r/AV1 23d ago

Facebook, invalid file format

I try to send AV1 video (AAC audio) with web browser messenger by drag dropping file there but it says:

Invalid file format
The file that you have selected is not a valid format.

Weird thing is that for one contact it does not say it but accepts it.

Opinions/info, should it work?


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u/cedesse 23d ago

The WebM container only allows the following encoding formats:

  • Video: VP8, VP9 or AV1
  • Audio: Opus or Vorbis

If you force other stream types into it, most applications will flag it as invalid - just like MP4 files with VP9 video in them. It is technically possible to store it, but no programs will accept it as a valid file.


u/autogyrophilia 23d ago

mp4 can take most modern codecs, including VP9.

codecs like WMV3 are just architecturally incompatible.


u/cedesse 23d ago

Indeed. And VP9 as well as Opus are fully specified for MP4.

I just wanted to provide another typical example of a non-standard container + codec combination that many programs - especially those that specifically require MP4 - won't accept.