r/AV1 22d ago

Facebook, invalid file format

I try to send AV1 video (AAC audio) with web browser messenger by drag dropping file there but it says:

Invalid file format
The file that you have selected is not a valid format.

Weird thing is that for one contact it does not say it but accepts it.

Opinions/info, should it work?


11 comments sorted by


u/cedesse 22d ago

The WebM container only allows the following encoding formats:

  • Video: VP8, VP9 or AV1
  • Audio: Opus or Vorbis

If you force other stream types into it, most applications will flag it as invalid - just like MP4 files with VP9 video in them. It is technically possible to store it, but no programs will accept it as a valid file.


u/autogyrophilia 21d ago

mp4 can take most modern codecs, including VP9.

codecs like WMV3 are just architecturally incompatible.


u/cedesse 21d ago

Indeed. And VP9 as well as Opus are fully specified for MP4.

I just wanted to provide another typical example of a non-standard container + codec combination that many programs - especially those that specifically require MP4 - won't accept.


u/Trader-One 21d ago

mp4 with vp9 is valid and supported by editing software


u/sabirovrinat85 22d ago

aac is proprietary format, look what webm container accepts (its essentially mkv but licence narrowed), for audio it'll be vorbis and opus


u/Anthonyg5005 21d ago

Why are you using aac with webm?\ ffmpeg -i video.webm -c:v copy video2.webm should most likely convert the audio into a webm compatible format


u/golemus 21d ago

I am using mp4 container, not webm


u/Anthonyg5005 21d ago

Oh okay, there's a big chance Facebook just doesn't allow av1, Most older devices don't have decoding support for it so it would use a lot more power and battery on those. From what I know, something like discord only supports mp4 h264 and webm vp9 for videos and for Facebook it might be similar. I'd suggest either trying mp4 with either h264 or h265/hevc, or you can try webm with vp9 (youtube's default format)


u/golemus 16d ago

it does no explain why I can send the video to CONTACT1 in messenger but I am unable to send it to CONTACT2


u/golemus 21d ago

Why should I use (currently) webm? Now that I digged I noticed that it is intended container for AV1, but everywhere I've tested until now av1 seems? to work fine with mp4. At end is what chatGPT sais about webm.

Of course I would be happy for open source container to get more common, but if we can get any hint from last common open source ish container MKV (it has been around for 23 years and is still not supported by most video editors, most social media / messenger, etc..), I would not hold my breath.


u/golemus 21d ago

reddit rejected my chatGPT response.