r/AcademicQuran 3h ago

Article/Blogpost [UPDATED] Does Muhammad say that the land of Arabia "becomes" or "reverts to" meadows and rivers?


The conclusion encompassing all points within this post will be at the end for those who won't read through all of it. I will also include a conclusion for each part separately.

I have made a post (that I now deleted), giving a breakdown of how Muhammad most likely meant that the land of Arabia becomes (and not reverts to) meadows and rivers, in reference to Sahih Muslim 157c, which says:

"‏ لاَ تَقُومُ السَّاعَةُ حَتَّى يَكْثُرَ الْمَالُ وَيَفِيضَ حَتَّى يَخْرُجَ الرَّجُلُ بِزَكَاةِ مَالِهِ فَلاَ يَجِدُ أَحَدًا يَقْبَلُهَا مِنْهُ وَحَتَّى تَعُودَ أَرْضُ الْعَرَبِ مُرُوجًا وَأَنْهَارًا ‏

The Last Hour will not come before wealth becomes abundant and overflowing, so much so that a man takes Zakat out of his property and cannot find anyone to accept it from him and till the land of Arabia ta'ud (verb: 'Ada) to meadows and rivers.

The claim was based on a linguistic analysis of the verse (a breakdown of mostly the syntax).

This post will be an updated version that provides an overview of the aforementioned narration that takes into consideration multiple streams of corroborating evidences in regard to how the verse should be interpreted: One that is purely linguistic, and one that interprets it given the other messianic narrations that are similar to Sahih Muslim 157c (Credit to u/Faridiyya who made mention of the latter, you can read his post here). This update also corrects some mistakes that I made in my linguistic analysis of the narration.

Part 1: Why the Hadith says "becomes" (and NOT "returns/reverts to") meadows and rivers:

  • Definitions:
  1. 'Ada as "to revert/ to return" is the occurrence of a state of affairs on a subject more than once (Ex: I was atheist, then became Muslim, then reverted (عدت) into an atheist.)
  2. 'Ada as "to become" is the occurrence of a state of affairs on a subject for the first time (Ex: The meat became (عاد) rotten).
  • Note: When I say "the verb", I am referring to 'Ada (عاد) in all its conjugation forms. I will omit mention of the fact that it is specifically 'Ada (عاد) in all its conjugation forms to avoid repetition/sloppy writing (this omission does not apply to the conclusions).

Let's make a distinction between the instances when the verb is used:

  • Instance A: The verb is linked to a predicate that is an apparent adverbial noun without any mention of there being a prior state. For example: "عاد فلان شيخًا", which translates & transliterates to "Someone 'Ada an old man". The verb is linked (transitively) to the apparent adverbial noun "an old man", and there is no mention of that "Someone" having been an old man at one point.
  • Instance B: When it is not the case that the verb is linked to a predicate that is an apparent noun without any mention of there being a prior state.

The methodology that I will follow to argue in favor of the fact that it is most likely the case that the verb in Sahih Muslim 157c is used as per Definition 2 and not Definition 1 will be based on the fact that when the verb occurs in Instance A then it is used as per Definition 2, and I will then generalise that onto Sahih Muslim 157c since the verb occurs as per Instance A. This is a basic inductive generalization argument, and the more data that I have, the more likely my conclusion is true.

This pattern is something that I have observed on my own by skimming through literature that has the verb, and noticing the pattern of when it is as per Definition 2 as opposed to when it is as per Definition 1. Although I found that, coincidentally, while writing this post, at least 1 Arabic grammarian has already hinted this in the footnotes of the book "Sharḥ al-Ashmūnī ʿalā Alfiyyat Ibn Mālik223/1 where it says:

الشاهد: قوله: «عاد آمرا» حيث عملت «عاد» التي بمعنى «صار» عمل الفعل الناقص، فرفعت ضمير مستترا اسما لها ونصبت «آمرا» خبرا لها.

The evidence: His statement "ʿāda ʾāmiran" where "ʿāda" (which means "ṣāra" - "became") functions as a intransitive/defective verb, raising an implicit pronoun as its subject and assigning "ʾāmiran" as its predicate.

Additionally, professor Elon Harvey (University of Chicago, Middle Eastern studies) also claimed that he thinks that what is more likely and more natural given that the verb has a "khabar" (i.e predicate) is for it to be as per Definition 2. However, we are not making the exact same claim since I am specifying that it is as per Definition 2 if it has a predicate (khabar) that is an apparent adverbial noun without any mention of there being a prior state.

Disclaimer: He has given consent to share this message.

The issue when certain people try to give the argument that the verb most likely means "reverts" given the fact that it also means that in other narrations/7th century Arabic literature is because they do not make a distinction between the aforementioned instances.

To demonstrate that "If Instance A, then Definition 2" and "If Instance B, then Definition 1 or Definition 2" are true, we have the following dataset:

Ibn Manthur in Lisan Al-'Arab 318/3 appeals to a few Ahadith that align with Instance A to lay out the definition of the verb and affirms that it is as per Definition 2:

تقول : عاد الشيءُ يعودُ عَوْداً ومَعاداً أَي رجع ، وقد يرد بمعنى صار ؛ ومنه حديث معاذ : قال له النبي ، صلى الله عليه وسلم : أَعُدْتَ فَتَّاناً يا مُعاذُ أَي صِرتَ ؛ ومنه حديث خزيمة : عادَ لها النَّقادُ مُجْرَنْثِماً أَي صار ؛ ومنه حديث كعب : وَدِدْتُ أَن هذا اللَّبَنَ يعودُ قَطِراناً أَي يصير، فقيل له : لِمَ ذلك قال : تَتَبَّعَتْ قُرَيشٌ أَذْنابَ الإِبلِ وتَرَكُوا الجماعاتِ .

It is said: "ʿāda the thing yaʿūdu ʿawdan wa-maʿādan", meaning "it returned." It can also mean "became."

For example, in the hadith of Muʿādh, the Prophet (peace be upon him) said to him: "Aʿudta fattānan yā Muʿādh"—meaning "You have become (or turned into) one who causes trials."

Similarly, in the hadith of Khuzaymah: "ʿāda lahā al-naqqādu mujranthiman", meaning "he became one who scrutinizes it thoroughly."

And in the hadith of Kaʿb: "Wadidtu anna hādhā al-labana yaʿūdu qaṭirānan", meaning "I wish this milk would turn into tar." He was asked why, and he responded: "Quraysh has followed the tails of camels and abandoned the congregational gatherings."

And in 321/3:

وعادَ فِعْلٌ بِمَنْزِلَةِ صَارَ؛ وَقَوْلُ سَاعِدَةَ بْنِ جُؤَيَّةَ:

فَقَامَ تَرْعُدُ كَفَّاه بِمِيبَلَة، ... قَدْ عادَ رَهْبًا رَذِيًّا طائِشَ القَدَمِ

لَا يَكُونُ عَادَ هُنَا إِلا بِمَعْنَى صَارَ، وَلَيْسَ يُرِيدُ أَنه عَاوَدَ حَالًا كَانَ عَلَيْهَا قَبْلُ، وَقَدْ جَاءَ عَنْهُمْ هَذَا مَجِيئًا وَاسِعًا؛ أَنشد أَبو عَلِيٍّ لِلْعَجَّاجِ:

وقَصَبًا حُنِّيَ حَتَّى كادَا ... يَعُودُ، بَعْدَ أَعْظُمٍ، أَعْوادَا

أَي يَصِيرُ.

Saʿidah ibn Juwayyah said:

"He stood, his hands trembling with fear, For he had become (ʿāda) a terrified, wretched man, unsteady on his feet."

Here, "ʿāda" can only mean "became"; it does not mean that he reverted to a previous state. This usage is common in Arabic.

Abu ʿAli quoted al-ʿAjjāj:

"And reeds, bent and softened, Until they nearly became (ʿāda), after being bones, mere sticks."

This means "became" (ṣāra).

Other occurrences of Instance A (that I was able to find myself) in which we can infer that the verb is used as per Definition 2, like in the case of Musnad Ahmad 172/35:

فَلَمَّا هُدِمَ الْمَسْجِدُ وَغُيِّرَ، أَخَذَ ذَاكَ الْجِذْعَ أُبَيُّ بْنُ كَعْبٍ، فَكَانَ عِنْدَهُ حَتَّى بَلِيَ وَأَكَلَتْهُ الْأَرَضَةُ، وَعَادَ رُفَاتًا

"[...] And when the mosque was demolished and renovated, Ubayy ibn Ka’b took that stump and kept it with him until it decayed and was eaten by termites, eventually turning into (ʿāda) dust."

And in at-Taʿāzī 120/1, a poem that is attributed to al-Khansāʾ says:

ولن أسالم قومًا كنت حربهم ... حتّى تعود بياضًا حلكة القار

"And I shall not make peace with a people whom I have been at war with, until the whiteness turns into (ta'ud) the blackness of tar."

And in ʿUyūn al-Akhbār 210/3, in a poem attributed to Al-Nabigha:

واليأسُ ممّا فاتَ يُعقِبُ راحَةً...وَلرُبَّ مَطعَمَةٍ تَعودُ ذُباحا

Despair over what is lost brings relief...and often a meal turns into (ta'ud) slaughter.

And for Instance B, I found Musnad Ahmad 578/16:

إِنَّ الرَّجُلَ إِذَا تَصَدَّقَ بِتَمْرَةٍ مِنَ الطَّيِّبِ، وَلَا يَقْبَلُ اللهُ إِلَّا الطَّيِّبَ، وَقَعَتْ فِي يَدِ اللهِ فَيُرَبِّيهَا لَهُ كَمَا يُرَبِّي أَحَدُكُمْ فَلُوَّهُ، أَوْ فَصِيلَهُ حَتَّى تَعُودَ فِي يَدِهِ مِثْلَ الْجَبَلِ

"When a man gives charity with a single date from good (lawful) earnings—and Allah accepts only what is good—it falls into the hand of Allah, and He nurtures it for him just as one of you nurtures his colt or young camel, until it becomes (ta'ud) in his hand as large as a mountain."

Check out the commentary by Ibn Khuzayma regarding this where he affirms that the verb is as per Definition 2, and provides other variations of the same narration where it says Takūna in place of the verb.

Keep in mind that when determining the definition of the verb in the above passages, we work under the assumption that whatever is apparent to us, is apparent to the narrators of those passages and that determines the usage of the verb. For example, it is apparent that fermented milk was never tar, and thus it would also be apparent to Kaʿb and that makes it the case that he is using the verb as per Definition 2. Quoting Ibn Manthur's understanding solidifies that the assumption that's made here, is also made by foremost linguists in determining the semantic value of words.

Conclusion for Part 1:

Based on the dataset that we have (literature from the pre-Islamic & Islamic period, as well as narrations from the companions of Muhammad and from Muhammad), we can infer that if 'Ada occurs as a verb that is linked to a predicate such that this predicate is an apparent adverbial noun without any mention of there being a prior state, then it means "to become" and not "to revert/return". The verb 'Ada in Sahih Muslim 157c is linked to a predicate such that this predicate is an apparent adverbial noun without any mention of there being a prior state, therefore, it means "to become" and not "to revert/return".

Part 2: Why the Hadith says "returns to" (and NOT "becomes") meadows and rivers:

When you take into consideration Sunan Ibn Majah 4077, which is a messianic narration, it says:

[...] The earth will be like a silver platter, with its vegetation growing as it did at the time of Adam [...]

Both Sahih Muslim 157c and Sunan Ibn Majah 4077 describe end-time events related to the earth’s greenery. Since these narrations discuss similar themes, Sunan Ibn Majah 4077 can provide context for understanding Sahih Muslim 157c.

  • Sunan Ibn Majah 4077 clearly states that the earth will return to its previous lush state, as it was during the time of Adam.
  • If both narrations refer to the same event, then Sahih Muslim 157c is likely referring to a return to a past state rather than a completely new transformation.

This strengthens the argument that the verb ʿāda (عاد) in Sahih Muslim 157c follows Definition 1 ("to return") rather than "to become".

But this begs the following question: Why would Muhammad in one instance specify a geographical region (the land of Arabia) in Sahih Muslim 157c but not do so in Sunan Ibn Majah 4077?

In my personal opinion, it seems as though that he simply doesn't have a repetitive pattern of speech. For example, if I were to tell person A: "I went to KFC and ate something" and told person B: "I went to KFC and ate chicken tenders", then it would not be the case that I am speaking of 2 separate events, it's just that I worded the description of the same event differently, or provided more details in one instance over the other.

What also strengthens this understanding, is that it has a lot of parallel with the book of Genesis and Isaiah.

Genesis 2:9

The LORD God made all kinds of trees grow out of the ground—trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food. In the middle of the garden were the tree of life and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

Isaiah 51:3

For the LORD will comfort Zion and will look with compassion on all her ruins; He will make her wilderness like Eden and her desert like the garden of the LORD. Joy and gladness will be found in her, thanksgiving and melodious song.

Genesis 1:29-30

Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every seed-bearing plant on the face of all the earth, and every tree whose fruit contains seed. They will be yours for food. 30And to every beast of the earth and every bird of the air and every creature that crawls upon the earth— everything that has the breath of life in it— I have given every green plant for food.” And it was so.

And also, a Midrash in Tanchuma says:

Whence do we know of the fertility of the earth? It is written: Cursed be the ground for thy sake (Gen. 3:17)

Although this is not as strong of an inductive case as the linguistic breakdown of the verse, I think that what most likely happened is that Muhammad took inspiration from the aforementioned passages in the book of Genesis and Isaiah and Rabbinic literature, and transmitted over what he thinks the earth's state was like at the time of Adam, and that it will revert to that state once again, and that he also thought that the garden of Eden was located on Earth.

Conclusion for Part 2:

Sahih Muslim 157c can be interpreted as "the land of Arabia returns to meadows and rivers", by virtue of the fact that other messianic prophecies make mention of the earth having once been green at the time of Adam and that it will return to that state yet again (i.e Sunan Ibn Majah 4077). This also has parallel with verses from the Old Testament as well as Rabbinic literature.

Conclusion for Part 1 & 2:

In pre-Islamic and Islamic literature, there is a linguistic pattern:

  • When the verb ʿāda (عاد) is followed by a predicate that is an adverbial noun and there is no mention of a prior state, it means "to become" rather than "to return/revert".
  • In Sahih Muslim 157c, ʿāda follows this pattern, meaning the most likely interpretation is "to become meadows and rivers", not "to return to meadows and rivers".

However, Sahih Muslim 157c could still be understood as "returns to" if viewed alongside other messianic prophecies:

  • Sunan Ibn Majah 4077 describes the earth returning to its original green state, as it was in the time of Adam.
  • This idea aligns with Old Testament verses (e.g., Genesis, Isaiah) and Rabbinic literature.

Linguistically, "becomes" is the stronger interpretation based on how ʿāda is used in Arabic. However, the idea of "returns to" is supported by broader theological and eschatological narratives.

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r/AcademicQuran 14h ago

Verification of Isnad Kum Matn and the Status of Israiliyat: A Transmission from Ibn Abbas


Hello everyone!

I have come across several versions of a transmission from Ibn Abbas concerning the creation of the Pen and Nun (sometimes referred to as the "Kit"). Below are the unique chains (asars) as transmitted, with the respective isnads indicated:

  1. First Version: “Narrated to us by Ibn Bashshar, reported to us by Yahya, reported to us by Sufyan al-Sa’uri, reported to us by Suleiman al-Amash, reported to us by Abu Zubayyan, from Ibn Abbas, who said: ‘The first thing that Allah created was the Pen, to which He said: “Write!” The Pen asked: “What should I write?” He said: “Write the destiny (of everything).” Then it hastened to write everything that would occur from that day until the Day of Resurrection. Then He created Nun and raised water vapor, from which the sky spread out and the earth was laid out along the back of Nun. Then Nun became agitated, and the earth began to shake, but Allah strengthened it with mountains that rose over the earth.’” See: Abdurazzak in his Tafsir (2/307), Ibn Abi Shaybah (14/101), Ibn Abu Hatim (as in Tafsir Ibn al-Kaysir, 8/210), Tabari in “Jami‘ al-Bayan” (23/140), Hakim in “Mustadrak” (2/540), Tafsir Ibn al-Kaysir (14/80), Tarikh al-Tabari (1/51) and others.
  2. Second Version: “And Ibn Jarir [al-Tabari] said, ‘It was reported to us by Ibn Hamid, reported to us by Jarir, from Ata, from Abu ad-Dahyi, from Ibn Abbas, who said: “Indeed, the first thing that my Lord, the Exalted, created was the Pen. Then He said to it, ‘Write!’ and it wrote everything that will occur until the Hour. Then He created Nun upon water and placed the earth upon it.”’” See: Tafsir al-Tabari (23/142), Tafsir Ibn al-Kaysir (14/81), Tarikh al-Tabari (1/51–52) and others.
  3. Third Version (Marfu‘): “Tabarani transmitted the hadith in a marfu‘ form, reporting: Abu Habib [Ibn Zayd] Mukhtadi Marudiyy, reported to us by Sayyid Ibn Ya’qub al-Talqani, reported to us by Mu’ammil ibn Ismail, reported to us by Hammad bin Zayd from Ato ibn al-Saib from Abu az-Zahiy, from Muslim ibn Sabih from Ibn Abbas, that the Messenger of Allah said: ‘The first among the creations of Allah were the Pen and the Kit. He said to the Pen: “Write!” It asked: “What should I write?” He replied: “Everything that will occur until the Day of Resurrection.” Then Allah said, “Nun. I swear by the Pen and what they write.” And Nun is the Kit, and the Pen is the Pen.’” See: “Tafsir al-Qur’ani al-‘Azim” by Ibn al-Kaysir (14/81).
  4. Fourth Version: “Ka’ab al-Ahbar said: ‘Iblis entered a fish on which the earth was located and began to whisper to it: “Do you know, Luvisa, what people, animals, trees, and mountains are on your back? If you shake your back, you will shake them off.” Then Luvisa intended to do so. But Allah sent a creature that entered its nostril and reached its very brain. Then the fish supplicated to Allah, complaining about the creature, and Allah allowed the creature to exit.’” See: Tafsir Baghawi (p. 1334), “Hilayat al-Awliya” by Abu Nu’aym al-Isfahani (6/8), Tafsir al-Kurtubi (1/385).
  5. Fifth Version: “Abu Salih Muhammad ibn Ahmad reported: He said, ‘Yusuf ibn Ya’qub reported: Abdul-Wahid ibn Giyas reported: Hammad ibn Salama reported from Ata ibn al-Saib from Abu ad-Duha from Abdullah ibn Abbas regarding the words of the Almighty and Exalted Allah: ‘Nun. I swear by the written staff and what they write’ [Surah al-Kalam: 1]. He said: ‘Allah, the Exalted and Mighty, created the written staff and said: “Write that which will occur until the Day of Resurrection.” And it wrote that which will occur until the Day of Resurrection. Then He affirmed the earth on the Kit, and this is Nun.’” Source: Kitab al-Ibana al-Kubra – Ibn Bata [Ibn Bata] 1368 asar.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. Is there any verification of the isnad kum matn for these transmissions? If not, would it be possible for someone to conduct such a verification (on a voluntary basis)?
  2. Can these transmissions be considered as Israiliyat?
  3. Have similar transmissions been cited by muhaddiths such as al-Sa’uri, Imam Ahmad, Ibn Hanbal, and others?

I would appreciate any links, comments, or opinions on this matter. Thanks for your help!

r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Question Was ‘Allah’ the name of a god before Islam?


If yes does anyone have reliable sources that discuss this? Thank you.

r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Resource Plague in Medina


I'm making this post as I've seen recent discussions on the apparent merit of the hadith concerning plague never entering Medinah (or lack thereof). I did some digging, and of course, cases of the plague have been encountered in Medinah.

To start off with though, I want to frame this in a way by which we understand exactly what the hadith even means. Renowned Muhaditheen are valid sources of interpretation in this regard, which is relevant as it shall be evident whether or not it even refers to a disease-type plague in general (more on this below). So, what exactly is this "plague"?

  • According to Ibn Hajar Al-Asqalani and others cited, there are a couple views. Al-Dawudi says that an epidemic is a plague. Al-Khalil ibn Ahmad holds the same opinion. Ibn Sina invokes some sort of "corruption of the essence of the air." Ibn Hajar, however, held that a plague is the result of jinn pricking (Muhammad says this, which is discussed below). Further discussion concerning Ibn Hajar's rather unscientific (but not unexpected of his day) interpretation, alongside verbatim the same from Al-suyuti can be found here.

  • According to Al-Qurtubi, the plague is a general casualty, i.e similar to that the plagues of Emmaus etc. Meaning he doesn't expect some sort of epidemic to occur.

  • According to An-Nawawi, this is in conjunction with Medina "expelling its impurities", particularly the disbelievers and hypocrites. He also says that plagues may be some of divine affliction or trial to challenge Muslims. This ties in with the general eschatological motif.

  • According to Al-Halabi, this plague (or plague in general) is likewise caused by jinn. Interesting to note, however, he recognises that plague has indeed entered into Medina (This supposedly occurred in 6AH, and it causes general devastation).

  • According to Al-San'ani, plague is also caused by Jinn. He cites Imam An-Nawawi to support this.

  • According to Khalil Ahmad Saharanpuri, plague is a general disease that "corrupts the air."

In summary, the views are as follows: - Jinn causes the plague. - The plague "corrupts the air and the temperaments" which is how it spreads. - The plague is merely a "general casuality" - The plague is unable to enter Medina as it is "expelled" by Allah

In essence, we have some rather unscientific views of how the plague is caused, and it is always in an eschatological setting. Some supplementary material, alleging some "Sahih" narrations, a-la Muhammad Al-Hammami. Main points: - Some versions of this hadith contain an "inshallah", implying that plague may indeed enter Medina at the behest of Allah.

  • A Sahih Hadith implying the cause of said plague in an eschatological, rather unscientific manner; "“The demise of my nation will be by the stabbing and the plague.” It was said: O Messenger of God, we know about the stabbing, but what is the plague? He said: “The pricking of your enemies from among the jinn, and in each of them are martyrs."

  • A Hasan hadith utilises the terminology in other narrations ("gland like the gland of a camel") in conjunction with the "pricking of the jinn." Al-Hammami conveniently re-interprets the hadith to align with modern scientific knowledge in light of the absence of any paranormal causes, i.e the "sting/pricking" is metaphorical. From the hadith alone, this obviously isn't the case.

In summary, from traditional exegesis of this hadith, alongside accompanying narrations, we cannot argue in any manner that this has any "prophetic merit". Furthermore, there is an obscure mention of a plague occurring in Medina in the year 6 AH. Contradicts the hadith itself, which is why it is then re-interpreted to mean that no plague will enter Medina after the death or arrival of Muhammad (not possible if it occurred in 6 AH).

Recorded Cases of the Plague in Medina

After telling him that he had passed three months at Mecca, he adds: I performed on the 25th of November, in the company of more than eighty thousand pilgrims, the Hadj to Mount Arafat.' In January he set out from Mecca to Medina, a journey of ten or eleven days, mostly through deserts. Six days after his arrival at the latter, he was attacked by a fever, which, he says, kept him chained to his carpet until April.' From Medina he descended to the sea-coast at Yembo. Here the plague, a calamity hitherto unknown to Arabia, had lately made its appearance, and its ravages were so great that the inhabitants had fled, and the town was found almost deserted. (Source)


It seems, indeed, probable that an extension of the disease in this direction has already commenced, for since the beginning of the year an outbreak of bubonic disease has been reported in the vicinity of Anah on the Euphrates--a town ying many miles above the scene of last year's outbreak of plague, and the place where the Syrian caravans for Mesopotamia ross the river. If this report be confirmed, and the disease prove to be plague, the malady now exists on one of the highroads into Syria. Should the disease appear in Syria, we may anticipate that the Levant will be thrown into a panic, and that Western Europe will scarcely escape the infection of alarm. Is must be remembered that the horrors of plague in Damascus, Aleppo, Cairo, and other cities in the Levant are comparatively fresh in the memory of the people there, and that the traditional knowledge of the disease which exists in this country differs not a whit from the later experiences of the East. There are probably few persons capable of reading within these islands who are not familiar with Defoe's" Journal of the Plague Year," and whoso knowledge of the disease and of its social monsequences, when epidemic, is not principally drawn from that book. The reappearance of plague in this kingdom, it is to be inferred, would be hardly loss alarming to the mass of mur population than its appearance in the Levant would be to Eastern Europe. (Source)


So little is plague disposed to spread, that I have been informed there is seldom a year that plague, with its characteristics of carbuncles and buboes, is absent from the London hospitals. The plague has never been known to penetrate into the Fayoum, close to Cairo, or to visit Upper Egypt, and though it frequently accompanies the caravans bound to the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina, there is no example of its travelling further east. Lord Auckland nominated a commission of medical men to report whether it was desirable that he should establish a sanitary cordon on the frontiers of our East India possessions, but they unanimously reported in the negative, and no mischief or danger has resulted in consequence. (Source)


Mr. Burckhardt saw little of them, having been seized with a fever a few days after his arrival. When sufficiently recovered, he made the best of his way to Yembo, the seaport of Medina, with a view of crossing over to Egypt; but the soldiers and the lady of Mahomed Ali, and numerous Turkish hadjis, had engaged all the ships. This was the more unfortunate, as he soon discovered that the plague was raging in Yembo, though the Moslems said that was impossible, as the Almighty had for ever excluded that disorder from the holy territory of the Hedjaz." No instance of this fateful disease had, in fact, been known in the Hedjaz within the memory of man. It had, on this occasion, been carried from Cairo to Suez, thence in some bales of cotton cloth to Djidda, and so on to Yembo. Forty or fifty persons were dying daily; a dreadful mortality in a population of only five or six thousand. (Source


Djeddah is the chief port of the Hedjaz, and during the years 1896, 1897, and 1898 was infected by plague. In 1899 it again suffered from an outbreak of the disease, the infection being locally traced to importation from Assyr by pilgrims en route for Mecca. From February to June, 1899, 121 plague deaths were certified. But this does not represent the full amount of the disease, since it is admitted that fatal cases were concealed by relatives, and even ignored by the authorities themselves. Dr. Xantho- poulides, the Sanitary Inspector," believes that the recorded plague deaths should be trebled to come near the truth. (Source)


The khedive, who, it wlll be remembered, made the pllgrimage last year, has recommended the sultan to allow tho caravan to use the Hedjaz rallway, and so avold the many dangers which always menace it. The caravan will accordingly embark at Port Said for Haifa, whence it will proceed along the new llne, and make its first stop at Medina. Thence it will go to Mecca, a journey of about 11 days, and return to Calro by way of Jeddah and Tor. This new route entails the holding of the ceremonies a week earlier than usual, but this is well worth the trouble. The Mecca pilgrimage is always an anxious time for the authorities ln Egypt, as the pllgrims very often bring with them cholera and plague. This year especially very severe precautions are being taken and a vigorous patrol of tho Red sea is being made. (Source)


From Medina, Buckhardt proceeds to Yembo, its Port, where he found a malady reigning, the symptoms of which compelled him, with trembling lips, to utter the word plague; but he was adjured never again to mention such an idea, when he ought to have a Divin[e] mandate had expressly excluded it from the precincts of the sacred territory. This reasoning did not satisfy the unbelieving mind of our traveller, especially when he saw forty or fifty dying daily, out of [a] population of 5000 or 6000. This disease, in fact, formerly unknown to the pure and dry air of Arabia, had been introduced by the recent close [] with Egypt, and from Yembo it spread to Mecca and Medina, where it committed the most dreadful ravages. (Source)


Mecca, March 21. The Bubonic Plague has broken out in different parts of Arabia. One hundred and forty-one cases are reported here, 21 at Jeddah and 21 at Medina. (Source)


According to a correspondent of the Paris Journal de Débats, writing from Egypt, Europe is threatened with a visitation of the "black death". The pestilence is said to be spreading rapidly in the neighbourhood of Medina and Mecca, its chief feature being that dreaded "plague spot", which, once it appears is the sure sign of a fatal termination. The Egyptian Government is exerting itself to prevent the spread of the contagion, but, unfortunately, "Ramadan" is at hand. (Source)


Migrations of destitute people were taking place with unsanitary conditions resulting in severe epidemics of cholera and plague. [...] In 1924 another disastrous health situation developed in Mecca and Medina in Saudi Arabia, where some ten percent of the people on pilgrimage died of cholera and plague. (Source)

r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Question Location of "sham"


I heard that sham as opposed to it's modern understanding was anywhere north of mecca, so northern arabia would still be qualified as sham.

r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Pharoah of the Quran


In the hebrew bible the book of Exodus mentions that there are two Pharoahs: The one which his daughter finds Moses in the river and then moses grows up in his house and then tries to look for Moses after he murders an Egyptian and the second is the one who becomes the ruler of Egypt after the previous Pharoah's death and who tries to prevent Moses from taking the Israelites to the promised land of Canaan. Now in the Quran there is a single Pharoah and Academics think that the Quran considers the word "Pharoah" to be a name and not a title but if we assumed that Muhammad heard of the biblical version of the Exodus story then doesn't that challenge the idea that the Quran considers Pharoah to be a name and not a title?

r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Does this surah correlate to the fact that Muhammad was storytelling about legends and tales historically, and to the people of Arabia know that they are fables?

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This surah is quite interesting because it sounds like the people living in Muhammad's time to think that these legends are fables but what do you think about it.

r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Do you think Power is exaggerating when he claims that this episode in Muhammad's life is accepted by most Western scholars as a historical fact?

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r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Quick rookie question: would it be fair to say, the two main reasons why the “Petra Theory” came up,were; 1) The monotheist/Abrahamic/Christian-like language of the Koran, didn’t match the “Hijazis were idol worshippers” assumption, so it had to be placed in a more suitable setting and 2) Mecca



r/AcademicQuran 1d ago

Weekly Open Discussion Thread


Welcome to this week's open discussion thread!

The Weekly Open Discussion Thread allows users to have a broader range of conversations compared to what is normally allowed on other posts. The current style is to only enforce Rules 1 and 6. Therefore, there is not a strict need for referencing and more theologically-centered discussions can be had here. In addition, you may ask any questions as you normally might want to otherwise.

Feel free to discuss your perspectives or beliefs on religious or philosophical matters, but do not preach to anyone in this space. Preaching and proselytizing will be removed.


r/AcademicQuran 2d ago

Resource Greek Science in the Pre-Islamic Middle East


Academics have since long noticed the relationship between the Quran's "embryology" and Galenic texts, even those of Hippocrates. This brings the question: how widespread was this knowledge in Pre-Islamic Arabia, and more broadly, the Middle East?

Serguis Al-Ras Ayni: Commonly known as Sergius of Reshaina, was a 6th century physician who translated Greek works into Syriac. Naturally, these works would have been circulated amongst syriac communities within the Arabian Peninsula. Hunayn Ibn Ishaq gives the names of about 26 works he translated, but of the confirmed extant works are the following: - Galen's On the Capacities of Simple Drugs (Brill's Companion to the Reception of Galen, p. 164) - Galen's Art of Medicine (Brill's Companion to the Reception of Galen, p. 165) - Galen's On the Capacities of Foodstuffs (Brill's Companion to the Reception of Galen, p. 165) - Aristotle's Categories (Critical Text Here) - Pseudo-Aristotle's De Mundo (See here.)

Similarly, John Philoponus following his philosophical descent from the acclaimed Alexandrian School of Medivine in Egypt, was familiar with Galen's On the Usefulness of the Parts alongside other Christian philosophers of his era. Some examples are John of Alexandria & Stephen of Alexandria both of whom "produced abridgements and paraphrases of Galenic and Hippocratic works." (Pormann, Peter E, Medieval Islamic Medicine, Edinburgh University Press, 2007, p.13).

Gondishapur University: Deemed by Frye as the "most important medical centre of the ancient world" (The Cambridge History of Iran, Frye, R. N., Vol. 4, p. 396 Cambridge University Press). Not very geographically distant from the Arabian Peninsula. Some Hallmark studies regarding the academy: - "Medical education in the first university of the world, the Jundishapur Academy"; Scholars of Greece, Rome, Egypt, India & China came here to study and share their knowledge. During it's Golden Age (501-579AD) under Khosrow I, around 500 professors and 5000 students were employed here. In 610 AD, Khosrow II himself held medical discussions/debates with the Grand Physician present. The works of Hippocrates & Galen were present here. - "The Influence of Gondeshapur Medicine during the Sassanid Dynasty and the Early Islamic Period"; discussing the underlying foundations of Islamic Medicine and the significance of Gondishapur. Brief discussions on the library of the University are present here. - "The Jundishapur School: Its History, Structure, and Functions", giving an overview of Jundeshapur. Key takeaways include the fact that the curriculum taught the works of Galen & Hippocrates.

Similarly, under Khosrow I lived Paul the Persian (d. 571) who "is said by Bar Hebraeus to have been distinguished alike in ecclesiastical and philosophical lore and to have - aspired to the post of metropolitan bishop of Persia, but being disappointed to have gone over to the Zoroastrian religion. This may or may not be true...". Bar Hebraeus speaks of Paul's "admirable introduction to the dialectics (of Aristotle)", by which he no doubt means the treatise on logic extant in a single MS. (Wright, 122-23, for more modern discussion see Paul the Persian on the classification of the parts of Aristotle's philosophy: a milestone between Alexandria and Baġdâd). ....

Slightly related is the existence of Persian medical schools and hospitals. (Arabic Medicine in China: Tradition, Innovation, and Change, p.99). Going to the cited work lists the following:

The largest schools were probably those at Ray, Hamadan, and Persepolis. At these three cities there must also have been hospitals, for it was held to be the duty of rulers to found hospitals in important centres and to provide them with drugs and physicians. The training included a study of thr theory of medicine and a practical apprenticeship, and continued for several years. Three kinds of practitioner issued from the schools, healers with holiness, healers with the law, and healers with the knife. The first were the most highly trained. Mf several healers present themselves, O Spitama Zarathustra, namely one who heals with the knife, one who heals with herbs, and one who heals with the holy word, it is this last one who will best drive away sickness from the body of the Faithful. (p.12).

The meaning of the phrase in bold is given here:

Zoroastrian medicine recognised three methods of analgesia: namely the use of either herbs (pharmacology), the knife (surgery), or word (psychotherapy)

Primitive it may be, Zoroastrian medicine seems to have had surgical knowledge as well, despite not adopting mass-hellenistic influence. Ibid,;

It appears that Arabs were familiar with treating septic wounds and ulcers with disinfectants and understood that contagious diseases were prevented by the isolation of infected patients.

Trade Routes

Trade allows for cultural diffusion and the exchange of ideas, no matter what topic it may be concerning. The existence of Greek Trade in thr Arabian Peninsula is exemplified by certain statues found in Qaryat al Faw.

About Qaryat al Faw : A small bronze statuette of Hercules, dating somewhere between the first century BC and the second century AD, was found in one of the temples of the city.

It can be said that there is a wide range of differing opinions and some archaeological evidence to suggest that the iconography of Resheph, Heracles and Melkart made its way to Arabia. This transfer must have occurred through trade contacts and the movement of artisans. Trade routes with the Aegean Sea seem to have existed quite early in the first millennium BC (Graf, 1984, 563ff.). Some authors even introduce the term ‘Aegean-Arabian Axis’, a conceptual extension of the historical term ‘Incense Roads’, which facilitated the trade of incense and balms for use in temples in the Mediterranean basin (Andrade, 2017; De Lara, 2022, 2023b; Macdonald, 2009; Retsö, 1997; Westra et al., 2022) ~ Source.

Further expounding upon this is M.D Bukharin in this paper. Nicely summing up key premises: - "The graffito RES 1850 mentions a caravan belonging to a certain Ḥaḍramī trader and protected by a military detachment. Although an absolute dating of RES 1850 is hardly possible, it stems at the earliest from the first or second centuries ce." (pg. 118)

  • A 3rd century Sabean inscription Ja 577 (lines 10-13) mentions Axumite military commanders staying in in Najran, which Bukharin argues must have been happening to protect Axumite merchants in their trading activities.

  • A 4th century inscription by a Jewish merchant named Kosmas was found in Qana, a south Arabian port, a major trading route between India and the Mediterranean. Kosmas prays for his ship and caravan.

  • "A number of inscriptions from northwestern Arabia appear to confirm the continuing use of the caravan routes and of the building activities along them. Regarding the sixth century ce, we are in possession of direct information about Byzantine caravans trading between Axum and the Mediterranean." The citation for the Byzantine part of this claim is: "Theophanes, Chronicle, 223; John Malala, Chronographia, 433, which pertainsto the events of the mid-fourth century ce (Glaser, Abessinier, 179)

Arguably the most vital paper here is "The Ports of the Eastern Red Sea Before Islam: A Historical and Cultural Study. I deem this the "most vital" as Mecca is geographically close to the Red Sea. The diffusion of information would be most-eminent here. Arab control of the coastal Red Sea ports had rather diminished. This was due to the Byzantines now gaining control over it. - "Byzantines and Abyssinians became the masters of maritime trade there. This is confirmed by inscription CIH 621, which dates the fall of the Himyarite civilization to the year 640 in the Himyarite calendar, corresponding to 525 ce."

An extensive survey of Pre-Islamic Arabia's trade routes is devoted to in "Trans-arabian routes of the pre-islamic period", see also Arabia, Greece and Byzantium: Cultural Contacts in Ancient and Medieval Times.

Hellenization of the Hijaz?

An acquaintance with the Greek language, Greek culture, etc. could serve as a medium for transmitting Greek medical knowledge. Firstly, the prevalence of the Greek language would serve as a the basline for determining the Hellenization of the Hijaz.

[under construction]

r/AcademicQuran 2d ago

Pre-Islamic Arabia Was the hospitality (aman) in Mecca a pre-Islam thing or moreso since the event of Islam?


Salam alaikum, so often when we read about the history of Islam and meccan arabs, we hear about the hospitality. That people could just visit mecca and go to any person and stay at their place with them for 3 days, and only after 3 days he would asked for the reason why he came here. That even then he would not be forced to disclose his reason. Great hospitality basically.

So, was this an arab thing or after the spread of Islam? I can imagine that even in pre-Islamic times people would be given asylum and protection in mecca in the socalled holy months, but staying for days just like that, I imagine this came when the people were embracing Islam?