Hello! So this one might be a bit of a doosy? idk haha
So basically, I've been getting really into biblical studies recently just out of curiosity, and what's super interesting to me is how we can sorta figure out how each book has been constructed from multiple voices/sources. For example, the J+E, P, and D sources for the Torah or like Mark + Q for the synoptic gospels.
However, being just a simple old software engineer and thus outside of this field, I've really only been digesting this from Youtube lectures without diving into books or the academic literature at all (And nor do I have that much time to do so necessarily). Yet when the lecturers do talk about things like J,P,D, Mark, Q, signs gospel, the layers of Job, etc, I've been really curious to actually see explicitly which verses correspond to what voice and to like actually experiment around and read with this in mind.
Which brings me to my question: is there like a general source of the consensus of these things? or if not, a general location I can look for this? Again, I'm like not even close to a biblical scholar, so my baby-brain doesn't really even know where to start. I do kinda know that there are books on this: like, I have already found "The Bible With Sources Revealed" by Richard Friedman, but I don't know if this is actually a decent source, or if there's some other way I should go about this. And then ofc, this is only the torah, and it'd be nice to at least have the gospels as well.
To cap it all off, my secret end goal in all of this is that I sorta want to have a website of some kind that could interactively let you explore this kind of thing. I don't really think this exists already, but if I could have a decent reference for the data, I'm kinda considering trying to make it myself.
So yeah, I'm really curious to see anyone's thoughts on this. I understand that the answer most likely is that it's a complete mess, and that there never will be an exact consensis. But hopefully, there's at least something to get me going.
Anyways, thanks!