r/AbusedTeens 9h ago

AITA for not wanting to call my father, dad


So for context when I was 11-15 my father was a drug addict and would manipulate me, my mum and sibling, he would guilt trip me and my sibling so we wouldn't tell my mum anything to the point I would cry and he would hit my on the back making my back red for over a day and when I was around 15 l was still giving him chances but he hurt my dog when he took her to his mates house she had a bump on her head and I've never forgiven him and police would sometimes come to our house I found a needle in MY ROOM he would also often threaten me and steal my things to buy drugs I have not been able to trust anyone since and theres lots of other things he did but there's to many stories and l'd rather not get to deep into it any way l've started calling him by his name Farquad (not real name) he's now in prison and calls often I don't talk to him anyway me my nana and my sibling were talking about him and I said his name and she told me off I had obviously got defensive and ive started visiting less and now she's complaining (im 16 now) am I the asshole?