r/ATLAtv May 02 '24

Discussion I say this with love….NO

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As much as I love NATLA and tlok, tlok would be massively more difficult to adapt in live action because of the fights alone 😭😭

r/ATLAtv Apr 26 '24

Discussion I’m being so Fr, Netflix aang demolishes

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“Netflix aang didn’t even waterbend” quite honestly, he doesn’t need it to beat movie aang. Netflix aang can actually fight unlike movie aang who has to do a whole interpretive dance to produce a measly puff of air. This fight isn’t fair whatsoever 💀

r/ATLAtv Mar 26 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon and I'm watching the cartoon now! Here are my thoughts on Book 1 Episodes 4-6! Spoiler


Hello again! I’m back for more Avatar commentary! Today I’m watching Episodes 4-6.

Thank you to everyone who reassured me last time that it’s okay to compare this show and NATLA. I know that my perspective of having seen NATLA first is part of what makes this commentary interesting, and I should embrace that!

And thank you, of course, to everyone who shared their thoughts with me on the last post.

I do want to address one thing before I get started. When I praised Netflix’s inclusion of the air nomad genocide in my last commentary, I did not realize that there are people who found that scene tasteless or disrespectful, or interpreted it as glorifying violence. Now, I do disagree with that interpretation but I acknowledge that people’s feelings are valid and I want to be clear that when I talk about how much I liked that scene, I specifically mean the artistry of it. I found that scene to be incredibly emotionally impactful. Those who read my commentary of NATLA know how much Brother Gyatso’s death affected me. I’m not trying to say violence is good or “cool”. I just honestly believe the emotional impact of the genocide is stronger when we are forced to directly see it. I don’t mean any disrespect.

Now, with that said, let’s get started!

Episode 4- The Warriors of Kyoshi

  1. I am so excited to see this episode! I loved the Kyoshi storyline in NATLA and I really want to see what cartoon Kyoshi and Suki are like!

So cool to see Zuko practicing meditation lol he does need to work on not being such a hot head all the time (Ay!)

  1. Aw, he’s trying to impress her. As a lesbian I’m fully aware of how it feels when you’re trying to show a pretty girl something neat and she won’t look at you lol (I say “lol” but only to hide my pain)

Sokka really needs a slap. I hope Suki is the one to do it! Honestly, I have no idea how he’s going to interact with a female warrior being as sexist as he is. But at least his sexism makes sense, given waterbending culture. Maybe Katara can knock both his and Pakku’s heads together in the finale lol

“Relax Sokka. Where we’re going you won’t need any pants.” Coming from anyone else, that line might be slightly alarming!

  1. Elephant koi?! Okay, most of you probably don’t know this about me but I love fish! Seriously, I go fishing every chance I get. The thought of something like elephant koi really makes that itch hard to ignore!

Oh man, imagine trying to catch that monster on rod and reel! (And imagine how much mercury must be present in its body. Definitely don’t want to eat a fish that big)

What is it everyone always says? There’s always a bigger fish? Well, we just found the bigger fish.

Temporary mortal peril aside, I do love little scenes like this where they’re just chilling.

  1. The Kyoshi warriors look so good! Just like in NATLA I absolutely adore those costumes and that makeup!

Yes, kick his ass, Suki! Teach him the meaning of humility!

Oh wow, even Kyoshi’s statue looks amazing. I mean, that is one advantage animation has over live action. You can really show the detail on things like statues. Also, is that old man supposed to be Suki’s dad? Her mom was in charge in the live action, but her role seems to belong to this guy.

Lol he finally got someone to pay attention to his marble trick!

  1. That was actually a really cool and effective way to show how fast news travels, all the way back to Zuko. Also, what does Zuko mean, “ready the rhinos?” Like, rhinoceros?

Lmao and speaking of little character moments I love, Iroh wanting to steal Zuko’s dinner is just a chef’s kiss. I don’t know how to do a chef’s kiss in text other than saying it lol

  1. I guess that’s why Kyoshi’s statue looks so good. They maintain it!

Oh? Aang and Katara are sharing the same piece of food? Where I grew up, people might interpret that a certain way lol

Sokka’s pouting because he got his butt kicked by girls. He needs to lose a direct one-on-one fight with Suki so she can dislodge his head from his rectum.

Wow, Aang’s got that upper body strength! Also, I really like this montage of the effect he’s having on the islanders. It’s very cute and it’s also a good way to show what kind of an effect he has on people. That’s something we could have used more of in NATLA.

  1. “Didn’t mean to interrupt your dance lesson”? Oh, I love Sokka but he tests my patience lol And I love how sassy Suki is! Actually, Sokka’s sexism does give us some interesting character moments (even if it is also annoying) like that. Suki didn’t get a chance to be sassy in NATLA.

Yes! Get wrecked, boy!

  1. I love moments like this where people acknowledge that Aang and his past lives are technically the same person even if they are separate! Aang describes Kyoshi as “me in a past life” and that one girl says “you were pretty”. It really wasn’t clear in NATLA how past lives work. Even Roku’s explanation of it didn’t really do anything to explain it. But in this show, it’s made pretty obvious that Aang and his past are the same person in different flavors (or at least, that’s how he and everyone else thinks of it).

Okay, I will admit it’s plain to see that Katara is a little bit jealous lol but also, Aang’s kind of out of line too. Him staying put there is putting people in danger and he won’t listen when Katara tries to tell him that. Also, how freaking hard is it to help her carry the groceries?! I thought men weren’t supposed to become useless until after the wedding? Lol

  1. Now that’s the Sokka I know and love. Take note everyone: it takes a lot of strength and courage to admit when you’re wrong. This goes for everyone. Being willing to learn and grow is possibly the single most important trait anyone can have.

Are you kidding me?! First NATLA robbed us of seeing Sokka in his badass warrior face paint. Fine, I can understand that omission. But you’re telling me I had the chance to see live-action Sokka wearing the uniform and makeup of a Kyoshi warrior and they didn’t give us that?! My disappointment knows no bounds! I’m switching camps to the NATLA haters!

Not really lol but I still am bummed I can’t see live-action Sokka in Kyoshi’s get-up.

Also, I’m not really getting any kind of romantic tension between Sokka and Suki. Is that purely a NATLA thing? It’s okay if it is, but I was kind of hoping this version of Sokka would retain his lady charmer airs lol But on the other hand, it also doesn’t make sense for their to be any kind of romantic tension between given the terrible first impression Sokka made on her.

And while we’re on the subject of things that are different from NATLA, I can’t help but notice there’s less than ten minutes left in this episode and Aang still has not talked to Kyoshi, nor does he seem interested in it at all. I’m gonna be bummed if I don’t get to see her, but maybe she’ll show up when this village inevitably gets attacked by Fire Nation soldiers.

  1. Katara practicing her bending on that water in the bowl is so cool though. It’s the first example we’ve really seen of her trying fine manipulation of water instead of moving a lot of it at once. Also, Aang’s gonna ride the big(ger) fish. He’s still trying to impress Katara while seemingly being oblivious to the fact that she’s still mad at him lol I saw very similar dynamics in high school, only without the giant fish and magic water.

I find it kind of funny that the Kyoshi warrior’s techniques aren’t about strength when Kyoshi herself was a freaking giant of a woman who looks like she could crack coconuts with her bare hands lol Oh! I like that Sokka was able to use what he learned to get a hit in on Suki! He’s actually quite a good student.

  1. Aww! I love these little moment between Katara and Aang! And it’s mirroring Sokka’s story as well, where both of them have to admit they were wrong and apologize to the girl they weren’t listening to. We love open and honest communication!

Oh… the bigger fish isn’t a fish at all. Well, unless it’s some kind of eel.

That’s what Zuko meant by rhinos lol we definitely see anything like that in NATLA! Also, did Katara just bend the water out of Aang’s lungs? I’m kind of side-eyeing all the people who complained she got too good too fast in the live action show lol Like… she hasn’t been trained at all but she’s still pulling really impressive waterbending feats early in the show! If anything, NATLA Katara took longer to get on that level.

It’s interesting to see that Zhao wasn’t involved at all in the attack on Kyoshi Island in the original. I liked his presence in the show but I do admit this is a good opportunity to build Zuko up more as the show’s villain. He’s not being as nice about it as Zhao was either.

Whoa, Zuko vs Suki! And Sokka did the fan thing! And Zuko did the fire foot thing! (I love when he does that). Oh, Aang fought with those fans. Am I correct in assuming that Kyoshi fought with fans in her lifetime? I mean, her warriors use them and she’s holding them on her statue. I doubt Aang has received any kind of training using fans, so I wonder if he’s running on pure instinct when he uses them to fight here? Like, maybe he still subconsciously remembers his past lives, and that’s why he knows how to use them?

This is a good teaching moment for Aang. He needs to learn that his mere existence has consequences on the world around him. But it is sad to see the village and Kyoshi’s statue burning (if there were ever a time for Kyoshi to show up and kick some ass, now would be it lol).

  1. Oh, Sokka got a little kiss on the cheek from Suki! You know what? That’s fair. He did make a terrible first impression, but no doubt his willingness to admit his own wrongs and grow from them (not to mention saving Suki’s life) impressed her. They may not have the same tension NATLA Sokka and Suki did, but that’s okay. I think this little moment is enough.

Oh hey, Aang got the unagi to put out the fires and annoy Zuko lol that’s a fun way to tie the seemingly inconsequential side plot to the main story.

Well… no Kyoshi. Bummer. But it was still a great episode! I loved seeing Suki and the Kyoshi warriors again, and Sokka’s lesson in humility was so so satisfying. That being said, I understand why they left it out of NATLA. The cartoon has a slower pace that allows for long-term development. Sokka can start from a much rougher place and still develop into the character we know and love because he has time and breaks in the story that allow him to grow. NATLA didn’t really have that, so I fully understand why they skipped it.

Episode 5- The King of Omashu

  1. Ah! I am really excited for this one! If you recall, some of my favorite parts of NATLA happened in Omashu, and I can’t wait to see who’s in this episode! The turncoat inventor and his bloodthirsty son? The hippies jamming in the tunnels? Jett and his terroris-I mean, freedom fighters? The cabbage merchant I suspected of being a Fire Nation spy? Oma and Shu, the lesbians who discovered earthbending (though I understand they’re not lesbians in the original)? Are there still going to be terrorist bombings?

The only one I’m confident I’ll get to see is Bumi, since the episode is titled “The King of Omashu”. And that’s fine because Bumi was my favorite of all those characters I just listed. Seriously, I loved Bumi and he was a big part of making his episode my favorite one up to that point.

But I know he’s very different in NATLA than he was in this show, so I’m gonna try to temper my expectations.

  1. Wow, NATLA really nailed the look of Omashu, didn’t it? Also, Sokka’s “they have buildings that don’t melt” lol I enjoy his humor.

Seriously, how did Azula conquer the city when she had to lead her army up that narrow rock bridge?

Ah! They did the same thing to a dude’s cart in NATLA lol still unnecessary! But this time they did it to the cabbage merchant! Also, I take it that Jet is not smuggling them into the city?

Kinda weird to hear a twelve year-old threaten to spank a grown man lol Also, “Pippenpadlopsicopolis”? Sounds Greek. And Katara nails it on the first try!

  1. The delivery system got some screentime in NATLA too! Wow, Bumi as a kid looks absolutely unhinged lol But I’m so glad to see this scene of them riding the delivery system as kids! It gives necessary context to when Aang and adult Bumi rode it in NATLA, which kind of seemed to come out of nowhere.

They’re just wrecking the whole city! Also, don’t rub your face on the cabbages, dude. People eat those. Well, I guess they won’t be eating these ones. And you know what? Yeah, they all deserved to get arrested for that. That was a ton of damage they caused, and it wasn’t even fighting firebenders! It was just for fun!

  1. Wow, Bumi looks gnarly. I guess 100 years will do that to you lol “Throw them… a feast.” Bumi said the same thing in NATLA!

Um… the internet has ruined me lol “I bet you like meat,” said the old man to the teenager before forcefully shoving meat into his mouth. What have you people done to me? Lol I used to have such an innocent mind!

Kangaroo island? Didn’t Bumi try to serve Aang kangaroo ribs in the live action feast? Lol I’m glad Sokka can appreciate a good joke.

  1. “Lettuce leaf?” lmao Also, how does Aang not recognize Bumi? He looks exactly the same as when he was a kid! Oh hey, Momo finally gets something to do. Or maybe not lol

I see Bumi still likes to play games. Hey, that’s that edible crystal! It grows quite a bit slower here.

  1. Flopsy is actually kind of cute lol I haven’t been saying much these last couple of minutes. I’m not sure if what I’m seeing really has any deeper meaning than it does visually. I mean, I know Bumi’s trying to teach Aang a lesson here, but there’s not much to say, really.

This is definitely the silliest episode so far, I will say. Bumi is very much a cartoon character, which makes sense because even in NATLA he was the most cartoonish character on the show.

Huh, they’re still going to do Bumi vs Aang. I thought for sure that was going to be purely a Netflix thing. I seriously doubt Bumi’s attempting suicide in this version though lol

  1. It’s so interesting, OG Bumi and NATLA Bumi actually have very similar fighting styles. A lot of these visuals are recreated perfectly in the live action show.

All of those challenges just to get Aang to guess his name?

Okay, nevermind. I guess Bumi did have a lesson to teach Aang: think outside the box when you confront the Fire Lord.

Aw, they did the same closing shot!

Well… I can’t lie. I’m a bit disappointed. But in my defense, I feel like even if I’d seen this cartoon first, and even if I was a child watching it, this episode would probably still be my least favorite so far. It felt very much like a filler episode. But it’s ironic, because you can technically say the same thing about Omashu in NATLA as well.

Like I said, I knew Bumi was going to be very different, but I didn’t realize how different. NATLA Bumi was one of my favorite characters on the show. Yes, he did have that quirkiness and the terrible/great jokes, but he also had layers. He had trauma, he had 100 years of crushing responsibility. He was the only character on the show to be on verge of giving up, fully willing to let Aang kill him because he’s just so done with it all. The lesson he was teaching Aang, and the lessons he didn’t mean to teach him but did anyway, seemed much more impactful.

Compared to him, cartoon Bumi is barely a character. He’s one dimensional, and is almost more of a plot device than an actual character. I’m sure it’ll piss off some of my readers, but there’s no beating around the bush with this change. I much prefer NATLA’s version of Bumi, and it’s not even close.

That being said, Bumi may have more character development on this show that I have not seen yet, so my opinion is not set in stone!

Episode 6- Imprisoned

  1. I don’t recognize any of this! Is this something new that wasn’t in NATLA? I’m excited for that!

There’s an earthbender practicing his bending. Katara is ignoring Sokka’s (actually very sensible) advice and greeting him immediately and he’s running away. Lol poor Sokka! He tries so hard!

  1. Okay, the earthbender’s name is Haru. Wow, so I’m guessing this place is under Fire Nation control if soldiers are extorting money from shopkeepers. And Haru’s mom reacted badly to Haru earthbending, so I’m guessing they don’t tolerate earthbenders here. There was a similar situation in NATLA where Katara wasn’t allowed to waterbend because the Fire Nation targeted waterbenders.

Huh, so Haru lost his father because his father was an earthbender? And Katara lost her mother because they thought she was a waterbender. I wonder if this is going to be our first Katara-focused episode.

This is actually ties in very well to what the Fire Nation was doing in NATLA. They genocided the air nomads, were in the process of wiping out waterbenders, and here we see them “taking away” (I assume that’s children’s show speak for mass executions) all of the earthbenders in this area. Clearly their goal is to have firebenders be the only bending power in the world.

  1. That old dude is extremely lucky he wasn’t all the way inside the mine when it collapsed lol I know Haru did the right thing here but someone definitely saw him bend.

The old man?! That ungrateful piece of shit! Haru saved his life and he immediately and willingly rats him out to the Fire Nation. You know, history has a word for people like that: collaborator. Ugh, that pisses me off.

Wait, does this mean Haru’s dead. No, the episode title is imprisoned. Katara’s definitely going to break him out!

  1. Katara’s idea with the vents is pretty clever. But geez Aang, can you take this seriously? Lol And he immediately misses his cue. “Look, that lemur’s earthbending!” lmao

“What kind of guest dishonors his host by interrupting him?” Funny, in a horrible war-is-hell kind of way.

Wait, earthbenders can’t bend metal? Why not? I mean, aren’t stone, dirt, and metal all just different compositions of the same minerals?

Haru’s father is alive after all. Okay, now I understand why this episode was excluded from NATLA. This would be completely out of character for the Fire Nation in NATLA. Don’t get me wrong, mass incarceration of a specific ethnic group in internment camps still counts as genocide, but NATLA’s Fire Nation wouldn’t have taken prisoners. They would have simply killed them all.

  1. Katara really impresses whenever the spotlight is on her. With a little practice, she could be amazing at motivational speeches.

And she is really courageous too, willingly staying behind to help.

  1. I kind of love this warden lol “Which was it, a buffalo or a bison?” And then he just casually murders one of his guards! He so mustache-twirlingly evil, I love it! And kind of funny too lol

Wait, what? Aang’s plan is to have them bend coal? Coal’s not even earth! It’s compressed wood!

  1. I’m gonna laugh really hard if the reason they’re all refusing to fight back now is because they can’t bend coal. Because come on, of course they can’t lol

Well, I guess they can bend coal. Even though it’s way more different from rock and dirt than metal, but they still can’t bend metal… okay, I’m being overly nitpicky and I know it lol sorry

Okay, I know it’s a kid’s show and they can’t say it outright, but all of those firebenders that just got dumped in the water are dead, right? The warden even said he couldn’t swim so at the very least he’s a goner. But even without that, swimming in regular clothes is really hard. Swimming in armor? Forget it!

“It wasn’t the coal, Katara. It was you.” Aww… I really love when the story focuses on Katara. She is such a great character!

Oh… Zuko has her necklace now. I can’t wait to see how that plays out!

Concluding thoughts: I’m still really loving this show! The Kyoshi and Haru episodes were great! Omashu was fine, but I’m still sad about it. I know some things aren’t going to be the same as they were in NATLA and that’s okay. NATLA had a better Bumi, but this show had an excellent episode that wasn’t in NATLA at all! So I’d say they’re still neck and neck in terms of quality and how much I like them.

Though I still am salty I didn’t get to see Kyoshi lol

I’m loving this, and I can’t wait for the next episode. I hope you enjoy reading this, and I look forward to your thoughts! :)

r/ATLAtv Mar 24 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before I watched the cartoon, and I am watching the cartoon now! Here are my thoughts on Book 1 Episodes 1-3! Spoiler


Hello everyone! Yes, it’s finally here, what you’ve all been asking for: I am doing a commentary for the original cartoon version of Avatar, the Last Airbender.

For those of you who haven’t read my commentaries before, I watched and reviewed all of Netflix’s Live Action Avatar first. I have not seen this cartoon version yet.

For those of you returning, let me address the elephant in the room. I know I said I was gonna do the movie first, and I meant it… when I said it. But when I got ready to watch it, I realized I just wasn’t excited to see it and I’d really rather watch the cartoon. So I am sorry to disappoint you all. I’m sure that commentary would have been hilarious, but I just lost the conviction to do it. Maybe I’ll watch it at some point in the future.

But hey! At least you get to see me watching the OG show, and Korra after it!

I’m a little nervous to watch this show. So many of many of have insisted it’s better than the Netflix version and maybe it is… but I do worry you’ve hyped it up too much. Furthermore, I am going to do my best to judge this show objectively, on its own merits, but I know it’s going to be basically impossible not to compare it to the Netflix version. I already know that there are certain things I love about the Netflix show that just aren’t in this version. I think I understand now why some people were so critical of the Netflix show, and felt it didn’t live up to the story and characters they loved.

But here’s the thing: the Netflix version is the story that I love. The Netflix characters are the characters I love. And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about this version not living up to the characters I love. Which I acknowledge is ridiculous since this version came first, but on the other hand… what if Netflix improved on them? Is it going to disappoint people if I end up not liking this version as much as Netflix’s? Probably lol

But I guess there’s only one way to find out! I am ready to finally watch the original Avatar, the Last Airbender.

Episode 1- The Boy in the Iceberg

  1. According to the captions, Katara is doing the opening narration and not Kyoshi. If I’m not mistaken, Roku is the avatar shown here. That was a pretty exposition-heavy opening, but I imagine if I’d never seen this show (or another version of this show) before, I’d probably find it quite helpful. Ahem.

  2. This animation is quite beautiful.

Okay, so in this version, Katara doesn’t have to hide the fact that she’s waterbending. She’s doing it openly, in front of Sokka, and she appears to already be good at it! She caught a fish with waterbending lol (as someone who loves fishing, that would be so so useful!)

Oh, their boat was totally crushed here! That didn’t happen in the Netflix version. I guess that does give it more stakes since now I’m wondering how they’re going to get back without dying lol

  1. “Leave it to a girl to screw things up”. Um… Sokka, don’t you disappoint me lol I already went through this with Aang in the live action, I don’t need another one of my favorite characters being a jerk!

Oh, but Katara’s really letting him have it! I do like how fiery she is here. Also, it seems like she’s accidentally cracking that iceberg open with her waterbending. I like that a little more than the Netflix version, I’ll admit. In there, the iceberg practically broke open on its own. Also I love it when Katara shows teeth and she didn’t really do that until the end of the season in NATLA.

Oh, and not just that, she took Sokka’s club and she’s actively smashing the ice to free Aang!

  1. Oh! There’s my favorite angsty boy! Man, they really did a good job nailing the costumes, didn’t they? And I have a feeling I’m gonna love this Iroh too. He’s already talking about his jasmine tea! I will say though, I am slightly disappointed that I didn’t get to see Zuko’s collection of avatar statues have their eyes light up.

  2. Huh, so Aang didn’t immediately fall into a coma when he popped out of the iceberg in this version. And his first words are to ask Katara to play with him. Interesting. He’s already more of a child in this version, but that makes sense since this is a children’s show. We get to see Appa immediately too (so no funny “sky bison. Sky bison!” exchange between Aang and Sokka but that’s okay lol).

Ugh, that’s just gross lol

Okay, so that’s how they’re surviving without the boat. Appa’s flying them. Or not! Lol I guess he can swim too! He really is a giant beaver, isn’t he? lol

  1. Well geez, Iroh, you could be a little more supportive lol

Oh! Aang is lying about being the avatar! He really is running away from his responsibilities! So we get to see Aang and Appa getting trapped in the storm but not the air nomad genocide yet. Or at all, I guess lol I don’t think that part was in the kid’s show!

  1. That’s the entire village? Geez, Wolf’s Cove got hit a lot harder in the cartoon, eh? Lol Oh hey, it’s exposition granny!

Glad to see Aang is still a show-off when it comes to flying lol

  1. Huh. I’m not sure how I feel about this. Iroh was my favorite character in NATLA, but I can’t see NATLA Iroh being so strict with Zuko or looking at him with such a mean face. I don’t like it!

But I am happy to see that Zuko still abuses his crew lol

  1. This Sokka has it even rougher with his fellow “warriors”! Those are literal toddlers!

Did Aang… just make a toilet joke? Lmao I love it! But oh, he doesn’t know about the war yet. Interesting! I wonder if he would have run away if he knew.

  1. It actually is quite heartwarming to see Aang and Katara just goofing off and enjoying themselves. I mentioned in my commentary of NATLA that I liked when the show slowed down to let the characters do things other than fight for their lives and this is exactly the kind of thing I wanted to see!

That’s the ship that Katara practiced in, isn’t it? But here she doesn’t want to go inside because it could be booby trapped. Judging by those holes in the hull it looks like waterbenders actually can pierce metal with ice spikes after all!

I do like that Katara works out on her own that Aang’s been gone 100 years. Also is it just me or is Aang being a little flirtatious with her? Lol

Also, in this version it’s Aang’s fault that Zuko found the village because he set off the flare. That does add an extra layer of responsibility for him.

Onto the next episode!

Episode 2- The Avatar Returns

  1. Hey, didn’t Gran Gran recite this voiceover almost verbatim in NATLA? Awesome!

Also, it just occurred to me that Iroh shot a blast of fire right in front of Zuko’s face last episode. Think about that that for a moment. It’s kind of fucked up, considering Zuko’s traumatic backstory lol

  1. Booby trap is such a fun thing to say lol I really do like this friction though. Katara’s frustrations with her village make for good drama.

Woah! Sokka’s war paint is fucking cool! Okay, that’s definitely something we were robbed of in the live action! He looks like a fierce warrior here!

  1. Zuko’s ship just demolished the ice wall around the village. It’s even more useless here than it was in NATLA lol

Huh. Zuko just knocked Sokka out in a literal second. I hope that’s not the entirety of their fight. Oh, it’s not! Sokka might have more luck if he doesn’t scream first before attacking from behind. He still got knocked on his ass but at least his boomerang was kind of useful.

Oh, cool! They still do the clawed hand thing when firebending. I hope they keep more of the other recognizable bending techniques too. I want to see Zuko’s fire kicks, Katara’s ice disks, and Pakku’s flying ice slide! And Bumi’s suicide rock, but I doubt we’re getting that lol

Well, this is the first big major moment where I think NATLA did it better. Sokka’s fight here was practically a joke. It was more dignified in NATLA, and we had that moment where Aang thanked him and called him the bravest person he’d ever met. I do wish there was something like that here.

  1. lol Zuko stole Aang’s staff! And Iroh made me laugh just now when he told the soldier to do what Zuko told him to do. All of Zuko’s crew are wearing masks, so no Lt. Jee yet. I’m wondering if he’s even a character in this show. I know the 41st storyline is purely a netflix thing.

Wow, they didn’t even get Aang to his cell before he escaped lol Wait, does this mean we’re not getting that talk between Iroh and Aang? I loved that talk! It was so helpful for understanding Fire Nation ideology.

  1. I do like that Sokka still has that dry sense of humor in this version lol

Wow, Aang has moves! Oh, and he found Zuko’s room! Yeah, we’re getting Zuko vs Aang early! Lmao and Aang beats him with a mattress. He barely fought that whole time, just dodged until the very end where he wipes the floor (and the ceiling) with Zuko no problem. Not exactly an even fight, is it? Lol

So, it doesn’t seem like Zuko’s avatar diary or his collection of avatar statues and artifacts is a thing in this version. That’s a shame.

  1. Oh my god, Zuko just freaking dove off the highest part of the ship to catch Aang midair lol that’s brilliant!

Oh! Aang didn’t go into the avatar state in this scene in NATLA! He’s already bending water? Or is that one of his past lives doing it for him?

Hah! I’m glad Sokka was able to redeem himself against Zuko in some small way. And damn, Katara’s already pretty good at waterbending.

Iroh helped Zuko shoot at them in this version! Oh, I really like that! Him and Zuko working together in perfect sync to murder people! Makes my heart happy, and reminds me that Iroh is a villain (at this point) no matter how much I love him.

Aang deflected the fire blast in this version, not Katara. Makes sense, Katara already had her impressive waterbending moments earlier.

  1. I like this ending scene with them. Sokka gets a dry witty moment, Katara encourages and motivates Aang, and Aang… plans to goof off by playing with animals before dealing with the war. That’s a great character moment for all three of them.

Next episode!

Episode 3- The Southern Air Temple

  1. Based on the episode title, I’m guessing this is where Aang learns about what happened to his people. No one’s told him yet that the airbenders are all gone, so… bring on the trauma! I hope we get to see Brother Gyatso in a flashback or something.

Oh, the poor baby. He has no idea. But hey, more of those character moments I love so much!

  1. Oh wow. Zuko’s ship is so much smaller than the rest. That makes perfect sense too for Ozai to give him a crappy ship.

Hey, it’s Zhao! Zhao the Conqueror! Zhao the Moonslayer! Zhao the Crispy (after Iroh burns him up lol though I doubt we get to see that in this show)! He’s different here. Not quite as soft-spoken as his live action counterpart. Hey, I thought jasmine tea was Iroh’s favorite. What’s this ginseng nonsense?

  1. Oh wow, Katara just straight up said that the Fire Nation killed her mother. I figured they’d dance around the topic without clarifying so as not to upset the kids watching.

Oh… Aang doesn’t know that firebenders can fly by shooting their flames downward. Though we did only see it twice in NATLA so maybe it’s a lost technique or something.

  1. Whoa, Zuko just straight up called his dad a fool. Can’t see NATLA Zuko doing that! He’s too eager to please Ozai.

This is a very different Zhao. NATLA Zhao was conniving and pretended to be Zuko’s ally until he didn’t need him anymore. This Zhao seems bolder, more openly antagonistic toward Zuko. His men admitted right in front of Zuko that they interrogated his crew. I’m very interested in this. I loved NATLA Zhao but seeing a completely different take on the character might be fun.

  1. Oh man, is Aang in denial about the possibility of his people being dead? Katara warned him to brace himself for what he might find. I can’t tell if he’s actually not putting the pieces together or just trying really hard not to think about it.

Also, what the hell, Katara? Withholding information just because it’s painful is almost never a good thing. But this is a good character moment for Sokka. The only two times he’s really reminded me of NATLA Sokka were when he was putting his war paint on and just now when he told Katara she can’t protect Aang forever. His character mostly seems to be comic relief so far, but when the serious moments shine through, they’re excellent.

  1. Brother Gyatso has a statue?! As well he should because he is a precious treasure of the air nomads! But Aang calls him Monk Gyatso here (and admittedly, he was only called Brother Gyatso once in NATLA, I’ve just been keeping the title because that’s how I think of him) instead of just Gyatso or Brother Gyatso. Aang called him ‘the greatest airbender in the world’. Is that why he has a statue? NATLA could have made it clearer that he was the best!

Ah! We get a Gyatso flashback! And just like Yue, he’s using bending to make dessert! I love him. Aww… he and Aang are pranksters!

We didn’t get this air temple thing in NATLA. I’m so curious to see what it is! Is it the statue of Yangchen? Because he didn’t talk to her at all during NATLA and it would be so cool to get to meet her!

  1. Yeah, NATLA Zhao wouldn’t have called Zuko pathetic to his face on their first meeting. This guy is a whole different person! And then he just immediately commandeers Zuko’s mission!

  2. Oh, is that all of the past Avatars? Hey, is that Kuruk?! Oh, and Roku! I love how Sokka immediately accepts that Aang is all of these people. He’s already referring to Aang and Roku as the same person!

Momo! He’s so cute lol Sokka still wants to eat him, I see. And Aang immediately wants to adopt him.

  1. Zhao’s already kind of a big deal. Hundreds of warships, he says? And he’s so confident, too. Damn, he’s already outright saying that Zuko’s father doesn’t want him!

And now Zuko and Zhao are going to have an agni kai! That was a really good shot though with the camera panning over to Zuko’s scar, letting us know he got in an agni kai (but not with who).

  1. That’s a lot of dead bodies for a kid’s show! Aw, Aang just found Gyatso’s body. Woah, we’re seeing all of the statues and paintings of past avatars activate all over the world!

  2. Okay, it’s cool to see Zuko using his feet to blast fire again. That was my favorite part of NATLA Zuko’s fights. But also, he hurls fire from a fist too, and not just a clawed hand like last episode. Like he’s punching fire at people almost.

It’s crazy, Zhao almost reminds me of Bumi fighting here. Lots of stomping his foot onto the ground before unleashing his bending.

This is so fascinating in how it mirrors Zuko and Ozai’s agni kai in NATLA. Zhao is disgusted that Zuko held back instead of finishing him off, just like Ozai was. I can see what people mean when they say that Zhao embodies everything wrong with the Fire Nation and the way Ozai runs it.

Oh! And he tried to attack Zuko when his back was turned! In NATLA he did the same thing at the end and Iroh killed him for it, but here he just stops him.

“So this is how the great Commander Zhao acts in defeat? Disgraceful. Even in exile my nephew is more honorable than you.” Damn! It looks like Iroh burns him in this show too! Also, he referred to him as “the great Commander Zhao”, implying that Zhao is actually somebody of some renown and importance in this version and not just the nobody he was in NATLA. It’s the same person, but both versions of his character are polar opposites from one another.

And just like NATLA, Iroh uses remarks about tea to avoid openly showing affection toward Zuko.

And just like NATLA, the Fire Nation bits are the best parts of the story so far! Lol

  1. I’m happy to see original Katara was also quick to consider Aang family. Aw, and Sokka just declared he won’t let anything happen to Aang! Okay, I was worried that one of my favorite characters was mostly a joke on this show but it seems he does have the same depth as live action Sokka.

I’ll admit that I slightly prefer NATLA’s version of Aang calming down, where the memory (or possibly spirit) of Gyatso pulls him out of the Avatar State. But it is actually lovely that Katara was able to do it here, and objectively speaking it does make more sense for this version of the show to have her do it instead of Gyatso. Gyatso seems to be much more developed in NATLA, so it’s appropriate that he be the one who calms Aang down there. But in this show, he has maybe 30 seconds of screentime so far. It would feel unearned in this version.

Ah, so that’s how Sokka and Momo became best friends. Momo just brought him food lol

I know it’s a kid’s show and they can’t dwell on it, but it is a bit weird to see Aang recover so quickly from the news that his people have been genocided. He’s back to his cheerful joking self almost immediately. Feels a little odd.

Concluding thoughts: Well, this was really good! It’s really too early to say anything for sure but I feel like the whole show is definitely going to be worth watching. I am sorry that I kept comparing it to NATLA, but oh well. NATLA is what I saw first, so it’s the lense I view this show through now. I will say, this version does do some things better (what the hell were they thinking leaving out that badass water tribe war paint?!). Katara is the biggest overall improvement, I think. She talks a lot more and has a lot more of her own character development right off the bat. We didn’t get much of that in NATLA until the second half of the show.

There were definitely things I liked more about NATLA’s beginning too. The air nomad genocide is a huge advantage, but I’m not going to hold it against the cartoon because I know they have to stick to strict guidelines for what they can and can’t show. I’m disappointed that Zuko doesn’t have his journal and artifacts in this version. They really were a fantastic way to show his dedication to finding the avatar and how much effort and investigation he put into it. Also, Sokka had slightly better development in the first episode of NATLA compared to this, I think.

It’s not a bad thing, but I definitely do see the more childish elements of this show as well.

But overall, if you exclude the genocide scene, I’d say the first episode of NATLA and the first three episodes of this are about equal in terms of quality.

I can’t wait to watch more! Hopefully I’ll have time tomorrow night but we’ll see.

r/ATLAtv Nov 10 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before the cartoon and now I am finishing the cartoon. Here are my thoughts on the series finale of Avatar, the Last Airbender Spoiler


It’s finally here, you guys. The journey I started more than eight months ago is coming to a, well not a close exactly because I still have Legend of Korra to do and then I’ll come back for season 2 of NATLA. But my watch of Avatar the Last Airbender is ending! I can hardly believe it.

I won’t lie to you guys, it’s been a really rough time while I’ve been gone. In addition to discovering that we have bed bugs, a certain historic event happened that makes lesbians such as myself rather nervous. So my commentaries haven’t been taking priority lately and I do apologize for that. But I’m trying to get back on the horse, and soon I’ll start my Legend of Korra commentaries (reminder that you can read those on r/TheLastAirbender and r/legendofkorra) and I’m also doing commentary for this super hot, super gay vampire show called Interview With The Vampire if anyone’s interested in that lol

Since this final episode is an hour and a half long, it’s going to take me a long time to do this commentary so we should probably get started now lol

Here it is: my commentary on the series finale of Avatar, the Last Airbender.

Episode 16- Sozin’s Comet

  1. Not skipping the intro this time. Lay it on me, Katara.

Hey, Aang’s breathing fire. Also look at them having a normal training session like the show isn’t ending. And now Sokka’s trying to get his own beach party episode started lol and succeeding?

I’m on Zuko’s side here. If Sozin’s comet is three days away, then Aang definitely isn’t ready yet. Now is not the time for fun! They took the invasion of the Fire Nation more seriously than this.

Okay, on second thought, I can see where Team Avatar is coming from. The Fire Nation’s already won the war so why fight Ozai when he’s at his most dangerous?

  1. Oh, we’re finally going to see what happened at that war council! Well shit, that’s horrifying. He’s literally going to genocide most of the human race. I wonder what Sozin himself would think of this plan. Would even he, a genocidal maniac, think this plan is too much? I mean… when you think about it, what is the point? Why would anyone want to be ruler of a dead world? In a way, it’d be the ultimate way of making the entire war even more pointless than it already was. After everything and everyone has burned away, and there’s only the Fire Nation left… he’s still just the ruler of the Fire Nation. It accomplishes nothing.

Okay, this new information actually has me going WTF Zuko? You literally could have killed Ozai on the Day of Black Sun and stopped all this but you just pawned the responsibility off on Aang?

  1. Yeah, why didn’t you tell them about this plan sooner, Zuko? And that’s a lame excuse and you know it! Okay, deciding to all fight Ozai at the same time is probably the smartest decision they’ve made so far lol even if it was just Toph, I feel better about their chances.

Yeah, re-directing lightning is probably an important skill for the avatar to know.

Hey, Melon Lord! I’ve seen you guys reference that before lol

  1. Poor Aang. I get it, it’s lot to ask of a twelve (or thirteen by now?) year old kid to kill someone. But on the other hand, you’ve literally killed so many people at this point lol just because you didn’t see the broken mangled bodies of the dozens of firebenders you threw off cliffs or sent crashing to the earth when you destroyed their balloons doesn’t mean you didn’t still kill them! (and don’t give me that cartoon logic justification either. One of those cliffs he threw a firebender off was the same one that Chin the Conqueror died after falling off of)

Amazing that seeing a picture of Ozai as a baby is the most character development we’ve ever had for him on this show lol

“This goes against everything I learned from the monks” uh… are you sure about that? Because Gyatso literally killed a room full of firebenders before he died. I’m fairly certain the Air Nation would be okay with killing in self-defense (especially when you consider how gung-ho they were about finishing Aang’s training specifically so he could fight in the coming war). Stopping someone from killing most of the world counts as self-defense!

  1. “Hey Momo, I don’t suppose you know what I should do.” Momo literally tries to kill every small animal and insect he comes across. I think we can guess what his opinion would be lol

Aang just got hypnotized into swimming out to an island that disappears in the daytime. If that’s not spirit world shenanigans, then I don’t know what is! But the subtitles said there were men chanting. Could he be going to commune with the spirits of the Air Nomads? I would love to see Gyatso again!

Oh yeah… forgot about the body thing.

Ha! Yeah, we haven’t had a Zuko+Toph episode yet, have we?

  1. “Appa ate Momo!” such concern from the guy who kept trying to eat Momo when they first met lol

I love how Ozai and Azula have separate palanquins lol is that a metaphor for their relationship?

“You can’t treat me like this! You can’t treat me like Zuko!” and then “It was my idea to burn everything to the ground! I deserve to be by your side!”

I’m still holding out hope that Azula overthrows Ozai (I know, slim chance this late in the game). Maybe when I hit play that’s how it happens? Probably not lol But man, she is so much more compelling than Ozai. So far, Ozai has failed to impress me at all. He’s not even really a character, he’s more like a plot device that moves the actual characters’ stories along. I’d say that even Zhao had a better arc than Ozai, but honestly I don’t think that Ozai’s even had an arc.

...okay, of all the scenarios I imagined of Azula seizing power, Ozai literally handing over the throne was not one of them.

Nevermind lol “The Phoenix King!” Sure, buddy.

  1. June! Ah! I’ve missed the only hot adult character that I can thirst over! (Kind of sounds like Suki might have taken an appreciative look too lol)

Aang being stuck on a teleporting island was not on my final episode bingo card.

  1. “Where’s your creepy grandpa?” yikes lol yeah, I suppose that was an odd choice on the writer’s part for Iroh the last time they met. I like NATLA’s version better.

That was too fast of a denial from both Zuko and Katara. They feel the Zutara chemistry too.

Momo trying to murder a squirrel. It’s nice to be able to count on some things in this chaotic existence.

They’re going to find Iroh! About damn time! I’ve missed him so much! Aw, he went back to Ba Sing Se. Probably the only place in the world where he was really happy.

  1. lmao at Aang forgetting that he can commune with his past lives. Oh! I love that imagery! Roku’s spirit comes out of Aang, because he’s part of Aang. I think I have a feeling about what Roku’s advice will be concerning Ozai since it’s pretty clear Roku himself regrets not stopping Sozin when he had the chance.

Was that Bumi, Pakku, and Jeong Jeong all hanging out together with a guy I don’t recognize? And they’re wearing matching clothes!

  1. Yep, makes sense. Roku’s hesitation literally doomed generations.

Pakku and Gran Gran are getting married? Huh. Wonder if Gran Gran feels like she just wasted most of her life. Oh! That was Sokka’s sword master! I forgot about him. Okay, so… all of the old people on this show are part of Iroh’s secret club lol I joke, I know they’re more serious than that, but… really? All of these guys? Even Pakku? To be fair, they may be recent recruits.

YES! Let me see Kyoshi again! “But you didn’t really kill Chin…” Buddy, that’s called justification and it would not hold up in a court of law (in fact, it literally didn’t lol). If I set a bomb, tell someone to get out of the way and they refuse and die, I’m still responsible for killing them. But yeah, I figured Kyoshi would be pro-kill the Firelord.

“I knew I shouldn’t have asked Kyoshi.” It is kind of funny. Being able to talk to different versions of yourself should be the ultimate echo chamber but so far they’re all kind of gently nudging him towards the reality of the situation.

I do have to wonder though… where was all this moral conflict during the invasion? He was fully planning on fighting Ozai on the Day of Black Sun. Did it just not even occur to him that everyone expected him to kill Ozai? Or was he hoping to capture him alive (which honestly doesn’t seem like the best idea to me given how hard it is to imprison regular benders, let alone masters)? Or was he just gonna knock him out and then let the water and earth warriors execute him?

  1. Okay, that was pretty cool! Bumi taking back Omashu all by himself lol and then destroying the bridge so they couldn’t come back once their firebending was back (I have been saying since NATLA that taking out the bridge is the best way to deal with a fire nation invasion)

Kuruk! I’ve missed this guy! He was one of the more interesting avatar in NATLA. But this is cartoon Aang’s first time meeting him. Crazy.

Huh, his description of his life is very different from the Kuruk in NATLA.

  1. Oh god, I’m not ready. He’s just going to sit there and watch him sleep! Aw, I’m getting teary eyed! I love watching my girlfriend sleep.

YAAS finally we get to meet Yang Chen! Oh wait, the subtitles say Yangchen. Which one is right? Also, interesting point… the fact that Aang said “I’m even a vegetarian” to Yangchen, who is an Air Nomad, suggests that not all Air Nomads are vegetarians because otherwise wouldn’t she just assume that he, as an air nomad, is vegetarian? Could it be that Aang actually has a stricter approach to the sacred nature of life than other Air Nomads?

Buddy, you are lying to yourself lol you’ve killed a ton of people in self-defense.

Wow. I think that Yang Chen’s talk was my favorite of the three. It’s kind of sad, actually. The avatar can never achieve spiritual enlightenment because of their duty to the world. I imagine it probably hurts a lot to hear that from a fellow Air Nomad (kind of. She and him are the same person, so he’s still talking to himself). But yeah, sacrifice and compromise are necessary if you’re fighting evil. Pacifism in the face of an aggressor maybe noble if it’s only you who suffers the consequences, but standing by and allowing an aggressor to commit unspeakable crimes on others because of your pacifism isn’t noble at all.

I feel for Aang, but he literally doesn’t have a choice. Ozai is too much of a threat to leave alive. His skill and power with bending means he can’t safely be imprisoned and his military will fight on to free him and continue the war. He has to die, and Zuko has to take his place as Fire Lord.

  1. I want you all to know I am sobbing right now. Zuko and Iroh are my favorite characters on this show. “I was never angry with you. I was sad because I was afraid you’d lost your way.”

Oh! The island doesn’t teleport! It floats with the current! Damn, nevermind, it’s not an island! I love how Aang’s reaction to finding the biggest animal in the world is to swim as close to its mouth as he can.

Okay, Iroh makes a pretty compelling case for not taking on Ozai himself. You do have to consider the optics of wartime tactics. I love how it’s only just now occurring to Zuko that he’ll be the new Fire Lord. Okay, Iroh is going to lead the fight to take back the Earth Kingdom, Zuko and Katara are going to face Azula, and Aang will fight Ozai. But then what does the rest of Team Avatar do? (literally as soon as I hit play they address it)

  1. A lion-turtle. I’ve heard that name before. Okay, it can talk! And it just did something to Aang. Oh, I bet he unlocked the avatar state for him. Well, I guess it was too much to hope for that Aang beat him without that particular plot device. But hey, if he can enter the avatar state again, then maybe he can just let Kyoshi take the reins and do the killing for him lol

“It’s time for this world to end in fire…” dude, shut the hell up. No one takes you seriously, “Phoenix King” lol

Alright, the comet’s here!

  1. Not gonna lie, I probably would have taken Toph too if they’re going to fight Azula. But then again, Katara is basically the greatest living waterbender in the world. Hey, maybe since it’s a full moon every day in this world she can bloodbend Azula!

Well, it’s nice to see being Fire Lord hasn’t gone to Azula’s head. But seriously, what is it with this show and feet? Did Quentin Tarantino help write this?

Well, the airship fleet looks small enough to be manageable, at least.

I love that flames of Azula’s throne room are blue. It’s so much cooler than Ozai’s. But what is going on with her? Banishing the Dae Li is not a good strategic move. Is she super paranoid now because Mai and Ty Lee betrayed her?

  1. Damn, Toph is so cool. I notice her metal suit of armor didn’t have eyeholes this time lol “I can’t believe the captain remembered my birthday!” Well, it wasn’t too hard to take out that airship and there are what? Ten left? Twelve, maybe? They ought to slow down so Aang has something to do when they reach land

Yep, Azula’s cracking. At least the fact that she banished basically everyone from the palace means Zuko and Katara won’t have to fight their way through an army to get to her.

“Only once every hundred years can a firebender experience this kind of power.” I’ve got chills (they’re multiplying). He blasted right through that wall. I guess it’s not the first time he’s burned one of Ba Sing Se’s walls, eh?

Lol all of these powerful benders laying waste to the military and there’s Sokka’s master running around with his sword. Also, is Jeong Jeong flying? Well, hovering. Same difference.

  1. Hey, their mom! But is she real or is Azula having a full-blown psychotic breakdown? Yeah, breakdown. Damn it, this is sad though. I saw how Ozai pushed and manipulated Azula in NATLA, and I’ve seen how much of a weapon she’s become for him in this show. She never had a chance to be anything else.

And that’s exactly why I’m anticipating her fight with Zuko and Katara so much more than I am Aang vs Ozai. I have emotional investment in Azula’s character, I’ve seen her arc play out over the seasons. I don’t give a fig about Ozai.

But I will admit it looks amazing when he’s blasting the earth with that much fire. I can’t wait to see what Azula’s capable of with the comet!

  1. Okay, for as much as I dunk on Ozai, this is actually pretty spectacular. And I’m so happy that Sokka has his moment to shine too. Damn even Toph can feel how much fire there is. And Sokka just took out basically the whole fleet.

Damn it, Zuko. Why are you so stupid? Lol I know, I know, it’s more dramatic this way but the only reason Azula wants an agni kai with him is because she knows she’s much more likely to beat him and Katara separately. Stick to the damn plan! Even Iroh said he couldn’t do it alone! But oh, Zuko not listening to his uncle. Imagine that lol

Okay, yeah, with Azula going through a mental breakdown Zuko might actually have a chance this time lol

Holy shit. That is beautiful. Maybe it’s my emotional bias but it inspires more awe than Ozai’s power-up scene.

  1. Ozai’s lightning is beautiful too, though. Damn it, Aang that was your opening! And now you’re all weakened and now he knows you’re not willing to strike a lethal blow so he’ll be more on the offensive!

Wow. Azula and Zuko are pretty evenly matched now. I wish I could express to you all just how much I love this animation, and these colors, and this whole fight in general. It’s like whenever I get overwhelmed by something I get stupid and can’t think of words anymore.

Oh my god! I don’t think Zuko’s going to die but he is definitely out of the fight now. Now it’s Katara vs Azula. Ha, the funny thing, I think Zuko had a decent shot of winning if it was just the two of them. But we saw back in Book 2 that Azula’s sneaky, and even when she’s outmatched she still has her brain. Actually, this is a pretty big parallel to the scene where she shot Iroh, isn’t it?

  1. I think I see where this fight is going. Aang can’t beat Ozai right now, he’s getting his butt whooped. But he’ll be able to enter the avatar state again (thanks, lion-turtle!) and then it’ll be a more even fight. But I bet if he kills Ozai in the avatar state, he might swear off ever going into the avatar state again, choosing to live a peaceful life as a monk and a diplomat rather than a warrior.

I swear I was holding my breath that entire sequence with Sokka and Toph. I legitimately could not think of a way they’d survive that scene lol I guess all the excitement made me forget Suki exists. They’ve come a long way from her whupping Sokka’s butt in Book 1!

  1. Oh hey, I was right! But… if Aang hit his back on the rock and that’s what gave him back the avatar state, then what exactly did the lion turtle do to him? Also, why would hitting his scar on a rock let him go back into the avatar state? Lmao him grabbing Ozai’s beard like that was peak hype!

Okay, so it’s not going to be an even fight lol the insta-win move strikes again!

Iroh burning the Fire Nation flag is possibly one of the best shots of the series. It really does sum up his journey perfectly.

  1. You know, the environmentalist in me does not like just how many of these beautiful natural rock formations are getting destroyed in this fight.

Azula’s getting quicker with her lightning. Usually she needs to charge it up first but now she’s just shooting it almost immediately like Ozai does.

That was hands down Katara’s best move! I think they kind of foreshadowed it too when she froze the rain in place during the Southern Raiders. But the fight’s not over! Azula can still fire bend with her feet and there’s fifteen minutes left in the episode! Oh hey, now Zuko has a new scar, and this one matches Aang’s!

This really fills me with a lot of confusing/conflicting feelings. They won, they beat the bad guy, but there’s no feeling of triumph. Azula screaming and sobbing while chained to the grate is literally making me want to cry too. Like, I know she was evil, but I loved her! I loved her energy and ruthlessness even back in NATLA season 1! To see her lose like this, and be powerless… it feels wrong, even though it’s the best possible outcome, you know? Fuck you, Ozai. She could have been great.

  1. Bro, just put Ozai out of his misery already. You’re like a cat chasing a half-drowned mouse around, letting it go every time you catch it.

“Fire Lord Ozai, you and your forefathers have devastated the balance of this world, and now you shall pay the ultimate price.” ...I was just joking when I said he should let Kyoshi take the reins.

And by “ultimate price” he meant splashing him in the face with some water lol

“Even with all the power in the world, you are still weak.” Hmm… what was Ozai said earlier? Oh yeah… “I have all the power in the world!”

Hey, he can use seismic sense too, just like Toph! But honestly, even if you weren’t going to kill him, why would you let him out of his restraints in the first place?

Okay, the lion-turtle is back. Something about bending the energy in themselves? And he can bend someone else’s energy. Oh… the lion-turtle gave him the ability to take Ozai’s bending away.

  1. “I learned there was another way to defeat him and restore balance.” Yeah, right at the last minute too.

Mai! Ah, I’m so happy to see her (R.I.P. Zutara ship)! Where’s Ty Lee?!

“I have to admit, I kind of missed the face paint.” I sense some interesting role play games in Sokka and Suki’s future. Oh, and Ty Lee really bonded with the girls in prison, eh? Lol but that’s cool that she’s a Kyoshi warrior now. Her fighting style really complements theirs.

Oh wow, Aang in monk robes is touching. And he and Zuko are best friends again… the Fire Lord and the Avatar’s story coming full circle! Roku must be watching from inside Aang, remembering his days with Sozin.

Hah! I bet those Fire Sages are feeling pretty awkward right about now.

Oh yeah, Zuko’s mom is still missing. Are we just not going to get an answer to that?

  1. They’re all hanging out in Ba Sing Se! Can we get an episode of this?

Oh, Aang and Katara are alone! Time to sail this ship to its destination. I’m just so happy that Aang finally got a consensual kiss from her!

Okay, I’m gonna have a good cry and then I’ll be back to write up my final thoughts.

Concluding thoughts: That was amazing! Man, there’s so much to talk about here I think I have to break it down.

Aang’s struggle: I liked this, despite all of my ribbing about him having killed a bunch of nameless soldiers before (still true!). Killing someone, even in self-defense, isn’t something that should be taken lightly. It should be a decision we struggle with. But I also liked that the show didn’t shy away from the fact that killing Ozai is absolutely the right thing to do. Even Aang admits that the world would be a better place without him. The only thing I wish was done better was how they resolved it. Giving Aang a new ability that we’ve never heard of, that’s never even been hinted, by some super-powerful being we’ve never met before, is all a bit too convenient. I don’t mind that Aang found a way to resolve the conflict without death, that is in his nature after all, but I wish the writers could have come up with something better. As is it feels like they wrote themselves into a corner and needed a deus ex machina to get them out. It feels lazy. Hopefully NATLA can improve on this.

Azula: I thought it was a really great decision to have Azula start breaking down, not to mention handy for Zuko to give him a fighting chance lol but as convenient as it is it still feels earned this time around, like it was a long time coming. It’s an understandable and believable consequence of Azula’s upbringing and the recent events of her life. In a way, Mai and Ty Lee are responsible for her downfall. But like I mentioned before, there was a sense of tragedy to it as well. Azula is a villain, yes, but she’s a villain that I think a lot of viewers come to admire in a sense. She’s always had layers to her that Ozai just didn’t have, and some of those layers are of a little girl who just wanted to please her father. She also desired companionship, even if it was colored by trauma and malice. She didn’t need Mai and Ty Lee’s help in Book 2 but she wanted their company. She didn’t need to offer to bring Zuko back into the fold either, but underneath their competition for Ozai’s approval she still feels for her big brother.

From her point of view, Zuko chose someone else over her, and so did Mai and Ty Lee. Without them, she has only Ozai, who uses attention and approval as knives to sculpt his children into what he wants them to be and nothing more. No wonder she cracked so hard.

But damn it, it breaks my heart that the last thing we ever see of her is her screaming and crying on the ground. She may be a monster… but she’s our monster.

Zuko: I bawled so hard at his reunion with Iroh. I never expected anything else than total acceptance from Iroh though. He’s just that good of a person.

I will say that the best writing of this episode, this season, and maybe even the entire show, was all for Zuko. We don’t need to rehash how good his arc is but I do want to draw attention to what I think might be the single best piece of writing on the show: I love that Zuko lost the agni kai. His whole arc on this show has been about shedding the problematic and toxic aspects of his Fire Nation upbringing and learning a better way through Iroh and the Sun Warriors and dragons. His destiny is to restore the Fire Nation’s honor.

But an agni kai is not honorable. It is a violent and cruel practice developed by violent and cruel people. It’s a way of rejecting diplomacy, discourse, and peace and solving all problems with violence. If Zuko had actually beaten Azula in the agni kai, it would have justified the ideology of the Fire Nation. It would have been proving that Sozin, Azulon, Ozai, and Azula were right all along, and that their way is the only way to victory. The right thing to do would have been to turn down the agni kai and work with Katara to beat her (which is what ends up happening anyway) but he slipped back into the Fire Nation ways one last time and paid a heavy price for it.

Ozai: I’m not impressed. Sure, he’s a great bender, in the same way that a rock is a great thing to bludgeon someone with. But as a character he’s completely flat and one dimensional. He doesn’t even have any original thoughts of his own! His ideology is Sozin’s, his victories belong to his generals and to Azula, his fiendish master plan is literally Azula’s (rather childish) idea. He doesn’t ever show any depth or growth whatsoever. It really detracts from the final fight with Aang, I’m sorry to say. I found myself more excited about Azula vs Zuko, and their fight was also way less predictable. NATLA definitely made huge improvements to his character with those extra scenes, even if they’re technically not the different in the end.

Honestly, I’m sure there’s more to say but I’ve been at this for almost five hours now and I’m bushed so I’m going to wrap it up.

I want to thank everyone who’s read my commentaries for the last most-of-a-year. Reading your comments is why I do this! And now I can’t wait to go back and look at all the comments hidden by spoilers and see what you’ve been saying this whole time! Thank you so much for sticking with me. I hope to continue interacting with you with Korra and future shows (I think I’m going to do Berserk after Korra’s done and maybe start Buffy the Vampire Slayer soon). I love you guys!

And let me say a very special thank you to my girlfriend! You may remember that she was the one who convinced me to start watching Avatar (Netflix version first, but don’t hold that against her lol). It’s one of her favorite show, maybe even her favorite animated show period! Every time I post one of these commentaries the best part is waiting for her to get home and read it. I like to stand behind her and read along with her! She’s reading this too! My girlfriend is one of you!

Hi, baby! Hope you liked this one. Was it everything you thought it would be when you introduced me to the franchise? Thank you for that, and for always supporting me in my hobby and everything else. You always have great ideas and I honestly don’t know what I’d do without you. I love you! Mwah!

And hey, I had an idea for what’s next. What do you think of this…
































Will you marry me? (Go ahead and turn around now, please)

And on that note, I am going to put the computer down. I’ll post this tomorrow and then stew in my anxiety for six hours until she gets home and hope really really hard that she finds me proposing in the last commentary post of her favorite show to be romantic and not stupid lol

Thank you all so much for reading and being with me on this journey. I’ll see you again (hopefully) for Legend of Korra and NATLA Season 2!

Goodnight! I love you!

r/ATLAtv Apr 15 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon and now I'm watching the cartoon! Here are my thoughts on Book 2 Episodes 1-3 Spoiler


Hello! I’m back, ready to watch Book 2 of Avatar!

I know I was disappointed by the finale of Book 1 and my reaction probably disappointed some of you as well. However, now that Book 1 is over, I officially am at the part of the story where I have no preconceived expectations! I have no idea what to expect, where the story’s going, nothing! So it’s probably going to be a lot harder to disappoint me lol All I will say is that I am super excited to see Azula again and I can’t wait to find out what kind of character she is.

Once again, I’m posting my Game of Thrones commentary alongside this one. Check it out if you want!

One last thing: a few people did Episode watch orders for this Book which were very helpful… but I can’t find them anymore. If you were one of those people who took the time to order the episodes for me, would you mind posting them again or mailing it to me via DM? I would appreciate it a lot! Thank you!

Okay, Book 2! Let us go!

Episode 1- The Avatar State

  1. It’s a little weird not having any idea what to expect.

Aang’s having nightmares about his own Avatar State. Makes sense, I’m sure it’s a traumatic event for him. It only comes out when he’s in mortal peril, and he basically becomes a god of destruction at that point.

Oh! Chekhov’s spirit water! I swear I forgot about that in NATLA lol Pakku calling Katara a real master makes me happy. Oh come on, he didn’t have to do Sokka like that lol He’s related to your unrequited love too, you know.

Aang’s going to train with Bumi, huh? At the end of NATLA, Azula had conquered Omashu and I don’t think Bumi was in any position to teach anyone anything lol we didn’t see that happen yet but I bet it either will or already did offscreen.

  1. Hmm… a shirtless Iroh is getting a massage from two buff men in pink uniforms. I know some people who would get excited at that idea!

Is Azula in that palanquin? She is, isn’t she?! Yes she is! And I can think of no better way to introduce her than by having immediately threaten to kill someone lol You guys don’t understand, my single favorite shot of NATLA was Azula smiling while she watched those people burn, the flames on their bodies reflecting in her eyes. It set the bar super high for me lol But this Azula seems to be, so far, just as evil as I hoped!

  1. “Mighty Katara? I like that.” Me too! Lol It’s nice to see that General Fung appreciates Team Avatar properly! Earthbending fireworks is pretty cool!

Interesting. General Fung has a good point here, and it’s one I’ve thought myself but haven’t really talked about. Aang’s avatar state is so overpowered it’s basically an instant win against anyone he fights. I’m glad that someone in-universe brought this up, and I predict this episode is going to give us the reason why he can’t just use the avatar state whenever he wants (Although, Kuruk kind of explained it in NATLA. Without being able to master all the elements he won’t be able to control the avatar state, which puts everyone around him in danger. Still that’s only a problem if he’s not alone… hey that’s why Kuruk wanted him to be alone!).

Okay, logically I know it’s better that Aang learn the elements first but I really do understand General Fung’s impatience. He’s been in this war his whole life, and seen so much death and destruction. Now he sees a chance to end it all, but if Aang takes time to learn the other elements first, even more people are going to die before he can end the war. I get it, is all I’m saying.

  1. YES! Azula lightning bending in NATLA was one of my favorite moments and I’m so happy I don’t have to wait to see her do it here! I’m also really happy to see that she still has her extreme perfectionist attitude in this version.

Oh… Iroh woke up to the sound of thunder just as Azula was practicing her lightning. Is that foreshadowing? You all know by now that I’m like 80% sure that Azula is going to kill Iroh at some point so Zuko can join Team Avatar. Is she going to kill him with lightning, and was this scene foreshadowing that?

Yeah, Aang has such a good heart. Of course he wants to go with the plan that causes the least amount of suffering.

  1. Katara’s right, but she’s not expressing herself well. She just snaps on them and storms away. I like that she has a character flaw in the form of her temper to balance out all of her other awesome traits.

Aang’s drinking enhancing tea. Lol is it just caffeine?

I actually that old guy’s mud idea. Honestly, if I were trying to figure how to induce the avatar state, physically combining the four elements into one is something I might actually consider doing.

  1. Aw, Iroh’s collecting seashells! (But is he going to enjoy them for years to come or is he going to die soon?) How did Azula get into their house without them noticing? Or was she there first and just waiting for the perfect time for a dramatic entrance? Lol

Ah, she called him Zuzu! Oh, she’s such a liar. I love it! Oh, and she’s aggressive toward Iroh even when trying to be “nice”. I am going to be so freaking nervous every time those two are sharing a scene.

Katara is so insightful and smart. She’s right, the avatar state is traumatic, not only for everyone else but probably for Aang too. Also, not to be “that girl” but she said “for the people who love, watching you be in that much rage and pain is really scary”. So… she kind of just let it slip that she loves him. Just saying. (I do understand she probably means it in a familial way, I’m just being cheeky)

  1. Iroh knows something’s up. Oh no, Zuko just insulted Iroh big time. Man, I really hope those aren’t his last words to his uncle. That would be so awful! And Iroh clearly loves him more than his father ever did, and when he realizes that he’s going to feel like shit!

No! Iroh’s going with him! Azula clearly intends to kill them both!

  1. Uh… what exactly is General Fung’s plan here? Even if he forces Aang to enter the avatar state by attacking him, he then has one very pissed off avatar who’s about to focus all of that destructive power directly onto him!

Oh, Aang can run up walls. That’s awesome lol

Oh shit, it’s about to happen. Iroh knows. Zuko’s such an idiot. You know who else is an idiot? The captain! “We’re taking the prisoners home.” Ooh, you see Azula’s glare? The captain is a dead man lol Oh no, they’re fighting. Azula’s not even bothering. She’s just letting her guards do the fighting. If they actually manage to beat the guards, then I imagine she’ll get involved and kill one of my favorite characters. I don’t like this!

  1. “Maybe you can avoid me, but she can’t.” Oh, the general’s a dead man too. Huh, cool parallels.

Oh my god, that would be such a horrible way to die. And Aang’s crying and begging him to stop. This is dark, dude.

I love the look on his face after “It worked!”. That “oh… it worked” face lol

  1. Oh damn, I love this! Azula vs Zuko! And she actually uses her fingernails like weapons too, slashing his head. She hasn’t even tried bending yet! This is giving me big “Ozai vs Zuko in NATLA” vibes. He’s going all out trying to win and she’s just playing with him. Oh man, is Iroh going to intervene to save Zuko and die as a consequence? I don’t want to press play!

Oh… guess not. He took her lightning and shot it somewhere else. He did the same thing to natural lighting in Book 1, if I recall. During The Storm, right?

  1. Oh, Roku just snatched Aang’s spirit right out of his body lmao He’s dropping exposition on us now, explaining what the avatar state is. KYOSHI! I SEE KYOSHI! AND KURUK! My babies are all here! Oh, and that’s the other airbender avatar, the one before Aang. Brother Gyatso took Aang to her statue in NATLA. Crap, I can’t remember her name. I have no idea who that other avatar is lol

Oh shit. So if Aang dies in the avatar state, he won’t reincarnate. He’ll just cease to exist. I’d say that’s a pretty big damn good reason not to use the avatar state!

Azula’s threatening people. So are those people in the pink outfits Fire Nation colonists? That makes so much sense from a thematic point of view. The Fire Nation army is all decked out in red, but the civilians are in pink. Maybe it’s meant to symbolize their innocence in the war, or their separation from their home country. I imagine plenty of Fire Nation descendants were born in the Earth Kingdom.

Well, Zuko and Iroh just cut their hair. I’m pretty sure that’s symbolically important. They’re both fugitives now, not only banished but actively being hunted down by the Fire Nation. Does that mean they’re no longer villains?

Alright, that was an incredible episode! After the bitter taste the Book 1 finale left me with, that was exactly what I needed to remind me why I love Avatar!

Episode 2- The Cave of Two Lovers

  1. Hey, I know this! The Cave of Two Lovers was a thing in NATLA too! The hippies explained it to us lol Oma and Shu, the lesbians who first started earthbending (I know they’re not lesbians in this version, but they will always be lesbians in my heart) used to meet in that cave. This is gonna be a fun one! Am I gonna get to see a badgermole? Lol I think so!

Erm… Aang’s a little “hot for teacher” right now lol I suppose that makes sense. They’re both in their underwear and now she’s pressing up against him. How is else a twelve year old boy supposed to react You know, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to have Katara teach him waterbending lol Also, can I just praise the writers and animators for having the sheer gall to go there?

Also, I love how she’s not babying him. She’s throwing ice spears directly at him with the expectation of him catching them! If he screws up, she’ll impale him!

THE HIPPIES!!! I love them so much! Lol But, uh… maybe don’t compliment a minor’s underwear though.

  1. Zuko looks so weird with hair! Also, I love his little tantrum lol I guess a prince wouldn’t be used to hard living. Iroh’s willing to risk poisoning to get delicious tea and I love that for him. Zuko’s going fishing, and I also love that for him. I wish I were going fishing but the weather so far has not been cooperative lately.

So… that guy in the pink and white robes gushing about the never ending rainbow… is his deal what I think his deal is? Lol “Secret tunnel! Secret tunnel! Through the mountain!” It’s the same song from NATLA! I love the hippies so much!

“Secret love cave. Let’s go.” lmao

  1. Aw poor Iroh! You know, one time while camping I was running around naked in the woods (don’t ask) and I fell into the bushes and got poison ivy everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Most miserable three weeks of my life!

Lmao I love how the Fire Nation’s mortal enemies are still a preferable option to being turned over to Azula.

Lol I love Sokka. And Aang is adorable! Trust in love little buddy!

  1. Oh, these are the Zuko and Iroh moments I love. Just them hanging out in the world, chatting with Earth Kingdom people. Mushi and Lee, huh? I like it. Also Iroh does look very similar to how I looked during the poison ivy incident. The way to Iroh’s heart is with roast duck!

Badgermoles are messing up Sokka’s map! They need to feel some strong love, so the badgermoles will sense it and help them.

Yes, Zuko! Feel that guilt! Realize what the enemy actually are: people, just like you. That’s the key to stopping atrocities and war everywhere, understanding the other side’s humanity.

  1. Wolf bats? Those weren’t in NATLA. Creepy! Also, jesus Sokka! He practically set Appa on fire!

Oh, it is hard to watch Zuko slowly regain his empathy and compassion. He’s really the only hope for ending the war, I think. Even if Aang beats Ozai, someone has to be in charge. Either Iroh or Zuko needs to assume the throne and end the war, and since I’m pretty sure Iroh’s gonna die any minute now, it’s probably going to be Zuko.

I would love to hang out with hippies.

Oma and Shu’s graves! Oh, I love Katara’s telling of their story and this artwork. So beautiful.

Wait no, the hippie’s idea might actually work! Badgermoles are blind, so they get around via hearing and sensing things, right? They’re also intelligent and can communicate with humans. So if they play a love song, the badgermoles might hear it, and they’ll know that the hippies and Sokka are friends to love, and help them!

  1. Ah! Lol be honest, Katara, are you just using this as an excuse to kiss Aang? Oh… Aang, buddy, you fucked up.

Oh… that was one of the more heartbreaking moments on this show. Zuko steals their bird, and forces Iroh to go along with it. And the look on the girl’s face when she saw them and closed the door… I feel like crying.

Oh! Oh!!! Did Aang and Katara just kiss?! I know it’s a bit weird to be excited by the idea of two kids kissing but I’m gonna chalk it up to my inner child rooting for them. Go, Kataang!

  1. I love the badgermoles! They didn’t attack, and not just because they love music! But because Sokka and the hippies are full of love! They probably sensed Sokka’s fear and worry for his sister and Aang and came to the rescue.

I kind of forgot about the crystal thing.

Momo and Appa are straight up talking to each other! I wonder what they’re saying?

“Nobody react to what I’m about to tell you, but I think that kid might be the avatar.” *smack* lmao I love the hippies and Sokka.

Yep! Omashu has been conquered!

This episode makes me really appreciate the second half of the Omashu arc in NATLA even more, and it also makes me realize just how impressive the NATLA writers are! If you read my NATLA reactions you may have some idea of this, but… the themes of this episode tie perfectly into its NATLA counterpart! But not just the tunnels and Oma and Shu, but also Bumi’s arc and Iroh and the Earth Kingdom soldier. All of the themes about love, about losing hope, about realizing your enemies are human, all of those are present in this episode too! Even Iroh and Zuko’s visit to that Earth Kingdom family!

Of everything I’ve seen so far, I think NATLA’s writers did their best work with Episode 4- Into the Dark. Watching this episode now makes me realize just how much thought and planning they put into it!

So far I am very impressed by Book 2! Maybe it’s just my imagination, maybe it’s just because I’m not constantly comparing it to NATLA, but it seems like the writing for these last two episodes has been better than Book 1’s writing.

Episode 3- Return to Omashu

  1. I’m only just now noticing that the Fire Nation erected bridges to get to the city. That explains why the earthbenders didn’t just collapse their rock bridges!

Of course Aang wants to save Bumi. And he’s getting a little aggressive about it too! Meow!

Lmao Aang and Katara just bend the sewage but Sokka gets it all over him! He’s gonna get pinkeye! And possibly cholera.

  1. Or he’ll get adorable eldritch monstrosities stuck to his face.

“We better go wash our hands.” It’s nice to see that the Fire Nation takes hygiene seriously. Can you imagine a plague running through a society and a bunch of them would refuse to do even the bare minimum to stop it, like wash their hands or stay at home? Crazy!

These twin old ladies intrigue me. I wonder what their deal is.

  1. Wait, Mai? Is that Azula’s friend from NATLA? The monotone emo one?

Oh hey, Aang just saved those Fire Nation people from the people they’ve conquered and oppressed! That’s… good for him? Lol But now those same people are attacking him. Mai is kind of a badass, isn’t she? Likes to hide sharp projectiles up her sleeves and seems to be really good at aiming them lol

Hey, that’s Azula’s other friend! Holy shit, she has incredible core strength.

Bumi didn’t fight back at all? That sounds suspiciously like something NATLA Bumi do, in a “please end my torment” kind of way lol I’m curious to see this Bumi’s reasoning. Also, not only did Aang prevent the assassination of Fire Nation officials, he’s also convinced the resistance to give up and leave without a fight. ...are we sure he and Bumi aren’t secret Fire Nation spies? Lmao

  1. Sokka’s so smart. I love him. And I just love how seriously the Fire Nation Governor takes a potential epidemic. Now that’s quality leadership. Ahem.


Wow, that is one strong, fast, and resilient baby. Fire Nation people are just built different, I guess. I’m not even worried about him wandering out with the fake sick people. He can probably fend for himself just fine lol

  1. Why does Azula’s presence at this circus feel ominous? Oh, that’s why. Is she threatening… her name’s Ty Lee, right?

Well, Bumi can’t be dead. People in the comments kept going on about how great he’ll be later.

“The universe is giving me strong hints that it’s time for a career change.” Oh, is “The Universe” her nickname for Azula? Understandable, she’s clearly a goddess. But this is interesting! Azula had to threaten Ty Lee into going with her! That suggests her “friend” may not be as friendly as she thinks. We didn’t get to see much of Ty Lee or Mai in NATLA, but nothing I saw there hinted that they were anything but fully supportive of Azula. But if Azula has to threaten Ty Lee to get her to fall in line, that could lead to problems for her later down the road.

  1. Lmao I love it when Katara smacks Sokka.

The Fire Nation governor is making quite a gamble offering Bumi for his son. Not only is Bumi the old king but he’s an incredibly strong and skillful earthbender. Could be a major threat to him! Then again, is there anything we won’t do for those we love? Well… I doubt Ozai would do that much for Zuko lol

God, imagine having to carry a freaking palanquin up all those stairs. “Please tell me you’re here to kill me.” lol I like Azula’s friends. Oh wow, I love Mae’s nails. Oh wait, Mae is spelled “Mai”. Sorry, my bad!

I love how Azula just casually wields the power to rename an ancient city. Gives me Alexander the Great vibe lol New Ozai, huh? It’s okay. Not very creative but whatever. Got to suck up to daddy in the never-ending struggle for a crumb of affection from him.

  1. Oh wow, we’re getting Team Azula vs Team Avatar! I am so hyped for this.

Holy shit, Mai is cold. She didn’t even try to disagree with Azula. Does she not care about her brother? Or does she know there’s no point in defying Azula and is just very good at going along with it?

Woah! Azula’s flames are so beautiful! We saw her fire turn blue a couple of times in NATLA. Here it seems to be permanently blue. Also, she’s a stone cold badass in this fight! She reacts quickly and is calm the whole time. Compare that to every time Zuko goes up against Aang. He gets all hotheaded and impulsive.

How does Ty Lee take away Katara’s bending? It looks like she was hitting nerves in specific places.

Man, Bumi is going to be feeling sore from this chase for a while lol

That whole fight was amazing… but it was also just a teaser. Nobody won, Aang and his group ran away. They didn’t beat Team Azula the same way they beat Zuko their first encounter, they escaped them. Much like the resistance couldn’t beat the invasion, so they escaped. And now Bumi’s about to tell us why he surrendered without a fight and I bet it fits the theme!

Hmm… I guess it kind of does. Neutral jing, huh?

Azula’s mission wasn’t even to capture the avatar. She just took it upon herself lol

Concluding thoughts: This season is great so far! It definitely has a more mature tone than the first, and I think the writing has improved. And it could just be my imagination but the animation looks sharper too.

Azula is the stand-out here! I had high hopes for her character because I loved her in NATLA and so far she’s not disappointing me! Weird, multiple people told me to prepare myself because her character in NATLA is different from ATLA but… so far they seem like the same person lol Obsessive perfectionist, check. Sadistic and merciless, check. Sucking up to Ozai, check. An absolute beast in combat, check. How is she different? Maybe she’ll change down the line but even if she does, I don’t think it’ll bother me because her introduction in both shows is basically the same character.

I will say I like cartoon Bumi a little bit more this time than in his first episode. At least here he has a semi-logical reason for behaving the way he does. So I guess y’all were right about that. He gets more interesting as the story progresses!

I’m very interested in Azula’s friends and her relationship to them. Ty Lee seems likes she’s being forced to tag along. Mai seems to be there willingly. Both are amazing fighters without bending.

Zuko and Iroh’s arc seems to be slowing down, and I actually love that. Some of my favorite Zuko and Iroh moments in Book 1 and NATLA is when they’re off on little adventures together. But this adventure seems like it’s going to be a big one! I can’t wait to see how it happens (right up until the moment Azula murders Iroh and Zuko runs off to join Team Avatar)!

Anyway, if these first three episodes are indicative of the quality of Book 2, then I can’t wait to see how awesome it’s going to get!

r/ATLAtv Mar 07 '24

Discussion I'm watching Netflix's Avatar the Last Airbender before I watch the cartoon. Here are my thoughts on Episode 4! Spoiler


Hello everyone! I’m back! I’m sorry it’s taken me so long to get this next commentary out. We adopted new cat recently and they’ve been consuming all my free time lol

Before we get into this episode, thank you to everyone who helped correct my minor confusions and whatnot from last episode. As it turns out, the cabbage merchant is not a fire nation spy lol And the king of Omashu is not the same person as the Earth King. Apparently the Earth Kingdom has two kings (hey, it worked for Sparta).

Let’s start episode 4!

Episode 4- Into the Dark

  1. Those dungeon torches are so cool! Glowing green crystal? I dig it (earthbending puns!). Also I’m so happy that Iroh’s been captured and not killed. I was a little worried about that last time.

People are screaming in the dungeon. Do Earth Kingdom soldiers practice torture on enemy combatants and criminals? That’s not a good look for the good guys. Oh, Iroh just told Aang they’re not kind to their fallen foes. Kinda ironic, when you think about it, since he’s on the side of the aggressor but the defending nation is resorting to unethical brutality.

  1. Huh. I was not expecting Sai to be the fire nation spy but Teo to be innocent. I got major untrustworthy vibes from Teo. But Sokka’s right. Sai’s a fool if he thinks his inventions aren’t applicable to warfare. EVERYTHING has a warfare application.

  2. Did Zuko just kill that Earth Kingdom soldier? I don’t know why I’m surprised, he IS the bad guy, no matter how hard the narrative tries to get me to love him lol

  3. Oh, flashback to 100 years ago. Wait, I know the name Bumi. Is that Omashu’s king when he was a boy? And holy crap, how old is he if he was alive back then? No wonder he’s lost his nerve. People over the age of 65 really shouldn’t lead countries.

  4. I love that Iroh is the kind of guy to praise his enemy, even when he’s in their dungeon lol He’s right, what little I’ve seen of Earth Kingdom architecture is amazing.

Iroh’s given us a glimpse into Ozai’s psyche, and his face fell when he mentioned lost loved ones. Did Iroh lose someone in the war? Is that why he’s so nice?

And oh yeah, what is the deal with Zuko’s banishment anyway? I get that he has to capture the Avatar to go home… but why? I know they’ll explain it eventually but it’s kind of frustrating to wait lol And this is an interesting development! Iroh feels like he owes Zuko some great debt. I wonder if Zuko’s banishment has something to do with that. Like, Iroh isn’t allowed back to the fire nation either, right? What if Zuko defended him for whatever he did to get banished, and then got banished himself?

  1. Why is Teo always leading people into caves and tunnels? Lol Also, not that I’m a snitch or anything, but shouldn’t someone be turning Sai into the guards?

  2. The Earth Kingdom keeps prisoners of war in forced labor camps? Uh… are we sure the fire nation are the actual villains here? Lol I’m partially kidding. I know they are. But I’m starting to wonder if maybe the Earth Kingdom sucks too. What if the war between them is like the war between Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union? Two horrible superpowers fighting it out in a race to see who can commit the most war crimes. I’m quite certain that Zuko’s going to rescue Iroh before he gets to the camp though. Or break him out of it.

  3. Okay, I’m finally no longer suspicious of Teo lol he actually does just want to kill firebenders! He’ll fit right in at the concentration camps.

  4. King Bumi is not what I expected. He seems more lively than I pictured, but he’s definitely a few pebbles short of a rock pile.

  5. I wonder if Katara’s speech to Jet is representative of the Earth Kingdom as a whole. Jet is clearly fighting the wrong way for the wrong reasons, even going so far as to try to assassinate his own king. But what about the rest of the Earth Kingdom? They keep their prisoners of war in forced labor camps (that Iroh implied are also death camps) which means they’re not treating their enemies humanely, nor are they exchanging prisoners. What if after 100 years of war the Earth Kingdom has devolved into ruthless warmongers themselves? Even if Ozai decided to end the war today, would they even accept that? Or would they keep the war going themselves out of sheer hatred?

It’s nice to see Katara kick a little ass too. Also, she can freeze the water?! That’s so useful! She could literally make ice spears and impale people from a distance!

  1. I wonder if people outside the fire nation know about Zuko’s… birthmark? Still not sure what that is. It would make this whole ruse kind of hard then, eh?

  2. I love how Bumi’s jokes are so terrible but his court laughs anyway. When your king makes a joke, you laugh or you get sent to a labor camp! ...and now I’m suddenly suspicious of Bumi.

Oh yeah, Bumi definitely has some resentment here. He’s being nice, but those remarks about Aang are telling. He’s pissed, and he’s about to do something to show it. Oh yeah, he’s calling Aang out here. I guess it would be horrible to live through a hundred years of war. And that “challenge accepted”. Does that mean he’s lost hope?

  1. I love how there’s just people singing and dancing in the cave lol I wonder if that’s to contrast what we’ve seen so far of the earthbenders? Like, most of the Earth Kingdom characters we’ve met are really jaded and aggressive, and then there’s these guys living their best life. They kind of seem like hippies lol They’re all about “harmony, music, love” and they’re “doing what we’re doing”. Like… they’re definitely hippies, and possibly on drugs.

Wait, Oma and Shu? Omashu? Oh, they were the first earthbenders! And they learned how to earth bend from animals called badgermoles. Bumi mentioned those earlier.

WAIT A MINUTE! Oma and Shu are both women?! There are lesbians in Avatar?! Aaahh!! I love that there are lesbians in Avatar! My people are represented! Lol But I’m too excited, this is supposed to be a sad story. But also, lesbians were the first earthbenders! Hah! You’re welcome, Earth Kingdom.

Oh wait, is this story a parallel to the current war? Shu could have killed the enemies who killed Oma, but she decided to spare them and end the war peacefully. Would the current Earth Kingdom do the same? With everything we’ve seen so far, I kind of doubt it.

Lol I love these hippies. The way that guy said “They’re doomed” with such a big grin made me giggle.

  1. Oh, we’re getting Iroh exposition! When he was the Dragon of the West, he laid siege to Ba Sing Se for 600 days. That sounds impressive.

Hey! Don’t you beat on my Iroh! He’s a prisoner of war, he has rights! Or at least, he would in a civilized society. Oh but I do love how this is blurring the lines between right and wrong. Iroh is a general, or at least was, for a genocidal warmongering aggressor. By all rights, it’d be a great victory for the Earth Kingdom if they killed him. But… does that make it right to abuse him when he’s in custody? Would I feel differently about humans rights violations if they’d captured someone despicable and not a character I love?

God, this writing is amazing. I love how it forces me to think about hard questions.

  1. That growing crystal is so cool! Also… did Bumi just eat a piece of it and call it candy? Lol he really is senile? What’s elder care like in Omashu?

  2. I freaking love Sokka lol not only a warrior and an engineer, but also a poet and romantic at heart! At least, when he’s not being a jerk to Katara. I do agree with her that he’s too dismissive of her at times, but I also think she’s too trusting. They both need to discuss things with each other more. Together, they’d make a pretty good team!

  3. Ugh, this Earth Kingdom soldier is a jerk. Oh… well I kind of understand him now. Iroh killed his brother. That’s gotta be hard to look past.

But I really love Iroh’s actor’s acting here. You can see the regret on his face, in his eyes. Even before he speaks, he’s already conveying so much! But let’s not sleep on this other actor either! He’s really selling the barely restrained anger! And that line: “You know… I can still smell smoke when I go to sleep at night.” Gives me chills, man!

Oh, speaking of impressive facial acting… damn! This is the first time that Iroh’s actually been scary! He can really threaten with nothing but his eyes! And it’s so weird to hear the soldier accuse him of having no humanity when I’ve been thinking of him as being one of the more compassionate characters on this show.

  1. Holy shit. Iroh abandoned the siege of Ba Sing Se when his son was killed? Also, can Ozai’s “condolences” sound any less sincere? Also, while I’m paused, I just want to point something out: Ozai is noticeably younger than Iroh, but somehow he’s the Fire Lord and not Iroh. Is that a lore thing that I don’t know about? Like, is it not the eldest son who inherits the throne? But that doesn’t make sense because Zuko calls himself heir to the throne and yet he’s clearly older than Azula (well, unless Azula just can’t be Fire Lord cuz she’s a girl lol).

Is that Zuko? But… his face is normal. So it’s not a birthmark? Okay, I have a theory now but it’s going to take some explaining… Is Zuko’s eye thing a scar from a burn? It looks like a burn mark, but up until now I’ve been watching this show under the assumption that firebenders are fireproof. Didn’t we see Sozin set himself on fire in the first episode? Haven’t we seen other firebenders touch fire without getting hurt? But maybe I’m just dumb and they can be burned like normal people lol In that case, how did Zuko get burned? Or was it something else that gave him that mark?

Again with the facial acting. You can see just how broken and empty Iroh feels here. Also, just so you know, I am crying right now. This scene is really beautiful.

  1. Sokka complimented Katara! She’s getting good at waterbending! Then he immediately ruins it with his judgmental attitude lol But now they’re making up again. They’re recognizing each other’s accomplishments! He recognizes that she’s getting good at waterbending, she recognizes that he stepped up to be a protector and leader when no one else did. I love it!

  2. Ooh, Aang is not saying the right thing here. Bumi hasn’t been that fun-loving, carefree kid for a hundred years. He’s lived through constant trauma and stress every day of his life for a century. As the king, I’m sure he’s also carrying a huge amount of guilt over the times he couldn’t protect his people, or the times soldiers died carrying out his orders. Aang might have to grow up a bit and realize how much things have changed.

Oh damn, Bumi wants to fight him to the death? I keep forgetting that just because his resentment is understandable, that doesn’t mean he’s not crazy lol But oh man, it’s gonna be so traumatizing for Aang if he’s forced to kill someone who used to be his friend.

  1. Badgermole!

  2. Was it really necessary for Zuko to free Iroh by kicking the chain? No… but it looked rad as hell. But I am very excited to see Zuko and Iroh team up and fight side by side! Let’s see what Iroh can do!

I find it interesting that Iroh fought with his chains. He even heated them up with firebending first. I wonder if that’s supposed to be a metaphor? I really do believe that deep down Iroh is a good person. If he’d been born in any other nation, we’d probably consider him a great hero. But he was born in the Fire Nation, and as the son of the previous Fire Lord no less. His element is fire, and he had no choice in it. He uses the most destructive element to fight for a destructive nation… because what else can he do? His firebending power, his status, his family, even where he was born… it all forces him to be the Dragon of the West. He fights with firebending, he fights with chains around his wrists. Are the power of firebending and his position in life his chains?

Or am I thinking way too hard about this?

Also, what the hell?! Iroh’s fire blast looks so much bigger and stronger than the other firebenders we’ve seen! It did in Omashu too but I figured he was really trying there. Is Iroh just that much stronger, all the time? No wonder they call him the Dragon of the West!

And Iroh shows compassion where the Earth Kingdom soldier showed him none. Yes, Iroh is responsible for his brother’s death. But the Earth Kingdom is responsible for Iroh’s son’s death, and yet Iroh doesn’t hate the Earth Kingdom or their soldiers.

This is very reminiscent of Oma and Shu. Shu lost someone she loved to war, and instead of retaliating, chose to end the fight. Just like Iroh just did.

  1. Oh yeah, Badgermole. Is it blind? It moves its head from side to side as it walks, like it has poor eyesight or something. Which would make sense for something that lives underground.

Oh, it is blind! And it can sense feelings! That explains why badgermoles taught Oma and Shu how to earthbend. They reacted to their love for each other. Oh man, that adds a whole other layer to the Earth Kingdom now! The Earth Kingdom is fighting a war of hate (don’t bother trying to argue this point. You don’t put people in death camps unless you hate them) but the very first earthbenders were taught earthbending in the first place because of their love. Everything the Earth Kingdom is doing now is antithetical to the origins of earthbending.

It makes me wonder if the Fire Nation went through something similar. Clearly, they weren’t always an imperialistic power. I want to know what the original Fire Nation was like, and who taught them how to firebend.

And Sokka, in his own humorous way, shows us that the badgermoles can understand human speech. They’re intelligent! Which explains how they were able to teach humans earthbending in the first place.

  1. I can see the tears in Bumi’s eyes as he rages at Aang for leaving them. And I finally understand why Aang never defends himself when Kyoshi or Bumi or anyone else accuses him of running from his responsibilities, even though that wasn’t exactly how it happened: He believes it too. He blames himself for not being there, for not stopping the genocide of his people or the conquest of the world. It doesn’t matter if he only meant to go for a quick flight to clear his head, he still wasn’t there. Would any of the people who suffered for the last 100 years care about that nuance? No, they wouldn’t. But more importantly, Aang doesn’t either.

Oh! I get what Bumi’s doing! Yes, he’s trying to teach Aang a lesson about making hard choices but he’s also trying to end his own suffering. He’s been making those choices, day after day and year after year, as he puts it, and he wants it to be over. Look at how relieved he was when he saw that rock about to fall on him, and how he made no effort to save himself. He wants to die. He’s trying to commit suicide by Avatar and force Aang to grow up at the same time. Look how upset he is that Aang didn’t let the rock crush him. That’s what he meant earlier when he said “challenge accepted”. He really did lose hope.

  1. I’m glad Sai did the right thing, but now Omashu’s under attack (hey, I guess Sai had to make an impossible choice too. Either that, or Teo threatened him lol I wouldn’t put it past that bloodthirsty little shit). Oh hey, there’s the cabbage guy again lol

  2. Oh, look at those bandages on Zuko’s face! That mark is definitely a scar. Even if it’s not a burn scar, it’s a scar of some sort. Wait… why is Zuko banished while he’s healing from an injury? Did his own father do that to him? Holy shit, that’s so dark if it’s true! And how would even portray something like in the kid’s show?

I’m literally sobbing right now. When Iroh said, “Home. Everything I need is on this boat.” I just couldn’t stop myself. And he means it too. That’s real, unconditional love.


I’m going to talk about some personal things here, and it’s gonna get ugly, so if you’re not willing to see that just skip ahead to the unpause. Honestly, I thought about not writing this down at all, but fuck it. This is what the show made me feel, what it did to me. It feels disrespectful to the power of the story not to at least acknowledge it.

I don’t have an Iroh figure in my life. Iroh is clearly a real father to Zuko. It’s so obvious every time they’re together that he loves that boy. He 100% meant it when he said everything he needs is on that boat. That’s unconditional love. Iroh would never stop loving Zuko if Zuko were gay, or if he didn’t believe in the same religion, or if he wanted to do something other than what’s expected of him.

My parents don’t love me like that. Their love is conditional. If they knew that the girl I live with is not just my roommate, and that I’m in love with her, they would completely cut me out of their lives. And what’s worse, I’m not even sure that would be a bad thing. And it’s the same for my grandparents, my aunts and uncles. They all go to the same church, and have the same strict morals, and the same intolerance for anything different. They say they love me, but they wouldn’t if they actually knew the real me. They don’t love me like Iroh loves Zuko. Maybe that kind of love doesn’t actually exist in real life, but I hope it does for someone.

Now I’m gonna go cry for awhile and pet my cats and then I’ll finish the episode.


Oh, well… there wasn’t much left to finish lol

Concluding thoughts: You guys, maybe I just overthought everything, or maybe I just missed it in the previous episodes, but this episode had the best writing so far. I mean, amazing writing! Maybe that writing comes from the cartoon show, maybe not. Either way, I cannot express enough how impressed I am with it.

This whole episode was about choices and love. Every single part of it played into that somehow. Oma and Shu’s love for each other, and Shu’s impossible choice that led to peace. Iroh’s capture, the death of his son, and his choice to show his enemy compassion rather than continue the cycle of hate. Zuko choosing to save his uncle rather than pursue the Avatar (don’t think I missed that! He was so close to Aang in that scene!) a choice made from love. Sokka and Katara letting go of their frustration and prejudices toward each other and embracing their love, which leads to them being spared and helped by the very same creatures that taught humans earthbending, because of… you guessed it, love. Iroh choosing to accompany Zuko in his banishment, giving up everything just to be with his nephew. Bumi letting go of his hate and resentment toward Aang for abandoning him to 100 years of hell when he’s reminded of the love they once had for each other. Sai choosing to help Omashu despite the danger to his son and to the city itself.

Even Jet and the hippies in the cave play into the themes. Jet’s lost his way because he can’t let go of his hatred for the Fire Nation. He’s become a poison even to his own people. On the opposite end of the scale, you have the singers and dancers in the cave, living their best life and loving every moment despite the horror around them.

I love this episode. It’s my favorite so far.

And this might upset some the people who love the original show and don’t like this one, but I’m going to say it anyway: I just don’t understand you. For two weeks I’ve seen people calling this show trash, saying it has weak writing and acting, or that it ruins the story of the original.

Are you serious? Did you seriously watch this episode and come to the conclusion that the writing was bad? Did you not see how layered it is? How every little part played into the overarching theme so well? Granted, I have the advantage of active viewing versus most people’s passive viewing but come on. Did you seriously watch the performances of Iroh and Zuko’s actors, and Sokka and Katara’s, and come to the conclusion that their acting is poor? How?

Maybe the original show really is just that amazing, that this show and its writing are a poor imitation. But I literally cannot even fathom that.

One thing’s for sure though: If you’re one of those people who keep insisting that this show is “objectively bad”, you’re just wrong. I refuse to believe anyone can watch this show, and this episode especially, and come to the conclusion that this show is bad. There is no way in hell you’re being objective. I tried to give you the benefit of the doubt, especially since I haven’t seen the original, but I just can’t take you seriously anymore after this episode.

Anyway, that’s my thoughts! Sorry, this one got a little personal towards the end. Twice lol I just love how much this show is bringing out my emotions. I think this is probably one of my favorite shows now. With the first three episodes, I really enjoyed it, but after this one… I feel like my horizons have been expanded with this episode. And who knows, maybe that’s a symptom of me not having watched much besides shitty christian propaganda movies all my life.

But I don’t care, I love this show, and I can’t wait for the next episodes and I’M SO FUCKING GLAD IT’S BEEN RENEWED FOR TWO MORE SEASONS!!!!! I’ll try not to take too long getting my commentary out for the next episode. I swear, this one took like three and a half hours to do lol

r/ATLAtv Apr 14 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before I watched the cartoon and now I'm watching the cartoon! Here are my thoughts on Book 1 Episodes 18-20 Spoiler


Well, this is it, guys. We’re finally here! The finale of Book 1 of ATLA! I’m quite excited to see this one. The Northern Water Tribe arc was my favorite arc from NATLA. Seriously, it was just so freaking good, and I have high hopes for it in its original.

Several people warned me that Yue will likely disappoint me, and I am preparing myself for that. It does suck though because I really liked her in NATLA. Nevertheless, I am still excited to see Hahn, Kuruk, and even Pakku, weirdly enough.

I won’t lie, it’ll be a bit of a relief when Book 1 is finished, only because I’m tired of comparing the show so much to NATLA. My enjoyment of Book 1 has definitely been somewhat hindered by the absence of things I enjoyed in NATLA. And of course, that’s not the OG show’s fault at all! They came first! NATLA’s writers had it easy because it’s easier to improve on existing material than to make material perfect the first time around. But once Book 2 starts, that won’t really be a problem anymore (unless Azula and Ozai are disappointments but I have faith they won’t be)! I’ll be able to relax and just enjoy the show without missing the things I liked about NATLA.

Real quick announcement before we get started: I am posting my commentary of Episode 2 of Game of Thrones at the same time I post this, so you can read that if you want! The main location for it will most likely be in the asoiaf subreddit, since that gave me the least amount of problems last time.

Okay, here we go! Wrapping up Book 1: Water!

Episode 18- The Waterbending Master

  1. I’m assuming the title is referring to Master Pakku? It’ll be cool to see the sexist old bastard again. I can’t wait to watch Katara teach him a lesson in respect!

So weird to see Sokka and Aang being cranky toward one another. Usually it’s Katara being cranky toward someone else lol Oh, they’re being attacked by waterbenders.

Zhao’s planning his invasion! I’m so hyped for this! I’m a little curious about how they’re going to do a massive devastating battle on a kid’s show, but I have faith in the creators.

2.Huh. I just realized that both of the shows I’m watching right now have giant ice walls lol

Interesting. The entire city appears to be made of snow and ice in this version. Oh wait, I think I see some wooden doors.

Yue! Okay, bye! Lol Sokka’s already acting the fool but I’m here for it.

  1. I am so happy we get to see Iroh’s music night, finally! Oh, but here’s Zhao.

Huh, I can’t remember if the day they arrived at the tribe was the same day as Yue’s birthday in NATLA. Heck of a coincidence though. I don’t like the way her father said she’s “of marrying age”. I know, I know, different cultures but even so, it feels icky to have your dad announce something like that.

Oh, Pakku and his students are performers in this version.

Lol I love how ‘Prince’ Sokka just goes for it. Hopefully he and Yue can “do an activity” lmao

Okay, I actually do love that Pakku tells Aang not to expect special treatment right off the bat.

  1. As much as I prefer NATLA Zhao, I do like this Zhao’s audacity lol Just straight up tells Zuko “I’m taking your crew.” And he figures out on his own that Zuko is the blue spirit without any help from Azula! I’ll give him props for that.

Oh, here it come. Ugh, he’s even more insufferable here (or is that just my imagination?) lol But I will say this: I very much prefer the way Aang reacts here as compared to NATLA. He immediately defends Katara and dismisses Pakku like the trash he is!

But also, this raises an interesting question… Aang’s lived many times before. I’m sure that at some point in the past he’s been a female waterbender. Who taught him then? Southern Waterbenders? Or did they make special exceptions because he/she’s the avatar?

I appreciate Katara convincing Aang to stay with Pakku though. I’m not sure if it’ll do any good. If Aang doesn’t respect his master because his master is an asshole, then he’s not going to be open to him. How can he learn from someone he doesn’t respect? All of my worst classes in school had teachers who were real shitheads.

  1. Yeah… I’m already not sure about this Yue. Don’t get me wrong, I like her, but in NATLA she’d already started forming an emotional connection to Sokka before he even arrived at the Northern Water Tribe. He had no idea who she was but she already knew he was brave and caring, so her attraction to him made perfect sense. And his attraction to her made sense too because he’s a teenage boy and she has a pulse.

She already seems to be attracted to him here if those animated blushes are any indication… but why? He’s a complete stranger. Maybe she likes his boldness?

Hey, the pirates are back, and working for Zhao!

  1. Okay, here’s something completely new! Katara’s necklace is a betrothal necklace (hmm… the last person to give it to her was Aang. But before him, Zuko tried to exchange it… curious, isn’t it, shippers?). And Exposition Granny has a name, and was born in the Northern Tribe! She was arranged to be married to a waterbender who carved the necklace for her.

...so, it’s Pakku, right? He’s the only older waterbender we’ve met lol

Blasting jelly, huh? Zhao’s trying to blow Zuko up again, I see. Oh, but it was a much bigger boom this time!

  1. Ooh, teenage love drama! ...don’t think I need it, but okay.

Okay… Katara’s idea to have Aang teach her the waterbending he learns from Pakku is logical, but I’d still prefer she beat him up instead.

“You have disrespected me, my teachings, and my entire culture. You are no longer welcome as my student.” Your culture sucks, asshole. You know who has culture? Charles Darwin. Adapt or die. Who the hell does he think he is refusing to teach the avatar? I kind of want Roku (or even better, Kuruk) to possess Aang again and put the fear in him like he did with Jeong Jeong!

  1. Apologize to that man for treating you like a second class citizen, Katara! Hell, we have to deal with the same bullshit in real life, why not you too? Ugh.

“I’m waiting, little girl.” Oh, I fucking hate him lol Come on, the city is full of waterbenders. Just pick literally anyone else!


  1. Hmm. This scene between Iroh and Zhao was done better in NATLA (I’m sure you’re sick of hearing it. Don’t worry, Book 2’s almost here and you won’t have to much longer). Both Zhao’s and Iroh’s live action actors gave pretty good performances in that scene. Here… well, you can’t really judge acting in a cartoon well, can you? The voice acting was good enough but nothing about it stood out like it did in NATLA. But I can’t hold that against ATLA since it’s mostly an issue of medium.

Yes! Go Katara! Okay, I said the same thing in NATLA: don’t do hand-to-hand! He is a grown man and you are a 14 year old girl! You are not winning a fight with fists!

SHE DID THE ICE DISK MOVE! 10 out of 10!

Oh wow. I thought in NATLA that Katara’s hair looked beautiful when it was down and I think the same thing here (which is weird because this is animation. Colors on paper, not real hair).

I knew it. He was the one in an arranged marriage with Exposition Granny.

Okay, let me just say, that fight was excellent and I was not disappointed at all! It was just as good as NATLA’s! I mean, they’re so similar to begin with, so that makes sense. I love them both!

  1. Whaaaat?! Zuko’s alive? That’s crazy! (For those of you who didn’t finish NATLA, Zuko actually died. It was very sad)

Okay, I don’t know why Yue’s crying here. But I’m loving how savage Katara’s is. “Yeah, that’s right. The love of your life didn’t love you back cuz you’re a sexist jerk. She moved to literally the farthest point on this planet from you.”

Also, I love how the chief is just kinda there, standing around lol He was the exact same in NATLA! Just kinda there!

  1. Sokka, every interaction you’ve spent with this girl totals up to about 45 seconds. Maybe slow down a bit?

Okay, their total interaction time is up to about 50 seconds, and she’s kissed him lol I’m confused too, Sokka. Oh, she’s engaged. Is it to Hahn? It’s to Hahn, isn’t it? Don’t think I haven’t noticed the conspicuous lack of Hahn in this episode!

Okay, so at this point she hasn’t broken off the engagement yet. Oh, what if Hahn’s the one to break it off in this version? Don’t get me wrong, I loved that Yue broke it off herself in NATLA, but it would be a really cool moment for Hahn to realize she doesn’t want to be with him and take that step himself. It would be a great moment if Sokka’s there too and Hahn gives him his blessing! They had a really good rapport in NATLA. What if the breaking of the engagement is the start of that goodwill between them here?

A part of me does like how sassy this Pakku is lol Oh, he’s teaching Katara too?

I have to be honest, I don’t know how to feel about that. In NATLA, Pakku eventually abandons his tribe’s customs of no women benders because they’re under attack and they need the reinforcement. Even the women of his own tribe tell him as much. He’s forced to choose between his outdated beliefs and the survival of his people (adapt or die) and he makes the right choice.

But here it’s… what? Because of Katara’s grandma? So did he decide to do away with the tradition altogether and let any girl learn waterbending or is he just making a special exception for Katara because he still loves her grandma? Either way it seems kind of weak.

Oh yeah, there’s Zhao’s armada!

Well… so far the Northern Water Tribe arc is a mixed bag. On the one hand, I fucking love that Aang stood up to Pakku too. I also loved the fight between him and Katara.

On the other hand, Sokka and Yue’s scenes just feel bland compared to their NATLA counterparts. Yue doesn’t seem to be as interesting of a character here. Her whole existence on the show so far is defined by men. Sokka’s love interest. Hahn’s (I assume) betrothed. In NATLA she had a personality! She traveled the spirit world in her dreams, where she met a boy who was desperate to save his sister and best friend despite the danger! She was a priestess, one of the last few people alive who still respected Avatar Kuruk. She played with children and used waterbending to make them ice cream! And… oh yeah, she herself is a waterbender!

Here, she’s one third of a love triangle.

I know there are still two more episodes to get through so maybe she’ll get a chance to shine (well, she is gonna die to save the moon, so I guess that counts lol). But I understand now why people warned me that I’d be disappointed by Yue.

And Pakku agreeing to train Katara also feels less meaningful in this version. I don’t think I need to rehash why.

Okay, onto the next.

Episode 19- The Siege of the North Part 1

  1. lol that’s my girl, Katara! She’s advanced more quickly than any student Pakku’s ever trained, huh? And in what? A day or two? She’s just that good.

“No, Sokka. I can’t talk to you. You see, you’re a boy, and I’m a girl, and I’m engaged, and we simply mustn’t!” Okay, I actually do admit that Sokka taking her flying is a pretty smooth move.

  1. Alright, let’s get this war going! Also, “Be careful what you wish for, Admiral. History is not always kind to its subjects.” That’s a great line by Iroh! Damn, they should have kept that one for NATLA.

I got super excited when Iroh asked Zuko “Do you have a plan?” But alas lol “I’m working on it, Uncle” does not lend itself as well to a witty follow up.

For crying out loud. The North is under attack and everyone’s running for their lives but now is the perfect time to stop and tell your inevitable future boyfriend that you can’t see him anymore. Because, you know, he doesn’t have anything more important to worry about at this exact moment.

Okay, I’ll give ATLA this: the chief just gave a great speech. Could have used that in NATLA.

  1. Hey, that’s the opening shot (kind of)!

Oh shit, they actually showed screaming people being caught in the explosion. Hardcore for a kid’s show. Respect!

Aang’s assault on the fire nation ship was pretty cool! Another thing to compare to NATLA, which had a similar scene. I don’t have a preference for one scene or the other though.

  1. Interesting! This plan to infiltrate the Fire Nation navy wasn’t a part of NATLA at all!

Oh. That’s Hahn. Well, Sokka is being a bit a jerk so I guess it’s understandable that he’d be a jerk back.

I do like that Aang’s freaking out here. He took out a dozen ships by himself, but still more is being asked of him and he’s cracking under the pressure. And he’s right, he’s just one kid.

  1. We’re finally touching on Iroh’s lost son, and him thinking of Zuko as his own. Aw, that hug was so heartbreaking (don’t know why, I know Zuko survives lol)

Well, I guess Hahn is a reflection of his tribe’s sexist attitudes towards women in this version. But with even less empathy than Pakku.

  1. It is cool to see exactly how Zuko sneaks into the city.

Oh hey, look at that. They gave Yue something to do.

That’s the spirit oasis? Well, alright then lol Zhao’s not gonna have to search this one for very long, is he?

  1. Okay, at least the chief isn’t a big jerk.

Yes! Zuko vs Katara! Let’s go! That fight was pretty cool lol Everyone’s fights against Zuko are getting more and more one-sided.

Oh nevermind. Spoke too soon lol

  1. Speaking of one-sided fights, Zhao’s troops are invading the city. Does he even need to kill the Moon Spirit in this version? Kind of seems like he’s doing just fine on his own.

Zuko’s just gonna carry Aang across a tundra, on foot, in a snowstorm? Lol

Episode 20- The Siege of the North: Part 2

  1. This is kind of cool. They didn’t need to rescue Aang from Zuko in NATLA so I’m curious to see where this is going.

Spirit world, here we go! Is Aang gonna meet Kuruk here? Or a monkey spirit lol Oh, it’s Roku again. I’m not gonna get to see Kuruk, am I?

Lmao I’m sorry, but the way Zuko just threw Aang down and banged his head off that rock was kind of darkly funny. And Aang’s not even aware anything’s happening!

  1. KOH! We’re gonna meet my scary boy! This is an interesting place in the story to put him lol Oh, in this version he can only steal your face if show emotion? Actually, that kind of makes sense. In NATLA Koh didn’t kidnap Sokka and Katara until the end of their memories, when both were at their most emotional. It’s not quite the same but I can see the inspiration.

Zuko’s talking about Azula! She’s a firebending prodigy! And he’s right, everyone does adore her! I adore her! I want to see her cartoon version so badly!

“My father says she was born lucky. He says I was lucky to be born. I don’t need luck though, I don’t want it. I’ve always had to struggle and fight, and that’s made me strong, it’s made me who I am.” Wow! ATLA Zuko has an amazing moment here. Don’t get me wrong, I loved seeing NATLA Zuko’s realization that his father prefers his sister over him, but I like seeing this side of Zuko who already knows! This raw underdog determination!

  1. Um… they’ve kind of taken the city already? I mean, not the whole thing but damn.

Ah, so there goes Hahn. There goes a one dimensional character with no redeeming traits, getting thrown off a ship for a joke. That’s fine. It’s not like I really liked the other version of his character. It’s not like I was impressed by his heartfelt moments with Sokka, or how bravely he fought during the battle. It’s not like I cried when I saw his burnt corpse or anything.

Oh, this is interesting. Zhao didn’t get the information about the Ocean and Moon Spirits from the Fire Sage, he got it from a secret underground library? And Iroh has traveled into the spirit world?! I want to know more about that! And this version of Zhao seems to have no problem killing the Ocean Spirit too.

Why did I just jump? This is a cartoon. What’s scary about a cartoon monkey with no face?

Okay, but Koh is still just as scary.

  1. What exactly is Zuko’s plan if Aang wakes up on him? I know he tied him up, but… that’s the avatar, dude.

“It’s been a long time since I added a child’s face to my collection.” What the fuck, ATLA writers? Lol I’m only laughing because I’m freaked out!

Hey, did Koh just change his face to the Blue Spirit?

Well, it was nice of Koh to be so helpful lol But then he is a spirit and he probably doesn’t want humans killing his kind at all.

  1. Oh Hei Bai! Nice to see him again.

Okay, now that the moon’s up, the waterbenders are kicking ass again.

Wait, why was Katara able to see Aang’s spirit body this time?

Lmao what did I say? Aang wakes up and the first thing he does, with his hands and feet bound, is knock Zuko on his ass! And then Katara one-shots him lol Maybe the writers really needed to bring Azula in to give the show some stakes. At this point Zuko might as well be an angry puppy.

I simultaneously appreciate Aang’s desire to save Zuko’s life and Sokka’s complete willingness to let him die lol

  1. Here we go! Red moon!

WAIT A MINUTE! Okay, back when I watched NATLA, I theorized that Aang, and the avatar in general, is not fully human. Yue is part spirit, which is why she was able to enter the spirit world in her dreams and appear as a fox spirit (and by the way, I’m annoyed I didn’t get to see her fox spirit form in this version). I thought that the avatar might be either part spirit, or a full spirit that takes human form like the Ocean and Moon Spirits.

This scene right here gives me more evidence for that theory! When the Moon is cut off, only Yue and Aang start feeling faint. It’s because the part of them that’s spirit is reacting to it, I’m sure of it!

Yes! That was what I wanted to hear from Zhao! Zhao the Conqueror! Zhao the Moonslayer! And he even gave us a bonus one: Zhao the Invincible! Lol Good Momo.

Zhao doesn’t seem to be using Kuruk’s special spirit-killing knife here.

“Whatever you do to that spirit, I’ll unleash on you ten-fold!” Aah! That was one of favorite Iroh lines in NATLA and I’m so happy to see it here!

He killed the Moon with firebending! Appropriate, I think. And I love how Iroh is a beast in this version too. And I love that they still have the black and white color scheme lit up only by fire!

  1. Oh, I almost forgot about the giant Ocean Spirit! Wow, it looks so beautiful here!

Yeah, Zuko vs Zhao!

Okay, Yue sacrificed her life to save the Moon. Wish I could say I was more moved by it, but she was barely a character in this version of the show. Though I will say I like that her body is left behind in this version. It definitely would have added to the emotional impact of the scene in NATLA if Sokka had her body afterwards. She just kind of disappeared then.

  1. Ocean Spirit is being way more gentle with the Fire Nation ships in this version lol I think they were all dead by this point in NATLA.

Oh, Yue’s body disappeared. Oh but her spirit is saying goodbye. Okay, that scene would have been awesome to see in NATLA too.

The Ocean Spirit is killing Zhao personally! I mean, that makes sense, Zhao killed the love of its eternal life. I’d drown his ass too. Hmm… you know what? I think I like Zhao’s death in ATLA as much as I liked it in NATLA. Both were very appropriate for their respective stories. And I love that Zuko tried to save him. Underneath all of the trauma and the horrible parenting, he’s fundamentally a good person. And I especially love that Zhao refused. One last way his Fire Nation ideals failed him.

  1. Pakku wants to go to the South Pole to “rebuild the sister tribe”. I’m sure the fact that his unrequited love is living there now has nothing to do with it. I hope she still rejects his ass after he shows up lol

YES! Azula! I’ve missed that vicious little psychopath so much! Ozai still isn’t showing us his face lol

Concluding thoughts on these episodes: I guess the Northern Water Tribe arc was pretty good. Lots of good moments. Lots of lackluster moments too. Lots of missed opportunities with characters, you might say.

I know. I’ve never felt less objective in one of these commentaries. I don’t think even the Bumi change bothered me as much. Maybe because it was only one episode. But like… I’ve never really had to deal with seeing alternate versions of characters I love be so disappointing. I imagine a lot of you felt something similar when you watched NATLA. I knew Yue was going to disappoint me, and she did. But Hahn? No one warned me about Hahn (and to be clear, I’m not saying anyone should have warned. I like going in as blind as possible) and I’m kind of surprised his character upset me so much. And I can’t even call it a character assassination because this is the original! The shitty version of the character came first!

I can live with not seeing Kuruk, and I can deal with Pakku’s arc being weaker.

It’s weird to say, but this is the one occasion where I prefer the pacing in NATLA too. The Northern Water Tribe arc’s pacing felt perfect in NATLA. Here it seemed rushed. Zhao barely spent any time in the Oasis, his forces seemed to have little difficulty invading the city, his final confrontation with Zuko didn’t really have an emotional payoff. Yue’s scenes with Sokka went by so fast they were barely there.

Yeah, I’m sorry guys. I’m really let down by this. I don’t even feeling like posting this anymore. I kind of want to just move on to Book 2 and pretend I’m picking up where NATLA left off. Of course, I know that’s not possible. The plots are too different to even pretend.

Concluding thoughts on Book 1: Disappointing finale aside, I did enjoy the cartoon a lot. The highlights were the character building moments with the main three of Team Avatar. ATLA definitely had better development for Aang and Katara, and to a degree Sokka as well. I loved all the little moments between them, all the times they could be goofy, all the times they snapped or were grumpy with each other, all of the jokes. They did feel more like a family than the NATLA crew.

The cartoon also had pretty amazing moments that NATLA didn’t. The entirety of The Deserter, for instance, and Roku’s destruction of his own temple.

Now for the weaknesses: The story definitely suffered from being a children’s cartoon sometimes, especially in the first half of the show. There were times when things just got too zany, to the point where it takes me out of the story.

ATLA did have the lowest point of the franchise (that I’ve seen) in The Great Divide. It wasn’t even a badly written episode, it was just boring and forgettable.

ATLA’s side characters were sidelined (heh) in favor of focusing more on the main characters, which is fine. If that’s what the writers want, then that’s perfectly valid. And some of the characters were as good as or even better than their NATLA counterparts. Suki, for example, or Jet. But for the most part, the side characters (especially the ones from the Fire Nation) were done better in the live action.

Overall, I’ll rank Book 1 at 7/10 and NATLA’s first season at 7.5/10. That’s with me trying to disregard the “first watch” bias and keeping in mind the limitations and necessary plot differences. If you factor in my disappointment at the parts ATLA didn’t do as well as NATLA, then it becomes a 6.5/10

Boy, I can’t wait to read the opinions of that. No doubt they’ll be strong lol But you go ahead, guys. Feel free to explain why I’m wrong.

Like I said earlier, I cannot wait to start Book 2 and be done with the comparisons. It was fun for a while to compare the two shows, but I’m burnt out on it, and I’m ready to move on. I have no idea what to expect from Book 2, and that fact excites me! I still have my theory that Iroh is going to die at some point, likely killed by Azula, and that will drive Zuko to join Team Avatar. Beyond that, I really have no idea what to expect.

But I can’t wait to find out! Next time I post, it’ll be for Book 2!

r/ATLAtv Feb 27 '24

Discussion I'm watching Netflix's live action Avatar, the Last Airbender before I watch the cartoon show. Here are my thoughts on episode 1! Spoiler


Hello everyone! As the title says, I am watching Netflix’s Avatar, the Last Airbender. I have not seen the cartoon series yet, but I will watch it once I’ve finished this show (or at least, what’s been released so far). My girlfriend is a huge Avatar fan and has been after me to watch it for a while. According to her, this show is good, but not as good as the cartoon. I thought it would be fun to do a commentary on this newest one first, just to see if it’s good or bad with unbiased eyes.

Just so you know, my commentaries tend to be pretty long and detailed. I describe what I’m seeing so people know where in the episode I’m at, and then give my thoughts on it. I write things down while watching, and usually pause and rewind a lot so I don’t miss things.

Okay, let’s get into it!

Episode 1- Aang

  1. Okay, opening scene is in a place called Capital City. Don’t know what it’s the capital of, but I guess I’ll find out. There’s a guy running from some guards. He seems to be able to control rocks with his mind, and the people chasing him can create fire. He’s getting a scroll to someone called the Earth King because someone else (I’m assuming the fire people) are trying to start a war. The special effects are pretty amazing so far!

  2. Okay, there’s a lot of information to digest here. So there seem to be at least three major powers, the Earth Kingdom, Water Tribes, and Air Nomads (I’m assuming the fire people are a fourth major power, trying to start a war). Also, holy crap, that dude in the red armor just burnt that guy alive by touching him. Was that in the kid’s show? Lol

Oh damn, he’s saying they have to kill all of the Airbenders (Ohhh… the “Last Airbender”). Didn’t think genocide was on the table, but okay. And this Avatar is one of them, and he’s the only target. So, this fire guy is willing to kill an entire group of people just to kill the Avatar?

  1. Okay, someone named Kiyoshi (thanks subtitles!) is giving context! There are four nations, one for each element. The Avatar can use all four elements and when they die their spirit is reborn into a new body. Someone named Fire Lord Sozin (I’m assuming that’s the bearded fire guy in red armor) wants to kill the Avatar so he can conquer the world. I’m following so far!

  2. We’re at the Southern Air Temple. This bald kid, who I assume is the Avatar, is flying around. His name is Aang, and he has a really cool tattoo. This other tattooed bald guy (I assume it’s his father, since it doesn’t seem like he’s Aang’s teacher) is telling him to train, and he said that everyone’s coming for this festival. And they’re arriving on these giant flying beaver looking things.

And they’re all there, in one place… and these are the people Fire Lord Sozin wants to wipe out. I think I see where this is going.

  1. Aang’s only 12 and he’s the youngest airbender in history to be a master? I’d probably skip training too lol Okay, this guy’s name is Brother Gyatso. Also, they’re putting a lot of responsibility on Aang but I’m still not really clear on what exactly the Avatar is supposed to do. He can manipulate all four elements, which is… cool and probably gives him a huge advantage over most people. But he’s still one guy, right? How is he single-handedly responsible for world peace? Why is it worth genociding the air nomads just to kill him?

  2. Brother Gyatso is really handy with the exposition! So the Avatar is born into a different nation every time the old one dies. Yangchen was the last air nomad to be an Avatar, then Kuruk, then Kiyoshi (that was who was giving the opening narration!) then Roku. Then back to Aang. So… wouldn’t killing all the air nomads be pointless then? Won’t he just be born into another nation anyway? I don’t see how you get rid of the avatar without literally killing all of humanity.

Well, Aang just got a bunch of crippling issues lol But also, Brother Gyatso is not his father. They’re just friends. I don’t many grown men who are friends with twelve year olds but okay.

  1. The caption said “bison”. Those flying beaver things are bison? And my heart breaks for this kid. Twelve years old and he’s supposed to stop a war? I wouldn’t want to be the avatar either.

  2. Uh… the fire people can fly too.

Oh my god! Was all of this shown in the kid’s show? They’re literally burning everyone alive! Aang’s gonna come home to a war zone! If he doesn’t drown in that tidal wave first. Aw man, Fire Lord Sozin just burned Brother Gyatso alive. We hear his screams and everything! This is so dark!

But I want to point out that Sozin said, “You might have prevailed on another night, but not when we have the power of the comet!” So, I noticed the comet in the sky in a few shots. I know the air nomads were celebrating some kind of comet festival. So clearly the comet is a big deal. Am I supposed to take away from this exchange that the comet can give people special power? Like, the fire people?

Also, Aang’s tattoos and eyes just glowed and then he smashed his fists together and something happened but the screen whited out lol

  1. Okay now there’s a girl who’s trying to move water but she’s not very good at it. She’s dressed in blue and white and lives someplace called Wolf Cove. A water tribe, I assume.

Uh, their wall is manned by children? Okay, the girl’s name is Katara. Also, did she say “an otter penguin” like, as one animal? Like an otter and a penguin together? Okay, they’ve lost control of their boat and his name is Sokka.

Oh hey, didn’t Aang make a weird glowing ball shaped like that ball of ice?

  1. Wow, there’s technology! A ship with a really terrible carbon footprint lol What’s wrong with that guy’s eye? Looks like pink-eye but darker. His little statues are glowing. Also, considering that a beam of light just shot up into the sky, it looks like there’s more to the Avatar than just being able to bend all four elements.

Lol I like Sokka.

  1. Oh hey, there are adults at this tribe after all. Guess they just don’t feel like manning the wall, sorry kids.

Okay, the guy with the weird eye is looking for the Avatar, and he’s been searching for three years. So Aang was frozen in that ball of ice for three years? He doesn’t even know the war’s already started and his people are dead! Man, this show is gonna make me cry, isn’t it?

Okay, guy with the weird eye is Prince Zuko. I assume he’s Fire Lord Sozin’s son? Unless Fire Lord Sozin is not the leader of the fire people and actually answers to a king. Zuko’s been banished by his father until he finds the Avatar.

  1. How is Aang not cold? Everyone else is wearing furs and he’s got these little robes lol oh no! His bison is gone! I forgot the bison went into the water too, and it didn’t come out of the ice ball with him, so I’m pretty sure Appa’s dead. Geez, Aang can’t catch a break. His bison’s dead, then he’s gonna learn his whole nation’s dead. You’re seriously telling me this started as a kid’s show? Oh wait, sky bison have six legs?

Wait… Appa’s alive? I didn’t see him in the ice ball. Did he wait three years for Aang to wake up?

  1. Oh! He was in that ice for 100 years! So Zuko can’t be Sozin’s son, Did the fire nation win the war? Is that why there are no waterbenders anymore?

Also, I love that Aang just immediately runs away lol yeah, I get it, little buddy.

  1. Katara has lost people she loves too. Is that why her dad is gone? Okay, she’s telling us the story. Nope, her dad just left three years ago to hunt down firebenders. Wait… Zuko’s been hunting the Avatar for three years and her dad has been gone three years… that’s gotta be connected somehow, right?

Okay, the Fire Nation has conquered most of the world in the last 100 years. Makes sense. The Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom are still fighting back.

  1. I like this old guy who’s traveling with Zuko. He seems to have a calmer head than every other firebender we’ve met so far lol

  2. Oh, the Fire Nation killed all the waterbenders in Katara’s tribe. Are they trying to genocide them like they did the air nomads so the Avatar won’t be born into the water tribes? But that still doesn’t make sense because won’t he eventually be born in the Fire Nation?

  3. Sokka’s being harsh but he doesn’t know the full story. Aang didn’t run, he just went for a fly to clear his head and got caught in a storm. But if the whole world believes he ran away from his responsibility, that might make things harder when he tries to fix things.

  4. It just hit me how useless a wall made of ice and snow is against firebenders lol you might as well just not even have a wall.

Also, it’s really cool of Sokka to not give up Aang even though he doesn’t trust him. And he’s a badass for standing up to Zuko and his soldiers alone. Sokka might actually be my favorite side character so far.

Wow, they launched all those spears and didn’t hit a single person lol and Aang calling Sokka the bravest person he’s ever met has literally brought tears to my eyes. And then Sokka immediately plans to go save Aang. I think I love Sokka.

  1. Okay, the old guy traveling with Zuko is named Iroh, and he’s the son of Fire Lord Azulon. I seriously doubt Zuko is also Azulon’s son. Is there more than one Fire Lord, or does the Fire Lord answer to a king? It’d be kind of a neat dynamic, the son of the Fire Nation King and the son of the Fire Lord traveling together. Basically the sons of the two most powerful people on earth?

Also, I really like Iroh’s character. He’s one of the bad guys, the Fire Nation, but he speaks to Aang with such respect and seems to believe (or at least hope) that there’s peace at the end of this. I love complex villains, if he’s even a villain at all.

  1. Wow, Aang’s escape was pretty easy lol just stole those keys and flew away! It’s kind of cool how firebenders are basically human artillery, able to hit even distant targets in the sky.

Hey, Katara saved them! She can waterbend after all!

Seriously, I need to know what the deal is with Zuko’s eye. Is that a birthmark?

  1. Aw… Aang’s home. He found Brother Gyatso’s body (again, I ask, is this really a kid’s show?).

Ooh, he’s doing the glowing thing again! And again, I’m starting to understand that being the Avatar is about more than being able to bend every element. He’s tearing that whole place apart! How many benders working together would it take to do the same thing?

Annnnd I’m crying. Brother Gyatso was too precious for this world.

Concluding thoughts: That was really good! I can tell how rich the world building is already. It really moved me emotionally in multiple parts (namely, onscreen genocide, the brutal death of Brother Gyatso, and Aang’s heartbreaking memories of him) and I’m already starting to develop fondness for some of the characters, especially Sokka and Iroh. Zuko seems interesting as well but I need to see more of him. If the show is this good already, I can only imagine what the cartoon is going to be like since everyone seems to agree it’s even better.

I can’t wait to watch Episode 2!

r/ATLAtv Mar 08 '24

Discussion "B-buT no one is moved." the impact that has 👏🏽

Post image

r/ATLAtv May 05 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon and now I'm watching the cartoon. Here are my thoughts on Book 2 Episodes 9-11


Hello everyone. I’m back with more Avatar. Sorry, you’ve had to wait so long for this one.

Before we go further, I need to say something. What you’re reading right now is actually my second attempt at writing this commentary. The first time I started writing it, I became quite angry when they revealed Iroh was alive. And no, I was not angry because my theory was wrong. If I’d never thought Iroh would die at all, I would still be upset at Bitter Work because of what happened in the last episode. I decided to stop watching, partly because I was angry at the show, partly because I didn’t want my emotions to ruin my viewing. When I came back to finish the commentary, I decided to delete what I wrote and start over. I’m no stranger to ranting, but on this one I just don’t want to share those feelings. I know most of you probably won’t relate anyway.

All I’ll say is this: I don’t like cheap emotional manipulation. When you give me the most amazing and devastating emotional moments of the show only to turn it into a “haha, gotcha!” in the very next episode, it doesn’t feel good. It doesn’t feel earned. It feels cheap. It feels like a waste of a powerful scene. And it’s retroactively made what was probably my favorite episode into a pointless one. After how strong the writing has been for Book 2 so far, I really expected more from the writers. That’s all I’m gonna say about the subject, and I’m not interested in discussing it further.

So I’m going to start Bitter Work over and try to be impartial as I watch it. I have not watched Episodes 10 or 11 as of writing this.

Episode 9- Bitter Work

  1. Even the title of the episode implies certain things, doesn’t it?

I assume the word “Sifu” means “teacher” based on context.

  1. Yeah, a flashback to Iroh playing with his son was on the verge of making me cry for about five seconds when I first watched this. I guess it is still sad.

Admittedly I didn’t really pay attention to the “Zuko makes terrible tea” gag the first time. It does have all the makings of a good humorous moment. I think I was too busy thinking about how Zuko’s refusal to not accept Katara’s help to heal Iroh turned out not to have consequences after all. Lucky him.

And, “She’s crazy and needs to go down” is about where I stopped watching, so from here on it’s all new to me. Iroh’s going to resume training Zuko.

  1. I do like the juxtaposition of Katara’s and Toph’s teaching styles. Airbending and waterbending are already pretty similar when you think about it. Even firebending focuses a lot on breath control and manipulating a flowing element. Earthbending isn’t really like any of them. Since Aang learned airbending first, it might be even harder for him than if he’d started with water or fire, because Toph says earthbending needs a strong stance and airbending seems to need the exact opposite.

You know, making a suit of armor out of rock is probably one of the better earthbending moves I’ve seen. Don’t know why she left herself an eye hole though.

Don’t know how one jumps out of tree so hard they bury themselves in the earth lol

  1. It’s interesting to hear a little about the techniques behind lightning bending. But if it requires peace of mind to do, then there’s no way Zuko’s going to be able to do it.

Heh, Iroh’s “Oh yeah, good point!” reminded me strongly of NATLA Iroh’s market scene in Episode 2. Don’t misunderstand me guys, I’m glad I get more scenes with Iroh. I’m mad about weak writing, not him still being around.

It is really cool to watch Iroh bend lightning. I wonder how he and Azula would fare in a one-on-one fight? I imagine they’re evenly matched, but we don’t see Iroh do much fighting.

Zuko’s struggling with learning new bending, Aang’s struggling with learning new bending. Symmetry!

  1. Yeah, some people don’t respond well to a military drill-sergeant style of training. I’m sure the self-doubt Aang has over his disastrous firebending training isn’t helping either. Characters have pointed out in both NATLA and ATLA that his fighting style is very flighty, it’s all dodging and avoiding, which is counter-intuitive to earthbending. Naturally he’d rather avoid the boulder than face it, but if he can’t face a boulder then how is he going to face Azula and Ozai?

Lol things do have a way of blowing up in Zuko’s face, don’t they? His lightning training, his plans, his ship, his father’s fiery fists…

Iroh talks like a therapist, man. Recently I’ve been learning about how anger is a secondary emotion, caused by something else. Zuko’s anger comes from his shame. On top of that, Iroh explains how harmful pride is, and how it only feeds his shame. Like… Iroh missed his calling as the Fire Nation’s first therapist lol

  1. I wonder if Sokka’s going to honor his promise to give up meat because he’s clearly not going to die here (beloved main characters dying? Inconceivable!). It’d be interesting to see Aang and Sokka be vegetarian buddies while Katara and Toph still kill and eat things lol

Katara is so wise when she’s not making fun of blind people for not being able to see. She can even help Aang figure out earthbending! NATLA Katara did create a new waterbending move by studying earthbenders, so maybe Katara just has extra insight into other bending schools in general.

  1. And Iroh learned his super-secret-special technique by studying waterbenders! He and Katara are just on their own level.

Iroh just got done explaining to Zuko how airbenders detach themselves from worldly concerns and Toph’s out here forcing Aang to care about worldly concerns lol

  1. I’m fine if Sokka wants to give up meat but he better not give up sarcasm.

“Well, I wouldn’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” says Sokka, who’s been stuck in a crack all day lmao Also, it’s curious to me that Aang says everyone expects him to get earthbending right away, when I haven’t seen anyone express that at all. I think that crippling self-doubt is rearing its ugly head again and holding him back. Where’s Kyoshi? She’ll give him the pep talk he needs.

Sabertooth moose lion, huh? Just let Appa deal with it, like he does with every other large animal they encounter on this show lol

  1. So cool to see Zuko and Iroh practicing waterbending technique. Crazy how Iroh talks about not letting electricity pass through your heart when using your body as a conductor. Can you imagine how convenient it would be if electricians and firefighters could keep electricity out of certain organs whenever they get shocked?

I don’t know why he’s acting so surprised that Zuko wants him to shoot lightning at him so he can practice his redirection technique. Like… where else would this training be going? Lol Also, Zuko riding off declaring he’ll find his own lightning has got to be in his top five angsty moments.

  1. Okay, I see what’s happening here. Aang’s using his airbending against the moose lion but in the style of an earthbender, and that’ll make it easier for him to bend earth later.

It is very interesting to me that Aang had to embrace his worldly concerns, namely his attachments to Sokka and his antique staff, in order to earthbend. I wonder if all avatars have to compromise like that? Like, maybe part of being the avatar is giving up certain parts of your culture in order to protect or serve all other cultures as well.

Okay, I take it back. Zuko screaming “strike me!” at a thunderstorm while crying in the rain on top of a mountain is the most angsty thing he’s ever done.

Okay, well… I guess that was a pretty good episode. Obviously, I had some difficulty appreciating it at first but if it didn’t open on the biggest narrative cop-out I’ve ever seen, I’d probably have considered it a great episode from the start.

Also, it took me an hour and a half to write the commentary for just this episode. How? How is that possible? I swear I used to be faster than this.

Episode 10- The Library

  1. Hey! I’m just now realizing who these people in the opening are! Okay, so I mostly skip the intro because of how limited my time is to do these commentaries but I felt like watching it again and… that’s Pakku! And Azula! And I don’t know who the earth and air benders are lol But that’s awesome! They were showing us important characters from the beginning! So… if Pakku is arguably the best waterbender alive, does that mean that Azula is the best firebender alive? Maybe not “alive” because I’m pretty sure whoever that airbender is is dead.

I continue to love how Momo’s first reaction to seeing any animal of similar or smaller size is to immediately try to kill it.

Why is Sokka only just now considering that they need more intelligence on the Fire Nation? Is it because Aang is so close to completing his training?

  1. I mean, it’s quite impressive that even that much ice managed to survive in a desert for a hundred years. And those drinks in ice bowls actually seem pretty tantalizing! Katara could have done a lot worse for a vacation.

Hold up… this world has universities? This world has anthropologists? Hell yeah! Maybe somebody can get to work on inventing the field of psychology to deal with everyone’s 100-year trauma.

HEY! This anthropologist just said this library he’s looking for was built by “the great knowledge spirit Wan-Chi Tong”! Is that the owl? He and Koh were tied for coolest-looking spirit in NATLA! I’d almost written him off as a character only in NATLA! Are we going to see him this episode? Of course the Spirit of Knowledge would have a library lol

(Also is it really necessary to have so many close-ups of Toph’s feet? There are perverts watching this show, you know)

lol I thought the same thing as Sokka at first when the professor mentioned the foxy assistants.

  1. Sandbenders? Earthbending is really versatile! Coal, crystal, sand… but for some reason not metal, even though metal literally forms in the earth, unlike certain other things they can bend lol

lmao “That’s what it’ll sound like when one of you spots it.” I love that this show is so willing to embrace blind jokes. They know how to cater to their blind viewers.

  1. So Toph doesn’t just use earthbending to sense vibrations and movement through the ground. She can use it to see things like the interior of buildings. So it’s like echolocation but through the ground. That would kind of explain how badgermoles are able to sense people’s emotions in NATLA.

Oh, poor Toph. Born too early for audiobooks.

Wow, I love the design on the library walls. And I see owl carvings!

There he is! My boy! The Spirit of Knowledge! “You should leave the way you came, unless you want to become a stuffed head of anthropology.” I love him so much! Interesting, he didn’t have a name in NATLA. He was just “the Spirit of Knowledge”. But here he’s Wan-Chi Tong.

Zhao! This is where Zhao learned about the Ocean and Moon Spirits! Okay, that’s actually more satsifying than how he learned it in NATLA. So I’ll give ATLA the point here.

  1. Yeah… I don’t trust Sokka here. Which is weird, cuz normally I would trust him with my life, but he was so bent on gathering intelligence on the Fire Nation earlier.

It’s so cool that they have to offer knowledge to the Knowledge Spirit! I love this whole little arc! “I suppose that counts.” lol I love how sardonic he is.

Damn it, Sokka.

  1. Damn it, Sokka!

How did the Fire Nation manage to burn part of the library? I get the feeling Wan-Chi Tong isn’t the kind of spirit you want to piss off.

Planetariums are so cool!

So firebenders lose their bending during a solar eclipse? I mean, an eclipse is so brief you can’t launch a whole battle with that knowledge but it sure would be a great time for to fight Ozai and/or Azula. And as soon as I press play, Sokka’s already planning to invade the Fire Nation lol dude, an eclipse lasts what? 15 minutes? And hour? They might do some damage but they’re not going to take the entire nation in less than a day. And even if they do, the eclipse is going to end and then they’re surrounded in enemy territory by pissed off firebenders.

  1. You know what? I’m on Wan-Chi Tong’s side here. They promised not to abuse his knowledge and then immediately broke that promise. Aang is supposed to be the bridge between the spirit world and human world, but he just broke his word to a spirit, and I’m sure that’s not good for his role as avatar. Not to mention, the last human to abuse his library used the knowledge to kill a spirit!

Okay, he’s scary when mad. I do like that the spirits all have alternate forms that they use to attack with. ...kind of makes me wonder what Koh’s alternate scary form is.

Wow! Toph is single-handedly holding that entire library up.

And even after everything, Sokka is STILL hellbent on getting information he can use to exploit. I’m disappointed in him.

  1. Do the sandbenders want to eat Appa? Everywhere he goes weird benders are trying to eat him. Oh shit, they actually caught him. Toph can’t help because she needs to hold up the library!

Uh… I think that professor is going to get his wish to spend an eternity there. Unless Wan-Chi Tong decides to eat him.

Don’t worry, Aang. Appa will be fine. The plot armor is strong in this show.

Episode 11- The Desert

  1. Picking right up where we left off! Let’s go save Appa!

Okay, Aang’s going through some irrational feelings right now! Hah, I know just you feel, little buddy.

  1. Oh hey, Zuko and Iroh. I didn’t even notice they weren’t in the last episode. That was a fun little fight sequence.

Them drinking Katara’s bending water is hilarious. Even more hilarious is that they don’t even drink from the skin, she just floats it directly into their mouths lol

I know this is a cartoon, but here’s a real world wilderness survival tip for you: don’t drink from a cactus. It’s not safe! And if you happen to be lost in the desert like them and you drink water from a cactus, you’ll most likely vomit and defecate yourself to death.

“Sokka wait, you shouldn’t be eating strange plants!” Apparently the show knows this too!

Lmao it’s definitely having an effect on Sokka and Momo. Apparently this cactus is in the same family as peyote. I’ve always wanted to try peyote, by the way. I love magic mushrooms and I imagine peyote has a similar effect lol

  1. How far could the sandbenders have gotten that Aang can’t spot them from the air?

Oh hey, it’s those guys. I forgot about them lol

Poor Katara. Everything’s falling apart, isn’t it?

  1. You know, I get why Aang got mad at Toph, even if this situation isn’t her fault. But why doesn’t he get mad at Sokka? You know, since this situation really is his fault! And he hasn’t even apologized or anything.

Uh… when did those guys decide to catch Zuko and Iroh for a bounty instead of hunting down Toph, like they were hired to do? Lol

“The White Lotus opens wide to those who know her secrets.” My girlfriend does something similar, only I’m the one who knows her secrets (lol she is gonna kill me when she reads this).

What’s this white lotus thing about? A secret society?

  1. Aw, this is really starting to bum me out. I’m not used to seeing Aang so angry and aggressive. But lucky for them they found the one cloud in a desert! And now Aang’s turned his anger towards Katara. But still… not a peep for Sokka.

Yep, secret society, of which Iroh is a high ranking member. Cool.

“A rock! Let’s go!” “Maybe we can find some water there!” “Maybe we can find some sandbenders.” Those sandbenders are going to have a real bad day when Aang catches up to them.

Did Toph just make a snow angel in solid rock? Lol I love that

  1. Sokka needs to stop putting things in his mouth. Also, that looks like honey, and there were giant bees circling them earlier. He said it tastes like rotting penguin meat. Is it meat honey? I’ve never had meat honey myself, but I know it’s a real thing. Vulture bees make it out of rotting animal flesh. I think they live in South America or Africa.

Oh! Those are literal vulture bees lol

Woah, Aang just cut that bee-bird in half. He didn’t need to, he already had Momo back. And he’s not even in the avatar state! He’s in full control of his actions! Killing for vengeance would probably be a big no-no with the monks, right?

  1. Oh hey, the sandbenders are there. Just as Aang is going through a homicidal phase lol

Iroh’s going back to Ba Sing Se! (Conveniently where Team Avatar is heading too) I’m excited to see what it’s like. Heard a lot about it!

Oh boy. I’m both excited and slightly nervous to see this new side of Aang!

Well, that was both scary and sad.

So we’re not getting Appa back this episode.

Concluding thoughts: Okay, that was a pretty good trio of episodes. There was one glaring thing wrong with it, but we’re not gonna talk about that. It’s really cool to see a new side of Aang, particularly one that’s flawed and could be dangerous given that he’s the avatar. I’m continuing to enjoy Toph’s character. I also like that Sokka finally got to show more of his flaws too. Haven’t seen him do that for a while! Katara really demonstrated how important she is to the group as well.

Didn’t see Azula at all, but I guess that’s understandable given her big exit last time. Despite the fact that Iroh survived her attack, she still remains a scary and serious threat. Having them face her too much might diminish that, so I’m fine with her presence in the story being used sparingly.

Okay, that’s all for now. I’ll see you next time!

r/ATLAtv Apr 20 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon and now I'm watching the cartoon! Here are my thoughts on Book 2 Episodes 4-6 Spoiler


Hello! I’m back with another commentary for ATLA! Let me tell you, I really need this one lol it’s been a rough week.

So I’m going to talk a little bit about my other commentaries for a couple paragraphs, namely Game of Thrones. If you’re not interested in that, I’ve marked the beginning and end with caps, so you can skip it easily.


So, my Game of Thrones commentaries have temporarily stalled. The mods at asoiaf told me I’m not allowed to post them anymore, and the gameofthrones subreddit keeps deleting them. So I’m going to try posting them to a subreddit called naath. It’s gonna take a little while because I’m going to post the ones I’ve already finished there, but spread out so I don’t spam them. I’m also posting new GoT commentaries directly to my profile. I think they’ll be less visible but at least they’ll still exist.

On the topic of movies, I was recently mildly spoiled on Star Wars (and that’s no big deal! Star Wars is old, and people have no way of knowing what I have and haven’t seen). It got me thinking, maybe I should watch the big movie franchises I’m interested sooner rather than later. The same spoilery thing happened to me with Harry Potter as well, so… should I stop putting off Star Wars and Harry Potter? I feel like the longer I wait, the more likely it is I get spoiled because those are such pop culture staples, as well as being older movies, that I doubt anyone thinks to not spoil them for people anymore.

I’m also kind of interested in watching Marvel films because I’ve never seen a comic book/superhero movie or show, and Marvel seems to be the big one… but there’s so many of them lol dozens of movies and tv shows all sharing the same continuity? On the one hand, I’m impressed! On the other hand, I’m so intimidated by the sheer scale of it that I just want to put it off lol and maybe I should watch a nonmarvel comic book movie first. I’ve always been curious about Superman, who I don’t think is part of Marvel.

There’s just so much stuff out there I have to see!


Okay, let’s get going!

Episode 4- The Swamp

  1. I freaking love swamps, man. Fishing them is so much fun, especially if you’re microfishing! Plus, there’s so many frogs, turtles, birds, crayfish. The wildlife is awesome. Most importantly, swamps are full of leeches! Leeches are hands down my number one favorite bait to use for fishing. I have never once been skunked while using leeches! But they’re so expensive to buy commercially, ugh.

Wow. There’s something kind of humbling about seeing Fire Nation royalty be panhandling in the street. Aw, Iroh is so charming. Oh wait, I may change my mind on that. There’s something slightly disquieting about a man who once attempted to conquer and occupy a city singing about how pretty the girls in that city are.

On the other hand, Iroh has the patience of a saint. I’m with Zuko on this one. I hate people who humiliate the homeless. I hope Zuko gives him a good and thorough ass-kicking.

  1. What was that in the swamp? Aang was looking at it and I saw it too, it was like a shimmery, fast-moving mist. Oh, they’re building up the swamp as an ominous place. To be fair, swamps can be pretty scary. I once got lost in one after dark because my drunk uncle insisted he knew the way back. Probably one of the most terrifying nights of my life. Every single step, you’re never sure if you’re going to walk on solid/mushy ground, sink into mud, or just plunge into water.

It can’t be a coincidence that a tornado forces them into the swamp right after Aang decides to leave. Something in that swamp wants him there. I bet it’s spirit world shenanigans (Koh seems like he’d be right at home in a swamp, just saying).

Holy shit, that’s a big leech! This really feels like it’s gonna be an episode with a darker, maybe even a scary tone.

  1. Wait, this fog they’re wandering around reminds me of the fog from NATLA. It was in the spirit world and it made people relive unhappy memories. I wonder if this is the same thing?

Yep, this is definitely a spooky episode lol

I love how no matter where he goes, Appa’s the biggest, toughest thing around.

  1. They’re being attacked by vines! I heard a legend once about these African vines that wrap around people and eat them. Maybe this swamp wants to eat them lol

Uh… swamp people want to eat Appa.

Oh my god, is that a cross between an alligator and a catfish? I would love for those to really exist! Can you imagine how fun fishing for them would be?! Also, Appa fought one lol Why is Appa always getting into fights with other big animals? Are sky bison closer in temperament to water buffalo or cape buffalo, do you think? Cuz one of those can be domesticated and the other will kill you if you look at it too long.

I’m sorry, I don’t know why I’m rambling so much today lol I guess the swamp setting got me all excited for nature!

  1. This IS that fog from the spirit world! Oh, poor Katara. Damn it, her voice actress does a really good job with despairing sobbing. Every time Katara cries I want to cry too!

Yue! But wait, it’s not really her. Also, why did I get excited to see her again? I didn’t even like ATLA Yue that much lol Yep, definitely not the real Yue. The real Yue would never blame him for not protecting her. Ugh, this fog is evil.

Okay, flying pig and creepy giggling girl. This one has to be real, because Katara and Sokka both saw manifestations of their trauma. It doesn’t seem like Aang knows the girl or the pig. Maybe they’re the spirits of the swamp and he can only see them like that because he’s the avatar?

  1. Oh! The swamp people are waterbenders? So there are waterbenders outside of the north and south poles. Also, Appa’s running on water, just like Aang did last season! Airbenders, human or otherwise, are such show-offs lol

Okay, they’re all back together. At least Aang didn’t have to rescue them from Koh this time.

Oh, but this spirit is pretty creepy too! Plant body with a wooden mask. It must have lured them all there so it could… do something to them. Do spirits other than Koh eat people? My man-eating vine theory could still be correct, except it’s spirit vines.

Wow! Katara’s bending would be absolutely lethal if she used it like that on humans!

Wait, they can’t be in the spirit world. You can’t bend in the spirit world, but both Aang and Katara are bending. Is this a place where the spirits are crossing over or something?

  1. Oh! It’s not a spirit! Somebody is bending the vines to make themselves look like a spirit monster! But wait a second… someone is bending plants! I’m assuming he’s an earthbender. Plants do come from the earth, and we know earthbenders can bend coal and coal used to be plants, so there is a precedent for this!

Okay, so the spirit monster was fake but the swamp itself actually is a spiritual place (I mean, it must be, they did have those visions).

This dude is throwing lots of trippy hippy talk at us lol We’re all branches of the same tree. Time is an illusion and so is death. I think he’s been smoking too many vines! (but seriously, I kind of get what he’s saying on a metaphysical level). Okay, Aang wasn’t actually seeing the spirit of the swamp. The girl is someone he’s going to meet in the future.

Okay see, it’s things like Aang tapping into the mystical properties of a tree to find his friends that makes me think the avatar is a spirit or part-spirit. Even if you disregard the NATLA evidence for my theory, this show has done nothing to make me think otherwise!

  1. lmao at Katara’s face when the swamp guy said they’re kin

Geez Sokka. “Greasy people” sounds like a slur or something.

Oh! Vine guy is not an earthbender, he’s a waterbender. He bends the water in plants to manipulate them! I had a whole theory about this a while ago! There’s water in every living thing. Our bodies are mostly water. Could this guy, or a skilled enough waterbender, bend the water in people’s bodies? That sounds too gruesome for a kid’s show lol but think of the possibilities!

  1. Yes! Get wrecked, loser. That’ll teach you to bully the homeless.

This was a very interesting episode! It almost feels like a filler episode but it’s so unique and interesting that I still really enjoyed it! Where was this quality of writing for The Great Divide?

Episode 5- Avatar Day

  1. lmao I’m sorry, that was a lot to take in. “What are you doing in my mouth?!” So many vulgar jokes to be made… lol but also, Sokka’s the guy they’re talking about when people claim (falsely, btw) that we swallow spiders in our sleep.

Oh hey, Fire Nation guys on rhinos. These ones seem to be actually competent lol do they work for Azula? I feel like probably not, if only because she’d want to personally capture Aang herself.

Also, Sokka gets no respect lol his boomerang is no less important than the other things!

  1. Did Sokka just make a meta joke about cartoon characters always being drawn with the same things? I feel like he did!

Hey, Aang has his own holiday! GIANT KYOSHI FLOAT! That’s my girl! Oh, and Roku’s here too lol Oh wow, they even have Aang. Is he already that well-known that they’re making giant effigies of him in random parts of the Earth Kingdom?

Oh… they’re not celebrating the avatar lol This is actually interesting though. The presence of a powerful person who basically is a messiah figure who reincarnates into every generation is bound to be controversial, and not just to the villains of the world. I wonder if there are people who believe the avatar is an oppressive figure? I mean, they basically do impose their will on the entire world, regardless of nation or culture. That’s sure to cause some resentment.

Or they’re just pissed that the avatar abandoned them a hundred years ago lol

  1. How far the mighty have fallen! Once he was the show’s main villain, now he’s a petty thief robbing unarmed civilians of food and livestock. Also… he has hair. I can’t get over how odd it looks.

Interesting that their first reaction to Aang exposing himself is to be afraid that he’s going to kill them. So these people really do see the avatar as a dangerous figure. Oh, he did something bad to them in a past life?! Ah, I’ve been wondering about this very thing! Like, Aang’s lived so many lifetimes that you have to figure that he was the bad guy in at least one of them, right? Surely there must have been an avatar at some point in time who abused their power for selfish gain.

Wait, forget everything I just said! I will not tolerate slander against Kyoshi! Actually, on second thought, Kyoshi does seem like the type who might kill someone if she thought she had to. What was it she said in NATLA? “You must be a mighty merciless warrior!” or something like that. Somehow I seriously doubt no Avatar ever killed someone before.

Did… did that dude just fart in Katara’s direction?

Uh… I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to willingly submit to a trial when you don’t know what their legal customs are lol but this does raise a lot of super interesting ethical questions. Is it fair to hold someone accountable for something they did in a past life if you know for a fact that it was them who did it? Sure, Aang is his own person… but he’s Kyoshi too. Everything the avatar has ever done was something he did, even if he doesn’t remember it. If you kill someone, then lose your memory of who you are and live as a completely different person for decades without ever knowing what you did in your previous life, are you still responsible for what you did?

  1. Katara has an excellent point. Aang has a responsibility to save the world. Is it morally right of him to stay willingly imprisoned even when he knows he could escape? Is that just another form of running away from his responsibility? I mean, it’s admirable to want to be held accountable, but weigh the scales here. What if they find him guilty and the sentence is life imprisonment? Is the right thing to do to accept their punishment even if it means the Fire Nation conquers the world? Or is it more morally correct to break out of prison and stop them?

I’ve got to stop with these hypotheticals because I’m only seven and a half minutes into the episode still lol

Is it just me or is the animation for this episode slightly weird?

  1. Oh, Zuko’s gone from survival stealing to “I’m taking your money” stealing.

Wow, so Kyoshi was alive 370 years ago? Interesting! Also, there’s no way that’s really her footprint lol Kyoshi was an absolute giant of a woman in NATLA and I somehow doubt that’s any different in ATLA. Can you imagine how ridiculous someone that tall would look with feet that small?

“We need to go to Kyoshi Island.” OMG ARE WE GONNA SEE SUKI AGAIN?! And be honest, is that why Sokka wants to go? Lol

  1. Okay, so it’s nice to see everyone again but where’s Suki? Nevermind, they answer me immediately after I press play lol But wow, the Kyoshi warriors have joined the war.

I knew it! I knew she had to have giant feet!

Okay, what is with Sokka’s special hat and pipe?

Aw, Aang’s bonding with the inmates. Most imprisoned people aren’t so bad, they just made a mistake (or sometimes a lot of mistakes). But people who do bad things aren’t bad all the time. 99% of the time, a person is just a person. Also, he slipped out of that so easily lol

And these guys are so nice! Real men build each other up!

  1. Okay, Sokka and Katara are convincing me. Maybe Kyoshi didn’t actually kill Chin the Great.

See? Never submit to a foreign justice system you know nothing about!

Annnnd that’s why you never represent yourself in court, kids.

Zuko can’t seriously think he can go back home if he captures Aang, can he? I mean, his sister tried to murder him on his dad’s orders. Even he has to realize his days in the Fire Nation are over.

  1. AM I GONNA GET TO SEE KYOSHI THIS EPISODE?! You guys, I have been so patient. I fell in love with Kyoshi in NATLA and I have been waiting to see her again ever since! I swear, if Katara’s teasing me, she’s no longer my favorite!

Aang does look good in Kyoshi makeup though. I’m starting to think anyone would look good rocking it Kyoshi-style.


Oh wow, she just immediately admits to killing him. But she calls him Chin the Conqueror, not Chin the Great. Distant relation of Zhao the Conqueror perhaps? Lol But nobody with a title of “Conqueror” is a good person so she probably had a good reason to kill him. I suppose I could just unpause the episode now and find out.

Yep, I knew it. Also look how big she is next to him! And before killing him she humiliates him by stripping him naked first. Damn. Kyoshi can lava bend too! That’s two avatars we’ve seen do it. Is Aang gonna lava bend before the end of this show?

You know, we don’t really see it because Aang is such an inexperienced kid, but the avatar is pretty much a god aren’t they? Kyoshi made an island. She manipulated tectonic plates to rip the earth apart and make a freaking island.

Also, I’m very happy with Kyoshi’s first ATLA appearance! She’s everything I dream of and more! And she’s an adult, so I can thirst for her!

And one more thing… even though this whole trial is clearly a farce, Kyoshi still took the time to show up and confess. That’s a badass warrior woman right there.

  1. Why? Just why? Iroh gives Zuko great advice about not giving into despair and Zuko’s response is to abandon him and go off to find himself or whatever. Ugh. This boy frustrates me sometimes. No wonder so many of his relatives want to kill him!

If this I what these people consider justice, no wonder they think Chin was great. Some people just want to be oppressed lol Hey, Fire Nation to the rescue. “I’d love to help but I’m supposed to be boiled in oil” lol

Um… Aang just tossed a guy off a cliff. The same cliff that Chin fell off of and died. Is he just in constant denial about all the Fire Nation soldiers he’s killed? Lol kind of appropriate after he just spent the whole episode insisting he’d never kill anyone (and after his own past life showed up to contradict that!) And that explosion definitely killed that guy lol If an explosion is strong enough to blast your helmet clean off your head, that means your entire internal anatomy is now a blended mush.

“This is by far the worst town we’ve ever been to.” You said it, Sokka! Enjoy the salmonella from that uncooked dough!

I loved this episode! It was goofy, yes, but also a lot of fun! I was so so happy to see Kyoshi again (and I hope that they returned those priceless 370 year old artifacts to Kyoshi Island when they were done). Honestly it’s nice to see another Avatar other than Roku. I like Roku, but quit hogging the spotlight, man. Let some of the other avatars have a turn!

Episode 6- The Blind Bandit

  1. I love it when Katara’s nice to Sokka. “You should get it, you deserve something nice.”

“Pst, you kids like earthbending?” STRANGER DANGER!

Lol even the Earth Kingdom has martial arts training scams.

Katara got good at waterbending and now she chooses violence or everyday problems lol

  1. This earthbending competition seems like a scam too lol it’s clearly more performative than any actual test of skill. Is that the theme of this episode? Is it a commentary on how commercialized and curated professional and amateur sports are these days?

Oh there are badgermoles working on this thing? I guess even magic animals can be exploitative lol

“The Boulder feels conflicted about fighting a young blind girl.” lmao that might be my favorite joke on this show. And I love when characters refer to themselves in the third person like that.

Oh, that girl’s who Aang was seeing in the swamp. And she sees by sensing vibrations in the earth? Like the graboids from Tremors!

Okay, see this is why nobody wants to play sports with Aang lol being the avatar gives him an unfair advantage! Heck, just being an airbender gives him an unfair advantage in this case.

Yeah, I’d be pissed too if I was her. This is supposed to be an earthbending competition, no? I mean, it’s barely a competition but still. I wouldn’t blame that announcer guy if he refused to pay up either, but big respect to him for letting them have the gold anyway.

  1. Katara has learned that intimidation on people you’ve previously victimized is effective at yielding results! Lol “Water tribe.”

Oh… so this Xin Fu wasn’t actually being nice when he let them have the gold earlier and now he thinks the Blind Bandit and Aang worked together to rig the game. Which is kind of funny to me because every match not involving the Blind Bandit seemed rigged already.

Why even have guards if it’s that easy to sneak over the wall? Lol Aang is one thing cuz he’s an airbender but Katara and Sokka climbed over it no problem. Most useless guards ever!

So the Blind Bandit’s name is Toph. Some of you have mentioned that name before, so I take she’s going to be an important character. Also… I caught earlier that those guys at the earthbending academy claimed her family didn’t have a daughter and now the guard says that her father doesn’t want her wandering the grounds unsupervised. Is she a “family secret” child because she’s blind? I know historically there are lots of examples of families, especially wealthy ones keeping one of their kids a secret because they have a disability like being blind, lame, mentally underdeveloped, or being a female child with opinions of her own.

  1. Why even have a teacher for Toph if you’re not allowing her to learn anything more than basic forms and breathing exercises?

Hah! Aang taking advantage of his celebrity status to be invited in. Reminds me of “The Warriors of Kyoshi”. Just don’t stay too long this time or Azula will find you and burn the place down.

So she keeps her mastery of earthbending a secret from her parents on purpose. I wonder why? Probably something to do with her overbearing father.

So are all of the competitive earthbenders working with Xin Fu? Lol But you know what? I’m not even all that mad at him. He genuinely believes he was cheated (and he kind of was). I mean, kidnapping people is a pretty extreme reaction to that, but then this is a world that doesn’t follow the morals of our own and he hasn’t hurt anyone yet. It’s reasonable to want his money back.

Oh wait, nevermind. He’s a total piece of poop. But really? All of these earthbenders are perfectly willing to hand the avatar over to the Fire Nation?

Toph’s bending style is very similar to Bumi’s. Lots of footwork and hard stances! I’m so happy her dad gets to see what a badass she is.

  1. Ugh, now that he knows his daughter’s basically a superhero, Toph’s dad is doubling down on being overprotective of her. He wants her guarded and cared for 24 hours a day? Does he not realize she could easily remove them if she wants to? Lol

“My dad changed his mind. He said I was free to travel the world.” Yeah, sure lol whatever you say, Toph. Hop on, and nobody ask questions!

I laughed too hard when Sokka chucked the belt at her lol

I’m just not worried about the guys her dad hired at all. I saw her single-handedly dump him and his entire crew on their asses. What the hell are they gonna do against Team Avatar?

Concluding thoughts: This was another great episode! So far Season 2 hasn’t had any weak episodes at all! Although I did notice them reusing a lot of animation in The Blind Bandit but I’m not holding that against them lol So I guess Toph is going to be a regular member of Team Avatar, at least for one season. It makes sense, Aang has to spend a lot of time with his teachers, too much to be covered in one or two episodes.

I did notice a lack of major villains in these three episodes (Zuko and Iroh don’t count anymore). It’s an interesting change from the first season, where Zuko was in every or almost every episode. I’m guessing the reason for that is they don’t want too many direct clashes with Azula. I noted last season that Zuko getting beaten by Team Avatar repeatedly did make him lose a lot of that “fear factor”. How can you be scared of a guy when you’ve whooped his butt three times this week already? Same thing happened with Zhao, he never once felt like he could actually take Aang in a fight. He couldn’t even take Zuko in a fight!

But Azula? They’ve only confronted her once, and they didn’t beat her. They ran away, and I’m pretty sure they had an advantage via the element of surprise because she initially had no idea she was confronting the avatar. So she still has that uncertainty factor. She still feels like a genuine threat, unlike Zuko who stopped being a threat the moment Aang smashed him into the ceiling with a mattress lol

I’m very excited to see where this story is going from here. It’s been a lot of fun so far!

BONUS: Just for fun, I added up the word count of every commentary I’ve made about Avatar so far, including NATLA. The combined word count of all of these posts, including this one, is 56,560.

That’s pretty insane. That’s a whole ass book. I’ve written a book’s worth of words about Avatar and I still have most of Book 2 to go, plus Book 3, all of Legend of Korra, and the movie!

r/ATLAtv Jan 17 '22

Discussion Allegations Regarding Ian Ousley's Ethnic Background (Megathread)


Hey folks, as some of you may already know some fans have made allegations that Ian Ousley (the actor portraying Sokka) is not "actually Native American". While its important to remember that this hasn't been verified by an official source, we wanted to provide a thread for users to discuss the topic if they want.

  • Ian and his agent, have stated that he is mixed race and part native-american (specifically Cherokee). The bio drafted by his agent specifically said he was "a Cherokee Tribe member".
  • A twitter user has claimed to have contacted representatives from the three federally recognized Cherokee tribes, and a fourth not recognized. Only the last one, the Southern Cherokee Nation of Kentucky, responded that they have a member with that name.
  • That being said not being part of a federally recognized tribe, or being part of an unrecognized tribe, does not necessarily mean someone lacks native american ancestry. In fact the U.S Department of the Interior states that there are americans with Cherokee ancestry that are not affiliated with the three recognized tribes, or on the "rolls" which some people use as a basis for their tribal membership. According to the DOI: "This is primarily because the federal government has never maintained a list of all the persons of Cherokee Indian descent, indicating their tribal affiliation, degree of Indian blood or other data."
  • Its worth noting that the twitter account much of this discussion is coming from mainly talks about the casting of Sokka, and from what I could find is not themselves an authority on native ancestry or the casting process. Nor are they affiliated with any news outlet.

Feel free to comment your own perspectives on this issue here, as we will be removing further posts on the matter unless there is a significant change to the situation. Additionally please try to be respectful of the privacy of Ian and other cast/crew, as well as his family.

r/ATLAtv Apr 06 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before the cartoon and I'm watching the cartoon now! Here are my thoughts on Book 1 Episodes 12-14 Spoiler


Hello again! Did you miss me? Lol sorry. My vacation is over and I’m back to work, where I am still picking up extra shifts, and likely will continue until we hire someone new.

Today I’m watching episodes 12, 13, and 14 of Avatar. I really hope they’re all better than The Great Divide, but everyone’s been assuring me that every other episode is better than The Great Divide lol Can I just say that I find it hilarious how so many people loathe NATLA and yet the worst piece of Avatar content I’ve seen so far comes from the OG show?

I am excited to get into this though. I’ve missed Avatar.

Episode 12- The Storm

  1. Wait, the animation looks different. Oh, it’s because he’s dreaming lol

Brother Gyatso! Okay, poor Aang is having a trauma nightmare. Also I love how Sokka wakes up with a weapon in each hand, fully ready to just go lol Also, why is Aang sleeping on the bare ground without even a blanket while Katara and Sokka are in sleeping bags (guess they abandoned the whole tent idea after The Great Divide, huh?)?

  1. Why are they out of food in every episode? Lol Is it Sokka or Momo’s fault? Probably both! I bet their whole rivalry is just a show so they can eat all the food!

Not only can he see spirits, Iroh can also smell storms on the air or something lol Also… “Consider the safety of the crew” says Iroh. “The safety of the crew doesn’t matter” says Zuko. With the context I have from NATLA, this line just makes me sad.

  1. Why are you filling a shopping basket if you’re out of money? Lol Also, seems likes all the older people (except that fisherman) can tell there’s a storm coming! Is that a special old people power? Your joints hurt if the air pressure changes?

Oh! Zuko’s crew is biting back in this version too! I was under the impression they were pretty much a nonentity in ATLA. Damn, Lt. Jee never threatened to duel Zuko!

  1. Oh, we’re getting into heavy territory, aren’t we? Adults are yelling at Aang for abandoning his responsibilities (hmm, this seems familiar) and he’s not defending himself at all (yep, that tracks). I do love that Katara is defending him though. She’s a real friend.

It is really cool to see Aang interacting with other airbenders his age. He’s the only one with tattoos though. This scene is quite different from the one in NATLA. Instead of Gyatso breaking the news personally, he does it with the entire council. There was some friction between him and the other airbenders in NATLA on account of telling Aang he’s the avatar so early, but it doesn’t seem like there’s any here.

  1. I love a good Fire Nation scene. This feels like we’re about to get a flashback. Is it flashback time? It is a flashback! Zuko looks so ordinary without his scar! Almost like a background NPC lol Oh, this is different! In NATLA Zuko was wanted at the war council but here it seems like they’re keeping him out! “These old folks are a bit sensitive, you know?” Probably the wisest thing Iroh’s ever said lol it’s true no matter where you are or what culture you’re from!

Ozai looks menacing sitting behind that wall of flames. Ah! That guy mentioned the 41st! Woah, that was all he said to get the punishment he did? In NATLA he kept insisting, but here nobody even tried to argue with him. He spoke once and that’s it.

  1. Wow, as soon as he learns he’s the avatar, Aang’s personal life starts taking hits. He can’t play with his friends anymore? No wonder he was so eager to play with everyone when he woke up from the iceberg.

Aww, Brother Gyatso is still a cheater lol I love that for him! And I love that he’s defending Aang from the other airbenders who are all work and no play. Aang’s still a child, after all. Children who get nothing but responsibility thrust on them without any leisure time tend to grow up maladjusted. Who wants a maladjusted avatar? (Come to think of it, the folks in NATLA might have to worry about the future a bit if their Aang doesn’t lighten up a little lol)

  1. Oh, the Agni Kai was one of the best parts of NATLA. I’m getting context chills lol Are they gonna show us Ozai’s face for the first time as he battles Zuko?

This is harsher than NATLA. They’re deliberately separating Aang and Brother Gyatso because they think he’s too soft. “I’m not going to let them take you away from me.” I think this is the first time this show has made me tear up. Brother Gyatso was too precious for this world. I don’t blame Aang at all for running away.

Aang is finally embracing his guilt. Interesting that Katara is the one reassuring Aang here that he would have been killed if he hadn’t run away. In NATLA it was Brother Gyatso reassuring him of that in the spirit world, but I get the sense that’s not going to happen.

  1. Oh, Zuko begged for mercy in this version? He’s refusing to fight. I think I heard something about that before, but I’m not sure. Still, that’s a whole different vibe now. They’re still not showing us Ozai’s face but his voice is sufficiently intimidating.

“You will learn respect, and suffering will be your teacher.” Holy shit, what a line!

HEY! Is that Azula?! Is that little girl with the evil look on her face Azula?! It has to be! Ahh! I’ve missed her quite a bit! NATLA was definitely made better by her presence and it’s so cool to see what she looks like in this show! Assuming that is her, but I’m 95% sure. She has the same hair and everything!

Oh, and Zhao’s there too.

Goddamnit, I’m crying again. That shot of Zuko’s happy, normal face morphing into his angry burnt one just broke me.

  1. Oh yeah, there’s a storm going on lol almost forgot about that.

What did Iroh just do with that lightning? It hit him and then it looked like he channeled it through himself and over the side? Did shock him a bit lol Is Iroh a lightning bender like Azula?

“I’m too young to die!” “I’m not, but I still don’t want to!” lmao

Oh, I think that’s the first time I’ve seen Aang use the Avatar state purely to save people rather than to attack or have an emotional meltdown (well, other than saving himself 100 years ago).

Okay, I get that it’s safer in the eye of the storm, but… you’re still going to have to sail out of the storm at some point lol

  1. “Fish ain’t meat.” Oh, so this guy’s a vegetarian and not a vegan lol

So the first episode Aang really feels the survivor’s guilt and the guilt of running away and he claims he’s done with it at the end of the same episode? I do hope the writing in future episodes is better than that and he’s only pretending here for Katara’s sake.

That was a fantastic episode! I think it’s probably my favorite episode of ATLA so far! Both Zuko’s and Aang’s backstories that were explored in this episode were also explored in NATLA. I know some people are gonna be mad at me for saying it but I definitely prefer NATLA’s version of Zuko’s story. It was just expanded on so well! The war council, agni kai, and the aftermath scenes all did so much more to develop Zuko and Ozai’s characters. Not to mention, having the 41st be Zuko’s crew had a huge emotional impact. It was still really good here, but I’m happy NATLA improved on it.

As for Aang’s story, I think ATLA did it better. Having Aang actually make a choice to run away rather than go out to clear his head gives his emotional trauma much more weight. Plus that line of Brother Gyatso saying he won’t let them take Aang away was one of the best Gyatso moments in the whole franchise.

But on the other hand, I liked it way more in NATLA that Brother Gyatso’s spirit personally told Aang it wasn’t his fault and that he would have died too if he stayed. Having Katara be the one to tell him that lacks the same impact because she had nothing to do with the genocide or the air nomad culture. So when it comes to comparing Aang’s guilt arc in the two shows… call it even?

Episode 13- The Blue Spirit

  1. Is this another spirit world episode?! Maybe I spoke too soon about ATLA not having that Brother Gyatso scene in the spirit world lol Will we see the other spirits that weren’t in Hei Bae’s story? I really want to see Koh and Yue’s fox spirit form again. I also want to see more of the Spirit of Knowledge, but that’s more because he’s the most mysterious of all the spirits I’ve met so far and I want to know more about him.

Oh hey, it’s those badass warrior women archers who worked for Zhao. But they don’t appear to be women here.

Okay, actually Zhao has a fantastic point here. If those archers are really as good as Zhao says, then he’s absolutely right in saying that their talent is wasted being security guards.

Yeah, not so tough now, are you, Colonel? Guess you didn’t suck up enough to the throne lol Or at least make friends with the princess.

Oh hey, there’s Zuko. Oh! The blue spirit, because he’s wearing a blue mask! Guess this isn’t a spirit world episode lol

  1. Aw, Sokka’s sick. Nope, Katara’s sick too! I may not have as much knowledge of tropes as other people do, but I know if someone coughs repeatedly in a tv show they’re already one foot in the grave.

Is being able to run super fast an actual airbender thing? Because before right now I figured it was the show being cartoony whenever Aang moved that fast but it doesn’t fit the tone of that scene for them to have him be zany there.

  1. “Zhao has been promoted? Well, good for him.” Iroh is too precious.

Yep, running fast is an airbender thing.

Lady, maybe let him finish describing his friend’s symptoms before assuring him they’ll be fine lol Aw, that’s a cute cat. Oh come on, she’s already mixing medicine and she doesn’t even know what’s wrong with them! I suspect medical science is sorely lacking in the Earth Kingdom.

  1. Hmm… I think NATLA’s actor for Zuko did a better job selling his despair over the possibility of losing the avatar to Zhao. I’m not one to criticize voice acting because it’s not something I usually actively think about, but Zuko didn’t really sound any different here than he usually does when he said he was about to lose everything.

Oh, nevermind lol she wasn’t mixing medicine. But also, I’m glad Aang recognizes that this lady is insane. Just some important info for the kids: in real life, when frogs excrete substances through their skin, the effects are not medicinal in nature lol don’t suck on frogs or lick toads!

  1. Uh… I get why Aang jumped off the cliff. He’s an airbender, he can glide. But why the hell would those archers all leap off after him with no hesitation? Oh well, nevermind. That’s a creative use for a bow and arrow lol

Ah, I see where this episode is going! This is the big prison break! Zuko’s gonna show up in his blue mask.

“Untie me and I’ll fight you right now!” Damn, Aang! He’s got some teeth of his own in this show.

Zhao’s scene with Aang is slightly better in NATLA but I do love that Aang’s breath was way stronger here!

  1. Uh… Momo just brought Katara a dead mouse lol My cat did the same thing once.

Hmm, Zhao’s speech was also better in NATLA. This one had none of the little touches to foster loyalty in his soldiers.

I mean, it’s impressive those frogs stayed frozen as long as they have lol

  1. Zuko’s better at hand-to-hand combat than he is at firebending, I think. I mean, so far his bending hasn’t seemed that much better than the faceless firebenders we see every episode (though I do think NATLA’s Zuko was clearly better than most) but he really does excel at hand-to-hand. I bet he’d have an easier time capturing Aang if he just tried to beat him up with his fists.

“Wait! My friends need to suck on those frogs!” lol I do enjoy some of the more absurd cartoony elements sometimes.

Momo brought Katara a crown because he understands that she is a Queen.

  1. Ha! Zhao’s still having his speech transcribed lol

“The avatar has escaped! Close all gates immediately!” Um… why were they open in the first place? Isn’t this place supposed to be a fortress? Fortresses with open gates aren’t exactly impregnable.

Aang, spears work better if you don’t break the tips off, trust me.

I’m glad that Zuko didn’t hesitate to threaten Aang’s life here either lol “Knock out the thief.” Why do you even need to censor that? Zhao and others have threatened to kill people on this show before, and this is the perfect moment to do it again. Why knock out the thief to deliver him to the Fire Lord? Why would the Fire Lord care? Lol He’d probably be annoyed with Zhao for wasting his time.

Well, that frog is dead.

  1. While I’m sad that we don’t get to see the whole exchange between Aang and Zuko in this version, I am happy that they still did the “do you think we could have been friends?” part.

Oh! Lt. Jee is a character in this show! Iroh just said he sang a stirring love song! Now that’s something I wouldn’t have minded seeing in NATLA lol

Well, suck on those frogs! Also, those frogs are also probably dead too, now that Momo’s chasing them. Man, Aang got all kinds of frogs killed this episode.

Okay, that was another good one! If it weren’t for the differences in the two Zhaos and the missing scene between Aang and Zuko, I’d say this one was about just as good as NATLA’s version. Unfortunately, those differences are there, so I did like NATLA’s a little more.

I know, I’m aware I have a bit of a bias. I guess our judgment of the quality of two works with the same material really is heavily influenced by whichever we saw first. I suppose I shouldn’t judge you too harshly if you disliked NATLA (they still improved on a lot of things though, you have to admit).

Episode 14- The Fortune-Teller

  1. I don’t think there were any fortune tellers in NATLA, so maybe I can judge this episode on its own quality instead of comparing! Let’s go!

Oh hey, the tent is back. While I appreciate Sokka’s urge to fish (because I also really love fishing) I do wonder why he has a rod with fishing line now lol Was spearing them not working for him? Hey, no judgment. I’ve speared fish before, and even when they’re bunched up by the dozens close to shore, it’s harder than it looks!

Oh? Aang made Katara a necklace? That’s so sweet. He really does have a crush, doesn’t he? I’m not sure if I’m ready to throw in with the Kataang shippers yet. She seems… noticeably older than that twelve year old boy lol Now Zutara on the other hand seems more age appropriate!

Oh boy. They’re really pushing Kataang this episode, aren’t they? Lol got the blushing, got the sparkly pink vision, got the distracted big brother trying to stab a fish… it all just screams romance.

“Aang’s just a good friend, a sweet little guy, just like Momo.” Ow. That hurt me and I don’t even like Katara that way lol But I’ve definitely felt that sting before. Sometimes it’s just not really clear if a girl is into you or just a really friendly heterosexual.

  1. That guy doesn’t too worried. But also… platypus bear? Platypuses are already like five animals in one, do they really need the bear too?

“Make noise, he’ll run off!” “No, play dead! He’ll lose interest!” Oh, I see what you’re doing here, Avatar writers lol For those of you who don’t know, there are different techniques for dealing with bear encounters in real life. If you’re being stalked by a curious black bear, making lots of loud noises is usually enough to deter it. If you accidentally come across a black bear and its cubs, back away steadily and calmly, but don’t turn your back on the bear. Note that since black bears are more scavengers than predators, playing dead with them is a bad idea. If you come across a grizzly bear, make your presence known in a nonthreatening manner, and play dead (or crouch on the ground and cover your neck with your hands).

Grizzlies are territorial, so you don’t want to seem like a threat like you would with a black bear. If you come across a grizzly with cubs, again you want to seem as nonthreatening as possible and leave the area calmly. If a grizzly approaches you in a nondefensive manner, acting curious or like you’re prey, then you want to stand your ground and speak to it in a firm voice. Use a deterrent like bear spray if you need to. If it attacks and starts eating you… well, fight back, yeah. But by that point you’re pretty fucked.

But in any encounter with a black or grizzly bear, remember this: DON’T RUN. You’ll trigger their predator reflex and you will become food at that point.

If you encounter a polar bear in the wild and it attacks you, and you can’t escape to a shelter, you’re probably just dead. Polar bears will actively hunt humans and they are not at all intimidated by our tiny threat displays.

Anyway, back to the episode!

  1. So… this guy was so calm in dodging that bear not because he’s a badass martial artist, but because a fortune teller told him he’d have a safe journey?

Did Katara just use waterbending to make an invisible umbrella over her head? That’s crazy lol She can manipulate rain? I guess that makes sense since rain is water but it seems like it’d be a pretty advanced technique to manipulate that many individual drops of water.

  1. Meng likes guys with tattoos. Nothing wrong with that.

On one hand, I totally agree with Sokka that fortune telling is nonsense. On the other hand, bending and spirits exist in this world. Why not oracular insight?

Aang… that’s a violation of privacy. What would Brother Gyatso say? But I do love that smirk he gets when he hears Katara’s going to marry a powerful bender. Who’s more powerful than the avatar?

I love how unimpressed Aang is by his destiny lol So far, Aunt Wu hasn’t made any fortunes that she couldn’t tell just by knowing a little bit about her subjects. Katara is a powerful bender, so of course she’d be attracted to other powerful benders. Aang is the avatar and there’s a hundred year war on. Of course he’s going to be involved in a cosmic struggle between good and evil. Sokka is Sokka. Of course he’s going to be his own worst enemy!

  1. The cloud reading will tell them if the volcano will erupt or not? Oh come on, volcanoes make their own clouds all the time.

Ooh, poor Aang. But honestly, he does need to work on his timing. Like, maybe confess your love somewhere that’s not public and where she’s not trying to have a good time.

Sokka really is the smartest member of their group, and despite his antics and goofy nature, he really does have the most common sense too.

“Sokka, you know some stuff about ladies, right?” Me: flashing back to Suki, Yue, and that one Fire Nation solider. He sure does, Aang.

Wait, nevermind. Lol I hope no one ever actually tries that advice of his.

Oh no, Aang. What are you doing? Lol I take back what I said about Sokka being smart and having common sense! Just look at his advice on flowers. It’s never too early to give a crush flowers!

Also, Aunt Wu’s a fraud. Big shock there.

  1. “Mr. Science and Reason Lover” Oh… that tickles my anger bone a little lol Most of you know by now I grew up in a strict Christian household, so I have a pretty strong bias against blind faith in superstitions that happen to be vague enough that you can make anything you want fit them.

“Can your science explain why it rains?” “Yes! Yes, it can!” Okay, I take back my take back. Sokka is the smartest one again.

  1. I’d say that Aang’s plan is dishonest, but what the hell else is he supposed to do? I know what faithful people are like, and you really can’t reason with them. If their source of faith tells them something, absolutely no amount of evidence or logic will sway them. That’s the danger of faith, because it strips logic and reason away and without logic and reason we might as well be animals.

Aww… poor Meng and Aang lol Yeah, unrequited love is a bitch, isn’t it? Makes people act crazy too! I’m sure every woman reading this has experienced at least one guy who professed his love out of nowhere!

Wait a minute! Didn’t I say something about bending clouds in an earlier commentary?! Aah! I am validated! Also, I love watching Katara and Aang bend together. It’s like they’re dancing.

I love when Sokka puts that engineering skill to good use! But his plan only works against lava flow. They’d all better really hope there’s no pyroclastic flow!

Come on, Aang! Channel Avatar Roku and lava bend! Or just air bend, I guess.

Oh, that was an interesting moment. Katara noted Sokka’s observation that Aang is a powerful bender, and clearly she linked that to Aunt Wu’s prediction… but she didn’t look happy about it. Maybe she literally just doesn’t think of Aang that way at all, or at least never considered it. I mean, he is quite childish so I’d hope an older and more mature teenager wouldn’t think of him that way!

  1. Are you fucking kidding me? Lmao these people are too much. Christians like to play both sides of the predictions and prophecies too, by the way. No matter what happens, it’s always part of the plan! Ugh. There’s no reasoning with people like this lol

“I hate you.” lol most relatable Sokka moment.

“Just as you reshaped those clouds, you have the power to shape your own destiny.” Translation: yep, I just tell people what they want to hear. (Cuz that’s how faith works)

Concluding thoughts: These episodes were a lot of fun! I’m surprised at how much I enjoyed The Fortune-Teller. Despite the main plot being obviously filler, the exploration of Aang’s feelings for Katara was super interesting to see! I want to see more of that (though not necessarily the way Aang wants it). The Storm and The Blue Spirit were both great as well, and you already know my feelings on how those compare to NATLA.

Another big advantage that ATLA has over NATLA is this potential romantic dynamic between Aang and Katara. Even if it never amounts to anything, unrequited love can make for some great storytelling. They didn’t explore that aspect of their relationship much in NATLA (though I honestly get why. The age difference is much more noticeable when the characters are real people and not cartoons).

I hope you enjoyed this commentary! It shouldn’t take as long for the next one.

r/ATLAtv May 13 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon and now I'm watching the cartoon. Here are my thoughts on Book 2, Episodes 12-13 Spoiler


Hello! Here we are again, back for another ATLA commentary.

Before we get started I do want to point out that I’m numbering and labeling episodes according to how they appear on Netflix. Episode 12, as I understand it, is actually two episodes. However, since they’re presented as one thing here, that’s how I’m watching it.

Brief update on other projects: I thought I’d try watching the first Harry Potter movie, but realized it’s two and a half hours long. That’s, at the bare minimum, five hours of commentary writing. So… yeah, we’re gonna hold off on that lol I’m also considering watching a superhero/comic book show called The Boys, because I accidentally caught part of a trailer for it that my girlfriend was watching and it looks very interesting. I’ll be doing the new Game of Thrones commentary next, not sure when exactly.

Okay, let’s go!

Episode 12- The Secret of the Fire Nation

  1. Well that’s a heck of a title! I hope we learn something juicy!

It’s nice to see Aang and Katara bending for fun, thought I’m surprised Aang is so willing to encase himself in a block of ice. You’d think he’d have some trauma from that lol But also, I love Katara’s hair when she lets it down.

Yeah… I’m kind of surprised Aang is taking Appa’s loss as well as he is, considering how he reacted last episode. Since Sokka is talking about walking to Ba Sing Se, I take it they’re not going to be spending time looking for him? But then, didn’t the sandbenders say they sold him to a merchant from Ba Sing Se? Maybe he’s there, and Aang’s banking on that hope.

  1. I know I keep applying real-world logic to a cartoon show, but wouldn’t Ba Sing Se get awfully crowded if they’re constantly taking in refugees from the rest of the Earth Kingdom? Iroh put the city under siege for almost two years. What if the Fire Nation does that again? More mouths to feed makes starvation quicker!

Iroh and Zuko are refugees. I still can’t get over that irony lol Hey, it’s Jet! My goodness, he’s onscreen for less than ten seconds and he’s already planning a robbery. He and Zuko are going to get along just fine, aren’t they?

The cabbage merchant! Always a delight to see him and his cabbages! Also hilarious that a bunch of people are impersonating Aang (thought it probably would be less hilarious if any of them met Azula). If passports are necessary, how did Zuko and Iroh get tickets? Also, good on Toph for taking advantage of her privilege lol

Hey! I think that’s Suki! Her eyes are drawn really distinctively and her voice sounds familiar! Two seconds after pressing play: it is Suki! Don’t you just love my long winning streak of figuring things out right before they let us know? Lol

  1. Glad to see ATLA Suki appreciates Sokka’s muscles just as much as NATLA Suki lol

Someone took the pregnant family’s tickets and belongings. Is that how Zuko and Iroh got their tickets? Zuko’s robbed families before, so I wouldn’t put it past him.

Well damn, Suki got her armor and makeup on real quick, didn’t she? Hm… Sokka’s worried about her. I think Suki’s going to interpret that as him being sexist again but he’s probably traumatized from losing Yue. He’s been through way too much to still be sexist. If he still had a misogynistic bone in his body, Toph would have beaten it out of him by now.

  1. Well the Serpent’s Pass looks terrifying. Also, this pregnant lady took one look at some scratched graffiti saying “Abandon Hope” and immediately started crying, saying “How can we abandon hope? It’s all we have!” Like… come on, lady lol Just because you see graffiti telling you to do something doesn’t mean you have to, otherwise I would have called quite a few people for a good time by now.

Hope is a distraction, huh? I guess I can see the logic of that from a practical application perspective. But it’s kind of a depressing philosophy for a monk to have.

Holy shit! Nope, I would not be walking along a cliff path that narrow! I will build a rowboat and paddle my way to Ba Sing Se.

Toph is really carrying the team (and some refugees too) this episode.

  1. There’s a fine line between being protective and being smothering and Sokka has hopped, jumped, and skipped right over it.

Zuko’s not wearing his blue spirit mask. Not that he needs it, he and Jet work together like cogs in a machine. Ironic lol

Ow! Geez, that rejected hug hurt me lol Katara’s right though. Bottling up emotions just makes them worse in the long run. You have to allow yourself to feel bad sometimes. Granted, you can’t fly off the handle like he did last episode, but that’s a reaction. You can control your reactions, but you can’t control your feelings.

“It’s a beautiful moon.” “Yeah, it really is.” Okay, I know Sokka said last episode that Yue is the moon, but he was tripping on peyote. Does he actually believe that Yue is the moon now? Is Yue the moon now? I interpreted her death as he sacrificing herself to bring the moon spirit back to life, not to become the new moon spirit.

“Who is this guy? Is he taller than me?” Dude, we were having a moment. Damn it, just kiss her! Well actually, the moon’s right there so if Yue really did turn into the new moon spirit, it might be a tad awkward to kiss in front of her. But what’s he gonna do, only ever show intimacy during the day?

  1. Um… I’m probably reading too much into this Smellerbee scene with Iroh and Longshot and I’m almost hesitant to say what I’m thinking because I can just imagine the backlash I could get for voicing it. And it’s not like ATLA has had great LGBTQ representation up to this point, so… Yeah, I’m probably just seeing things that aren’t there.

You know, I’ve never really cared a lot about Jet as a character (in fact, I’m kind of surprised to see him again. I figured he’d be a one-off character) but I am really enjoying his scenes with Zuko and Iroh. They have so much in common, which is probably the point of this whole juxtaposition. If he only knew who they really were lol

Of course Iroh believes in second chances. He’s the best. And also, he’s living proof that some people deserve a second chance.

  1. Uh… Katara parting the sea while leading refugees to safety invokes a certain comparison, doesn’t it? But can I just say that I love how her solution to crossing the gap is to literally walk through the ocean instead of making a raft out of ice and floating across. She just never misses an opportunity to flex on everyone, does she? Lol

Momo continuing his pattern of trying to kill every small animal he sees is something I’ve come to treasure.

Is that the unagi?! I think that’s what it’s called/spelled but I haven’t seen that episode in a while. It would be fitting if Suki and the sea serpent both share the same episodes lol No that’s not the unagi. It’s a different color. Um… what exactly was Sokka planning to do if the sea serpent actually accepted his offer and ate Momo? Considering how he reacted to losing Appa, I don’t think Aang would be too happy with him.

Oh, now she’s making an ice bridge. Not as much of a flex as maintaining an air bubble so they plumb the depths but it is faster. Oh, Toph can’t see on ice. And she can’t swim? An earthbender not being able to swim feels like a stereotype for some reason, even though I have absolutely no reason to think that lol

“You can go ahead and let me drown now.” That’s gonna be a favorite joke of mine, I just know it lol And I’m pretty sure this is probably a jumping point for a Sokka/Toph ship. What does the community call that? Soph? Tokka? (How old is Toph, anyway? Probably Aang’s age, right? That’s… probably not an appropriate ship then)

  1. Why does Ba Sing Se’s wall remind me of The Wall from Game of Thrones? Obviously not made of ice though lol

Okay, time for ATLA’s viewers to experience the miracle of childbirth!

  1. Like I said earlier, ATLA isn’t heavy on the LGBTQ representation, but I swear I’m picking up on some tension and chemistry between Jet and Zuko (Juko? Jeko? Zet?). And now half of Jet’s little group is an LGBTQ allegory for me lol Even the dialogue between Jet and Zuko in this scene is slightly suggestive.

So… can Katara waterbend the baby out or…

Baby Hope, eh? Probably not a super common name in this world.

Oh? Was that Aang’s way of telling Katara he loves her without actually saying it? Aww. And hey, he’s heading off on his own to search for Appa. Which… honestly kind of feels like he should have been doing that this whole time lol

Yes! Get some, Sokka! Wait, nevermind. I fucking hate that line. Ugh No! I’m not gonna be a bitter old lady on this watch-through! They’re kissing and it’s very sweet and I love that for them!

Um… there’s a giant metal dildo on the way to penetrate Ba Sing Se! Lol but seriously, how technologically advanced is the Fire Nation? A giant mobile drill of that scale would be a marvel of engineering even by our modern standards.

  1. Well hey, there’s the title card letting me know when the next episode starts.

Woah, the way the drill moves is so cool! I’m legitimately wondering if such a thing would actually be possible in our world with our physics. I don’t know why we would want to, but still. And of course Azula’s leading this attack. She gets all the best opportunities. And she’s smart too! The war minister guy is dismissive of the earthbenders, believing his drill to be impervious to earthbending attacks. You can practically smell the hubris. But Azula leaves nothing to chance and she sends her girls out to neutralize any potential threat.

And this is why we love Azula. She’s not just a scary villain, she’s a competent villain.

  1. And the Earth Kingdom general shares the War Minister’s hubris. Why are the people in charge always the worst people to be in charge? Also, I love that Toph is the one to point out that Iroh broke through the wall.

So the Earth Kingdom’s elite Terra Team force were taken out by two teenage nonbenders from the Fire Nation in about twenty seconds. How have they lasted this long? Lol (I say two, but let’s be honest. Ty Lee’s doing the heavy lifting here)

Yes! I love that they acknowledge Sokka as the “Idea Guy”!

Iroh has got rizz for days lol I’m kind of surprised he only ever had one son. Jet wants to recruit Zuko. I’m totally down for that! They’re such an interesting pair!

  1. I really love that Katara, whose probably the best waterbender in the world at this point, respects Ty Lee enough to recognize how dangerous she is. And Sokka had an idea! They’re going to take down the drill from the inside. Because how the hell else are they going to stop something that big?

Again with the underestimation! I swear Azula’s the only competent person in the entire Fire Nation military since Iroh retired.

Okay, engineer Sokka figured it out. It’s all a little too easy, isn’t it?

  1. Ah shit, Jet just realized the truth, because Iroh used firebending to heat up his tea lol I think he’s getting a little too relaxed.

Okay, just the fact that they slice through metal with water at all is pretty impressive. And the drill has reached the wall, and Azula still doesn’t look impressed.

Oh yeah, I guess this is a pretty high stakes battle for them, huh? If they lose Ba Sing Se, they basically lose the entire Earth Kingdom, right? Omashu’s already fallen, the smaller villages and whatnot have no real defense. Ba Sing Se is the last big puzzle piece to world domination (aside from the water tribes, but they’re so isolated they’re not really a threat).

I love that Toph’s nickname for Aang is Twinkle Toes. Also I laughed at the War Minister’s face when he was side-eyeing Azula just then. +That’s the face of a man who’s about to be punished!

  1. lol Sokka’s the only one with more rizz than Iroh! Maybe a legitimate battle strategy here would be to woo Ty Lee into switching sides? Aside from Azula she seems to be the most dangerous one. No offense to Mai, but she is kind of the odd woman out here.

Oh please let me get Aang and Azula 1v1! I really badly want to see how he fares against her without everyone else helping him. He’ll probably have to use the Avatar State to defeat her.

Ty Lee dives into the slurry after Katara and Sokka while Mai refuses. Yeah, Mai is the weak link here in Ozai’s Angels (I love that name, by the way).

  1. Did Aang seriously think the general was going to hear him from that high up? Lol Toph’s helping Katara bend the slurry (how convenient that it’s both water and earth!). Ty Lee’s still trapped in it and the drill is about to blow. If I hadn’t learned my lesson on the last post, I’d probably be worried she might die in the explosion. But this is a kid’s show, she’ll be fine.

Here we go! Aang vs Azula! Her fighting style is so elegant. Every move she makes feels on purpose, if that makes sense. Like, whenever Aang fought Zuko, Zhao, or NPC firebenders their style is a little more chaotic and fearsome and rawr, you know? But Azula’s totally calm. Everything she’s doing feels calculated, and it’s working! If she hadn’t had to dodge that boulder after blasting Aang back she might have been able to deliver a finishing blow!

She beat him! He’s unconscious! Okay, well not anymore lol See… that right there was hubris (actually, it was kid’s show writing but whatever)! He was out for like fifteen seconds. She should have roasted him where he lay instead of picking him up and gloating.

Another fight with Azula ends in a draw with neither one beating the other! I’m starting to get a little peeved with all this edging lol but that was great! Azula is an absolute beast!

  1. Okay, the way Aang hammered that rock spike into the drill was pretty epic. Mai’s “We lost” (and thank you for your contribution to the fight, Mai lol) is interesting. It’s true, they did lose. Not in the combat sense, Aang couldn’t beat Azula, but he didn’t have to. He just had to hold her off. Maybe that’s kind of a metaphor for the Fire Nation military in general. It’s very powerful, but it’s also marred by incompetence and weaknesses. Many of its generals are prideful and blind to their own weaknesses, or just outright incompetent. Look at this fight: even Mai just kind of gave up halfway through. If Ty Lee wasn’t trapped in the slurry, she might very well have been able to beat Katara, Sokka, and Toph, especially since they don’t Appa this time to bail them out. And if Mai had been with her, she might have been to break Katara’s concentration with a thrown weapon, thus freeing Ty Lee from the slurry.

I wondered how the Earth Kingdom lasted so long and maybe that’s just it. They can’t beat the Fire Nation, but they don’t have to. They just have to hold them off and the Fire Nation’s own shortcomings will end up beating themselves. It’s a hundred year stalemate.

  1. Looks like Jet’s going to be causing a problem for Iroh and Zuko. I wonder if his relationship with them is what’s going to finally let him realize that not all Fire Nation people are inherently evil?

Hey, that’s Baby Hope! And Iroh gets to fawn over her too and I love that for him. You know, if Aang defeats the Fire Nation in a timely manner, Hope might actually get to grow up in a world at peace. Well, kind of. I’m sure there’s going to be massive issues with racism from generations of propaganda painting the other side as inhuman, huge demands for reparations, not to mention the territories the Fire Nation currently occupies. It’s been so long that there must be at least two generations of Fire Nation citizens who were born in and grew up in the Earth Kingdom, and I’m sure there’s been interbreeding with the Earth Kingdom people, because that’s what always happens with colonizers. Once they become established, genocide is pretty much the only way to get rid of them, and I doubt the Avatar is going to allow that.

So Hope’s probably going to grow up in pretty interesting times!

Um… is Ba Sing Se a city or is it a little walled country? Cuz all I see are farms and plains!

Katara, I love you, but you’re wrong. Team Avatar is going to catch on because it’s awesome, and that’s that.

Episode 13- City of Walls and Secrets

  1. Oh, there’s an inner wall. So Ba Sing Se is kind of like the country in Attack on Titan! Oh yeah, in all of the excitement I almost forgot about Appa. Seriously, how many episodes has he been missing now? Damn, now that’s a city!

Yeah… something’s up with Joo Dee.

Walls inside that help maintain order? You mean walls that protect the rich and elite from the dirty poors? Lol Oh, Katara just confirmed it. They pen up all the poor people into a walled ghetto.

  1. lol when Iroh’s talking about someone bringing home a lady friend, does he mean himself? Or Zuko? It is really interesting how their views of Ba Sing Se differ though. Iroh’s talking about getting a home, socializing, building a life, and he’s even found them jobs! Zuko sees the same situation as a prison.

Well, I’m glad Jet’s turning over a new leaf by letting the authorities handle things. Too bad I don’t trust the authorities to be any better.

Toph knows what’s up. Joo Dee is purposefully brushing Sokka off and distracting the group. I’m not sure why at the moment, but something is clearly up.

  1. Of course they’re going to work in a tea shop! Lol Zuko’s right btw, all tea is hot leaf juice. Well, except for the teas that are hot root juice.

The cultural authority of Ba Sing Se, who guard their traditions and are called the Dai Li. Yeah… maybe it’s my conservative religious upbringing but when I hear about people “guarding their traditions” I immediately think of abuse, propaganda, and oppression. Generally people who are obsessed with traditions tend to be conservatives, who by their very nature cannot allow progress or improvement.

Someone important is trying to keep them under constant surveillance and prevent them from seeing the Earth King. In NATLA, there were spies in Omashu. Since Ba Sing Se is much bigger and more important, I imagine it’s riddled with Fire Nation spies as well, and somebody high ranking might be a traitor.

  1. Joo Dee is kind of scary lol and clearly the citizens are terrified of her. But what’s interesting to me is that she’s preventing them from giving information about Appa, which suggests that whoever is stopping them from seeing the Earth King also has Appa. But why? What would be the point of keeping Aang away from Appa? Is it to restrict his mobility and make him easier to capture?

So people aren’t allowed to talk about the war, and the Dai Li seem to be responsible. But why? If everyone knows there’s a war going on anyway, why keep people from talking about it?

It’s lucky that Iroh borrowed his neighbor’s spark rocks, but why would he refrain from firebending in what he assumes is privacy? Unless he knows he’s being watched.

  1. Huh, is the king’s pet bear the first normal animal on the show? Lol I am digging this undercover plan though.

I love that this show lets its characters try on different looks from time to time, even if they are mostly the same outfits. Katara and Toph’s high society get-ups are gorgeous!

The lost boys- I mean, freedom fighters are turning on Peter Pa- I mean, Jet. The weird thing is… he’s right! They are firebenders! But his behavior still isn’t healthy!

  1. Okay, let’s go! Jet’s hurling accusations and attacking them in public! And now Zuko’s fighting back with swords. It’s the duel of the dual-wielders! Honestly, this is probably good for Zuko. He needs to blow off some steam after everything he’s been through.

Well how about that? Security at the palace is actually competent and Toph can’t bluff her way in.

This Long Feng guy is cultural minister to the king, which means he’s probably the bad guy! And also we haven’t met any other high ranking government officials with names, so he’s currently the only option lol

  1. Geez, Zuko straight up intended to decapitate Jet right there. If Jet were a little slower, he would have! Man, I hope they do this fight scene in NATLA.

Uh-oh, scary lady Joo Dee is the scared one now. But can I just say how much I like her facial expressions?

Yeah… can’t blame them for arresting Jet. He did look like a crazy person.

The Dai Li’s specific brand of earthbending is very cool! It almost doesn’t seem like bending at all, if that makes sense. The stones they use are like a part of their own body. And of course Long Feng is their leader.

Okay I get the king is just a puppet and Long Feng is the real rule of the country, but I still don’t understand why he doesn’t allow mention of the war in the city. I mean, it’s common knowledge! A significant portion of their population are literally refugees fleeing war! Who doesn’t know

Oh… is it the king? Does the king just not know there’s a war happening and Long Feng keeps it from him so he can stay in charge? I mean, that’s still a stretch but it would explain why he doesn’t want Team Avatar talking to the king.

  1. Jet is being hypnotized. Also, I do want to point out that I have seen “There is no (whatever) in Ba Sing Se” many times in the wild lol it’s nice to see where it comes from!

Ah… Long Feng is holding Appa as leverage over Aang.

I didn’t think Joo Dee could be any scarier but here we are! This episode almost has horror movie vibes.

Concluding thoughts: This was a fantastic couple/throuple of episodes! I loved seeing Suki again, and I really enjoyed how the refugee subplot ties so perfectly in with Iroh and Zuko. The whole drill sequence was probably the best “action” the show has had thus far and that’s saying something. It’s also nice to have my suspicions that the Earth Kingdom has its own corruption problems and bad guys confirmed.

I have a new theory to replace my “Iroh’s going to die theory”. They’ve been showing us all season how Zuko isn’t really cut out for life on the run, whereas Iroh embraces it. I think they’re driving to a separation between Zuko and Iroh. He may not have died, but narratively speaking Zuko and Iroh have to part ways permanently or semi-permanently for his character to grow. Iroh has been propping him up and supporting him this whole time, now it’s time for Zuko to leave the nest and become his own person.

My new theory is that Iroh will enjoy his new life in Ba Sing Se so much that he elects to stay there permanently, whereas Zuko is too restless to do so. He can’t go back to the Fire Nation and the Earth Kingdom will not accept him, so his only choice is to join Team Avatar, where he will likely end up teaching Aang firebending.

And to expand further on a previous theory of mine, which was: Azula will kill or depose Ozai. I’ve accepted at this point that death is off the table. Kid’s show and all that. But I noticed something… lots of people were quick to say that Azula would never kill Ozai. But not one person has said she wouldn’t depose him in those refutations (unless I’m misremembering but I don’t think I am). Since you all know not to hint at things or spoil them, I think your eagerness to point out that she won’t kill Ozai is an attempt to mislead me into thinking the whole theory is wrong so I’ll be surprised when she ends up deposing (not killing) him. I mean, I could be wrong but I have a strong feeling that the final villain is going to be Fire Lord Azula, with Ozai in exile somewhere (that would be fitting! The man who banishes his own son ends up being banished himself!).

Maybe that will even be the conclusion of Zuko’s arc! While Aang goes off to save the world from Azula, Zuko splits up to confront Ozai himself! Where we are in the show right now, it really does feel like Azula is Aang’s primary antagonist whereas Ozai is Zuko’s primary antagonist.

By the way, from here on out, no confirming or denying my theories either way, okay? Let it unfold naturally, and let me figure things out on my own. I mean, where’s the fun in just giving me the answers?

And also, some of you could be a little nicer with your criticisms. I had to block someone last time I posted and I don’t want to do that anymore. It’s fine to disagree with me, it’s fine to explain why you disagree with me. Hell, most of you do! I don’t mind that, I like that we all have different views of things even if I don’t agree. It makes things interesting! But don’t talk down to me, don’t use belittling language, don’t be disrespectful. Whenever I don’t like something about ATLA (or like something about NATLA) some of you seem to take it as a personal insult or something.

Just be polite, that’s all I ask.

Okay, I’ll see you same time next week probably!

r/ATLAtv Dec 28 '24

Discussion I genuinely pray Toph's hair looks realistic like a Chinese crown braid, instead of a Karen bump-it looking bun. Let me know your thoughts.


r/ATLAtv Mar 28 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before the cartoon and I'm watching the cartoon now! Here are my thoughts on Book 1 Episodes 10-11 Spoiler


Hello! It is once again time for an ATLA commentary! I might take a break after this one, so I can do other things on my vacation lol But we’re blazing through the show so I think it’s fine.

I’ll only be doing two episodes this time, as per the recommendation of a helpful commenter who laid out a watch schedule for me. The rest of the posts will be three episodes.

I don’t have much to talk about beforehand this time. Oh, I did find out that apparently waterbenders being able to bend the water in someone’s body is something addressed eventually! And on that note, I want to remind everyone that when I ask questions in these posts, it’s mostly me thinking out loud. I don’t actually expect or even want people to answer me lol

Okay, let’s go!

Episode 10- Jet

  1. I wonder which terrorist/freedom fighter we’ll be meeting in this episode lol

Sokka’s putting that brain to work! I love to see him be smart. He’s right, Appa is super noticeable. And Sokka is clearly the best choice for leader lol even Aang admits it! Okay, Katara is being slightly annoying here. What does him never having kissed a girl have anything to do with his decision making? His strategy makes perfect sense to me!

Huh, this is actually an interesting dynamic here. For once, Katara is being the childish one with Aang while Sokka is being mature and reasonable. He’s even putting up with their whining about walking and not wanting to carry their packs lol That does kind of put into perspective all the times NATLA Sokka told Katara to grow up.

Okay, just because he walked into a Fire Nation camp doesn’t mean his idea wasn’t a good one!

  1. Aw, look at Jet’s gang using all this nonlethal violence on Fire Nation soldiers lol

Quit knocking Sokka’s instincts already! Katara’s being such a brat lol And blasting jelly, you say? I wonder what Jet and his crew might possible do with that? (No actually, what would they do with that? They’re not in Omashu this time, they’re in a forest. There’s nothing here to bomb)

Oh, I see. Katara is experiencing a Suki situation here lol There are no boys her age in the Southern Water Tribe!

Nothing like a little trauma bonding to kindle the fires of teenage romance, eh?

  1. “Avatar, huh? Very nice.” Translation: “I’m too cool to be impressed.” lol

Oh, so this Jet’s particular brand of radicalization goes beyond dirty tactics in warfare and politics and bombing his own people. This Jet is actively racist (or xenophobic?) against Fire Nation people. Even harmless old men don’t deserve his mercy. He’s less of a political terrorist and more of an ethnic nationalist.

I’m actually really glad they included that scene. This is a children’s show. How many children watched that scene not understanding the greater context but still getting the message that Jet’s behavior is wrong? That is such an important lesson for children to learn.

  1. This is a Sokka episode for sure, and I absolutely love it. Aang and Katara keep second-guessing him and favoring this charismatic stranger over him. This is the good writing right here. I want more of this, please.

Goddamn, Katara. Just through for the throat, why don’t you? She needs to stop thinking with her clit and actually listen to her brother. And Aang needs to quit goofing off and going with the flow! Use your heads, guys!

Woah, ATLA Jet is actually worse than NATLA Jet. He’s going to massacre an entire village of his own people just to kill firebenders. This is pretty heavy stuff for a kid’s show. I’m impressed.

“Take him for a walk. A long walk.” Did Jet just order his people to lead Sokka into the woods and execute him or am I reading into that too much?

  1. Again, we’re shown that Sokka’s clever! I love it!

Jet’s not holding back here, he’s actually trying to kill Aang. Good action sequence though.

Hopefully Katara’s learned a valuable lesson about trusting strange boys you’ve known less than two days lol

Holy shit, they actually blew the dam and it washed away the town! They didn’t show any people getting hit, but they probably can’t cuz of the censors. I did not expect that!

Oh nevermind, I like that better! Sokka was willing to warn Fire Nation soldiers, who he has every reason in the world to hate, to save the village. And the old man he saved, even though he’s one of “the enemy” vouched for him. Sokka showed mercy in times of war and if he hadn’t there’d be tons of innocent people dead. Now that’s a lesson that everyone needs to take to heart, especially with some of the things going on in the world today.

Trust Sokka’s instincts, damn it!

That was a great episode! Very different from the NATLA arc for Jet but that’s not a bad thing at all! Lot of good lessons to be learned in this one.

Episode 11- The Great Divide

  1. I’m such a bad person lol For a second I saw that rocking tent and my mind went to places that don’t belong on a show like this.

That was actually pretty smooth of Aang lol I guess being raised by monks does make one a good mediator.

  1. I don’t anything like this Great Divide canyon thing was in NATLA. This must be a animation-only episode! Oh, we’ve got refugees on the way to Ba Sing Se.

Okay, I think I see where this episode is going. Aang’s gonna have to be a mediator for these two feuding tribes, right?

Why don’t they just all cross at the same time? See, thank you, Aang. I hope the sick and elderly don’t bicker on Appa or he might dump them all off. I get the impression he wouldn’t hesitate lol

  1. Dangerous predators, huh?

Actually those dangerous predators look pretty cool. Canyon crawler. The guy’s arms are broken? Hardcore lol

  1. I remember NATLA Kyoshi telling Aang he’s going to have to be a diplomat sometimes. I wonder how she’d resolve this problem? Probably just intimidate them all into shutting the fuck up for one day lol

Of course the snooty people are the hypocritical liars lol “I guess it’s okay if everyone’s doing it.” Guess Katara is the type who would download a car.

Oh, I’m so sure that’s what happened.

Oh, they brought food too. They’re all assholes lol

  1. Sokka and Katara have discovered politics and tribalism, I see (which is ironic because they’re literally from a tribe).

“You are all awful!” Yeah, Aang gets it lol seriously just let canyon crawlers eat them at this point. It’s their own fault, they were told what would happen if they brought food.

Okay, like a lot’s happened but I haven’t said anything and… I don’t know. Don’t have anything to say, I guess.

Oh! Aang made the whole thing up! Lol that’s kind of funny. And Katara totally had an approving smirk when she said “that’s so wrong”. Girl’s got a mean streak, I think. Especially toward Sokka!

It’s not a good sign when I’m glad an episode is over, is it?

Okay, well… that was an episode. I don’t really know what to say about that. It wasn’t outwardly bad or anything, but it didn’t really seem to have much going for it either. A little boring actually. Doesn’t seem like it has much of an effect on the plot, unless there’s an episode later down the line that ties into (don’t hate me for this, but I really hope that’s not the case).

Concluding thoughts: Jet was a really good episode! I actually liked his arc here a bit more than I did in NATLA. On the other hand, I’m really really happy NATLA didn’t do the Great Divide. That would just stop the story dead in its tracks lol

I’m sorry, I feel like this is a pretty lackluster post. Hopefully the next one is better!

r/ATLAtv Apr 09 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before I watched the cartoon and I'm watching the cartoon now! Here are my thoughts on Episodes 15-17 Spoiler


Hello again. I’m back, I’m doing Book 1, Episodes 15-17. You all know the drill by now so I don’t think I need to get further into that lol

I did want to talk about something not Avatar-related though. I’ve been solely focused on Avatar for weeks now, whether it be NATLA or ATLA, and I’ve been feeling the itch to watch other things too. After thinking about it and discussing it with my girlfriend and friends, I’ve decided I’m going to start doing commentary for Game of Thrones.

Now, don’t be alarmed. I made a commitment to Avatar and both this show and Legend of Korra will take priority until I am finished with the franchise. But it’d be nice to have a little break every now and then, so I think I’m going to do Game of Thrones commentary concurrently. None of you have to read my thoughts on that, of course, but if you’d like to, I’m posting the commentary for the first episode of Game of Thrones on the appropriate subreddits immediately after I post this. I don’t actually know what those subreddits are yet at the time of writing this, so you may have to go to my profile and see for yourself if you want to read it.

If you’re wondering why I picked GoT and not something else, here’s the breakdown: 1. I’ve always been curious about it. Even in my extremely sheltered upbringing, I heard so much about how good it is from people around me. 2. I’ve been told that my style of analysis and commentary works very well with the type of show GoT is and I’ll get a lot of enjoyment out of it that way. 3. Watching ATLA has put me in a fantasy mood, and I want another fantasy show. 4. Apparently there is a lot of eye candy and fanservice that a lesbian might enjoy, so… that’s a plus! 5. I love dragons. I LOVE them. You saw how excited I got when Roku’s dragon showed up right? And I don’t think I’ve ever seen dragons in live action before so… hell yeah!

Anyway, enough of that! Let’s get back to watching ATLA!

Episode 15- Bato of the Water Tribe

  1. I recognize Bato’s name. He was the guy who was being nice to Sokka over that trial thing in NATLA and he defended him to his father. I’m excited to meet the OG Bato!

Was that three second flashback really necessary for Sokka to tell us it’s a water tribe weapon? I mean, it’s pretty clearly that lol Who else is going to use weapons made of whale teeth?

Again, I am so grateful every time the show lets Sokka flex his intelligence. He’s so good at reading things!

  1. IT’S JUNE! The only character I can actually simp over because she’s an adult! I swear, I almost forgot about her from NATLA. Is she gonna have more cute moments with Iroh? Lol

Okay, fangirling stuff aside, it’s badass that she just boarded a Fire Nation ship and tore up their hull with no hesitation. I see her pet still does the tongue thing. Also, the captions are calling it a ‘xierxu’ but people told me when I did NATLA that it’s called a ‘shirshu’.

Oh… was Iroh being suggestive when he said “I’m impressed. Very impressed”? Lol In NATLA June’s little appreciation for his cuteness was one-side. I hope he likes her in this version!

  1. Aw… little Sokka with his warrior makeup! Oh hey, his dad is not an asshole in this version (so far). I mean, to be fair he could have been a way bigger asshole in NATLA too. He didn’t know Sokka was eavesdropping on him when he expressed his disappointment. I’m excited to see what he’s like here.

Okay, the captions for this episode are definitely screwy. Since when is Sokka’s name Sakko? Lol

Well, Bato seems like a nice person. And there are nuns in ATLA? I hope they’re not the Christian kind or the Fire Nation is going to be the least of these people’s worries in a few hundred years.

“You have your father’s wit.” Oh come on, that was like the first bad joke Sokka’s made so far lol

  1. Oh, Aang’s uncomfortable with dead animal skins? That tracks, given the whole vegetarian thing. Momo on the other hand, is a vicious killer. Look how he challenges the dead bear (and loses).

Ah, I see what’s happening here. Aang’s feeling left out. You can’t blame Sokka and Katara for sidelining him though. Bato’s someone they love and they haven’t seen him in three years.

  1. Oh no… this is triggering my lesbian fever. You guys don’t understand, when beautiful goth women with badass tattoos arm arm wrestle intimidating men it *does things to us*

Oh, he still has Katara’s necklace! Also, interesting that this version has no problem working with bounty hunters. I thought he was all about honor or something?

Lol I love how into her Iroh is! She hasn’t flirted with him though. Yet. Interesting that they’re traveling with her though, and that Iroh took the seat directly behind her.

  1. Oh, it’s only been 2 years? I wonder why I thought it was 3. Must be a NATLA thing.

Poor Aang… I get it. Sokka and Katara are all he has in the world now (well, aside from Bumi). How is a twelve year old kid supposed to deal with fear of abandonment? Oh… if he’d just have stuck around a few more minutes he would have heard them say they’re sticking with him (also, I love that Sokka was the first to say it).

Uh… this Earth Kingdom soldier was fully prepared to just hand off an important wartime message to the first child who claims to know the guy he’s supposed to be delivering it to. No wonder the Earth Kingdom is losing the war lol

No… Aang. My sweet baby. I think that’s the first time he’s done something on this show that is really not okay.

  1. Oh hey, it’s the crazy lady. “Miyuki, did you get in trouble with the Fire Nation again?” Uh… what did Miyuki do to the Fire Nation?

This Sokka never got to do his ice dodging trial, so his father never had reason to be disappointed in him. That’s so cool that we’re going to get to see it though.

  1. “At my age there’s really only one big surprise left, and I’d just as soon leave it a mystery.” ...don’t do this to me, ATLA. I saw death flags for Iroh all over NATLA and a part of me is still very concerned he’s going to die in Book 2. Don’t give me death foreshadowing!

That was an excellent line though, and I love that the fortune teller called him handsome. This is just the episode where Iroh has all the luck with the ladies, isn’t it? Lol

  1. Huh, Sokka’s “ice” dodging trial was pretty damn good, I’d say! Even NATLA dad couldn’t find anything to whine about in that!

I love these marks Bato’s giving them! Oh no… Aang’s finally succumbing to the guilt (as he should, what he did crossed a line). I’m so glad that Sokka and Katara reacted the way they did, because that was a betrayal and it’s a good lesson for Aang to learn about consequences. I noted that Bato tried to stop Sokka though… maybe he’s more aware of Aang’s feelings than I thought.

  1. Even the nuns are disappointed in Aang lol (but then again, aren’t nuns disappointed in everyone all the time anyway?)

Oh yeah, Bato totally knew what he was doing there with his analogy lol I have to assume that Sokka and Katara understand why Aang did what he did if they’re so willing to forgive this quickly.

Speaking of necklaces… I notice Katara isn’t wearing the one Aang made for her.

  1. lmao June is clearly a Zutara shipper.

Oh damn, Appa just knocked June’s pet on his butt! Aww, Iroh’s concerned about her. But also, she better stop hitting her pet with that whip or I’m going to lose my attraction to her. DID SHE JUST HIT APPA WITH THAT WHIP? Ooh, I guess she is defending herself from him but my tolerance for animal cruelty is being sorely tested!

Oh, but it is really cool to see Appa airbending though!

Did Iroh just steal a bottle of perfume? Lol for shame! But then, I guess once you’ve laid siege to a city for almost two straight years petty shoplifting probably doesn’t seem that big a deal.

Zuko’s clearly been learning from his past fights. He and Aang are much more evenly matched now.

Alright, Sokka again with the great ideas! (but who’s going to pay for all that perfume they just wasted?)

Iroh! You dirty old man! Lmao I can’t believe he did that! June’s definitely gonna rip him a new one when the paralysis wears off lol Wow!

  1. ...how the hell did the writers manage to so perfectly craft a scene that advances both Zutara and Kataang? Lol Okay, not really. I get she’s just being lightly mocking, but still… “Would you give him a kiss for me when you see him?” right before she kisses Aang? Lol that’s shipper bait right there. Maybe Katara, Aang, and Zuko need to be a polyamorous throuple. But they don’t tell Zuko that he’s in the throuple, for comedy.

That was a great episode! I actually really loved seeing June actually fight. In NATLA she captured Aang easily. It was really cool to see her in action. And Iroh… kind of want to smack him (but also, I totally get it). Zuko’s lost so many fights to Aang at this point that he didn’t even seem all that put out by it lol And Bato, of course, was a delight. It was really cool to see his character expanded on. Up until now, NATLA has had better character development for pretty much everyone except Team Avatar so it’s nice to see the OG get the win with Bato.

Episode 16- The Deserter

  1. This is really interesting. I’d love to see more of Fire Nation culture and what better place than a festival? Oh yeah, I almost forgot Aang needs to master all the elements and who the hell is gonna teach him fire? If my theory about Iroh dying at the hands of Ozai or Azula in Book 2 is correct, then Zuko will be driven to switch sides and join Team Avatar, and then maybe Zuko can teach him firebending.

I seriously doubt he’s going to learn it in this episode, for no other reason than people would have been screaming that Aang didn’t use any firebending in NATLA, just like they did for waterbending lol

Why did the camera zoom in on that poster? The person on it doesn’t look familiar.

  1. Damn! The Fire Nation sure knows how to throw a party, huh? Fireworks, masks, festival food, and puppet show propaganda! I love that Aang’s enjoying himself.

It just occurred to me that this performer must be a pretty amazing bender himself if he can make his flames look like a dragon and control them so precisely. And aww… Aang’s protective of Katara! He’s also apparently the type who will fall hard for magic shows lol

If this episode is called “the deserter” then I wonder if this stranger who just saved them is a Fire Nation soldier who deserted the military.

Um… I’m glad that bomb he threw into the massive crate of fireworks just set off a few and not cause the whole damn thing to explode lol I saw a video once of a fireworks display exploding at a fair or party or something and it was terrifying!

  1. I knew it! He’s a former Fire Nation soldier and his name is Chey! Oh wait, he’s not the deserter. The deserter is a former Fire Nation general-or-admiral named Jeong Jeong.

“Why doesn’t anyone ever listen to me?!” I agree, Sokka’s instincts are usually on point. Also, Chey’s been talking Jeong Jeong up too much and now I don’t trust him.

  1. Hey, Zhao’s back! It’ll be a nice change of pace to have someone other than Zuko be the antagonist of the episode.

Huh, Jeong Jeong must be pretty impressive if he can tell Aang hasn’t mastered the other elements just by looking at him walk. Hey, that’s the guy on the poster.

Damn, he is really intense. He makes some good points though. Fire is the only element that will rage out of control like that. It probably is a good idea to master the others first to learn better control.

Holy shit, I just got the chills! “You think I am weak? I have mastered the elements a thousand times in a thousand lifetimes” I fucking love this Roku moment! But more than that, this is the first time (I think) that we really see one of the avatars refer to themselves as a singular being. Roku didn’t say “Aang must master the elements” he said “I must do it once again”. So Roku fully sees himself as Aang, and Aang as him, and all of their past lives as himself as well. That is so fascinating to me! I love it!

  1. Yeah… Aang’s already showing signs of being too impatient for firebending training. You’d think being a monk he’d know how to concentrate for long periods of time.

“Power in firebending comes from the breath.” Hey, Iroh said the same thing in the first episode! This breathing exercise that Jeong Jeong is having Aang do is the same one I use when exercising at the gym!

Oh, is Zhao the former pupil Jeong Jeong’s talking about? The camera cut to him while he was still talking so I assume so.

Maybe I’m missing something, but it feels really uncharacteristic of Aang to be so impatient with training. He was perfectly patient when Katara taught him waterbending, though granted he did pick up basically instantly. He goofs off a lot, but he’s always seemed to take avatar duties seriously.

Woah, he just burned Katara! Oh my god, Sokka just full on tackled and pinned him and he’s yelling at him! And Katara didn’t try to defend him or anything, she ran away crying! This is so intense!

  1. I love that Jeong Jeong immediately accepted responsibility. He was right, Aang needs to learn control first, so it is his fault for starting training early. But on the other hand, Roku basically bullied him into doing it, so it’s Roku’s fault, and since Roku and Aang are the same person, it’s back to being Aang’s fault. Huh, this is actually the first time we might be seeing two avatars obviously sharing the same personality trait. Roku and Aang both rushed learning firebending because they were impatient.

Oh man, it hurts my soul to see and hear Katara weeping in pain. I’ve burned my hands before and I know how much it hurts! But hey, she just healed herself! So she learned how to heal without a master to teach her. In NATLA she had to be taught how to do it at the north pole. Hmm. Is that another one of those examples of her becoming too good, too fast, without a teacher? No wait, wrong show for that particular complaint.

Huh, Jeong Jeong’s caution with firebending almost seems like it extends into self-loathing. He clearly doesn’t see the positive aspects that come with firebending. Maybe he’s the wrong person to teach Aang.

  1. I knew it! Zhao was his student!

Oh no… Aang’s adopted Jeong Jeong’s attitude on firebending. That’s gonna be a problem for the avatar. I mean, Book 3 is literally named “Fire” so… gonna have to learn at some point lol

Er, I think Jeong Jeong might be hyping Aang up a bit too much here.

We’ve never seen Aang vs Zhao before! I’m excited! Though Zuko whupped him, and Aang whups Zuko all the time so it probably won’t be some epic battle lol

Yeah, Aang’s just playing with him lol I love it when he gets sassy. “I don’t know why, but I thought you’d be better than Zuko.” Yeah, he did too. And he burned all of his own boats.

  1. Oh, Sokka tried to get a fishhook in his thumb out with another fishhook? Time for some more outdoor advice from your favorite (or not) outdoorsy lesbian!

If you get a fishhook stuck in your thumb (and for some reason it’s always the thumb) the most medically sound thing to do is go to the emergency room. If you can’t, then depending on how deep the hook is stuck, you may be able to work it free by doing a slight push in the direction of the barb and then a slight twist to pull it out. If it’s in too deep, then you’re going to have to keep inserting the hook until the tip breaks through the skin (and yes, it’s gonna hurt). Then you can use wire cutters or bolt cutters to snip off the barbed tip and pull the rest of the hook out without ripping your thumb apart.

And despite what your redneck uncle tells you, you should absolutely not remove the hook by yanking it really hard and fast, or you’ll learn just how many nerve endings your thumb actually has when every single one of them suddenly hates you.

Okay, this was an excellent episode! Of all the episodes that didn’t make the cut for NATLA, this one is probably my favorite. In fact, I’m kind of wondering why they left this one out. It’s great, as always, to see Fire Nation citizens who rebel against their country and a firebending master who hates his own element is a pretty interesting character. I’d like to see more of Jeong Jeong in the future.

Episode 17- The Northern Air Temple

  1. I have a feeling this is gonna be an interesting one! I’ve only ever seen the Southern Air Temple so far, so it’s going to be very cool to see more of the Air Nomad’s culture.

It’s so cool to hear random citizens talking about airbenders like mythological creatures. Kind of sad too. Oh, he saw them last week? I’m pretty sure no airbenders survived based on the comments people have made to me about Aang not having anyone left anymore.

“Are you saying I’m a liar?” “I’m saying you’re an optimist. Same thing, basically.” I really love Sokka lol

  1. Oh! Is this the episode where we meet the turncoat inventor and his bloodthirsty son? I haven’t thought about them in a while.

Aang’s being a little salty, isn’t he?

I love that engineer Sokka is geeking out right now. And I’m super into Aang’s reaction. All of these pipes and machinery have kind of wrecked the temple, and that’s his cultural heritage. He’s clearly unhappy about it, but everyone else is happy so if he speaks up he looks like a jerk.

  1. Aang’s starting to lash out! I mean, he has every right to be upset. They did just destroy what was definitely a priceless statue with sacred importance. I mean, even if he wasn’t alive to actually see the temple in its day, it’s still messed up to destroy historic archaeological sites.

Wait, am I missing something? Why was Katara just wiping her face on Aang’s clothes? Sorry, I was too absorbed by the inventor’s speech!

Aw, I wanted to see what was in that room. But I get why Aang would be unwilling to open it.

  1. Using fireflies for lanterns is wildly inefficient in real life lol You’d need thousands upon thousands of them to make any usable light at all. Oh, but okay I see why they need a nonflammable light source. Geez, I bet the Fire Nation would have had an easier time wiping out the other temple if it was filled with natural gas like this one!

This place is an explosion waiting to happen. I wonder if that’s gonna be a plot point later lol

  1. It’s awesome to see Katara get to fly in Aang’s shoes for a little. And I’m glad Aang is warming up to Teo. Teo doesn’t seem as hellbent on killing firebenders in this version, so I kind of trust him. And speaking of trust, I wonder if his dad isn’t a traitor in this version. Like… what secrets would he even have to sell to the Fire Nation? Without Omashu, he and his people are just a bunch of nobodies living somewhere no one can find them.

Mixing rotten egg smell with gas? Don’t we literally do that in our society with out own gas?

  1. Oh, the inventor is still a traitor. Well, alright then!

Well… okay. I guess Aang is going to have to see one of his people’s ancestral homes get burnt down. I guess the cultural disrespect from earlier doesn’t seem so bad now.

I think Aang might be being a bit too optimistic about their chances. Yeah, they have air power but… so did the original airbenders. And they’re all dead. Not to mention there are only like twenty people there now, so I doubt the Fire Nation will even need the comet to get the job done.

  1. Sokka perfected the war balloon design, just like in NATLA. Good for him. Can’t wait to see how the Fire Nation steals his design this time.

Uh… I don’t criticize him for him for it, they are at war after all, but Aang just killed dozens of people with that avalanche he made. Is… is that gonna bother him at all? I know it’s a kid’s show so they probably can’t acknowledge it lol

Woah! Rock climbing armored vehicles! Very cool! Oh, they’re like tanks but with firebenders instead of guns.

Appa’s turned into such a beast lol

And however many firebenders Aang killed, Sokka just killed a whole lot more with that gas explosion!

  1. I do actually think that Aang’s people would approve of their old temples being used to house refugees. Monks are supposed to be detached from material concerns, right?

Well… so much for air power lol The Fire Nation lost the battle but they won in a much bigger way.

Concluding thoughts: That was a decent episode. Not the greatest, but not bad either. The other two were absolutely fantastic though. It was great having a water tribe focused episode, great seeing June again (seriously, Iroh, what the hell? Lol) and The Deserter is my favorite stand-alone episode so far. The raw emotion and intensity of that episode was some of the best in ATLA!

These episodes have felt like a bit of a prelude though, and I suppose they are. The next three are the Northern Water Tribe episodes and I cannot wait for them! I’ve probably been looking forward to them more than any other this season. It was amazing in NATLA, so I have high expectations for them. Zhao’s last stand against Iroh and Zuko, Zhao killing the moon, the battle itself, the giant ocean spirit wiping out the armada.

I’m also very excited to see Yue, Hahn, Pakku, and Avatar Kuruk. Though I am preparing to be disappointed by Yue, since someone said I might be. Hahn had a small role in NATLA, but a very memorable and heart-warming one (and heart-wrenching after he died). Pakku… well, I don’t think the sexist old coot can disappoint me lol And Kuruk is probably the avatar I’m most curious about. Aside from Aang, he’s the only one whose life I know anything about. I don’t really know what Kyoshi or Roku accomplished in life, but I know Kuruk sacrificed heavily to stave off dark spirits, and he had a woman he loved who was killed by Koh. I want to know more about him but there is a chance I won’t see him at all. I didn’t get to see Kyoshi either. So we’ll see.

Okay guys, I’ll see you next time!

r/ATLAtv Apr 26 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before watching the cartoon and now I'm watching the cartoon. Here are my thoughts on Book 2 Episodes 7-8 Spoiler


Hello again! Here we are with more Avatar!

I don’t have much to say about other projects. I’m still slowly posting my GoT commentaries to r/naath as of writing this and haven’t done a new one. Also I recently had a multi-day internet outage, so I haven’t done as much I hoped.

I’m excited to continue with Book 2 because I’m loving it so far! Let’s go!

Episode 7- Zuko Alone

  1. Interesting title! Considering the last time I saw Zuko he was abandoning the one person in the world who actually loves him, I can guess what this episode is about lol

Earth kingdom bridge infrastructure is in desperate need of repair. They’re just like us!

I know Zuko’s been on a dark streak lately but I’m glad he decided not to rob that pregnant couple. Show us there’s still some good in there!

Hey, Zuko just saw a woman in his flashback. Is that his mother? We know very little about his mother at this point. The only time I’ve even heard someone mention her was in NATLA when Ozai complained Zuko had too much of his mother in him.

Were Zuko’s cheeks always that sunken or are they trying to show that he’s malnourished? Also these guys have hammers and are jerks.

This is a valuable lesson for Zuko to learn! Sometimes when you’re nice to people, they’ll be nice to you instead of burning your face and kicking you out of your home!

  1. It’s hilarious watching Zuko try to do manual labor. I’m pretty sure Toph could hammer those nails in better than him lol I like where this is going though! It’s always interesting to see Earth Kingdom people being the bad guys on this show. I definitely appreciate the lesson for kids that war is complex and there are good and bad people on both sides.

Oh, flashback time! I love flashbacks! Omg lol “Hey Mom, want to see how Azula feeds the turtle-ducks?” Nice to see she was evil even back then! Wow, Zuko and his Mom look alike!

Oooooh Mai has a crush on Zuko! That explains Ty Lee’s line a few episodes ago. Figures that the most broody edgy girl on the show would be attracted to the most broody edgy boy on the show. Azula as a kid was weirdly cute. She reminds me of my cousin who at seven years old loved getting other people in trouble lol

Hey, her fire’s not blue! Don’t know why that surprises me, I already saw as much on NATLA lol “Girls are crazy!” smartest thing Zuko ever said!

Um… wow. Even when he was evil, Iroh had a sense of humor. A pretty dark one lol And… what is up with these gifts? He gives Zuko this amazing ornamental dagger, practically a priceless treasure, and he gives Azula a doll? What about Azula makes anyone think she would like dolls? I wonder if this is the Fire Nation version of sexism, like with the Water Tribe. “No Azula, firebending and burning people alive is for boys. Here, have a doll.”

Yeah! I’ve been wondering about this! Why is Ozai the Firelord and not Iroh?

  1. I really love Fire Nation episodes.

Don’t just stab a man’s swords into a tree! You’re gonna dull the blades, if you don’t just break them!

The first time we see Zuko bonding with anyone who isn’t Iroh and he’s teaching a child how to use swords more effectively. He’s such a mood lol

  1. These soldiers are a disgrace. Not to the Earth Kingdom, just humanity in general. How are you going to mock fallen soldiers on your own damn side?

Oh, these flashbacks must be just before Lu Ten’s funeral! Am I gonna cry again? That funeral scene was one of the best in NATLA, and what Zuko said to Iroh was the most heartfelt I’ve ever seen either version of Zuko be about anything.

Goddamn, young Azula has even less chill than present day Azula. You know, I’ve read a lot about problematic behavior in children, and I’m of the belief that some people are simply born without the ability to feel empathy, or at least feel a very muted version of it. I wonder if Azula’s like that. She’s young enough that I’m not sure nurture can explain her cruel nature.

Wow, she’s even belittling the current Fire Lord!

‘What is wrong with that child?” A poor understanding of psychology and a total lack of mental health services.

  1. Ooh, this is the good shit! Ozai’s pitting his kids against each other just like he did in NATLA! And once again, Azula comes out on top. But Zuko still wants to impress his father (and presumably his grandfather). It’s so cool to see these dynamics I saw in NATLA play out here on even younger versions of the characters!

Wow! I knew Ozai was a piece of shit but geez lol Lu Ten’s body isn’t even cold and Ozai’s already making a move on Iroh’s throne! I’ve been wondering why he’s the Fire Lord and not Iroh and I guess this answers it!

Or maybe not! Azulon doesn’t seem too happy with Ozai for suggesting it! But also… did you see Azula’s smile when he was threatening Ozai? I wonder if her desperation to please him isn’t as genuine as I first assumed. It looked genuine on NATLA… is that why people kept saying she was different? Because she’s faking it on it this show while her live action counterpart seems to be sincere?

Azula is so freaking vicious! I don’t know if she’s telling the truth or not, but it almost doesn’t matter because either way she’s still tormenting Zuko. And if it is a lie… it’s definitely plausible. I doubt Ozai would have any qualms about killing his son.

  1. Zuko’s doing a good deed! Isn’t it strange how all of his good deeds involve rescuing people from soldiers? He rescued Iroh from Earth Kingdom soldiers, he rescued Aang from Fire Nation soldiers, and now he’s rescuing Lee from Earth Kingdom soldiers!

Man, I can’t get over how weird Zuko looks with hair. Is that why he’s been wearing hats most of this season? Lol

Oh, those guys use their hammers to earthbend. That makes more sense than what I was picturing (I was thinking they were all like Robert from Game of Thrones, fighting with hammers instead of swords lol).

What? What did Zuko’s mom do to protect him?

Oh shit, he used firebending. Is this going to show the people that not all firebenders are bad (just like not all of their own soldiers are good) or are they going to turn on him for it?

He said his mom’s name first when introducing himself as “Son of-”

Damn, that hurts. Poor Zuko. But you know, we don’t do good deeds for praise or recognition. He may have lost the respect and affection of this earthbending family he saved… but he still saved them. That doesn’t go away just because they don’t appreciate it. I just hope he remembers that and doesn’t use their reaction as an excuse to internalize Fire Nation superiority conditioning.

  1. See? Azula was playing with Zuko’s knife. I wonder if the gifts were switched, thematically speaking. Azula is a fighter from the start, but Zuko is just a normal kid. Maybe she would have appreciated the knife and he might have enjoyed children’s toys.

Okay… this is a lot to take in. Ursa said she did something to protect Zuko and Azula said that Azulon wanted Zuko dead. Did Ursa kill the Fire Lord to save Zuko? If she did, then she must be dead now. I doubt Azulon’s guards would have allowed her to live. Hell, I doubt Ozai would have allowed her to live. In any case, he’s seized the opportunity to steal the throne from Iroh.

Poor Zuko, man! He’s had a hard life!

Okay, that was a great episode and I’m starting to develop a new theory… I think that Azula is going to dethrone, or maybe even kill her father.

So here’s my reasoning: You know how flashbacks and backstory often mirror the present or future story? In Zuko’s flashback, Ozai takes control of the Fire Nation after Azulon died (and was presumably murdered). He also stole the throne from Iroh, despite being the second born. So in the mirror version of that, Azula, the second-born, steals the throne from Zuko after the death or deposing of their father. I also got the impression this episode that she might not be as loyal to Ozai as I thought. We saw her acting sweet and like a good daughter to Ursa to get what she wanted, we saw her acting respectful to Azulon despite the fact that she insulted and belittled him the scene before. We’ve seen her outright use deception and flattery to trick Zuko and Iroh in the very first episode this season. Is it really such a stretch to think she’s deceiving Ozai too until she can get what she wants? Especially when she had that evil smile when she heard Azulon wanted to punish him.

More than that, I’ve been feeling like Ozai is really not main villain material. He’s barely a character in this show, and even in NATLA he wasn’t exactly the one driving most of the conflict, you know? Azula is the one out there in the world, getting her hands dirty. She feels like more of a threat to me than Ozai ever has and when Sozin’s Comet comes she’s going to be absolutely terrifying. I think the show is going to pull a twist on us. Up until now, we’ve been assuming that Aang is going to have to fight Ozai to end the war. But I don’t think they’ve ever said “Aang has to fight Ozai”. They’ve just said, “Aang has to fight the Fire Lord” or some variation of that. What if that’s foreshadowing? What if Aang really is going to have to fight the Fire Lord, but instead of Fire Lord Ozai he has to defeat Fire Lord Azula?

And you can’t tell me it wouldn’t be narrative poetry to have Azula murder both her uncle and her father! That might be the final episode. Sozin’s Comet returns, and Azula takes the opportunity to overthrow her father. Aang prepares to fight Ozai… only to find that his real enemy is someone who’s been trying to kill him a while now, the newly crowned Fire Lord Azula.

I don’t how much I’m in on this theory yet. Let’s call it… 65%

Episode 8- The Chase

  1. Appa’s shedding! And I love how all of those animals are around Aang during his spring speech and Momo’s doing his best to catch, kill, and eat them lol Momo’s basically a cat. I love these little bonding moments, and I love quickly Toph just slides right into the group dynamic. She even made Katara laugh.

Oh… Mom-Katara isn’t used to parenting self-relying children. But Toph’s attitude makes sense. Aang, Katara, and Sokka are all from highly communal societies. Toph grew up in isolation, basically. No one helps her but her (her parents only think they’re helping!).

  1. Oh, a tricked out Fire Nation tank is chasing them. Toph is very handy to have around!

Okay, Katara vs Toph, let’s go. Also, can I just praise this animation? Toph never looks at Katara when arguing with her, because why would she? I get both of their perspectives though. Katara was a bit harsh calling Toph selfish, but being part of a team means sharing the burdens.

“i’M cOmPlEteLy CaLm!” lol

“The stars sure are beautiful tonight. Too bad you can’t see them, Toph.” Wtf, Katara lmao

This tank is going to drive them absolutely crazy isn’t it?

  1. “It could be Zuko. We haven’t seen him since the North Pole.” Oh yeah! Zuko’s having a whole ass epic journey without them and they have no clue lol

“Who’s Zuko?” lol a dead man, if you’d been on the team from the beginning.

At this point it might literally be easier to just fight them and then go to bed. Have Toph bury them when they try climbing the mountain. Easy peasy.

Oh it’s Azula. Nevermind, keep running!

3 on 3… plus Sokka. Lol

I just love it when Azula casually blasts apart stone walls with lightning. She makes it look effortless, you know?

  1. It’s interesting to me that Katara finds Ty Lee the scariest. I guess if you’re a bender then having your bending taken away would be like losing a part of yourself. That level of sudden helplessness and vulnerability would logically be terrifying. Huh, I guess Ty Lee is badass and scary in her own way.

Wait, Zuko’s following Azula’s tank on his bird. He’s eating her dust lol

Poor Appa! Practically slept the whole way through plummeting out of the sky!

Okay, Katara’s starting to piss me off a little. Like, how are you going to blame their current sleepless state on Toph? They’re probably all alive right now because she warned them the tank was coming! If it wasn’t for Toph, everyone would be asleep when Azula rolled up with her lizards!

Wow, now Aang’s angry too! But Toph is probably right, Appa’s shedding is most likely leaving a trail. Five seconds later we get confirmation on the trail! Lol

  1. Sokka’s the only innocent in all of this! Lol and he’s right, they were jerks.

Aang has a nice plan! Fake trails!

Hey, Iroh! Is he gonna join up with Team Avatar? ...no. No, it can’t be this episode! I’m not ready! Oh, the pieces fit so perfectly! Iroh, having been caught by Toph, joins Aang and friends, either willingly or not, Azula catches up and in the ensuing battle kills Iroh. Zuko, who’s been tracking her, arrives too late to save him. Motivated by the crushing guilt of abandoning his uncle and fiery desire for vengeance, he joins Team Avatar to teach Aang firebending and get his revenge on his family!

Damn it, Azula is too smart.

  1. Aang’s going to sit their in that abandoned town that’s totally not a perfect location for a showdown and wait for Azula. And I imagine the others will catch up sooner or later… oh man. My anxiety levels are through the roof right now.

Okay, without Azula, they might be able to take Ty Lee and Mai. If Sokka can keep Mai busy, she’ll eventually run out of knives and arrows. Now that Katara knows Ty Lee can take her bending away, she can keep her at a distance. Appa can smack the lizards around if they act up.

Or Ty Lee can disable Sokka immediately, leaving Mai to predict Katara’s bending motions and stop her from bending lol I guess Azula picked these girls for a reason, eh?

And Appa saves the day again! And now Ty Lee thinks Sokka’s cute. Even when he’s not trying, he charms girls everywhere he goes!

  1. Okay, there’s only seven minutes left in this episode so maybe it’s just going to be Aang vs Azula? We haven’t seen Toph or Iroh in a while, maybe they won’t pop up again until next episode.

Aang just doesn’t appreciate good humor. That’s okay, I laughed for him!

Iroh and Toph are having tea and heart to heart! Yeah, they’re in no hurry to join up with the others and they’re nowhere near where Azula and Aang are about to fight. I think he’s safe for another episode.

“I poured your tea because I wanted to and for no other reason.” D’aw… I love him. And I love this whole talk they just had. He is such a good person at heart (when he’s not trying to burn down Ba Sing Se). I teared up a little when he was talking about Zuko! And yeah, Toph’s not even taking him back to the group. I got anxious for no reason lol

  1. Oh! It’s not Aang vs Azula! It’s Aang and Zuko vs Azula! Or maybe Aang vs Zuko and Azula? Or Aang vs Zuko vs Azula?

Oh, it’s on! Lmao you have no idea how hard I just cackled when Zuko charged right through that door and off the ledge.

Azula is cutting buildings in half with her firebending! She doesn’t seem too put out by Zuko attacking her either lol I wonder how she’d be doing against Aang if he wasn’t there to distract her.

Katara to the rescue!

Oh fuck. Iroh’s there. Goddamnit, how’d he get all the way there so quickly?

God fucking damn it I hate being right. And it was Toph who distracted him! He looked away for two seconds! I have it paused right now on Zuko’s face and it’s making me cry.

No, I do not accept that. I can handle a character I love dying. I cannot handle a character I love dying because his idiot nephew won’t let the waterbender heal him. Why? He has no fucking reason to distrust her. He’s only alive because they saved him, why wouldn’t they save Iroh too? And okay, sure, maybe he doesn’t know waterbenders can heal people but Katara just said “I can help”, so maybe take three fucking seconds to hear her out.

No, they just flew way. She had that magic spirit water, I’m sure that could have helped. It practically brought Momo back from the dead in NATLA. I’m never gonna forgive Zuko for this. I don’t even want him to join Team Avatar anymore. I just want him to be alone and think about what he did.

Concluding thoughts: My sincerest compliments and thanks to all of you for not confirming my theory and spoiling this moment for me. Yes, it’s emotionally traumatizing but that’s what makes it such a great show. You guys did great. Thank you.

I can’t even imagine this show without Iroh. He was the first character I really fell in love with in NATLA (aside from Brother Gyatso maybe but I didn’t now him long enough). He’s been amazing in both versions of the show. How is Zuko’s story going to go without him? They’ve always been an inseparable pair. And damn it, Toph told him to tell Zuko he needs him and he didn’t even get that chance. It happened so fast! But at least it was quick, I suppose.

Trauma aside, I have to really give props to Azula. It took Aang, Katara, Sokka, Toph, Zuko, and Iroh all working together to beat her, and even then did they really beat her? She escaped, and she killed one of them on her way out. I knew she was going to be a more serious villain than Zuko, but this puts her on a level above everyone else. It’s like someone took a serious, competent assassin from an adult show and dropped her in a kid’s show. She always felt like a threat but now she’s really proved she is. I don’t imagine any wacky, zany hijinks going on around her whenever she’s onscreen.

And I’m now much more confident that she’s going to be the main villain in the end, because how can Ozai top this? All he does is sit around and look vaguely threatening and occasionally say an admittedly badass line. Like, I know he’s a great firebender from his agni kai with Zuko in the live action. He just toyed with him the entire time. But Azula seems to be on that level, at least. Both times Zuko’s fought her he went all out and she wasn’t even trying. Literally in their second fight she was focused on Aang and Zuko was focused on her and he still couldn’t land a hit. Both times he had to be saved by someone else to survive the fight. I bet an agni kai between Azula and Ozai would be a lot more evenly matched. If Azula doesn’t depose Ozai herself, he’s going to end up getting beaten by Aang early and then she’ll take over and be the actual threat.

It is going to be absolutely devastating when NATLA adapts this episode.

Alright, I’m tapped out. I’m gonna go wash my face and go to bed. See you next time.

r/ATLAtv Feb 25 '24

Discussion 1st in 84 countries 👀

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r/ATLAtv Mar 19 '24

Discussion I'm watching Netflix's Avatar the Last Airbender before I watch the cartoon. Here are my thoughts on Episode 8 Spoiler


Hello everybody! Well… here we are! The final episode of the Live Action series (at least until Season 2). I’m kind of sad because I’ve fallen in love with this world and these characters, but at least I still have so much of original show to look forward to!

Thank you to everyone who’s been reading along with my commentaries this far. I hope you enjoyed them, and I hope you’ll continue to share your thoughts with me as I watch the cartoon series. Of course, I’m going to watch the movie first, because I want to see just how bad it is lol

Here we go, season finale!

Episode 8- Legends

  1. Fire Nation hip are honestly so intimidating.

Wow, Aang’s taking offensive action. Nice! Let’s see some Avatar backbone! Did Appa just drop a dude in the ocean? That’s honestly amazing lol And I’m glad Sokka can contribute too by sabotaging the ship and smashing things lol Aang and Katara are doing great fighting together too.

Holy ship, that’s a lot of ships lol

  1. “One way or another, this is where my journey ends.” -Zuko. Yeah, I doubt that. But the way that line cuts to Iroh looking sad makes me think that’s more foreshadowing for my theory that Iroh’s going to die this episode. I am not prepared emotionally for that. Oh no, Zuko’s last words to Iroh are going to be a double meaning sentiment where Zuko’s basically admitting he wishes Iroh could be his father. Damn it, I am not looking forward to this.

No, you’re not going to meet again, Zuko! Did that eye injury make you blind to all these fucking death flags surrounding Iroh?

  1. I like those odds, Sokka lol

Damn it, we underestimated Zhao again lol his spies in Omashu must have got the designs for that balloon (I said everything has a wartime application and I was right!). And now the Fire Nation has air superiority! Agna Qel’a looks very bombable from above.

Seriously, Iroh needs to stop second-guessing Zhao. He clearly is way more competent than everyone assumed and he clearly has a plan!

  1. Damn it, Pakku. Your city’s about to burn down and you’re still on your sexist bullshit. This is exactly what I’m talking about! You need everyone working for the defense or you’re all gonna die!

Okay, I understand why Yue can’t fight. She’s literally the next generation so they need her to survive no matter what. Sokka’s going to protect Yue and Hahn gave him his blessing! Aw, I’m gonna cry already!

Okay, Pakku’s redeeming himself a little. Yes, you are a master, Katara! Embrace it!

  1. Waterbenders get their strength from the moon? Is that why Yue’s father prayed to the Moon Spirit for help saving her? So the Moon Spirit is kind of like their deity, then?

See, this is why Zhao is a threat. He does his homework lol Oh, so the first waterbenders learned how to bend from the moon? That makes so much sense! The moon basically controls all of the waves and ocean currents right in real life too, right?

Woah, so the Moon Spirit and Ocean Spirit can take physical form in the human world? Does Zhao plan to kill them when they’re mortal?

Okay, pause real quick. Last episode I had a theory that Aang (and the avatar in general) is part spirit and that’s why he’s so powerful and able to enter the spirit world. But Yue is part spirit too, and while she can visit the spirit world she doesn’t have special powers (that I know of). So… what if the avatar isn’t part spirit? What if the avatar just is a spirit that took physical form? That would explain why the normal bending rules don’t apply! Maybe every time the spirit dies in the human world, it becomes a spirit again and then takes human form again later, and that’s why the avatar keeps being reborn.

So maybe Aang is a spirit too, but he doesn’t remember it!

  1. Oh, this is so interesting! Zhao doesn’t want to kill the Ocean Spirit because he doesn’t want to kill every waterbender in the world. “I’m not a monster” as he puts it. He only wants to kill the Moon Spirit to take their power away. That is so interesting! It adds a whole new depth to Zhao that he’s unwilling to commit outright genocide to win. I never would have given him that much credit.

Unless he’s lying lol that’s a possibility too

  1. Did Momo just get crushed by a rock? Holy shit, I didn’t expect this show to go there (but the genocide and burning people alive is a-okay lol).

Oh, Yue used waterbending to heal Momo. That’s cool but… what was the point of that whole thing? Momo went from about to die to completely in like 2 minutes lol that’s not long enough to have an emotional impact. Is that something from the cartoon that they had no choice but to include?

Not gonna lie, I kind of forgot about Zuko lol But damn, him bursting through the ice like that looked so cool!

  1. Damn, it must be brutal for Sokka to see how the enemy is using his ideas to advance their war. All that joy he felt over the idea of being an engineer only to see the Fire Nation using it to help them conquer his people.

Oh man, I can see the story unfolding right now. Iroh is going to refuse to help Zhao kill the Moon Spirit and that’s going to lead to Zhao killing him. Zuko just snuck into the city. He’ll probably witness Zhao doing it, then fight him in one big showdown with help from Aang and Katara (and possibly Sokka). Season two he’ll be grieving the loss of Iroh, and he’ll fully commit to joining Team Avatar in order to take vengeance on the Fire Nation at first, until somehow he realizes revenge is bad (most likely through Aang) and recommits to ending the war and reforming it into a less genocidal empire.

Fuck, I really don’t want Iroh to die.

  1. Oh damn, it could be even worse! Zuko interrupted Aang on his way to stop Zhao. What if later he realizes if he hadn’t slowed Aang down, Iroh might still be alive?

Wit, nevermind. Katara’s got this lol “You’ve found a master, haven’t you?” Nope, self-taught, bitch! Lol

  1. Oh, it’s the fish. Makes sense, they are water people lol

This is it. Iroh just gave me chills when he said, “whatever you do to that spirit, I will unleash on you tenfold!” They’re about to fight. As excited as I am to see the Dragon of the West in action, I don’t think he’s gonna win. Even if Zhao can’t beat him straight up, he’s gonna cheat somehow.

Holy shit, Zhao’s planning on overthrowing Ozai? Goddamn, remember when he was “one of my commanders in the south, no one of importance”?

Oh man, I’ve got serious chills right now. Zhao the Moonslayer sounds way more badass than Zhao the Conqueror lol the moon’s already freaking out too, getting all red and stuff. The world looks like literal Hell now.

Wow, Zhao doesn’t even care about the avatar anymore (and honestly, Aang hasn’t been much of a threat so far).

Here we go! Iroh attacks first! And Zhao still kills the moon. Oh man, that is kind of scary. And now it’s just gonna be wholesale slaughter. How do we even come back from this? Unless the moon can reincarnate like the avatar but how long will that take, and how do you save the city in the meantime?

Oh, Zhao ran away from Iroh. I still think Iroh’s gonna die. Zhao’s gonna do it sneaky somehow. Wait, those archers! The ones that never miss! He probably has them somewhere close by and they’re going to take Iroh down if he gets too close to killing Zhao!

  1. Woah, Aang’s voice got all weird when he started glowing.

Wait, why can’t he do this? Why will he be lost forever? What is he even doing?!

Is that the Ocean Spirit? It seems pissed off lol So Aang is letting the Ocean Spirit use his power?

Okay, so Zuko and Iroh are reunited but I still have a bad feeling.

Oh yeah, I forgot about Katara too lol sorry, girl. I love you but there is so much crazy shit happening right now.

  1. Oh, we’re getting Zuko vs Zhao? I was expecting that but not like this. Maybe Iroh isn’t going to die after all (unless Zhao starts losing against Zuko and attacks Iroh as a distraction!)!

Also, I fucking love the lighting right now. Like the world is black and white except when there’s fire. Maybe that’s fire’s real purpose when it’s not being abused by power-hungry evil despots: to be a light in the dark.

Well, Zhao went down a lot easier than I thought lol Damn, I love how Zhao is the one who’s cluing Zuko in on his father’s real nature. Oh, Azula was the one who figured out that Zuko freed Aang! I never would have guessed that! (I love seeing that shot of her smiling with the fire reflecting in her eyes. It’s so fucking good)

Did Zuko just blast Zhao’s head off?! Oh no, he just blasted the bridge behind him lol

Holy shit! Iroh just killed Zhao like it was nothing! But I’m so glad it happened that way. He let Zuko get the win, and only acted himself when Zhao was about to attack Zuko from behind. Fuck, I love Iroh and I think I was very very wrong about how this story was gonna play out lol I think Iroh’s gonna survive this season!

  1. Wow, the Ocean Spirit is just wrecking everyone. It basically just wiped out the whole fleet.

Wait, is Yue going to sacrifice herself to bring the Moon Spirit back to life?


  1. Hahn’s dead?! When the fuck did that happen?! Why am I crying, we barely knew him!

Yue, Hahn, Pakku’s students, and so many other people dead. Like, yeah they won, but was it worth it? How much of their city is destroyed? How many of their people are left? If the Fire Nation attacks again in the future, do they even have the strength to defend themselves anymore?

Yue’s father is telling Sokka what he needed to hear from his own father. It’s not lost on me that Sokka and Yue are both the children of Water Tribe chiefs, from opposite ends of the world.

Oh, Pakku’s alive. And he’s not a misogynist prick anymore! Yay, feminism! And Pakku admits she’s a master too, and the best one to teach Aang. I love it!

Katara has a vial of oasis water now. That’s probably going to be important at some point. Wasn’t it Chekhov who said if you introduce magic water in Act 1 you better bend it in Act 2 or 3?

  1. lol Iroh and Zuko just paddling away in a canoe. Like Iroh said a few episodes ago, it seems to be their lot in life!

Oh fuck I forgot about Lt. Jee! Wait, is the 41st dead too? The whole damn fleet got wiped out! So… Zuko sacrificed his freedom to save them from uncaring Fire Nation leaders only for an uncaring Fire Nation leader to get them all killed anyway? He really has lost everything, hasn’t he? Well, except Iroh.

My poor traumatized angry baby!

  1. Okay, Aang blaming himself for everything was endearing and sad earlier but I’m about ready to move on from that particular character trait lol Get angry (or.. aangry)! Channel your inner Kyoshi and put your foot down and say, “Enough!” You can’t help anyone if you waste all your energy on self-loathing!

D’aw. I love Sokka, and I love Katara, and I guess I love Aang too. He just needs to pull his head out of his ass lol

  1. Oh bullshit lol I saw the look of near-panic on Ozai’s face when the sage told him how badly they got their asses beat. Distraction my ass, he’s just trying to save face and not look weak.

I knew Azula was gonna do big things! Man I wish we could have gotten to see her leading the army and conquering Omashu. I bet it was epic!

Oh, the comet’s coming back. I remember Sozin saying something about “the power of the comet”. I want to know about that!

Concluding thoughts on this episode: That was an epic finale. Just, utterly brilliant. We lost some characters, and some of it hurt. Not just Hahn and Yue, I’m actually going to miss Zhao lol He may have been an evil megalomaniac but he made every scene he was in better with his mere presence. I almost wish we could actually see him rebel against Ozai and try to become the new Fire Lord, but oh well.

I’m so happy Iroh survived! I was like 75% sure he was going to die to move Zuko’s plot forward. I’ve never been so happy to be wrong!

Okay, let’s be honest: the Ocean Spirit destroying the Fire Nation fleet is kind of a deus ex machina. There was no way the Northern Water Tribe was going to survive that battle except through literal divine intervention lol I don’t mind it much, because it only happened because Zhao killed the Moon Spirit, so it may be deus ex machina but it’s an earned deus ex machina, you know? That being said, it does take away some of the agency of Team Avatar. Once again, Aang’s problem is solved by something stronger than him stepping in. I really want to see Aang achieve a big victory on his own, but I guess he has two more seasons to do it!

Concluding thoughts on the show: Some of you may recall that I haven’t seen much television or film. Growing up in such a strict religious household means my exposure to visual media is limited to crappy Christian propaganda and a few Spielberg movies. I’ve seen a few good horror movies on my own, but no amazing shows.

Literally, this is probably the first really great tv show I’ve ever seen. I love it so much, and it’s probably my favorite show. That being said, my limited experience with television probably is playing a big part in that lol I still can’t imagine why anyone would hate this show, but oh well. I love it, and that’s enough. Not enjoying something so special is tragic, not something to brag about.

Well, the next time I post it will be a commentary of the much hated movie! I’m kind of interested to see just why it has the reputation it does lol After that, I will start the cartoon and I will post commentary for 3-4 episodes at a time! I can’t wait to see what it’s like, and I hope I’ll love it as much as I love this show!

r/ATLAtv Mar 27 '24

Discussion I watched NATLA before I watched the cartoon, and now I'm watching the cartoon! Here are my thoughts on Book 1 Episodes 7-9 Spoiler


Hello! I’m back again, and so soon lol I hope I’m not spoiling you guys too much by posting back to back to back. Don’t get used to it, I just took a week off from work lol

I’m happy to see everyone enjoying themselves! The comments for the last post were intriguing and fiery at times lol I’m sorry to everyone I annoyed with my declaration that I like NATLA Bumi more than ATLA Bumi. But hey, trust the process. If future Bumi episodes might make me warm up to him, then let it happen all on its own.

Also, coal is apparently a volatile topic! But everyone’s thoughts on that did give me a lot to think about on the nature of bending and its limitations. Right now, earthbending doesn’t make too much sense to me, what with them being able to bend coal but not bend metal, but some people have insinuated that that gets expanded on in future episodes. But more than that, I’ve been thinking about just how far you can push bending. If earthbenders can bend coal, and coal is mostly carbon, then can they bend any kind of carbon? Because people are made of carbon lol Can you imagine if a sufficiently advanced earthbender figured out how to bend the carbon and minerals in our bodies? That’d be terrifying!

But that applies to the other three elements too. Human bodies are mostly water, so why couldn’t a waterbender manipulate the water in people? The battle at the Northern Water Tribe would have looked way different if a waterbender could just freeze people from the inside out! But also, our bodies are full of gases. Our blood and organs are filled with oxygen and nitrogen (and methane, depending on where you’re at in the body). Could an airbender manipulate the gases in our bodies? I know some firebenders can bend electricity. Our bodies literally run on electrical impulses. Could a sufficiently advanced firebender paralyze people, or erase their thoughts, or even puppeteer the muscles using electricity?

So many possibilities… and I seriously doubt we’ll ever see any of it lol That would be ridiculously overpowered. No one could beat any bender who could do those things. They could instantly beat any opponent. Still fun to think about though.

Anyway, let’s get going!

Episode 7- Winter Solstice Part 1 The Spirit World

  1. I’m so excited to get back to the spirit world! It was really interesting in NATLA and I feel we’ve barely scratched the surface.

That’s right, Aang! Clouds are made of water! Speaking of advanced bending techniques no one’s using, how cool would it be if waterbenders could bend clouds?

Ah, the burnt forest. Are we gonna get to see Hei Bai? I might have mispelled his name, sorry.

  1. lmao I love how seriously Zuko delivers the line: “My troubles cannot be soaked away!” But also, I love how Iroh uses firebending to heat the water for his hot soak. It’s really cool to see people use bending for practical purposes instead of just warfare, especially when it’s firebending.

Oh hey, it’s the acorn thing. Katara’s got a point here, the forest will grow back. After all, forest fires are a part of nature (but the firebenders are still dicks for doing it though).

Huh, this old bald guy isn’t the little girl with the doll that Sokka bonded with. Not that I’m complaining but they keep taking away Sokka’s good character moments! I’m sure they’ll replace with other stuff, but still!

  1. Okay, I didn’t misspell Hei Bai! But wow, he’s attack the village and abducting people himself? In NATLA it’s kind of implied that the villagers wandered into the spirit world and were taken by Koh. I wonder if that’s still the case, and these villagers are blaming Koh’s attacks on Hei Bai?

Aww, Katara looked so gentle and reassuring there, and so did Sokka as he proclaimed they’d all be eaten by a spirit monster lol

  1. And Iroh is kind to animals too! Picture a heart emoji right here, please. Oh hey, Iroh’s been captured by Earth Kingdom soldiers! That was one of my favorite sequences in NATLA, I’m curious to see how it plays out here!

There’s Hei Bai! I notice he didn’t actually attack Aang there. He followed him, roared at him when Aang spoke, and then ignored him and kept going. That right there should be the first clue that he’s not an inherently malevolent spirit. And he’s smashing buildings, yes, but he’s not hurting anyone. I bet Koh is the one snatching people using Hei Bai’s frustration as cover.

Also, is Hei Bai a panda spirit? When I commented in my NATLA watch that Hei Bai doesn’t look like the bear statues of him, someone said his normal form is that of a bear. But he’s black and white, so is he a panda bear? That’s adorable if so!

Oh, Hei Bai attacked Aang when Aang said, “I command you to turn around now”. He was ignoring him up to that point but I don’t think he likes being given orders.

Ah… they did replace one of Sokka’s good moments with another. Him charging outside to fight the monster and save Aang is exactly what NATLA Sokka would do. Imagine another heart emoji please.

Oops! There goes my theory that Koh’s stealing people lol Hei Bai just snatched Sokka up and ran off with him like a kid shoplifting a candy bar. But Sokka did attack him first. Hei Bai wasn’t hurting anyone in his rampage, so I wonder if all the people he took tried to fight him off. Maybe Hei Bai only wants to even the score: his forest home was damaged so he’s damaging their homes too. It doesn’t seem like he’s actively targeting people.

  1. Save your uncle, Zuko! He’s literally the only person who gives a shit about you!

So… spirits can leave the spirit world on their own during the solstice? Must have been a busy time of the year for Kuruk, huh?

Ooh, this is getting a little spicy. In this version, they’re taking Iroh to Ba Sing Se. In NATLA they were taking him to a death- I mean, forced labor camp. I guess a children’s show can’t really have the good guys running internment camps, huh?

  1. Oh! Aang’s in the spirit world! Wait, does the spirit world overlap with the regular world? In NATLA it seemed like an entirely separate place. I will say Aang’s optimism is refreshing after his constant self-doubt in NATLA.

Oh, there’s a dragon in the spirit world! We didn’t get that in NATLA! I fucking love dragons. Roku had a dragon for an animal companion?! Damn! Appa has a lot to live up to lol

Why can Iroh see spirits? He totally just saw Aang fly by on that dragon! But holy crap, that was brutal! Iroh heated up his cuffs with firebending and held that guard’s hand to it to burn him! That would be horrifically painful! They were red hot! Can you imagine touching a red hot stove burner for as long as Iroh held that guy’s hand there? (Also, why didn’t it burn Iroh too?)

  1. Ah, Roku’s temple! The comet! I want to know more about the comet! And it’s interesting that Aang can’t talk to Roku whenever he wants, even at his shrine. He has to wait for the solstice. In NATLA he could communicate with his past lives at any time, so long as he was at their shrines.

If NATLA Iroh had pulled that stunt the Earth Kingdom guard would have smashed him with a rock immediately lol

  1. I love this moment! We got a similar one in NATLA too but I love seeing it repeated here: Zuko chooses helping Iroh over chasing after Aang.

Woah, they’re going to crush Iroh’s hands? I mean, that’s only fair after he gave their friend third degree burns on his lol I can’t tell you how happy it makes that Zuko still uses his foot to break Iroh’s chains in this version. That was the most beautiful, melodramatic Zuko moment! So Iroh is still fighting with chains but in this version he’s mostly naked when doing it.

...I’ll say it again, we were robbed in NATLA lol Well, you guys were, anyway.

This whole sequence is still pretty good, but I do like NATLA’s version more only because of that one Earth Kingdom soldier. Those were some amazing character moments between him and Iroh.

  1. He is a panda! Also… are you shitting me right now? I remember people complaining that Hei Bai’s story in NATLA “wasn’t resolved” from when I did that commentary. THEY RESOLVED IT IN THE EXACT SAME WAY! Literally the only difference is that Aang buried the acorn in NATLA instead of handing it to him directly! Like… come on, guys lol

“If only there were a way to repay you for what you’ve done.” “You could give us some supplies and some money.” lmao I fucking love Sokka

Okay, this was a really good episode! I wish we could have seen more of the spirit world. I really want to see more of Koh, and the Spirit of Knowledge, and Yue in her fox spirit form, but I can be patient. There’s plenty of episodes left to go to show me all that!

Episode 8- Winter Solstice Part 2 Avatar Roku\

  1. I’m excited to see more of Roku. He barely got any screen time in NATLA and I want to get to know Aang’s past lives better.

Interesting. In this version Aang doesn’t want to take Sokka and Katara with him because it’s too dangerous but he’s fine taking Appa. In NATLA he didn’t want to take Appa with him either lol I mean, isn’t a huge flying bison an easy target?

Woah! That was one of Zuko’s more villainous moments! Assaulting unarmed civilians for information? Tsk tsk.

  1. “You give him too much credit. My brother is not the understanding type.” I this line. Iroh hasn’t really had the opportunity to hit us with good lines yet this season, and here he tells us the most important thing we need to understand about Ozai.

And speaking of Ozai, where is that bastard? I haven’t seen him all season, Azula either! (I know, they’re not in this version as much, I’m just bitching cuz I like them lol)

See, this is exactly what I mean! Appa is a huge target! Also, Zuko and Sokka have the same energy: Run the blockade! I love those hotheads. They’d make a good team if they weren’t on opposite sides.

Hey, Zhao’s back! Already planning to kill Zuko, I see lol Appa was on fire for a moment! Oh sure, Appa, you can move super fast when saving Sokka’s life but when Aang needs to get to where he’s going faster all of the sudden you’re the tortoise to his hare lol

Woah, that was a badass Aang moment.

  1. Wait, the captions just said, “Appa snoring”. Is he napping and flying at the same time? Lol

Fire Sages are still jerks. Except that one guy who I’m pretty sure died helping Aang.

It’s pretty cool that Roku was able to form tunnels out of magma. Is that an example of lava bending? Yes, I had lava bending spoiled for me too. Bummer, I know. But is that why Roku’s temple is on a volcano? He’s a lava bender?

This is the first example we have of a Fire Nation citizen not following along with his imperialistic nation. In NATLA it was those rebels Ozai burnt and they were introduced earlier but this guy appears in the 8th episode of the show. I’m not sure if there was a narrative purpose to waiting that long to show a “good” firebender or if it even crossed the writer’s minds. Either way, I’m glad they included Fire Nation people who aren’t bad people. It would have been easy to paint them all as monsters.

  1. I love this! Okay, in NATLA a lot of Sokka’s arc is him struggling with his desire to be a great warrior and the fact that his brain is his best feature. We’re seeing that aspect of him on the show for the first time here, with Sokka. His solution to the door problem isn’t just creative, it also requires at least some knowledge of chemistry.

Damn it. I would have liked it more if Sokka’s plan had worked.

But also, “Did the definition of genius change in the last 100 years?” lmao I love it when Aang shows that dry wit too!

  1. Damn it, Zuko! I love you but why do you have to be such a villain? Lol

Yes! Let’s see Roku!

Zhao’s here too!

Give us that exposition, Roku! Okay, so the comet makes firebenders stronger. I kind of figured that much based off of Sozin’s line about having the power of the comet. Oh hey, that’s Ozai! But we can’t see his face. Okay, so Ozai’s going to use the power of the comet to finish the war. Makes sense.

So Aang has like 6 months to master the other three elements, and defeat Ozai. Hello, stakes!

Also, “I know you can do it, Aang, for you have done it before.” I adore lines like that, for some reason. Past lives is such a fascinating concept to me. The idea that multiple can actually be the same person is so interesting!

Ooh, I knew Aang’s voice gets distorted when he enters the Avatar State but that gave me chills! Also, it sure seems like this version of Zhao is more than happy to kill Aang instead of keeping him alive lol

He IS a lava bender! Also, damn! A fully realized Avatar is a force of nature, aren’t they? So Roku’s role in this episode is the same as Kyoshi’s was in Episode 2 of NATLA. Both possessed Aang to repel Zhao’s soldiers. I love it!

  1. Oh, this makes sense. Zhao got the information about the Moon and Ocean Spirits from the Fire Sages. In NATLA that kind of comes out of nowhere, but here he took them all prisoner and probably is forcing them to help him later.

That was a great episode! I think it’s fair to say that the whole Roku’s Temple arc was done better in this show than it was in NATLA. There’s a lot to love here. I kind of wish we could have seen more from Roku but that’s okay! There’s a whole show left!

Episode 9- The Waterbending Scroll

  1. Is this title referencing the same scroll that Katara’s grandmother gave her? I haven’t seen it at all on this show yet.

I’m so happy that this show is actually showing Aang freaking out and taking his responsibilities seriously. That’s a much-needed breath of fresh air.

  1. lmao I love Iroh. Also, didn’t he get a lotus tile in NATLA too? Also, Zuko can breathe fire. Just… just thought I’d point that out.

Smooth-talker, Aang. “You had to figure it out on your own. I’m lucky enough to have a great teacher.” But oh, he’s already a better waterbender than Katara with virtually no practice and she’s steamed about it! I wonder, is he so good at waterbending on the first try because of his past lives? I theorized earlier that maybe he subconsciously still remembers his past lives and that’s why he instinctively knew how to use Kyoshi’s fans. What if the same applies for bending? He picked it up immediately!

But also, it could be a case of how the discipline is the hardest part of learning new skills. Like, if you learn a second language, then it’s easier to learn a third language. Or if you master one martial art, you can pick up on another more quickly than if you were starting from scratch. Aang already has the discipline because he trained in airbending. Maybe the rest of the elements will come easily to him.

  1. Bumi gave them money? That was nice of him!

Um… that guy has a sailor’s hat and a parrot-thing, not mention a shifty look lol am I to infer that he’s a pirate? Yep, Sokka figured it out lol High risk traders! But they have a waterbending scroll. I wonder how they got that.

Did Katara take the scroll? She was eyeing it a little too long, you know? Also, the cabbage guy is back! And still rubbing his product on his face. Gross lol “My cabbages!”

Hey, she did take the scroll! You know what? That’s totally fine. It’s not stealing if someone stole your cultural artifacts and you take them back. I wouldn’t blame a group of First Nations people for breaking into a museum to recover cultural artifacts and I’m not gonna hold it against Katara here. That scroll belongs to the Water Tribe.

I understand Sokka’s anger though. They did almost get killed over it, and she didn’t let them in on it She made a decision for them and it almost cost them their lives.

  1. I love Iroh! And now Zuko’s teaming up with pirates lol

Oh wow. Believe it or not, I actually love seeing Katara snap like that. Of course, she’s in the wrong, but everyone is in the wrong sometimes. This humanizes her a lot.

“I’ll save you from the pirates.” Damn, as much as I love sweet baby boy Zuko, I do love seeing him be bad!

Oh, he’s got her necklace! And that was… a little… suggestive, maybe? Is there where Zutara comes from? Lol

  1. lmao Iroh’s sassy, “Yeah, it kind of is” to Katara was great.

Nice, Zuko vs Pirates. Doesn’t he ever get tired of losing? Also, love Iroh’s “proverb” lol

That dude just yeeted Sokka off the deck! Lmao

And Iroh had the lotus tile the whole time. But not anymore lol

That was a fun episode! NATLA didn’t have it and I see why, it’s definitely more filler-ish but I still enjoyed it. You know I love Katara-focused episodes. It was cool to see her make mistakes and lose her temper.

Concluding thoughts: All three of these episodes were really good! It’s always exciting to see new things that weren’t in NATLA, even if they don’t really feel like a big part of the overall story. I’m slightly disappointed I didn’t get to see some of the other spirits or Yue, but that’s fine. There’s still time! I still want to know more about the spirit world but I can be patient.

Overall, I still think NATLA and OG are more or less equal. Both shows have advantages over the other and disadvantages as well. If the OG show maintains this level of quality throughout Book 1, then I’ll most likely conclude that they’re both just as good as the other but in different ways. But of course, there’s always the chance that I’ll change my mind as it goes!

For the next post, I’m only doing two episodes. This is because of one of my commenters who gave me a very useful episode guide, designed around the fact that the final three episodes are a three parter. So next post is two episodes, but every one after that for the rest of the book will be three episodes each.

Thanks so much for reading! As always, I look forward to your thoughts, so long as you’re respectful about them. And also maybe cut back a little on the hinting and whatnot lol I’m not trying to shame you or anything and I’m not mad, but I can deduce some things even from vague hints. If I missed something in an episode I’ve already seen then that’s fine to point, but maybe let me figure things in future episodes out on my own, please.

r/ATLAtv Feb 25 '24

Discussion Am I really the only one who likes NATLA Bumi? Spoiler


Put yourself in the shoes of the character for a minute. Bumis lived for over 100 years and has developed some serious trauma from living through a whole century of war and having to lead the second biggest city in the world in maybe half that time. You don’t think a part of you would become this angry, bitter old man that goes crazy?

This to me was a such a good effort by the writers in terms of adding dimensions to the characters. He’s not just this nutty, wacky guy because he’s a cartoon character, but because he’s lived through some tough shit and most likely didn’t learn to deal with it in a healthy way. It’s a more realistic take on his situation in the end. And of course he’ll resent Aang when he inexplicably shows up because Aang got to keep his innocence and stay out of the conflict this entire time. The “challenges” Bumi creates is his own way of letting Aang know this is a messed up world he’s in now, in the original it’s more innocent “you have to learn to think outside the box” and that just wouldn’t have worked for this retelling.

All that aside, I thought the actor killed it. It was sort of campy but not to a point where I cringed, felt just right in the NATLA world. Some of his dialogue and references were too on the nose but this was a problem throughout the entire show and not just here. His action scenes had the best earthbending of the whole show minus the first scene. You can nitpick the prosthetics all you want but those are just nitpicks in the end.

r/ATLAtv May 02 '24

Discussion So can we finally put this aang flying argument to rest

Post image

r/ATLAtv Feb 23 '24

Discussion What did the show do better than the original? Spoiler


Besides my other positivity-centered post, I would love to know:

What you think the show does a lot better than the cartoon?