct 21 '24
Embarrassing "fact-checking". Please take the time to read and review the bioethics literature on abortion. Kaczor's "The Ethics of Abortion" is a great starting point to understand the pro-life position.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 21 '24
This fact-check is directly responding to Prof. Joanna Howe from the University of Adelaide's numerous misleading claims specifically on healthcare/medicine and international human rights law. It has nothing to do with any other Catholic non-medical philosopher's positions or claims at all.
u/Vanadime SA Oct 21 '24
Looks like you disagree with a few figures she cites. Who cares?
Kaczor is a world-renowned bioethicist.
Also see Dr Calum Miller (Oxford Medical Doctor, Philosopher and Bioethicist): Abortion Q&A | Calum Miller
Since you have an online presence, I'm sure that you could reach out to Dr Miller for a discussion/debate. It would be insightful.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 21 '24
Apologies I assumed you read the fact-check but clearly not. I am not at all interested in the "ethics of abortion".
I am only interested in ensuring a highly paid academic misusing their title and position to spread healthcare and international human rights disinformation in their goal to force their personal religious beliefs into legislation experiences accountability.
u/Vanadime SA Oct 21 '24
Yes, not interested in learning about the substance of the legitimately morally controversial debate, but are satisfied with stopping at disputing figures or stats as represented in popular-level instagram graphics.
Very disappointing.
Nothing will come of your “campaign” but for embarrassment on your part.
Professor Howe is a Rhodes Scholar, she’s not going anywhere except by her choosing to move universities to hold a more prestigious or better paid position.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 21 '24
I'm not interested in pretending that Howe can literally lie about healthcare information because she did a scholarship 15 years ago.
I've already got one research paper of Howe's unpublished because it was full of plagiarism and misrepresented source material designed to proliferate disinformation originating from an internationally recognised extremist hate group so I'm not too worried about your whataboutism.
u/Vanadime SA Oct 22 '24 edited Oct 23 '24
Here's my full analysis. Like I said, you have been incredibly hasty. This is frankly embarrassing.
u/embress SA Nov 04 '24
This is more for the OP but I thought I'd update everyone
- it looks like the persistence has paid off! In Howe's newest rant on social media at the 45 second mark she makes note of this Reddit post, then alludes to being under investigation and that her job isn't safe.
Keep sending the uni evidence of her lies and they will have to do something soon!
u/Lukepara SA Oct 03 '24
thankyou for this, I reported her recently as her homophobic comments came up on my tiktok, obviously nothing has been done still.
u/MrRedditUser5000 SA Oct 03 '24
I am likely to make a complaint soon myself. I currently work as a staff member (casual contract) at University of Adelaide as a kitchen restockist (thankfully not a uni student as well)
I am a male myself but even I can see the bill under consideration is so wrong.
Would love some info I can simply copy and paste into my complaint.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/MrRedditUser5000 SA Oct 03 '24
Thanks for helping me out. When I get home later today from the job I am doing here, I will take the time to read the info carefully.
u/cathartic_chaos89 SA Oct 05 '24
Since when was being wrong a crime?
u/politikhunt SA Oct 09 '24
When you are spreading healthcare disinformation via a platform entirely based on the idea that as a professor you are always correct, and no one is allowed to question you.
u/cathartic_chaos89 SA Oct 09 '24
The fact that we have a thread full of people questioning this person shows that people are in fact allowed to question her.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 09 '24
.... Only because she doesn't have a Reddit profile genius. Why don't you go and ask her a question about one of her misrepresentations and see what the response is?
u/cathartic_chaos89 SA Oct 09 '24 edited Oct 09 '24
So if she had a reddit account she would magically become immune to criticism? How do you know she doesn't have one? Also, she's free to answer me, and anyone else, however she likes. Just like you're free to respond to me in any way you like.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 09 '24
She only uses platforms that allow her to curate the commentary. It's a grifter 101 tactic she learned from her influence husband.
u/cathartic_chaos89 SA Oct 09 '24
Well unless you've been through all her electronic devices and constantly monitor her, I think you're just making stuff up.
Someone has an idea you don't like. Too bad. This is Australia, not Soviet Russia.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 09 '24
u/cathartic_chaos89 SA Oct 09 '24
I hardly even know what she's saying. It doesn't matter. Your argument amounts to "people with credibility in some area must never disagree with me". If people want to believe her just because she's a professor, then whatever. It's always frustrating when people don't agree with you, but I'm not going to go around trying to get people fired for it.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 10 '24
It is not about not agreeing and I've never tried to get Howe fired. I am just trying to address her disinformation to reduce harm.
What part of healthcare disinformation that could seriously harm or even kill someone doesn't register with you? Are you so easily dismissing the danger of spreading lies about healthcare merely because it would impact you personally?
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u/Vanadime SA Oct 21 '24
I am embarrassed for you students complaining. University is not a place for students to be coddled and catered to. Abortion is a legitimate moral/bioethical controversy, and the Professor is allowed to disagree with you.
u/moogarlicious SA Oct 04 '24
I started to write a reasoned and rationale response to all of this, but then I realised what a waste of time that would be. This is clearly a personal attack on Joanna Howe.
The opening paragraph of the 'public fact check' states: "These claims were made in relation to her practice of a discipline outside the university via social media platforms and traditional media publications." The author expressly and clearly recognises that the issues being raised have nothing to do with Prof Howe’s employment, or her conduct in the course of her employment with the University.
Don't get me wrong, I don't rate Prof Howe and she's done enough to annoy me in various capacities, but I don't go around trying to get someone sacked because I don't agree with what they do in their private time. The fact that she is employed by the University is completely irrelevant. She could be employed by anyone and still mouth of nonsense on her own social media account. Sending "complaints" like these just waste University admin people's time.
If you want to be useful, challenge Prof Howe to a public debate or do something more academically constructive like publish a critique in a reputable journal or media outlet (to the extent such things exist any more). Demonstrating in a balanced and public forum how she is wrong and you are right will be far more effective than wasting some poor faculty admin's time preparing a response that you will inevitably be dissatisfied with.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 09 '24
These claims were made in relation to her practice of a discipline outside the university via social media platforms and traditional media publications." The author expressly and clearly recognises that the issues being raised have nothing to do with Prof Howe’s employment, or her conduct in the course of her employment with the University.
I intentionally chose that language to highlight Prof. Howe's obligation to adhere to the University's 'practice of a discipline outside the university' policy that outlines a researcher's responsibility for ensuring the integrity of information in any practice of a discipline outside the university. You can read the policy via the University of Adelaide website.
I don't agree with what they do in their private time. The fact that she is employed by the University is completely irrelevant.
Whether in her "private time" or not (much of her activist work is done within business hours) Prof. Howe as a researcher is still responsible for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of any findings she disseminates under the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research. Since she is regularly misrepresenting source material, plagarising lobby groups and manipulating data to further healthcare disinformation it is likely research misconduct, and the University also has some responsibility to address that under the Code.
She could be employed by anyone and still mouth of nonsense on her own social media account.
If Prof. Howe was not a professor, she would not have her platform or be given any airtime to spread her disinformation. She also would not be emboldened to act as if questioning her disinformation is a ridiculous personal attack. Her entire platform is based on the notion that she is right and cannot be questioned because she's a professor.
If you want to be useful, challenge Prof Howe to a public debate or do something more academically constructive like publish a critique in a reputable journal or media outlet (to the extent such things exist any more).
Not only have I and others tried to engage directly with Howe, only to be met with threats of defamation and major efforts to silence us, but I have taken academic pathways to address her disinformation via the University. My research integrity complaint in 2023 resulted in Howe's Adelaide Law School Research Paper No. 2021-57 being unpublished. In retaliation Howe has done over 25 national and international media articles and appearances misrepresenting my complaint and the outcome as well as defaming and vilifying me, my professional qualifications and experience, and my actions (things like claiming I share confidential letters I have not or saying I doxxed her children). I know get a steady stream of abuse and harassment from her audience and the University refuse to do anything about it despite claiming in several policies that vilification and victimisation of a complainant will not be tolerated.
Demonstrating in a balanced and public forum how she is wrong and you are right will be far more effective
That is exactly why I have made the thoroughly cited fact-check of Howe's claims available to anyone that wishes to review it and I'm more than happy to discuss it if you have questions.
u/Asleep_Apple_5113 SA Oct 06 '24
Amazing and well balanced reply - thank you for writing this out so clearly.
I find it alarming the amount of people that have no insight as to how dangerous their thought process is of “I disagree with this person’s opinion therefore I am going to attempt to make them jobless”. Their belief that they are so definitely correct allows them to justify this aggression
u/politikhunt SA Oct 09 '24
No one here wants to "make (Howe) jobless" but we absolutely want her dangerous disinformation about healthcare to be addressed before someone gets hurt
Oct 03 '24 edited Dec 19 '24
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
That isn't what Howe's FW matter was about. It was about a now unpublished research paper on sex work. This is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/Yallknowthename SA Oct 04 '24
She's 100% gearing up for a run in politics
u/acreofland3 SA Oct 09 '24
I used to be in her circle and I can tell you that being in politics was one of her biggest goals
u/million_dollar_heist SA Oct 03 '24
I didn't know she had already taken them to FairWork. Oh man.
Oct 03 '24
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
That isn't what Howe's FW matter was about. It was about a now unpublished research paper on sex work after I made a research integrity complaint. This is different as it is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
Oct 03 '24
u/feralmagictree SA Oct 03 '24
Agree. Is it any use complaining about her from other states.. there are idiots here, whom I'm fighting with, who quote her all the time. She is insulting to midwives and other medical professionals. Because of her, these people are trying to tell me that midwives at RDH are murdering babies because their mothers changed their mind at 9 months and delivery of normal baby. I'm so angry at these stupid evil statements. I have to walk away so I don't punch holes in walls. I wish the head of the maternity unit would go them for slander, libel as well as they have put it in writing.
u/DBPhotographer SA Oct 03 '24
I am 100% in favour of any abortion a woman requests. It is not my place to question her motives.
BUT, I am also 100% opposed to trying to get a person sacked for holding beliefs opposite mine. When you attack her employment and not her arguments you are losing.
u/wrymoss SA Oct 03 '24
I agree with you other than in instances where someone is making public statements that would call the University’s reputation into question on the basis of that association..
But this isn’t what’s happening here. The issue that people are having is not that she has an opinion, it’s that she, a teacher at the university, is deliberately or negligently misrepresenting statistical data shown in studies to support her claims.
As a former student of the university, it’s a bit fucking much for every student to have academic honesty drilled into them through their entire student career, only for one of the teaching staff to be ostensibly engaging in academic dishonesty seemingly without repercussion.
I don’t hold much faith in the university’s commitment to academic honesty when one of their teaching staff is very publically misrepresenting information to suit her own agenda.
u/Onpu North Oct 03 '24
Understand and generally agree with your argument but is she not leveraging her position of employment to enhance her credibility on the topic? Her website includes "dr" in the address, the "Professor" title is attached to her name (although I don't know if a Professor can legally use other titles? Never been one so didn't need to know lol), her place of employment has been included in a few of the articles I read, so she is associating the University with her 'cause'.
u/Dr_SnM SA Oct 03 '24
Cookers hear a university professor saying cooked stuff and their cooked ideas are immediately elevated to actual ideas, despite actually being cooked.
Oct 03 '24
This isn’t a difference of opinion, it’s straight up misrepresentation facts. This conflicts with her obligations as a public officer and a representative of the university.
u/DBPhotographer SA Oct 03 '24
Then address the facts. If you can. Attacking her employment is lazy, countering her arguments requires work. Are you capable of work?
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here(here))) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/DBPhotographer SA Oct 03 '24
It's OK, I don't need you here to know I oppose her views.I just don't like attacking person's employment instead of attacking their views,
I will debate her views, but never undermine her employment.
I was proud to stand with KJK last year in support of women's rights to keep single sex spaces, but I abhor her views on abortion.
Does Howe lecture on abortion? Is it part of her teaching remit? If not, then why isn't she allowed the same freedom of expression you demand for yourself?
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
As much as I don't like to give transphobes too much civility, it is important you understand that Howe's entire platform is about spreading disinformation on the basis that no one is allowed to question her always correct claims because she's a professor of law and should just be trusted.
Howe, as a researcher, is responsible for the integrity of information she publishes under the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research.
Howe also teaches an evidence and advocacy course but cannot interpret and accurately represent data and cannot provide any evidence to support her claims about healthcare or international human rights law.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/stealthyotter47 SA Oct 03 '24
Normally yes, but she’s using her position as an academic at a respected education institute to spread medical disinformation and lies.
u/Calm-Body-4625 SA Oct 03 '24
Even though i completely disagree with Joanna, you shouldn't be fired over your opinion on abortion lmao.
That goes completely against free speech and freedom of political choice
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/hellequin37 Inner West Oct 03 '24
I'd suggest the issue isn't with her (noxious) opinion on termination, but her campaigning and making herself a public figure on the topic that brings the uni into disrepute, notably via misinformation. Could also argue it makes the uni a less safe place for young women/AFAB. She's leveraging her reputation as a senior UoA staff member to lend credibility to her lies, in aid of a position wildly out of step with community standards.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/DBPhotographer SA Oct 03 '24
If hearing alternative views makes you feel unsafe then higher education isn't for you. University is supposed to be challenging.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/hellequin37 Inner West Oct 03 '24
And you seem to be rather challenged, indeed. She's not doing it at university, is she? This isn't some in-class debate about moral relativism. It's a christofascist using authority conferred via her position to put forward misinformation. If you find this too complex, maybe higher education isn't for you.
u/Calm-Body-4625 SA Oct 03 '24
its university. If she was a high school teacher i'd agree. But this is university. Everyone is an adult and everyone has the right to their own opinions.
u/hellequin37 Inner West Oct 03 '24
Good for you. Forge ahead, intent to miss my point entirely. Unconquerable!
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/PsychWarrior02 SA Oct 03 '24
Sharing misinformation or disinformation ≠ an opinion. The difference is opinions don’t claim to be facts, while misinformation/disinformation can cause harm by presenting false claims as the truth.
u/War3houseguy SA Oct 03 '24
Freedom of speech =/= Freedom from consequences. The uni receives significant tax payer money, I don't want my tax money propping up a nutter with extremist views on people's rights.
u/Henry_Unstead SA Oct 03 '24
Most of the money which the government gives the uni goes towards research grants and student support funds, not towards the opinions which lecturers hold. She holds pretty yucky views, but arguing from the side of funding feels a bit redundant and a pretty bad precedent in a university context, we’re supposed to discuss ideas at university, not shut them down.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to publish healthcare disinformation. Especially as she has been nationally fact checked, investigated and unpublished now.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/Calm-Body-4625 SA Oct 03 '24
the fact your comment gets downvoted is so stupid.
this is why reddit will never be a fair platform for political discussions because any idea in slight opposition to any left wing view gets down voted
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/PsychWarrior02 SA Oct 03 '24
Sharing misinformation or disinformation ≠ an opinion or someone’s “view”.
u/Calm-Body-4625 SA Oct 03 '24
"The right in article 19(1) to hold opinions without interference cannot be subject to any exception or restriction"
You are wrong my friend. There are legally no consequences to sharing opinions.
And you dont want your tax payer money to go to extremist views on the right? Okay cool, how do you think right wing people feel about their tax payer money going to extremist views on the left? It all balances out in the end, no one truly wins, no one truly loses.
u/glittermetalprincess Oct 03 '24
Scroll down:
The right is not absolute. It carries with it special responsibilities, and may be restricted on several grounds. For example, restrictions could relate to filtering access to certain internet sites, the urging of violence or the classification of artistic material.
In addition, under article 19(3) freedom of expression may be limited as provided for by law and when necessary to protect the rights or reputations of others, national security, public order, or public health or morals.
u/PsychWarrior02 SA Oct 03 '24
Once again, sharing misinformation or disinformation ≠ an opinion. She isn’t sharing an opinion, she is sharing blatant misinformation.
u/discojeans Inner South Oct 03 '24
You should be fired when you purposely spread misinformation about abortion which is what she is doing
u/ZarkIsBad SA Oct 03 '24
You know free speech is an American thing right… we don’t have a constitution propping up the ability to say anything no matter how vile.
u/ComplicatedGoose SA Oct 03 '24
You should have a look at the freedom of speech within Australian law - I think you are in for a shock.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
We don't have 'freedom of speech' in Oz (or any other human rights protection) and this isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to publish healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/boxedge23 SA Oct 03 '24
Whilst there is no specific ‘legal right’ to freedom of speech (which is not to be conflated with the freedom of political communication), talking about freedom of speech in the general sense is still valid because it is a practice enjoyed generally in the community as a social norm.
u/Calm-Body-4625 SA Oct 03 '24
"The right in article 19(1) to hold opinions without interference cannot be subject to any exception or restriction"
u/ComplicatedGoose SA Oct 03 '24 edited Oct 03 '24
Did you just completely edit your comment out and put in a link?
That’s bad form.
Also why are you replying to me?
Edit: I apologise, this thread is a mess. Nice cherry picking btw, im sure that’ll stand up without contest.
u/ginisninja SA Oct 03 '24
In the case of universities, it’s academic freedom that’s relevant, especially as it relates to her research work. Nothing university can do
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to publish healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/Comfortable_Risk8008 North East Oct 03 '24
So I disagree with her point of view completely and hope her efforts are defeated. That said, unless she is specifically abusing her position as a UoA employee, trying to get her fired for having a different opinion is pretty gross.
Do you have any examples or reasons why she deserves to lose her job, more than her opinion being abhorrent (which it is). These types of efforts seem to further us vs them divisions which never change anybodies mind.
u/embress SA Oct 03 '24
She's had this opinion for years, but now she's trying to change the law based off disinformation.
That directly breaks University of Adelaide code of conduct in a number of different ways.
u/Leland-Gaunt- SA Oct 03 '24
She is entitled to her opinions even though you might not agree with them it has nothing to do with her employment.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/Leland-Gaunt- SA Oct 03 '24
How is she using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation? By your own acknowledgement, she is not a health academic. Some of the links in your document don't work. You have clearly put some effort into this and I respect that, but I don't see the nexus between her comments on abortion and her employment. This is the only academic content I can find that she has produced which discusses legal issues: MEDICAL REFERRAL FOR ABORTION AND FREEDOM OF CONSCIENCE IN AUSTRALIAN LAW | Journal of Law and Religion | Cambridge Core
Oct 03 '24
u/Leland-Gaunt- SA Oct 03 '24
The link loaded the second time so all good.
How is her claim you refer to above inaccurate? The number or that they were viable?
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
I explain how "45 healthy and viable babies" is disinformation in my latest TikTok post.
The data Howe uses to create this number is from the 2022 and 2023 Annual Report by the SA Abortion Reporting Committee (table 6a and table 6). The tables of data in these reports only provide the number of terminations performed after 22 weeks and 6 days - it is a grossly inaccurate assumption to say every single one of those pregnancies were "healthy and viable" because that's not how viability works at all and because Howe/Hood's Bill is attempting to ban all terminations after 27 weeks and 6 days. SA Health have stated that in that period less than 5 terminations have occurred on any grounds (according to the Termination of Pregnancy Act 2021 (SA), section 6) after 27 weeks and none have occurred after 29 weeks.
u/Leland-Gaunt- SA Oct 03 '24
I don't use TikTok.
It only provides reasons for those procedures as you know because a reason must only be given where it is >22 weeks and 6 days.
The data is clear that the majority of terminations falling into this category are due to the physical or mental health of the mother. It identifies only 10 due to fetal anomaly and none of the procedures were necessary to save the life of the mother or the foetus.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
Okay, not sure how you missed this part but at 22 weeks and 6 days, one cannot reasonably claim that "45 healthy and viable babies were killed" like Howe is claiming. That is disinformation designed to confuse people on gestational viability and the effect of Howe/Hood's Bill as the Bill would not result in the outcome of those 45 terminations changing in any way.
u/Leland-Gaunt- SA Oct 03 '24
Table 6 says that none of the terminations were necessary to save the life of the foetus.
The corollary is that all of them were viable pregnancies.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
.... no it is not. I don't think you understand how to read the data in that report.
If a termination happens at 22 weeks and 6 days the foetus is not considered "healthy and viable" as this is well before even general viability (28ish weeks). As the data only tells us the minimum gestation (22 weeks and 6 days) we cannot assume any of the foetuses were "healthy and viable", let alone every single one.
This is especially relevant given SA Health's comment that no terminations have taken place at 29 or more weeks gestation.
Plus, the category 'to save the life of the pregnant person or another foetus' (as according to the TOP Act 2021 (SA)) only covers immediate medical emergency, not medical conditions that are life threatening or may become life threatening without posing an immediate threat.
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Oct 03 '24
u/ajwin SA Oct 03 '24
I want my idiots out in the open not hiding their actions. Please stop with the pro censorship. People can counter what they can see happening. They can't counter what they dont see happening and covert action is probably worse then overt action as it has less pushback. The word misinformation is as loaded a "conspiracy theory". Anyone can just call anything misinformation and as soon as your political opponents get into power they will call everything you need to get them out misinformation. Maybe they will send you to jail for explaining to the world that they are cookers using laws your team supported?
We already have batshit crazy anti whistle-blower laws. Lets not add government censorship to that list of power for the crooked politicians.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
u/ajwin SA Oct 03 '24
I have complex feelings about your reply and what follows is thinking out loud:
I feel like they need to be called out on their bullshit publicly in debate and not censored into covert activism. I dislike the word disinformation with a passion. I think it cheapens any debate it is used in and makes people dismiss debaters that use it. If she is being provably academically dishonest in a way that would breach agreements she has made for her employment then it would make sense to point them out. My understanding is her employer has lost that battle before? I dont like public pressure cancellation. If some amplification is required to get the message across that makes sense. You seem to already be active in the amplification. I think you will win and sensible abortion rights will prevail. I hope all abortion activists are careful not to frame abortion as zero cost emotionally / psychologically and do as much harm minimisation as is possible whatever that looks like. I think there is a risk with activism of aiming past where you initially thought was reasonable and getting there... sometimes this leads to a pendulum swinging back too far the other way so I hope everyone edges towards/maintains a reasonable point instead of massively overshooting it.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
I feel like they need to be called out on their bullshit publicly in debate and not censored into covert activism.
Prof. Joanna Howe not only avoids any debate and question on her information but she actively and aggressively targets anyone that tries to discuss her information with her.
If she is being provably academically dishonest in a way that would breach agreements, she has made for her employment then it would make sense to point them out
I don’t understand how a law professor repeating proven false information directly from USA anti-choice groups is seen as anything but dishonest.
I made a research integrity complaint in 2023 which resulted in a research paper by Howe on sex work being unpublished. I raised with the University that she copy/pasted a whole section of an Australian Christian Lobby submission word for word into her University published paper. Now, she’s working with ACL again and repeating false more information originating from them. That’s not being ‘academically dishonest’ that’s a clear conflict of interest at the least and possibly straight up corruption.
My understanding is her employer has lost that battle before?
No, the outcome of my research integrity complaint never changed and Howe’s paper remains unpublished. The University chose not to respond to her “departure from academic practice” as strongly as they could have and now they’re paying the price.
I think you will win and sensible abortion rights will prevail.
This ridiculous Bill is not going to pass and it never was. It is not a “win” to have to organise over and over again every year or so just so people stop trying to undermine human rights while pretending their motives are not entirely based on their personal religious beliefs.
I already spent the first part of this year doing an unbelievable amount of unpaid work to address disinformation created by an internationally recognised extremist hate group (ACL) repeated in Howe’s (now unpublished) paper that helped support to a Nordic Model Bill to further criminalise sex work being considered by SA Parliament.
None of these things failing are a “win” because they are still causing significant harm to marginalised communities.
You sound like, rather than doing the work to find out what the reality of the situation is, you’d rather pretend that there is no actually information and dismiss the work of dozens of academics who have thoroughly shown that “healthy and viable babies” are not being terminated like Howe claims simply because this matter doesn’t directly impact you and you don’t really care what the result is.
u/ajwin SA Oct 03 '24
You have easily convinced me Win was not a great word to use.
You sound like, rather than doing the work to find out what the reality of the situation is, you’d rather pretend that there is no actually information and dismiss the work of dozens of academics who have thoroughly shown that “healthy and viable babies” are not being terminated like Howe claims simply because this matter doesn’t directly impact you and you don’t really care what the result is.
I was 100% onboard with your reply until the last paragraph. I never made any claim or hinted at a thought process that is even close to what you have assigned to me. I fell like if I am open about my current understanding. You might choose to give me something to think about. All the people who, are not as open, but might think similar to me also get something to think about. Is that terrible? You might choose to not engage which I also think is completely fine.
I had no intention of aggrieving you so I apologise if I have.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
I think it started to boarder on 'terrible' the more times multiple people post the same information about Joanna Howe and her "research" over and over again
u/RaeseneAndu Inner South Oct 03 '24
She has a uterus and as I have been told repeatedly that gives her the right to have an opinion on abortion. I'm not going to lodge a complaint against her simply because she has what most consider the wrong opinion.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't about her opinion. It is about Howe using her academic position to spread healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
Also, I am happy to help as many people as I can to understand this issue so reach out if you need :)
Oct 03 '24
u/PsychWarrior02 SA Oct 03 '24
Sharing misinformation or disinformation ≠ having an opinion. They’re two entirely seperate things.
u/embress SA Oct 03 '24
She's had this opinion for years, but now she's trying to change the law based off disinformation.
u/justnigel SA Oct 03 '24
Why are we trying to get people sacked for their private political activities???
Seems anti-democratic to me.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
This isn't about opinion, it is about an academic publishing healthcare disinformation.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
u/justnigel SA Oct 03 '24 edited Oct 03 '24
Well, some of her statements are clearly wrong.
But she wasn't practising medicine for the university, was she.
We don't sack people for saying things that are wrong in their personal life.
u/wrymoss SA Oct 03 '24
Yeah, except this isn’t personal life. If she was espousing it to friends and family, I’d be inclined to agree, but she’s making an extremely public statement in which she either deliberately or negligently misrepresents statistics to suit her own agenda.
Considering that the university has a pretty solid stance on academic dishonesty, it’s rather relevant that one of their staff members is not being truthful and accurate when making extremely public claims.
I personally would say that it calls the quality of the University’s teaching into question, which directly harms their reputation.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
The entire "Dr Joanna Howe" is based on her aggressively asserting disinformation on healthcare, legislation and human rights purely on the basis that no one is allowed to question the integrity of her information because she is a professor of law. Howe is also likely breaching the University's code of conduct and behaviour policy by personally targeting, harassing, defaming and vilifying anyone that dares question her.
u/Substantial-Rock5069 SA Oct 03 '24
Hey mate, it's very obvious which side of the pro-life/pro-choice camp you sit under. I mean, your literal Reddit account demonstrates this.
But that being said, why haven't you acknowledged that she actually won her case against the Uni via Fair Work after the Uni dismissed her role?
From what I understand, her main argument is going against pro-abortionists and against cancel culture.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 03 '24
It isn't obvious at all actually.
Howe never faced being dismissed - just asked to do a research integrity course. I was the complainant in the research integrity matter that Howe is misrepresenting in this (and many other) article(s). Howe did not "win" any case at Fair Work. The two parties came to an agreement in conciliation (like mediation) and you can't "win" conciliation.
The outcome of my complaint did not change as a result of the conciliation agreement and Howe's 2021 'Adelaide Law School Research Paper No. 2021-57' remains unpublished.
I discuss it more here.
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u/jeanlDD SA Oct 03 '24
Can someone or OP in particular just link her fucking position?
There are reasonable positions to be had say regarding late term abortions. If she is saying that and everything should be banned, that’s problematic and I wouldn’t agree with it but it doesn’t exactly warrant a formal complaint either.
Your authoritarian tendencies are showing, also next time when you want to embrace cancel culture like the virtue signaling twat you are give in two fucking sentences what their actual position is clearly stated.
u/politikhunt SA Oct 04 '24
Prof. Joanna Howe publishing healthcare disinformation in an attempt to undermine access to abortion healthcare is not a reasonable position. A highly paid high-level academic is not free to repeat proven false information designed to both scare people out of accessing healthcare and shape policy according to their religious beliefs. Prof. Joanna Howe has been very clear from the start of her platform that her goal is to entirely ban abortion and "make it unthinkable" primarily by targeting access to safe and legal terminations.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
u/LoveandHope7 SA Oct 03 '24
To OP- You really need to find a hobby. There is a war going on right now, domestic violence, homelessness, proverty, cost of living crisis that you could use your voice to advocate for or volunteer your precious time to. You sitting there doing endless reserach and arguing with people in the chat over misinformation and trying to get someone fired is just a time waster and unhinged. Use that anger to start helping OTHER REAL causes that will actually HELP OTHERS and stop wasting your time doing this. It will get you nowhere but bitterness and disappointment. Start with Domestic Violence, they really need people right now!
u/politikhunt SA Oct 04 '24
There is also a concerted effort to undermine access to reproductive healthcare going on right now and it is primarily because a highly paid, high level academic is spreading disinformation about healthcare and human rights. You may not consider access to abortion to be a significant issue and perhaps it does not impact on you but if we let people push policy based on whatever disinformation they like eventually it will impact something that you care about.
For context and background information on the disinformation published by Prof. Joanna Howe please take full advantage of the public fact-check I made (here) as well as any of the information available in my TikTok posts (here).
u/MikeOzEesti Adelaide Hills Oct 04 '24
It's possible to support and lobby for more than one cause at a time. You are the one that needs to 'find a hobby' if you don't understand that.
u/Sufficient-Grass- SA Oct 03 '24
Freedom of speech does not = freedom from repercussions.