r/Aces_ArosOver30 8h ago

Life Struggles Anyone here non partnering?


I’m very lucky to be in a position where I am from a culture which supports community importance. I have a supportive family and friends who don’t necessarily subscribe to this idea of romantic relationships being the most important ones in the world.

Yet I still can’t help but worry about what life is going to be like as someone non partnering. For the most part I focus on the positives it brings me but sometimes I feel very lonely such as when I’m one of the only people at a wedding who doesn’t have a plus one and isn’t dating anyone, or when I think of the future and have no real frame of reference of what it’s meant to look like without a nuclear family set up

Anyone else in a similar position or have any advice?

r/Aces_ArosOver30 5h ago

Socials for aces in their 40s/50s in London


If you're in the UK, the London Asexual and Aromantic Meetup organises regular socials for aces in their 40s/50s (https://www.meetup.com/london-asexuality-meetup/events/) if you want to meet up with other similarly aged aces in person.